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680 lines (452 loc) · 18.6 KB

File metadata and controls

680 lines (452 loc) · 18.6 KB



Create a context provider that holds a CoMapeo API client instance.

Function Type
ClientApiProvider ({ children, clientApi, }: { children: ReactNode; clientApi: MapeoClientApi; }) => FunctionComponentElement<ProviderProps<MapeoClientApi or null>>


  • opts.children: React children node
  • opts.clientApi: Client API instance


Access a client API instance. If a ClientApiContext provider is not set up, it will throw an error.

Function Type
useClientApi () => MapeoClientApi


function ClientExample() {
  return (
    // Creation of clientApi omitted for brevity
    <ClientApiContext.Provider clientApi={clientApi}>
      <ComponentThatUsesClient />

function ComponentThatUsesClient() {
  const clientApi = useClientApi()

  // Rest omitted for brevity.


Retrieve info about the current device.

Function Type
useOwnDeviceInfo () => { data: { deviceId: string; deviceType: "device_type_unspecified" or "mobile" or "tablet" or "desktop" or "selfHostedServer" or "UNRECOGNIZED"; } and Partial<DeviceInfoParam>; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


function DeviceInfoExample() {
  const { data } = useDeviceInfo()


Retrieve whether the current device is an archive device or not.

Function Type
useIsArchiveDevice () => { data: boolean; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


function IsArchiveDeviceExample() {
  const { data } = useIsArchiveDevice()


Update the device info for the current device.

Function Type
useSetOwnDeviceInfo () => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<void, Error, { name: string; deviceType: "device_type_unspecified" or "mobile" or "tablet" or "desktop" or "selfHostedServer" or "UNRECOGNIZED"; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or ... 2 more ... or "idle"; }


Set or unset the current device as an archive device.

Function Type
useSetIsArchiveDevice () => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<void, Error, { isArchiveDevice: boolean; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or "error" or "success" or "idle"; }


Retrieve the project settings for a project.

Function Type
useProjectSettings ({ projectId }: { projectId: string; }) => { data: EditableProjectSettings; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


  • opts.projectId: Project public ID


function BasicExample() {
  const { data } = useProjectSettings({ projectId: '...' })



Retrieve a project API instance for a project.

This is mostly used internally by the other hooks and should only be used if certain project APIs are not exposed via the hooks.

Function Type
useSingleProject ({ projectId }: { projectId: string; }) => { data: ClientApi<MapeoProject>; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


  • opts.projectId: Project public ID


function BasicExample() {
  const { data } = useSingleProject({ projectId: '...' })


Retrieve project information for each project that exists.

Function Type
useManyProjects () => { data: (Pick<{ schemaName: "projectSettings"; name?: string or undefined; defaultPresets?: { point: string[]; area: string[]; vertex: string[]; line: string[]; relation: string[]; } or undefined; configMetadata?: { ...; } or undefined; }, "name"> and { ...; })[]; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


function BasicExample() {
  const { data } = useManyProjects()

  console.log( =>


Retrieve a single member of a project.

Function Type
useSingleMember ({ projectId, deviceId, }: { projectId: string; deviceId: string; }) => { data: MemberInfo; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


  • opts.projectId: Project public ID
  • opts.projectId: Device ID of interest


function BasicExample() {
  const { data } = useSingleMember({ projectId: '...', deviceId: '...' })



Retrieve all members of a project.

Function Type
useManyMembers ({ projectId }: { projectId: string; }) => { data: MemberInfo[]; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


  • opts.projectId: Project public ID


function BasicExample() {
  const { data } = useManyMembers({ projectId: '...' })



Retrieve a URL that points to icon resources served by the embedded HTTP server.

TODO: Explain bitmap opts vs svg opts

Function Type
useIconUrl ({ projectId, iconId, ...mimeBasedOpts }: { projectId: string; iconId: string; } and (BitmapOpts or SvgOpts)) => { data: string; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


  • opts.projectId: Project public ID
  • opts.iconId: Icon ID of interest
  • opts.mimeType: MIME type of desired resource
  • opts.pixelDensity: Pixel density resource (only applicable when mimeType is 'image/png')
  • opts.size: Size of desired resource


function PngExample() {
  const { data } = useIconUrl({
    projectId: '...',
    iconId: '...',
    mimeType: 'image/png',
    pixelDensity: 1,
    size: 'medium'
function SvgExample() {
  const { data } = useIconUrl({
    projectId: '...',
    iconId: '...',
    mimeType: 'image/svg',
    size: 'medium'


Retrieve a URL that points to a desired blob resource.

