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"35029,""When Pokemon Snap 1st came out I was very excited. I am an admitted Pokemaniac. I love all the Pokemon games they had come out with so far, and was looking forward to hours of fun play with the new game. The game is very well done graphic wise, the Pokemon are well placed in the game and there is a lot to look for, Some if the funniest pictures we took were goof-ups but they really made us laugh. There are some specific pictures to look for and special shot poses to get, but there is one real major problem I had with the design of the game... NOT ALL THE POKEMON ARE THERE!!!!! This really disappointed me in no small way. There are only about 60 Pokemon if I recall correctly. There are supposed to be 150 total and then some with the release of the new games coming up. What is with Nintendo releasing a game with only 60 Pokemon ? It led me to believe the game was not planned out well and rushed through. Don't get me wrong. I love the game play and the challenge of getting the best shots and the high score... it just seems as if the game is just not finished. The album feature on the game is nice to have to save pictures in and come up with funny captions for them. We never used the Blockbuster machine to print the pictures we took, but that might have been funny to have around. The nice thing about the game was it is fun and challenging for both kids and adults to play.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"38916,""Kids keep getting ripped off with Pokemon and if you bought this game you were ripped off.Let me first say that I beat this game in less than an hour and even most 7 year olds can beat this game in an hour and every pokemon is not in this game. Now I have notting against Pokemon I acctually like Pokemon blue even though I beat that game in less than a week and Pokemon Trading Card Game is a cool game but come on this game is horrible. Pokemon Snap has great graphics and control is good but theres not much sound effects and music. If your a big pokemon fan and dont own a gameboy buy Pokemon statium but whatever you do dont buy this game.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"50556,""The newest game out there. There was not another game like it ever made in gaming history! The point of the game is to catch all the Pokemon on film. There are a total of six level in the hole game. But the levels are kind long so don't thing you are just going to start the game and finish a half hour later. You try to center, get close to it and try to have more then one in the picture at a time. And if you have all of that you will get a high score for one picture. And you get a roll of film (it has sixty pictures on it), a camera, and you get other thing as you go along. Like the pokaflute, Pokemon food, and pester balls. In the game you will be able to see the Pokemon fight and evolve right before your eye. And if you put your Pokemon on to a memory pack take it to BlockBuster Video and you will be able to print out sticker in 3-D of your best and favorite. And if you have a DexDrive you will be able to trade your Pokemon picture over the internet. It is only a one player game and no exp. pak but you will need a memory pak. Sound: The sound in the game (like all Pokemon games) is OK. It is clear in all but it just isn't music that we like. I think if anything in the game could be better it would have to be the sound. But you will hear the Pokemon talk to each other and like wild bird sounds and bubuling sound in the lava starge. I give the sound a 6.6 out of ten Control: Control is really good. I think that a think you need a game would be control. You can look around the Zero-One using the C- button. To use Pokemon food or any other items you use A and B. To take a picture you use the Z button. The D-Pad is use as the joy stick. The joy stick will move the camera not your body. I would give the control a 8.7 out of ten.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"56623,""This game is actually pretty fun- for the first time around. It's a simple concept, take pictures of Pokemon. The thing is, you have to have strategy. Hit the Pokemon with apples to make them stike a pose, find hidden routes to catch elusive Pokemon"; nevertheless, it is very, very simple. It is the sort of game a 6-year-old could beat- but it takes a bit more to master it. When I say "master it"", I mean to snap every Pokemon on the game. This game decided not to put all the Pokemon in there (they only have about 65), instead to use that space for graphics. This was a good and bad decision. The shortness of the game leaves much to desire, and the game is fun until you beat it. So they should have included just a bit more, like 100. But, they did do good on the graphics. The Pokemon are detailed to the pixel. It really looks great. You can't beat them. It's still not worth the loss of levels. So buy this if you or the person receiving it is a complete Pokemaniac or under eight. Thats pretty much, I guess, what Nintendo aimed this game toward.""";;;;;;;;;;;
"65877,""I tend to agree that Pokemon Snap is an easy game to learn. Perhaps it is not a good investment as a game, but there is more to it than just a game. What it really does is teaching basic photography to children and this is valuable. While taking picutures of Pokemons the game rates your photos depending on how well your subject is framed, the proportional size of subject, the pose of subject when framed, etc. Scores are based on how well pictures are taken, and your challenge is to take better and better pictures one after another. I don't play games, but I am all for my eleven years old son playing this game as it really promotes his interest in photography. I tried to get him interested in photography that turned out to be very expensive hobby especially when the outcome is so poor... I found out the least expensive way to let a child practice taking pictures was to use a digital camera if you already own one (not so cheap if you have to buy one). My son using my digital camera alone did not improve his skill though. It was when he started to play Pokemon Snap that he became a good photographer for his age! Once he got interested in photography, he started to like Pokemon Snap more than ever. The game truly improved his ability to frame each subject...not too small, not cut, and centered. If you are looking for an educational game (for photography) for kids, I think this is perfect... I could not have taught my kid any better.... If you are looking for action games, perhaps this is not it. I hope Pokemon Snap "";2"" comes out to teach advanced photography such as lighting, focusing, and shutter speed. Then it will be a perfect game for adults too.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"80128,""Pokmon Snap has gotten a royal drubbing from a lot of my little brother's Pokmaniac friends. Their main complaint: there's no fighting. Fighting, as the media has no doubt made clear to you by this point, is the raison d'etre of Pokmon. I don't have that complaint, approaching the game as a disinterested observer of the Pokmon phenomenon. My personal feeling toward the existing games is that they were lengthy, but dull - just fight after fight after endless fight - that ruined the appeal of the hundreds of Pokmon, the endless variety of interestingly named and wildly imaginatively designed animal-monsters. So, we come to Pokmon Snap, which if anything is, in a way, the antithesis of the original Pokmon games for the Game Boy"; it's fairly short (as compared to the epic Game Boy play sessions needed to collect the legendary 150) and extremely nonviolent. The most violent this game ever gets is watching a Meowth get beaten up by a flock of Pidgeotto, or occasionally getting to bean a random Pokmon with an apple (oh, excuse me, "Pokmon food"). The game itself is quite simple: you are Snap, an aspiring photojournalist who wants to make a name for himself by photographing Pokmon. Professor Oak, who is the head honcho guru fellow in the Pokmon universe, has designed a little jetcart which will take you through the Pokmon preserve so you can take pictures. And that's really about it... Well, no, there's more to it than that. Your pictures are graded and awarded points by three factors - the "size" (actually proximity) of the Pokmon within the picture, the "pose" of the monster, IE, how dramatic it is (note: Professor Oak has no use for pictures of the backs of Pokmon), and how many of the species are within the picture (a bonus multiplier). It's actually a fairly close parallel to how well pictures are judged in the real world of photojournalism. The game is made both less realistic and more challenging by the setting of your jetcart on a predetermined course through the preserve. It means players can't go up and linger around trying to get a really, really good picture of that Pikachu - they have to time their shots and learn the skill of snapping six or seven pictures in a row, in the hopes that one will be good - again, fairly close to real photojournalism. The controls are simple: a "zoom"" button keeps the player from snapping pictures by accident, and when Professor Oak gives you handy items to influence Pokmon from afar, the button placement isn't awkward. The game really makes good use of the analog stick as your main control. New levels are gained by two methods: either Professor Oak awards them to you depending on how you many points you have or Pokmon you've photographed, or you find them yourself by activating secret levels. The secret levels are all fairly obvious. Now, to the main good and bad points of the game, as everything else is fairly rudimentary. First, the good: this game is gorgeous. An incredible level of attention was given to making sure each individual Pokmon behaves in a unique way, from celebrating their garnering food to what happens when you hit them with an apple (an unintentional subgame, so far as I'm concerned). The feeling that you're actually on a Jeep, photographing wildlife - albeit warped Japanese anime wildlife - is pervasive and believable. The bad is simple: the game is far too short. I was practically finished the game in six hours - younger players might have more difficulty, but i doubt they'd have much more than I did. Worse, there's no replay value worth speaking of, other than the hit-them-all-with-apples game I mentioned - which wasn't intended as part of gameplay, and isn't that challenging or interesting as a game anyway. In the end, the game is quite entertaining, even though it's not like other Pokmon games in the slightest, but it's simply too short of a gaming experience to recommend buying it. Rent the game a few times at Blockbuster and you'll finish it easily - and do rent it, because for the time that it's new and fresh, Pokmon Snap is a lot of fun.""";;;;;
