All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added some bugs and done several improvements to the application
- Open Sourced the programme for demonstration purposes
- Version was skipped directly to 4.5.0 - on personal choice for demo-purpose
- Setup scheduling to clean-up past 4 days count data
- Added Enter key shortcut on signUp page
- Changed count visibility automatically in grid by meal preference checkbox
- Fixed Recurring checkbox is always visible irrespective of configured time
- Fixed count not resetting when date filter is changed
- Added Multi support for food count (i,e) Dinner
- Added Login Layout with forgot password view with model layout
- Added Postgres Database as Mandatory, Deprecated H2
- Complete code-base structure revamped
- Fixed base support to filter everything by date picker value
- Fixed getCount by filtered date instead of current Date
Known Issues:
- ForgetPassword Overlay not displaying properly with login layout overlay
- Initial project setup of food-app that takes count based on checkbox
Known Issues:
- Lacks of Account Sign-Up and ForgetPassword, Filter by date picker value in data page