This site is targeted at people working at UiT. For general GiellaLT documentation, see Background information can be found here.
- Is everything working? - server and service status
- Build status for most repos
- Don't Panic! -- a page containing commands you need in case of a crisis
- Taskcluster worker status (requires an account)
These pages contain documentation on the language technology work for Sámi and other indigenous and minority languages, by the Divvun and Giellatekno groups. It mainly contain information that is specific to UiT work, for more general information see the link at the top.
Although this front page is in English, the other pages on the site may be in any of the Sámi languages, in Norwegian or some other language.
- Constraint Grammar and Finite State NLP -- Rule-based and hybrid methods and tools for user communities
- Earlier events
- Old and finished projects (link forthcoming)
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