"93591,""After playing the game for one evening, my husband and I mastered the taking pictures and finding the hidden clues. Now my kids are playing it (aged 5 and 7 years) and just click away the camera. I don't find it too entertaining or challenging. I feel it's just a fad that the kids are going through and i'm sure there are many other N64 games on the market that you should spend your money on. On the Pro side of the game, it does take some skill to try and change the different pokemon's into new pokemons. Trying to figure out how to get some of the sleeping Pokemon to awake or to watch them dance while you play the flute. That is entertaining. My suggestion would be to visit your local video store and rent a version of it before you go out and spend $50. How many times can you take a picture of Picachu?""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"94087,""Pokemon Snap is and was America's and Japan's favorite video game among kids. With over 4 million copies sold nationwide, the children are going crazy for Pokemon. This one player game is taking over the children and making them play it over and over. This game is a animated "";joy ride" through different theme parks. The objective is it "snap" pictures of these Pokemon. After going through all the levels and "snaping"" pictures of all the Pokemon, the game is over. One good thing about this is the children have a chance to go to Blockbusters Video and turn their best shots into stickers.""";;;;;;;;
"94615,""BOO! I say BOO! One of the worst games ever invented! I finished this game in about an hour and a half to 2 hours! Come on! This was just a marketing scheme for blockbuster, for little kids whom are pokemon fanatics to buy the stickers! I figured it would be getting a little bit harder later on in the game! This game requires no skill what so ever! Half the time you spend playing, is selecting what pictures you want to give to professor "";Oak"". so as I said, BOO! 10 thumbs down (even though that's not quite possible) I give it 10 thumbs WAY down""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"100205,""You know how cleaning your room is, right? Well, I'd rather do that then play Pokmon Snap! It is probably one of the most disappointing games I have ever played. I bought it back when Pokmon was still fad. The other Pokmon games were descent and sometimes a bit challenging. I expected this game to be the same. Man, was I wrong! Professor Oak is studying creatures on Pokmon Isle and he needs Todd's (Your) help to complete his research report. You will visit different habitats on the island and take pictures of all the Pokmon living there. When you come back from a trip, choose your favorite pictures and Oak will rate them. Later, take new pictures and try to get better scores on them than the previous ones. There are also hidden monuments shaped like Pokmon. Take pictures of them for extra points. Graphics are about the only high point of Snap. In levels, the pictures are smooth and have a pretty realistic 3D look. Outside of the levels, though, graphics become cheesy. The title screen and level select screen look like they're out of a comic book. Overall, I would give graphics a three out of five. They are ok, but I think the game's producers could have done a better job! Sound and music in Snap is okay, but nothing to write home about. Quality level is really good, but the music is just dumb. The music doesn't even sound Pokmonish, if you know what I mean. Also, Professor Oak only speaks out one thing in the game, """"Welcome back!"""" Now why in the world would you have a character say one line in the entire game and then have the rest of his words displayed in a caption? This game would be a bit better if the characters did talk. As for an overall sound rating, I would have to say two out of five. Game play is fairly simple. In the beginning, there are two controls. As you earn new items, there are three more controls to learn. It's so basic, that you could just pick up your controller and play. There is no need to maneuver because you are on a set of tracks. This leads to one of Snap's major downfalls. Your vehicle, the Zero-One as it's called, will go at a steady pace. At least that's how it seems until you try to set up a Pokmon pose and capture it! By the time you play your flute or throw you pester ball or apple";" there is very little time to take a picture of the Pokmon's reaction. The further you drift away, the worse your picture will be graded, so at times a good photo opportunity is hard to come by. Taking all game play factors into consideration, I give a total rating of 3 out of five, meaning average. Controlling your character is nothing out of the ordinary, but still somewhat easy. No matter what types of games you like, unless you're about 7 years or younger, this game is a no go. As said in the bottom line, """"Don't buy it!!!"""" It?s short, too easy, and somewhat cheesy. In an analogy, I would compare Pokmon Snap to a school project began and finished by a student one hour before it was due. They say a Pokmon Snap Two is scheduled to be release in the future. It will probably be the equivalent of one quarter of a game like Snap One. I know I won't get it. Of course, I wouldn't buy Snap Two anyway because the days of Pokmon are way over, at least for older audiences. Memory:Saved on cartridge""";;;;;;;;;;;;;
"105744,""Pokemon Snap is a good game and I like it. I don't really like pokemon right now, I used to, but I still like that game. You don't have to like pokemon to like this game. All you do in this game is take pictures of pokemon. It helps a little if you know at least some of their names. After you have beaten the game, you can try to get better pictures. You get certain points for different things like centering, pose, how many are in the picture and so on. So if you have some stinky pictures at the end, you could still work on them, this isn't as fun as really playing, but trying to get the best picture is fun. I would recommend this game to anyone from age 4 to age 11.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"124384,""When my fiancee first starting babbling about Pokemon Snap, I just rolled my eyes and sighed. I was thinking "";NO! No more Pokemon!". I had had enough of Pokemon, I had heard too much and seen too much of it! So he bought it and I expected torture. It was really cute at first. I watched my fiancee play, snapping "pictures" of cute little Pokemon, some running, hiding, playing. It was like being in a bizarre world filled with all these strange creatures. So I decided to play. I felt as if I was on a wild safari, and snapping away (it's a little hard at first to aim that "camera") taking pictures that I thought were great. And I even got a few "great" ones that beat out the best of the best. I was instantly hooked! I love taking pictures in real life and this was just like it, only better, like taking pictures of a new species. And the best part is you can take your game to a Blockbuster and there's a machine there that will print out your "best"" photos out on this little sheets of stickers. The stickers aren't really worth the price you pay for them, but they're cute. =) This is a great game, especially for kids, but good for almost anyone. It does take some skill to get good photos, and at first it can be difficult, but it's all good.""";;;;
"127050,""I consider this a good game, even if there isn't a lot to it. It's fun to play during breaks with other games if nothing else. It has bright graphics and colorful worlds full of pokemon, each simply waiting to be caught on film for your personal collection of poke pictures. The basis of the game is pretty simple";" your basically on an amusement ride with your camera, out to capture all the pokemon you can, and get graded on your efforts, amassing points that help you unlock new parts of the game. You get extra points for centered pokemon, multiple pokemon and any type of unusual activity you can catch them performing. It's simple and fun. And replay is a definite as you can always improve upon your picture collection. Unfortunately, the game only has sixty-three of the pokemon. A bit of a let down in my opinion. Plus the on-rail style game play makes it hard to just sit back and really enjoy the game. It world of been much better as a free moving game. However, these problems don't change my initial attitude toward the game. It's a nice change of pace in gaming, and being able to see (most) of your favorite pokemon right in the wild makes for a good time.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;
"138595,""I have to admit that I was a little hesitant buying my daughter this game, because all I've been hearing about for the past year is Pokemon. But there was a sale, and I gave in. After watching her play the first night I knew I had to try it (after she went to bed, of course), and it was fantastic! After learning how all the buttons on the controller work, which didn't take long, I was caught up in trying to get "";the"" picture. Over and over I would repeat the first level, trying my hardest to snap a better picture of Pikachu than the picture before. How old am I?! The premise? You are a photographer, charged with taking the best pictures you can of different species of Pokemon. Some are very elusive, which to me made it more of a challenge. However, after going through the last level, I found myself wishing there were more levels. The game just wasn't long enough. I can see how this game would really bore seasoned video game veterans, especially if you're into role playing or shoot-em-ups, but since I don't fall into that category, I found the experience exciting.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"139261,""In Pokemon Snap for the Nintendo 64, you take pictures of Pokemon. This is a fresh concept for the Pokemon series. Most Pokemon games are the same tired concept of capturing and collecting. In the game, you play as Todd Snap, and your goal is to take pictures of various Pokemon in different settings. A good concept, but it's certainly flawed. You ride on a cart, and take pictures as you go along. You can throw food or pester balls to get Pokemon to look at you, thus getting better shots (sometimes at least). You get bonus points if you get multiple Pokemon in a picture, or if you get them doing special things. There is only 7 levels in this very short game. In the game, there is only 63 Pokemon, which simply isn't enough. There were hundreds of Pokemon when the game came out, so I expected the game to include most or all of them. The game can be completed in a matter of just a few hours. There is also a photo album, where you can save your favorite pictures. The game lacks replay value, as there isn't any bonus things to do after you beat it. The game was a good concept, but should've been longer. It also should've had many more Pokemon. Some mini-games would've helped the game as well. Just a pure photography game doesn't cut it, when the game is easy and short.