tldr; exploring sql code gen.
Generate swagger.json at build time there is a need to publish generated to APIM
make package to generate swagger.json outcome: artifact: nuget Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.OpenAPI.CLI v1.0.6
! potential future: deploy package to some nuget repository atm: nuget Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.OpenAPI.CLI is committed to repo explicitly with custom
Publish function to azure there is need to automate publishing a function to azure automatically
! potential future: Validate the updated
before publishing atm: revision is pushed and activated as long as there is a successful build poccurrentActiveJson="ACTIVE APIM swagger.json" proposedJson="REPO swagger.json" docker run --rm -t -v $(pwd):/specs:ro openapitools/openapi-diff:latest /specs/$currentActionJson /specs/$proposedJson --state # when no_changes # ==> do not import revision to APIM # when incompatible # ==> fail ci, requires manual intervention, do not publish function # when compatible # ==> proceed as normal
setup service outcome: poc:
setup service principal
cispname="NAME OF THE SERVICE PRINCIPAL" sub="SUBSCRIPTION ID" repo="NAME OF THE REPOSITORY" functionrg="NAME OF THE RESOURCE GROUP THE FUNCTION APP RESOURCE RESIDES IN" functionapp="NAME OF THE FUNCTION APP RESOURCE" apimrg="NAME OF THE RESOURCE GROUP THE APIM RESOURCE RESIDES IN" apim="NAME OF THE APIM RESOURCE" # create a service principal (sp) has "Contributor" role to scope of the $functionapp secretJson=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "$cispname" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/$sub/resourceGroups/$functionrg/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/$functionapp --sdk-auth) clientId=$(echo $secretJson | jq .clientId) # save the resultant `AZURE_CREDENTIALS` json as a secret in the repo for use with the `azure/login@v1` action gh secret set AZURE_CREDENTIALS -a actions -b $secretJson -r $repo # add "Contributor" role to scope of the $apim az role assignment create --assignee $clientId --role "Contributor" --scope "/subscriptions/$sub/resourceGroups/$apimrg/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/$apim"
generate creds secrets for ci usage outcome: completed in outcome above
validate swagger.json(openapi spec v3) on buildoutcome: BOM causingaz apim api import
to fail issue: Azure/azure-cli#29405 artifact: nuget Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker.Extensions.OpenAPI.CLI v1.0.7
Generating valid swagger.json (openapi spec v3) (pre req to import apim) usingoutcome: BOM issue noted above, gave perception thatOpenApi*
attribute from theMicrosoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.OpenApi
was generating invalid OpenApi spec (big rabbit hole)
! API Managment
- stumbled upon which appears to handle coordination between multiple APIM instances (dev, test, production)
- mention of Azure APIops, is this
the same? - How do APICenter and APIOps interact or overlap?
! need to include as a task when generating function endpoints with appropriate OpenApi*
! need to backfill already implemented endpoints with correct OpenApi*
- [*] SQL Stored Procedure Client CodeGen (wip in private djseng repo, should move to 3cloud org potentially)
- finish wip
- get pattern used to execute sprocs in the streamline code
=> ##
is a story
=> - [ ]
is a task TODO
=> - [x]
is a task COMPLETED
=> - [*]
is a task INPROGRESS
=> poc is Proof of Concept
=> wip is Work in Progress
=> ! is future work