TODO: Explain BlobId in more depth

Function Type
useAttachmentUrl ({ projectId, blobId, }: { projectId: string; blobId: BlobId; }) => { data: string; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


  • opts.projectId: Project public Id
  • opts.blobId: Blob ID of the desired resource


function PhotoExample() {
  const { data } = useAttachmentUrl({
    projectId: '...',
    blobId: {
      type: 'photo',
      variant: 'thumbnail',
      name: '...',
      driveId: '...',
function AudioExample() {
  const { data } = useAttachmentUrl({
    projectId: '...',
    blobId: {
      type: 'audio',
      variant: 'original',
      name: '...',
      driveId: '...',
function VideoExample() {
  const { data } = useAttachmentUrl({
    projectId: '...',
    blobId: {
      type: 'video',
      variant: 'original',
      name: '...',
      driveId: '...',


Retrieve the device ID that created a document.

Function Type
useDocumentCreatedBy ({ projectId, originalVersionId, }: { projectId: string; originalVersionId: string; }) => { data: string; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


  • opts.projectId: Project public ID
  • opts.originalVersionId: Version ID of document


function BasicExample() {
  const { data } = useDocumentCreatedBy({
    projectId: '...',
    originalVersionId: '...',


Function Type
useAddServerPeer ({ projectId }: { projectId: string; }) => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<void, Error, { baseUrl: string; dangerouslyAllowInsecureConnections?: boolean or undefined; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or ... 2 more ... or "idle"; }


Create a new project.

Function Type
useCreateProject () => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<string, Error, { name?: string or undefined; configPath?: string or undefined; } or undefined, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or ... 2 more ... or "idle"; }


Leave an existing project.

Function Type
useLeaveProject () => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<void, Error, { projectId: string; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or "error" or "success" or "idle"; }


Update the configuration of a project using an external file.

Function Type
useImportProjectConfig ({ projectId }: { projectId: string; }) => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<Error[], Error, { configPath: string; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or "error" or "success" or "idle"; }


  • opts.projectId: Public ID of the project to apply changes to.


Update the settings of a project.

Function Type
useUpdateProjectSettings ({ projectId }: { projectId: string; }) => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<EditableProjectSettings, Error, { name?: string or undefined; configMetadata?: { name: string; buildDate: string; importDate: string; fileVersion: string; } or undefined; defaultPresets?: { ...; } or undefined; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status...


  • opts.projectId: Public ID of the project to apply changes to.


Create a blob for a project.

Function Type
useCreateBlob ({ projectId }: { projectId: string; }) => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<{ driveId: string; name: string; type: "audio" or "video" or "photo"; hash: string; }, Error, { original: string; preview?: string or undefined; thumbnail?: string or undefined; metadata: Metadata; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or ...


  • opts.projectId: Public project ID of project to apply to changes to.


Retrieve a single document from the database based on the document's document ID.

Triggers the closest error boundary if the document cannot be found

Function Type
useSingleDocByDocId <D extends WriteableDocumentType>({ projectId, docType, docId, lang, }: { projectId: string; docType: D; docId: string; lang?: string or undefined; }) => ReadHookResult<Extract<{ schemaName: "deviceInfo"; name: string; deviceType: "device_type_unspecified" or ... 4 more ... or "UNRECOGNIZED"; ... 7 more ...; deleted: b...


  • opts.projectId: Project public ID
  • opts.docType: Document type of interest
  • opts.docId: Document ID
  • opts.lang: Language to translate the document into


function SingleDocumentByDocIdExample() {
  const { data } = useSingleDocByDocId({
    projectId: '...',
    docType: 'observation',
    docId: '...',

  console.log(data.schemaName) // logs 'observation'


Retrieve a single document from the database based on the document's version ID.

Triggers the closest error boundary if the document cannot be found.

Function Type
useSingleDocByVersionId <D extends WriteableDocumentType>({ projectId, docType, versionId, lang, }: { projectId: string; docType: D; versionId: string; lang?: string or undefined; }) => ReadHookResult<Extract<{ schemaName: "deviceInfo"; name: string; deviceType: "device_type_unspecified" or ... 4 more ... or "UNRECOGNIZED"; ... 7 more ...; de...