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"140013,""By now I'm sure all hard-core Pokemon fans have already gotten their hot little hands on this title. But the question lies in is this game just for the Pokemon lover? Will non-Pokemon fans find this game enjoyable and worth their time? I'd say yes. First off, Pokemon Snap isn't your typical "";adventure" game. In fact, I've heard this game described, in numerous accounts, as a "non-game"". Pokemon Snap isn't about shooting down your enemies. You don't lose health/life points. If you can't finish your mission, the world won't be over. The point is to take pictures of as many Pokemon characters you can. The better the picture (the quality is dependent upon centering of the Pokemon, distance, gestures, etc.), the more points you accumulate. There's even a little extra where you can bring your game cartridge to a Blockbuster and print out your photos (and pretty high-quality print-outs might I add). Pokemon Snap also stunts beautiful graphics (if you've played it, think Zelda 64-quality) and the original Pokemon voice-overs. Aside from the game being a little on the easy side (the average teen can probably finish this game in a day), I can't really complain much about it. Replay value for this title is relatively high because you'll want to keep going back to take better pictures of your favorite (and maybe not-so favorite) Pokemon.""";;;;;;;;;;
"142378,"""";If a tree falls in the woods, and we've already sold the tree, does it have quality""? - From the pointy haired boss from Scott Adam's comic strip, Dilbert. That is the sort of logic that the plot of this game is based around. i.e., none. The object of the game is, when you're traveling through a scenario, to take pictures of pokemon as well as you can. At the end of the scenario, you get to pick your best picture of each type of pokemon you took, and it is graded on several different areas, such as centered, what action the pokemon is doing, you get the idea. There are very few courses, like less than 10. This game is incredibly easy to beat, it takes about one afternoon. The game is cute, but not really a solid game you would play again and again. Yea, its fun at first, taking little pictures, and you can also take the cartridge to a blockbuster and get some little photo stickers printed out for three bucks. But after you beat the game, it is, well, sorta boring. You can't really do anything but go back to previous courses and try to take better pictures to beat your own record. Yup... sounds like reeeeeal fun. If you want a really great game, please check out my review on Diddy Kong Racing, now that is a winner! And for your own safety, leave the Pokemon Snap box on the shelf to collect dust.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"152402,""Nintendo has sunk to a new low. As if Nintendo hasn't leeched out enough money on Pokemon, we now have this: the newest reason for kids to throw a tantrum in the toy store when their parents don't want to buy another piece of junk with Pikachu's ugly face on it. The game is only wandering around different places to take pictures of badly developed polygonal cgi pokemon. Oh, wow. What an amazing concept. As if you can't do that in a shopping mall. Like Akira Toriyama (character developer of Chrono Trigger) couldn't have thought up this one. Even for a kid's game, this is pretty bad. There's no challenge, it's not educational, it's sole purpose it to suck crisp little green pieces of paper out of the purses of moms across America. Although it is kind of amusing just to look at how bad it is, you can do the same thing with Plan 9 from Outer Space. It's time for the parents of America to take a stand against their whiny hypnotized kids who can't get enough of this Japanese craze. Just say, "";No, Junior, I'm not getting this for you. Why don't I spend the $60 it would take to buy you something that isn't a total waste of time and money, like a chess board?""
153558,I played Pokemon Snap at my job where I work (Toys R Us) for a promo ot see where the game was going to go - and how good it was. I must have sat there for a good hour playing it. The graphics were pretty cool and I enjoyed seeing all of the little pokemon jump out on the screen and smile for the camera. It was hard to catch them though - they ran around all over the place. Maybe that is what makes the game hard. The professor rates the pictures that you give to him and he gives you points - very cool. PROBLEMS - uh oh - a Nintendo game with problems? How can that be? Pokemon is so cute and popular right? Well, here were the problems - sitting there for the hour or more that I played it - I actually caught just about every pokemon. I was getting doubles - and I was running out of boards to go shoot pictures on. I couldn't keep up with the control of the game. It got boring after a while.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"153868,""Talk about a nerve-racking game!! I love it! If a board game could come to life, it would be Pokmon snap: The same game again and again, yet different because of the pose quality. The first time I played the game, I was so flustered! My vocabulary consisted of: Ohhhhh...WAIT! There, wait! Shoot!! Aggggg!! But once you master the aim, zoom, pester, throw, shoot..You've got it! (It only took me 5 times of playing to get it down well enough that I actually shot decent pictures of the little creatures. The game starts with Professor Oak teaching you how to snap shots of these quick Pokmon. You then take enough shots in that part of the island to earn your way into another part of the island to shoot more. The final Pokmon is toughest...good luck in catching a Mew! Once you have completed the game, you can save several of your shots to be printed onto stickers at BlockBuster Video. This a very cute game. My youngest who's 7 loved it as much as I did. But my 11 year old was bored with it once the game had been figured out and completed. This is for game system Nintendo 64. Have fun! It's best the first time around! :)""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"156005,""Pokemon Snap has got to be one of the best video games that my children enjoy right now. Although, it is only a one player game, they have learned that they must take turns and try to outdo each other in capturing pictures of Pokemon. They try to help each other when one spots a new Pokemon that they haven't photographed yet. There are six levels in this game and one hidden level. The levels are The beach, tunnel, volcano, cave, river, valley, and then the hidden level "";Rainbow Cloud" The main character is the image of Ash, although your name is entered. Ash tries to capture all the different Pokemon on film during his journey. At the end of his journey he shows his pictures to Professor Oak and then decides whether the picture is good enough to save for his Pokemon report. During his journey he throws apples to lure the Pokemon so that you may get a closer shot of the Pokemon. He also throws "pester balls" to make the Pokemon come out from hiding and it also makes them faint. Depending on where you throw the apples &" pester balls, the Pokemon will evolve into other Pokemon. He also uses a whistle to play two different dances because some of the Pokemon are sleeping and you use this to wake them up. Scoring is based on the quality of your pictures that you took of the Pokemon. The closer the shot, the better your score. You can replace the pictures in your Pokemon report to get a higher score. My children get so excited when they find new Pokemon, they have learned to help each other and I rarely hear any fighting amongst each other during play. I also feel that this game is suitable for children 5 years and older. My 3 year old, although very experienced in N64 games, is still too young to understand the concept of the game.""";;;;;;;;;
"170023,""Leave it to Nintendo to come up with the most creative game franchises, than milk them for all their worth. That's exactly what they had in mind with Pokemon Snap. As one of the famous hit cartoon characters in the series, you take on the job of photographing and researching Pokemon for Professor Oak in a safari-type zone for wild Pokemon. Once there in your hi-tech Zero One vehicle (which lets you go in the air, ground or water), you are to photograph the Pokemon in their day to day moods. You will encounter many of the favorite Pokemon that made the franchise so hot, including yes, Pikachu. By using special items that are awarded to you, you can make the Pokemon do different things. For example, on the beach, you can throw apples at Pikachu and make it lead to a surfboard. Once he gets on it, you can get a nice pose to get more points. So, what is the point of the game? I myself found it hard that there was actually one. If you have a great picture for the professor, you get a high score. That's it. No killer vehicle upgrades, no chance to catch Pokemon. Nothing. I beat the game in about an hour, photographing all the Pokemon featured in the game. There is a cool part of the game where you can save your photos and take your game pak to a local blockbuster to print them out. For a fee of course. Each of the saved Pokemon come out on a sticker set for you. Then you can show the world how well of a photographer you are. Again, the game is short with not much to do afterwards. Just improve the photos for a greater score. I did take a nice photo of two Bulbasaurs "";getting busy"" by a log next to the river. So, unless finding weird Pokemon poses are exciting for you or unless you are a giant Pokemon fan, keep this game at a rental.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"171948,""Well, my sister was really sick, and I always know what that means. She'll manage to find the ONE game in Blockbuster that could not possibly interest me, and so she did: Pokemon Snap. In the game, you basically have three tools. Little smoke bombs, apples, and a camera. The idea is to use the apples and the smoke bombs to draw out Pokemon, and take pictures of them as you cruise by in a safari type way. The game then grades you on the quality of the pictures and allows you to move on if you have enough Pokemon. Here are the good parts of the game: it has no violence, its very simple to play and the animation is fairly nice. And it has a large selection of Pokemon. On the downside: its just boring. I understand this game wasn't meant for my demographic, but its more like watching a cartoon in which nothing really happens than playing a game. Your effect on the game and interaction is minimal. I think even a young child, obsessed with Pokemon, would get sick of the very little control he has over this game. And what kid wants to worry about how centered his photo is when he is watching a bunch of Pokemon. It looks like the programmers at Nintendo cranked this one out in a weekend. They just did the basic animation, designed the photo interface, and that was it. A boring, repetetive game. Basically just a cheap attempt to capitalize on the Pokemon craze and yet another crappy N64 game. Just because its for kids doesn't mean you can't put any ingenuity or work into it, guys.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"174314,""Pokemon Snap is a cute and great way to get stickers ,but besides that it can get boring. At first taking pictures was awesome! After clearing all the levels though it can put you to sleep. After beating the game all you have to do is take the same pictures over and over again. It would have been better if the fit a story line into it. Though the sticker thing is fun, they are small, cost alot to get one sheet, and most of the Blockbusters near me have long gone taken their sticker making machine away. I play the game only months at a time so I don't get to bored. Last time I played it was in March. Getting back to the fact here Pokemon Snap would be an awesome game to rent ,but I wouldn't buy it unless I was a true blue Pokemon fan and didn't care about being bored alot. I better get off the topic before it puts me to sleep...""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"176725,""Pokemon is one of the stupidest pop-culture obsessions since licking dust back in the prehistoric era, and this game is quite the exploitative preacher of the franchise's completely un-verifiable popularity. The main problems consist of a very solid premise that had much to go on. The idea of photographing your little monsters while they waste away in their polygonal netherworld is one of much profound ecstasy, yet the execution is one of profound idiocy. Why would anyone want to make a game like this and give it only a percentage of what it rightfully deserves. To start there is only 60 out of the 150 Pokemon included in this game. This essentially means that from the start of any one thought about purchasing this game, you are forced to stage your relationship with it mere DAYS after you have purchased the product. With only seven levels to help you make a wise purchasing decision, Nintendo really left the door on its hinges. Another mean tattoo on the otherwise clean-shaven rear end of Snap is the lack of any game morals parallel to snapping pictures of those little critters that America's children have grown to love. I would have loved to have seen an actual 3D Pokemon game that included all that made the Game Boy game so awesome<"; mainly the RPG gameplay>". But to be fair to Nintendo and to address the fact that I had a little joy with it, I will say that you at least have to play this game. As you can see I don't recommend a rental, but maybe you and your misfit, soiled, old, flattened beer chewing chums can compromise the wealthy investment that is a rental. Five or so bucks will never commit homicide against you, and the truth about it is that you may wind up caring for something that I despise. But let the brutally cold hand of the devil strike you with sever prejudice should you attempt to buy it.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"180860,""My six year old is fully into the pokemon craze. Once we broke down and bought him a nintendo 64 he wasn't going to be satisfied until we bought him this game. I have been getting a little tired of searching for a game he could play that did involve killing everyone in sight and after buying pokemon snap, it looks like my search is over. <";p>"The game is fairly easy to understand and I can see why it isn't much fun for adults and older children. It basically involves figuring out where the pokemon are hiding and getting the best possible picture of them for points. My son has played it for several hours a day and has enjoyed it immensly. This isn't a game for older kids but if you have a younger child just learning how to play video games, this is the game for you. Parents of older children who are bugging them for this game might consider renting it.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"181037,""This was my son's number 2 thing on his Christmas list, the 1st being a nintendo 64. I gotta tell you when he told me what it was about it sounded boring...but THAN I PLAYED!! It is so awesome!! Yeah, basically all you do is take pictures of pokemon, the better the picture the better your score. You drive around in a little cart and take pictures of all the different pokemon. As you get more pictures you begin to get attention getters such as apples to throw and lead the pokemon towards you for a better shot, or there is pester balls you can throw and if a pokemon is hidden he will jump out. It really is a fun game. My son has the Pokemon trading card game players guide book, which has a chapter that tells you exactly how to play and gives you very valuable clues...this game is a must have for any pokemon lover! I have sat playing it for hours and I know nothing about pokemon...I just love the game!""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"197172,""Ok, I will admit it...this wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I actually like the Pokemon Gameboy games, but I thought this wouldn't be worth the time.Even though it isnt a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, it isn't a terrible game. The game consists of you driving around in a vehicle taking pictures of rare Pokemon. The better the shot the more points. As quotas are met, new levels open up. While a cute little game, it is far too short....beaten in a day. All that is left after that is improving your persona bests scores, this gets old pretty fast. I feel it would have been better if more than one person could play ( only one game is saved at a time) and if there would have been more levels and ALL the Pokemon. I will say, for the avid gamer....rent it if bored. For parents though this would be a great buy.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"199527,""Ever trying to milk the Pokemon franchise, Nintendo came out with the clever title, Pokemon Snap. Although this game isn't groundbreaking, or the best of Nintendo's ideas, it is quite fun to play and provides for a different gameplay experience. Pokemon snap is a photography game based in the world of Pokemon. It is given a """"M"""" rating by the ESRB due to the blood, gore, gory blood, and bloody gore. Just checking to see if you're reading --it's given an E rating. STORY --- Super-easy story! If you've ever kept track of the Pokemon cartoon show (which can be incredibly different, many shows resemble each other) then you may have heard of Todd the photographer that met up with Ash and stayed in the series for about four episodes. Anyway, Professor Oak invites Todd to an almost-completely-undisturbed island in order to photograph the Pokemon in their natural environment. Todd naturally accepts, and off he goes. And yes, you can change the default name of Todd. CONTROLS --- Todd is always stationed in a special craft called the ZERO-ONE. Since you don't have to worry about walking along, this makes controlling Todd very easy. Look around with the control stick. Pressing the Z button brings up the camera, and pressing the A button from there takes a picture. START pauses the game, and the side C buttons makes Todd rotate 90 degrees right or left, respectively. The Up C button makes him face the front. As you continue on in the game, you'll get more items to play around with. A will throw apples, B will hurl a pester ball. Pressing Down C will activate the Pokeflute, and pressing it some more scrolls through the 3 available songs. R speeds up the craft. GAMEPLAY --- At the beginning of the game, you have one open course, and the camera. During your first run-through the game gives you some instructions that act as an introduction. Eventually, you'll have an available seven courses at your disposal. At the beginning of each stage Todd appears in the ZERO-ONE craft which will run along a pre-determined path. Although Todd can change the path slightly but looking in different directions, you won't be able to leave the path. The game has two big disappointments. Todd not being able to leave the ZERO-ONE is the first problem. It would have been incredibly awesome to walk around in an area and snap photos of the wildlife. You could have snuck up on some, and it would have given a great chance to expand upon the personalities of the Pokemon--get too close to the Snorlax and find yourself running away from become its lunch. However, for some reason they decided it was best to keep Todd on the path, and so you never get to leave the ZERO-ONE. As you progress through the area, you get a chance to take 60 pictures of the Pokemon wildlife. Your run-through of the course will end either when you get to the teleport gate at the end of the course, or run out of exposures. After you've been through an area, you get a chance to look at all of the pictures you took select the best ones, and hand them to Professor Oak. You get a point score for the photos, and with enough points you'll be able to open up a new item or course. COURSES --- As mentioned above, Pokemon Snap features 7 different courses. Here comes the second biggest problem. Although the courses are Pokemon jam-packed, there simply aren't enough of them. The courses are: Beach- Butterfrees in the air, Pikachu running around, this makes the perfect course for beginners. It also houses some Pokemon that can be incredibly hard to get a shot of, such as the quick and camouflaged Scyther. Tunnel- Although the island is supposed to be undisturbed, somehow a powerplant was built inside the interior of this tunnel. Lots of Ground and Electric Pokemon hang out here, such as the Diglett and the Electrode. The Haunters are the hardest Pokemon to get a good photo of, since you can't see them while you take their picture. Volcano- as expected, lots of fire Pokemon make this volcanic area their abode. See if you can group the seven Charmander together, or start a fight between the Magmars. The Hardest Pokemon to get a great photograph of is Arcanine, who makes random appearances. River- lots of plant and water Pokemon reside here. It will take a while to get a good picture of some of the Pokemon, such as the ever drifting Shelder, or the Poliwag hiding in the bush. The difficult Pokemon award is an even split between the Porygon which are seemingly easy but actually incredibly difficult, and the Cloyster, which I still haven't figured out what makes them