  • opts.projectId: Project public ID

  • opts.docType: Document type of interest

  • opts.versionId: Document's version ID

  • opts.lang: Language to translate the document into


function SingleDocumentByVersionIdExample() {
  const { data } = useSingleDocByVersionId({
    projectId: '...',
    docType: 'observation',
    docId: '...',

  console.log(data.schemaName) // logs 'observation'


Retrieve all documents of a specific docType.

Function Type
useManyDocs <D extends WriteableDocumentType>({ projectId, docType, includeDeleted, lang, }: { projectId: string; docType: D; includeDeleted?: boolean or undefined; lang?: string or undefined; }) => ReadHookResult<(Extract<{ schemaName: "deviceInfo"; name: string; deviceType: "device_type_unspecified" or ... 4 more ... or "UNRECOGN...


  • opts.projectId: Project public ID
  • opts.docType: Document type of interest
  • opts.includeDeleted: Include documents that have been marked as deleted
  • opts.lang: Language to translate the documents into


function BasicExample() {
  const { data } = useManyDocs({
    projectId: '...',
    docType: 'observations',
function useAllObservations(opts) {
  return useManyDocs({
    docType: 'observations',

function useAllPresets(opts) {
  return useManyDocs({
    docType: 'presets',


Create a document for a project.

Function Type
useCreateDocument <D extends WriteableDocumentType>({ docType, projectId, }: { docType: D; projectId: string; }) => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<WriteableDocument<D> and { forks: string[]; }, Error, { value: Omit<WriteableValue<D>, "schemaName">; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or ... 2 more ... or "idle"; }


  • opts.docType: Document type to create.
  • opts.projectId: Public ID of project to create document for.


Update a document within a project.

Function Type
useUpdateDocument <D extends WriteableDocumentType>({ docType, projectId, }: { docType: D; projectId: string; }) => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<WriteableDocument<D> and { forks: string[]; }, Error, { versionId: string; value: Omit<...>; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or ... 2 more ... or "idle"; }


  • opts.docType: Document type to update.
  • opts.projectId: Public ID of project document belongs to.


Delete a document within a project.

Function Type
useDeleteDocument <D extends WriteableDocumentType>({ docType, projectId, }: { docType: D; projectId: string; }) => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<WriteableDocument<D> and { forks: string[]; }, Error, { docId: string; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or ... 2 more ... or "idle"; }


  • opts.docType: Document type to delete.
  • opts.projectId: Public ID of project document belongs to.


Accept an invite that has been received.

Function Type
useAcceptInvite () => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<string, Error, { inviteId: string; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or "error" or "success" or "idle"; }


Reject an invite that has been received.

Function Type
useRejectInvite () => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<void, Error, { inviteId: string; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or "error" or "success" or "idle"; }


Send an invite for a project.

Function Type
useSendInvite ({ projectId }: { projectId: string; }) => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<"ACCEPT" or "REJECT" or "ALREADY", Error, { deviceId: string; roleDescription?: string or undefined; roleId: "f7c150f5a3a9a855" or "012fd2d431c0bf60" or "9e6d29263cba36c9"; roleName?: string or undefined; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pendin...


  • opts.projectId: Public ID of project to send the invite on behalf of.


Request a cancellation of an invite sent to another device.

Function Type
useRequestCancelInvite ({ projectId }: { projectId: string; }) => { mutate: UseMutateFunction<void, Error, { deviceId: string; }, unknown>; reset: () => void; status: "pending" or "error" or "success" or "idle"; }


  • opts.projectId: Public ID of project to request the invite cancellation for.


Get a URL that points to a StyleJSON resource served by the embedded HTTP server.

If opts.refreshToken is specified, it will be appended to the returned URL as a search param. This is useful for forcing cache busting due to hidden internal details by consuming components (e.g. map component from MapLibre).

Function Type
useMapStyleUrl ({ refreshToken, }?: { refreshToken?: string or undefined; }) => { data: string; error: Error or null; isRefetching: boolean; }


  • opts.refreshToken: String to append to the returned value as a search param


function ExampleWithoutRefreshToken() {
  const { data, isRefetching } = useMapStyleUrl()

  console.log(data) // logs something like 'http://localhost:...'
function ExampleWithRefreshToken() {
  const [refreshToken] = useState('foo')
  const { data } = useMapStyleUrl({ refreshToken })

  console.log(data) // logs something like 'http://localhost:...?refresh_token=foo'



Constant Type
ClientApiContext Context<MapeoClientApi or null>