appear. Cave- poison Pokemon and ice Pokemon chill out here. There are plenty of opportunities to catch a good photo of a Zubat, and pelt the Bulbasaur to find a special species. You can also get some great special photos, including Balloon Pikachu and The Jigglypuff Trio. Valley- Rock and water Pokemon hang around these rapids. There are quite a couple of tricky shots to get, such as the Sandslash that burrows as soon as you see it, or the unfortunate Magikarp that winds up in the waterfall. The hardest Pokemon would definitely be the Starmie group. You have to actually flash some floating Staryu's gems to get them to follow you. After a quick dip in a whirlpool, they evolve and speed off into the distance. There is also a seventh course, but that one is a secret. The courses they have are done very well, and there is no way to capture everything on a single run-through of the course. However, I would have liked to see some more environments, such as a desert, or a course in the clouds. If they had just expanded on these, then the game could easily have gotten a 4-star rating, if not a 5. POKEMON --- Suffering from the same curse as the courses, the Pokemon population plunges from the usual 151 species all the way down to 63. Once again, if they had included all 151 (now 251) species, this would have been an incredible game. The 63 that are there are done very well. Each has its own distinct personality and often a puzzle. Magmars will start to fight over food, Snorlax will get up and dance for music, and Magikarps will appear almost everywhere. Pokemon's key figure, Pikachu, is heavily emphasized, and can get a heap of special poses such as: Pikachu on a Stump, Pikachu on a Ball, Pikachu using Agility, Balloon Pikachu, and even Flying Pikachu. The game keeps to the personality of the Pokemon, and it's nice to see them in a game where they aren't (for the most part) beating the snot out of each other. ITEMS --- Although you can only get four items in the game, they are all very fun to mess around with. Pokefood- throw apples near a Pokemon to get it to come closer, or throw apples on a Pokemon to get it to run away. Pester ball- this ball contains a bit of stun gas that makes the Pokemon fall out for a few moments. When you're getting pummeled in Pokemon Stadium, its nice to be able to plug in Pokemon Snap and give a real beating to the wild Pokemon--its guaranteed to act as a stress reliever. Although you won't get good scores on KOed Pokemon, some Pokemon actually enjoy getting hit, such as Grimer. Pokeflute- this item will make any Pokemon nearby do a bit of a dance. The three tunes will activate three different dance sequences, and its up to you to find out which one gets the highest rating. Speedy-thingy- makes your craft speed up, perfect for getting to the part with the Staryu (which you'll have to try for A LOT). GRAPHICS --- Pokemon Snap features those crisp, clean models of Pokemon that have been seen in Pokemon Stadium. Some of the models were too big for the course, such as the Charizard and Gyrados, so they had to actually only have the upper-half of the Pokemon stick out. However, to make up for this, some of the Pokemon actually have expressions. The best example is Meowith, who can look angry, happy, dazed, and even aggressive. Todd and the ZERO-ONE are done nicely. Todd looks like a normal everyday guy, and his hair isn't even too bad. For those who don't know anything about Japanese anime, often the hairstyles of the characters can get incredibly bad--often to the point where they defy gravity. The ZERO-ONE also can morph slightly from one area to the next, and although the transformation isn't complicated, it?s done well. SOUND --- The sound in the game is of a good quality. While I didn't find myself humming any of the tunes, I put them to the real test by having them play over and over while I wrote this review. Even now that I'm down on page 3, I still find the music enjoyable and friendly. The Pokemon, thankfully, don't make their GameBoy sounds such as in the first Pokemon Stadium. Instead, most say their name or make some kind of animal noise. Zubats screech, Gravelers grunt, and the Gyrados screams a lot. Also, the voice samples of the Pokemon saying their name never get annoying. REPLAY VALUE --- Although the courses are short, you'll find yourself going through them a fair number of times--10 times at a minimum. The Pokemon are jam packed into the levels, and you may even find yourself near the end of the game without having seen a particular specie. Also, the high emphasis on score makes it fun to try and get a better score. Every specie has a best score, each course have a best score, and on the front cover of your album, there is a total overall score. My only gripe here is that it would have been nice to see the maximum number of points possibly for a particular species. I really would like to know if it?s possible to get a perfect 10,000 picture on the final course. Also, in case you have a funny picture that doesn't score high, there is an entire second album that can hold up to 60 photos of your shots that you like. You can even add comments to these photos. Also, I doubt it?s around any more, but if you manage to find a Blockbuster that has a Pokemon picture station, you can actually print out your pictures as stickers. The cost is, possibly was, around 3-5 dollars for 16 stickers of four photos. I never tried this out myself, but it seems like a fun little extra. PROBLEMS --- I've already gone over most of the problems in the game- too few Pokemon & courses, and the inability to get out and walk around. It would have been nice to trade high scores with a friend over a controller pack, or have a 2 person photo shoot out, but since obviously they were pressed for time since they only put in 63 Pokemon, I suppose this would just have taken too long. OVERALL --- When I bought this game, I only got to play it for a single day before I had to go on a week-long vacation away from my dear N64. Therefore, I don't really know how long it takes to get bored of the game. In any case, this game isn't for everyone";" there aren't any intense action sequences, or any incredibly hard photos to get. This game isn't also for people who don't like Pokemon, for obvious reasons. However, if you don't mind the critters or enjoy them, and you want to play something a bit different, go ahead and rent this. I suggest that you rent something else along with this, since the title will soon be over, and its best to space it out. Also, I'd like to say if they ever made a sequel to this game on the GameCube with all 251 Pokemon in it, I'd get it in a snap. Ha ha ha, heh ha, heh ehhhhhhh.... Nevermind.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;
"206748,""With four out of my five children being Pokemon fanatics, and our household owning a Nintendo 64 it was almost a necessity for us to rent Pokemon Snap. (we prefer to rent a game before buying so we don't waste our money on a boring game!) So, we rented it for a whole week and I never saw so many happy boys!! All four of my boys were in "";Pokemon Heaven"" playing this game for the whole week, even when they had already gotten to the end of the game. I managed to sneak in some playing time and thoroughly enjoyed it too! The idea behind Pokemon Snap is that you go on a safari of sorts looking for Pokemon to take pictures of which you bring back to Professor Oak at his laboratory. He then judges your pictures on how close up you took the picture, whether it was centered in the frame and the uniqueness of the pose. When you get enough in one section done then he lets you go into the next section to take pictures of different Pokemon. If my memory serves me right there were about five different areas to take pictures of Pokemon in, plus one bonus area if you did well enough in the rest of the areas. My 12 year old found this game to be boring once he finished it. But then again, it seems to me that ALL 12 year olds think everything is boring! All three of my younger boys loved playing this game again and again, taking pictures and just enjoying the scenery. I found that to be the fun part...just watching all the different Pokemon here and there and the fantastic scenery! It was great! The best part of this game is the complete lack of violence. It's hard to find a non-violent game these days! I recommend this for anyone who has a young Pokemon fanatic in their household along with a Nintendo 64 to play it on.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"207552,""This game is boring. If I wanted to take pictures of "";cute"" little creatures I would go to the zoo. Pokemon Snap is a video game where you go around taking pictures of little pokemon. It is boring and a waste of time. Some kids who are pokemon lovers love this game but from a adults perspective this game is bad. I would definitely not buy this game or even rent it again but maybe if you happen to be in blockbuster on day then try it but other wise be glade you did not waste your time with it.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"210971,""Being a big fan of photography, I figured that I would give this game a shot. The first thing that struck me was the cutesy theme of the game. This was the first time Pokmon fans could see them in 3D graphics"; they are adorable creatures! This was a nice change of pace for me; since I have been lately playing games dealing with fighting(WrestleMania 2K) and guns(Goldeneye 007). Gameplay In Pokmon Snap, you are the best Pokmon photographer known and Professor Oak asks for your help! His mission for you is to take the best darn pictures you can of every Pokmon you encounter(within about 8 levels) and to search for the rare instances when wild Pokmon are using their powers and special abilities. Other than this, there is really no other prevailing storyline. All there is to is to go find some Pokmon, take their pictures, and have some fun. Obviously, this game was designed for the younger crowd; they all love Pokmon. This game is very innocent: There is no violence, no guns and not blood splattering. All there is is you, a camera, and 63 cute pocket monsters. Game control is very easy to learn. It won't take you more than an hour to learn them all. Unfortunately, in this game, you odn't have any control of where you want the character to go; you are put in a cart that follows one path, beginning to end. This type of game is called a "rail shooter." In the meanwhile, you are to find as many Pokmon in the level. Some are harder to find than others; and some are quite tough to find! One thing I am a fan of is the fact that Pro. Oak grades your photos. I find this feature self-rewarding. Although embarrassing for me to say, it is exciting thinking that you may have taken some great photos. There is also a photo album where you may save some of the pictures you like. The game automatically saves your best picture of each Pokmon;" so if you like a Pikachu photo that isn't the best one, you can still save it to the photo album. I suggest only renting this game at first if you haven't played it before. Then if you love the game, then buy it. It's replay value is very poor. Once you beat the game by finding all of the Pokmon and taking your best picture of them, you flick this game aside for another. Upon completion of Pokmon Snap, the game has very little temptation to play it again. Graphics/Sound What can I say? The graphics are just fine for this game. Seeing the cute Pokmon in 3D, rather than on the the 2D Gameboy, is a very nice treat. I just can't get over the innocence and cuteness of this game! The animation is very smooth. Never is there fog, pop-up, or slowdown. There is really not much to say about the music. It fits the perfectly into the cute theme. It is nothing great, but nothing bad either. It's kind of funny listening to the sounds that each Pokmon make too. Overall The game is entertaining, but only for the first time through it. Once you beat it, you probably won't give the game another thought for a long while. The great graphics and cutesy theme rescue the game. Overall, this game is worth a few nights rental, but in my opinion, no more than that.""";;;;;;
"214320,""This game is great in the beginning. You take pictures, you beat levels, you score points for pictures you took. The graphics are great, the pokemon characters perform cute antics and you actually have to use strategy to take the pictures! All in all this is a great game, at first. Then after a few months of playing it, it gets set aside and forgotten. Because once you have beaten all the levels (which doesn't take long) and taken at least on picture of each pokemon (which doesn't take long either) then you are stuck playing against yourself for a few measly points which end up not getting you anything, it's just a score. The game plays forever and ever. you against yourself. And it is only one player! And you cannot have more than one going at a time. So, if you really like pokemon and repitition then this game is for you. For most people however I suggest you rent the game. . . or borrow it from a friend who already got bored of it.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"215850,""And make sure you have a child in your house who loves Pokemon who is between the ages of 4-10. This is the perfect age group for this cute, fun simple little game. Basically the idea is to snap pictures of the Pokemon and some of them are pretty hard to get, and you get 'graded' on your photos. It's really kind of fun for the whole family...for about three days. Then, you're finished it, you're done, and if you were unlucky enough to have purchased it - you're out fifty BUCKS! Definitely should be a five day rental at Blockbuster or Hollywood Video - nothing more! Tigerlily""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"217410,""Pokemon Snap was all my 11 year old daughter wanted for Christmas...well, she got it. I must admit I'm not overly impressed with the Pokemon fad in general but this is a really nice game. Not only is it entertaining and fun, but, believe it or not, it's educational too. This object of this game is to go through all of the different lands and take pictures of the different kinds of Pokemon. As you go through a "";land"" you return to Professor Oak and he grades your photos. The educational part comes in when Professor Oak gives you some very good advice on photography in general...make sure your subject is centered, make sure he/she is facing you. You get more points when these criteria are met. You also get more points for how close you get to your subject and what the subject is doing. A must have companion to this game is the Pokemon Snap guide book. My daughter studied this (much more than her math book!) until she knew all of the tricks to make hidden Pokemon come out, how to play the flute to make Pikachu dance, and so on. While it is a little on the easy side, she is still going back through all of the lands trying to get even better shots to show Professor Oak. You can also take your game cartridge to Blockbuster Video and print off your pictures that you've taken. We haven't had a chance to do this yet so I can't tell you how well that works. This is a very non violent and fun game and one my daughter has enjoyed teaching me how to play. It is suitable for a wide range of ages.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"219418,""I bought this game at the insistence of my three year old daughter. The salesman assured me that my daughter could play it "";no problem"". Well, it turns out that the controls are much to complex and fast for a three old and since there is much to read in the game, it is incomprehensible for my daughter. The one really big thrill my daughter had was to take the pictures to Blockbuster and make stickers from them. Pokemon Snap is a saccharine, non-violent game. The graphics are mediocre. It doesn't come close to the graphics of Zelda and many other titles in the Nintendo library. The music is spare and childish even by gaming standards. Moving through the directory between picture taking runs is always a bit confusing. I played this game for my daughter a few times and couldn't wait to get off after a while. Maybe it's not fair to compare this game to titles Nintendo produces for older kids. If your child is a Pokemon fanatic, this game will probably thrill them for oh, at least couple of days. I've always found the Pokemon franchise to be annoying, but hey, I'm the one who has to pay for it.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"220207,""Pokemon Snap offers minimal challenges and easy pictures. The 3-d view is good, but there is little plot and very little to do in the game. My 11 year old brother, who loves Pokemon, was bored with this game after a day or two. There are less than 10 levels in this game. 1 of the levels features only 1 pokemon, Mew. The sound in the game is adequate, and you also get a good sound from the Pokemon. It is a very boring game, and there are simply not enough Pokemon to take pictures of. Also, I find that the controls are odd handling. Overall, Snap has good graphics, but terrible game play.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"231831,""I'll admit it - I'm not the biggest fan of Pokemon in the world. I mean, maybe the original game was somewhat interesting, but the TV show, the action figures, the TRADING CARDS, and now this game - which is very possibly the worst waste of time and energy ever. At least the original Pokemon game had a competitive element. This newest edition seems more a reaction to the violent video games of today than anything else. I agree less blood may be a good thing, but come on, we don't need to turn to photography for enjoyment. Allright, so the game has nice graphics. The control is decent. The interface is pretty nice. But the very idea of running around on an island taking "";picture"" - not very high quality ones, at that - of nonexistant animals just doesn't appeal to me.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"239150,""This game should have never been made. This is the worst game ever on the Nintendo 64. The only point of the game is to take pictures. Once you finnish taking pictures of the Pokemon the game will no longer have a point. Although it is cool to see the Pokemon in 3D for the first time this game should not be bought. You can finnish the game in 2 hours if you are really good. Not even all 150 pokemon are in it. This game can be a okay rental but it is not worth it to buy it for a high price. If you are a huge pokeman fan you might like this game but if you did not like any of the pokemon game boy games then you should stay far away from this game.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"242782,""Nintendo's latest game and marketing phenom, Pokemon Snap, is sure to delight children. It's easy to navigate, peaceful and charming. However, the biggest drawback is that you CANNOT save your game and start a new one. Say you want to play this game with a friend... surprise, you can't! Say you want to loan this to a friend but don't want to lose your game and photos.... surprise, you can't! Not even your memory pack can solve this dilemma. You either play your game, and your game only, or you play your game and then erase it to start another one. And actually, there isn't really a need to ever start a new game once you've played it once and found all the Pokemon and taken good pictures for a good score. This game was designed with one thing in mind, making money. It has this "";unique"" feature where you can actually take your game cartridge to (surprise) Blockbuster, and have your best pictures from your photo album printed onto stickers, for a fee. Just another way for mom and dad to part with their money all thanks to Pokemon. Sure, this game is fun the first time and the Pokemon are cute and getting them to do different things for a better picture is fun, but ONCE is definitely enough for this game. A one-time renter at the most, don't be fooled!""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"243127,""This has got to be one of my all time favorite games. We original bought this for our 5 year old pokemon junkie. He had to tell me the names of all the pokemon as they appeared. This has turned into a late night adventure for me. I love taking pictures in real life so this should not be a surprise that I would like this game. It neat to compare your own pictures to someone else's to see who get the higher score. It is also alot cheaper than taking your own pictures and having them developed only to find out that your flash did not work. We still are enjoying this game 3 months later. And my son and husband still spend hours fighting over whose picture was the best.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"243196,""This game is great for kids of all ages. This does not exclude any gender either because any one who can take a picture in this game is doing great at it. The game is about taking pictures of Pokemon and you can have the option of printing them out as stickers in Blockbusters or something. Anyways, the game is an overall ok, with nice graphics but sometimes the Pokemon you see is the ones you always see. For example, if you wanted to see a rare Pokemon, how long would you think you can spot it? Very long is the answer. This is the very big drawback in this game, and sometimes ruins the mood.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"244986,""I had a great time playing Pokemon Snap. I liked how by doing different things to certain pokemon I could get them to do certain things. Most of the complaints I've read about it are that it's fun to play, but only the first time. I disagree with this. I will play it over and over, and still have fun. I will agree that it does go through the levels in the same way each time, but that made it much less frustrating and more enjoyable for me. I think that this game is perfect for who it was meant for, young children, but Pokemon Snap can also be a blast for people of any age.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"247664,""C'mon now. Pokeman Snap-oops-sorry pokemon snap is one of the worst games I have seen in a long time. With the exception of Yoshi Story and maybe 1 or 2 other games like WCW Nitro and a few others, this game is the worst that I have seen. In this game you ride on a train taking pictures of pokemon, which is the latest craze for all the kids 9 and under. I beat this game at blockbuster. Thats how easy it is. It took me 1 hour or less (I lost track of time trying to photograph squirtle). I really think whoever made this game needs to do 1 of 2 things: 1. Find a new job-he should have been fired already or 2.Get a life.-this would not have come to my mind to make as a game that costs 50 dollars unless I sat in a padded room thinking for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for a year. I don't understand why any boss would approve of this as a game. Never the less, this game is easy so it won't have any replay value longer than about 2 days if you don't like pokemon all that much in the first place. NOW-If you do like Pokemon this game might just work for you. You will get to see all your favorite pokemon characters any time you want.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"254370,""Pokemon Snap plays a lot like a rail shooter, but the execution is so much different. Instead of a Magnum, you've got a camera. Instead of going for head shots, you go for the perfect Pokemon pose. You get the picture (pun not intended). In Pokemon Snap, you play as Todd, a legendary Pokemon photographer in search of Mew. Professor oak helps you out by scoring your pictures, giving you hints, and presenting you with items if your skills are up to snuff. You start with only one course, the Beach, but you'll end up trekking through seven, including a cave, a jungle, a volcano, and RAINBOW CLOUD, Mew's home. All are beautiful, with details in the right places and amazingly real water effects. The Pokemon look as good as they should be, and it's only competition is Stadium. Even little graphical touches like your pose when you end the course are factored in. The sound is quite good, two, with many Pokemon speaking their names and wonderful sound effects such as a cry when you hit Pikachu with a pester ball. (Ha ha!!!) Music is good, and doesn't break your concentration. Control is interesting and intuitive. You can easily rotate your view 90 degrees and the aiming works like a vehicle shooter (up is down, vice versa, etc.) Items are laid out on your controller nicely, with all items belonging to a different button. The only problem is that when you zoom to take a picture (you have to), the pic looks much bigger than it is, so you won't score as high as you think. Although it is a one player game, you really should have some friends over for some challenges after you complete the adventure. The game never really ends, so you can try to beat your scores over and over. Invite a couple friends over and see who can snap the best Pikachu. Or Butterfree. Or Jigglypuff. Or Chansey. One disappointment is that there are only 63 different species of Pokemon in Snap. However, they do several different things when enticed with certain items, so the other 88 won't be missed as much. Prof. Oak's scoring is what brings you back for more. Can you snap a 10,000 point Mew picture? Can you set up the elusive Jigglypuff Trio on Stage pic for a whopping 1,200 bonus points? Yep. Keep trying. Overall, it's a buy and a keeper. The N64 is sorely lacking of rail shooters, and Snap is above average for a rail shooter with it's refreshing twist. It'll keep most of us, especially Pokemon fans, busy for weeks and months to come.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"264874,""I have to say that this game is the best one I have come across for my children. Their ages are from 5 to 9 and this is the only game I have found where they don't have to kill anything. They like it because they get to ride this machine through different level and find the pokemon. When they find it they just take a picture of that pokemon. After they go through the level the professor rate how well the picture was taken. If it was in the middle, how big it is, if there are other pokemon in the picture with it. It's great. If the picture wasn't very good they can change it to a better on. I only wish that is was made for more than one player. It would save me from breaking up a lot of fights on who's turn it was.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"269525,""~I purchase Pokemon Snap for its quality. The T.V. show that comes on everyday inspired me about this game as well as the other Pokemon games. This game lets you interact with all of the different types of Pokemon. You get to take their photo's and experience their natural habitats. I would choos to play this game ONLY if you are a Pokemon finatic. If you arn't you won't enjoy this game. Other than that this game has superior graphics, the game play is somewhat fun.~ ~Other Games to play from Nintendo:~ -Jet Force Gemini -Monster Truck Madness -WCW Revenge -Buck Bumble""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"270418,""This is the official Pokemon Safari for taking pictures. Pokemon snap features 63 out of 151 Pokemon to take pictures of. It also include 6 Pokemon signs nd 7 courses. Even though the game took me a record of under 2 days to finish it was still very fun. I'm kind of disapointed that I could only get 62 out of 63 Pokemon in the game. The game is very fun but yet another game that is too easy. I think they should make a version of the game with all 151 Pokemon and I think you would probably agree with me on that one.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"282805,""I won't let my kids play violent video games so their choices are somewhat limited. I loved the premise here...take wildlife pictures of Pokemon and create an album. The Pokemon are quite cute...something that I think a kid would design if they were really involved in creating creatures. However, this game just wasn't challenging enough and didn't have enough depth. We really enjoyed playing, but were able to "";capture"" all the Pokemon in a weekend on the game we rented and so we didn't feel a need to purchase the game. I would love to see something more involved along the same lines...maybe more complex courses or more Pokemon?""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"285446,""This game is adored by many Pokemon fans,including myself. I like how you go around on the car,taking pictures of all sorts of Pokemon. Some pictures you cannot take,until you have a special tool or resource. Such pictures you cannot take are:Snorlax,Kangaskhan,and many others,because they are either sleeping,have their back turned toward you,so you cannot see their face,and many more. Parents,if you have a child or children that are Pokemon fans,then you must buy,or at least rent this game. Then while they are playing it,you can finally have some peace and quiet,and some time to yourself to do something you love to do,as they are distracted by the game. TWO THUMBS WAY,WAY,WAY UP!""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"286456,""When I first saw Pokemon Snap for Nintendo 64, I said to myself wow that looks really pointless. I thought it was just another way for kids to make their parents spend hundreds more for the pokemon crave that has recently hit our nation. But once I got my hands on the game, it blew me away. The graphics are astounding and the sound is great. It is very original, riding through various levels of an island, in what looks to be a mine cart, taking pictures of strange looking creatures(pokemon) as they pass. The pokemon interact with you. They act differently every time around. Not one picture you take will look exactly the same. The better the picture, the more points you get. As you progress through the game you get some very creative and useful items to help you on your journey. You can save now save your pictures onto the Nintendo 64 memory card and print them out as stickers at some blockbuster locations. The controls take no time at all to learn and are very, very easy.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"291900,""In this day and age home video games reign supreme with VCRs for babysitting kids and keeping them occupied. As always what the kids are influenced by is a major concern. Video games come with content ratings now and when it comes to what kids play this one is the tops. Pokemon Snap was the first of the Pokemon video games and owing to the Pokemon craze is a game kids WILL want. For once, however, there is no concern about content. The only shooting in this game is with the camera taking pictures of Pokemon and no characters die. for kids it can even be challenging and to be honest, though most adults won't, I actually like playing it. The various levels get more challenging and players have to figure out how to get that far so there's even some thought required. It's cute, lovable, will keep the kids busy and it's fun. If you're one of the countless parents across the world using a home video game system to babysit the kids this game is a must and if you're concerned about content it's one you have no need to fear.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"299658,""Wow. Pokmon actually used to be good. But I guess this game is okay compared to other games on the market. This game takes a strange twist, because you play as Todd, a photographer, not Ash. And rather than battling, you take pictures. Ugh... This game is a bit creative though. Depending on how you abuse a Pokmon, uh... I mean... treat it, their actions are different. You can throw an apple for Pikachu to eat, or you can throw an apple AT Pikachu to watch it fall. Some things you do to a Pokmon may be cruel, but you can't get the best shots without doing anything. The saying "";No pain, no gain"" is true here, except you don't feel the pain and the Pokmon does. Anyway, Professor Oak wants you to take pictures of 63 Pokmon. It's not that hard, but to get the highest scoring points, you have to get it into certain poses. Size also matters in the photo, because you need to see it clearly. If there's more of the same Pokmon in the picture, you also get more points. But most importantly, your target has to be in the center of your picture, and Professor Oak will double your score! The music is too happy, even the ones you play on your flute. But for some strange reason, the Pokmon like it. Sound effects are pretty good, though, especially when your vehicle comes to a screeching halt. For the first time ever, Pokmon are in 3D. The graphics are pretty good, but Pokmon were never meant to be in 3D. It is pretty cool to see that 3D thundershock from Pikachu though. This game isn't too bad, but it's not exactly good either. It won't last long, but seeing Pokmon in 3D, especially Mew, is pretty cool.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"306168,""Looking for a fun game for young Pokemon lovers? Try Pokemon snap for Nintendo 64. As a photographer, you ride around in your cart looking for rare Pokemon to take pictures of. There are different places to explore and lots of rare Pokemon to take pictures of. Sometimes you have to coerce the Pokemon to pose for you with fruit. Occassionally you will have to scare a Pokemon out of a bush or a waterfall in order to get a good picture. You can also play your flute to make Pokemon dance and be happy for your rare pictures. After snapping your pictures, you take them to Professor Oak's lab to have him rate them. He rates them on the size, the centering and the pose. He gives you points the better the picture, and gives you tips if you aren't getting the right shots. This game is so much fun! Being an avid photographer, I play along side my son. We have lots of chuckles when we hit the Pokemon with fruit or get one to do something funny or unusual. This is a great alternative for the less violent video games.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"312446,""When my nephew first got this game I thought it sounded like it would be really stupid,you take pictures,how fun can that be. But he and my daughter both age eleven love this game. I don't know why I was complaining about it,it is better than them playing a fighting or shooting game. The object is to find and take the best pictures of all the different Pokemon. Some are hidden and you can't see them except in the pictures you take. They spend many days working on trying to take the best pictures. And seeing who can take better ones.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"313287,""Finally! Pokmon has hit the Nintendo 64! Although the game itself has very little to do with the concept of the original, I was still excited. The idea behind Pokmon snap is simple. You are the Todd (the camera carrying boy). Professor Oak is creating a Pokmon report and needs pictures of Pokmon in their natural habitat. Your job is to go out on safari and "";snap" as many pictures of Pokmon as you can. After taking the pictures (60 per roll of film) the game will divide them by their Pokmon content. You can then choose one photo from each group to show Professor Oak. Oak will then grade your photographic technique and place the photo into his Pokmon report. Don't worry if you score low, you can always go back to a course and snap a new picture of that Pokmon for Professor Oak to judge. Professor Oak will be judging the pictures on three qualities. The size of the Pokmon in the picture, the pose of the Pokmon, and whether or not the Pokmon is centered within the frame. There are bonuses you can earn for rare photos (like Pikachu floating from a set of balloons) and for including other Pokmon of the SAME type within the photo. To open new levels in the game you will either have to take a certain number of Pokmon pictures, or find a trigger/secret path within a level. You can also earn different tools throughout the game that will make your job of finding Pokmon a little easier. Initially, you can expect to have a lot of fun with Pokmon snap. For a Pokmon fanatic like myself, it was an amazing experience to see this creatures basically "brought to life" in a somewhat natural setting. It was even more fun taking pictures of them. But once you've essentially taken all the photos you can, the game begins to bore. The Pokmon are ALWAYS in the same position each time you enter a level. So instead of it feeling like you are on safari hunting wild Pokmon, it quickly begins to feel like you are on a "Disney"" style attraction ride. BOTTOM LINE: Pokmon snap as nothing more than a rental for the regular game player. Even for myself, a huge Pokmon fan, I would suggest renting the game and then picking up a cheaper used copy once they become available.""";;;;;;;;
"316286,""This game is part of the Pokemon fad, a craze sweeping across people with nothing better to do. I'm not a big fan of this craze, but I'll try to not be biased. Your job is to take pictures of Pokemon, little animals that make squeaky noises and are loved worldwide, except for the normal people that have better thing to do with their time. You basically take pictures in a moving car that looks like a cross between The Jetsons and a mine cart. That's it. You take pictures. Oh, I forgot, sometimes you throw bait and apples to coax them out so you can... take pictures. My only real entertainment was watching my brain cells fizzle and die one by one when I rented this. Also, the music makes you want to smash the screen with a sledgehammer. It's just a repetitive game in which you take pictures over and over and are graded on them. IT could be called "";Photography On Drugs."" The true reason this game survived is because of the huge love for Pokemon. Let's face it people, these are the same people who buy Pokemon Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Gold, Silver, and so on, each costing thirty bucks apiece and having approximately three differences between each other, such as the grass being blue in one and green in another. Would you trust these people to recommend a game to you? No. Go ahead and rent it, but buyer beware. And I mean beware.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"319004,""If you are a fan of pokemon you will love this game for the n64. Your main objective is to find pokemon and take the best possible pictures of them that you can. If you arent a fan of pokemon dont waste your money buying this game I dont think you will find it enjoyable at the least. Pokemon Snap has 7 very well designed levels of game play. The fun factor of this game I would rate is about an 8. I have heard rumors that there is going to be a sequal to this game hit in the near future. n64 games are over priced if you have the cash to buy this title go for it if your a fan you wont be disappointed.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"320014,""What do you think about the Pokemon game "";Pokemon Snap" for Nintendo 64? This game has been out for a while, yet, the craze for the game itself has died off, just like the craze for Pokemon in general will, eventually. Anyway, this game features on getting kids and pokemon connected in a 3-D world where they can finally meet one on one. Not only that, you can see them use their "special abilities" and sometimes even fighting other pokemon. But, as in all other games, it's not enough that you have to look at them, you have to take pictures of them. You're supposed to be a master photographer in the "Pokemon world", named Ted (?). Professor Oak, the pokemon scientist has asked you to take pictures of them using a humvee sort of car-type object that also protects you so they can't hurt you. There's somewhere around 20 to 25 Pokemon on each course, and you're supposed to try to take a picture of all of them on each course. Sounds too easy for your mega-smart kid? Well, don't go thinking this is an easy task. You must do certain things (such as blowing on the pokeflute, or throwing a pester ball) to get a pokemon to turn around to look at you, or even to get Pokemon to come out! I took a cruise in the game and only took pictures without doing anything, like throwing pester balls, or playing the pokeflute, and only photographed 10 pokemon out of about 25! You have to be ready for everything. However, there are a few bad features in this game. Although the game itself is decent, you don't get enough "action" in the game for some energetic kids. You sometimes have to wait, wait, wait for a pokemon to come out and "ask" for it's picture to get taken. Another thing, you don't get enough picture taking, and sometimes it's even TOO hard to get some decent pictures! There's only about 6 or 7 courses in the game, but their pretty easy to pass (depending) to go on to the next level. The replay value isn't very good since you know how to get every Pokemon to come out. To sum everything up, here are my ratings (scale from 1 to 5): RATINGS*** Graphics: 4 Game in general: 3 Sound Quality: 3 Price: 2 Replay Value: 1 Difficulty: 3 Time taken to play game: 2 Addiction: 1 Worth the money: 2 General Information: 1 Player Rated "Everyone"" MAJOR SUGGESTIONS: *Rent the game for your kid, DON'T BUY IT IF YOU DON'T HAVE TO-THERE ARE BETTER GAMES! Try Pokemon Yellow instead of this game! *If you do want to buy it, at least wait until the prices go down (Christmas Sales) *Make sure your kid REALLY wants it before you buy! Be sure to check out my reviews on: *The Pokemon Movie *Pokemon Red, Yellow, and Blue Thanks a ton!""";;
"320073,""There are some products in the world that get an increased amount of attention over one another, and the "";Pokemon game paks" are one of them. Pokemon Yellow, Red and Blue really don't have much difference, but because Pokemon Yellow is the newest Pokemon item on the market since "Pokemon Pinball", which, from what I know, went to the dumps. However, this game seems to be different than the others (Red, Blue, and Pinball) because this game actually contains all 150 pokemon (for a change), and you don't have to buy that annoying little game link cable. Having all 150 pokemon in the game pak is very exciting, knowing you have (or can get) all of them without "trading pokemon", as they call it. This is probably the biggest game on the market (currently) since the first pokemon game paks (Red and Blue) came out. Here are some things to consider when making a decision whether to buy the game paks or not (or which one(s) to buy)... Features, Pokemon RED: *All 3 Legendary bird Pokemon *Missing about 14 (?) pokemon (that pokemon blue has) *Forces you to trade with another person who has Pokemon Red to "catch them all" *Same, basically as Blue Features, Pokemon BLUE: *All 3 Legendary bird Pokemon *Missing about 14 (?) pokemon (that pokemon red has) *Forces you to trade with another person who has Pokemon Blue to "catch them all" *Same, basically as Red Features, Pokemon YELLOW: *All 3 Legendary bird Pokemon *No missing Pokemon *No need to trade for any Pokemon with another person *Pikachu "follows" you around in the game *More like the TV show series "Pokemon"" *Rumors about more than 150 pokemon (?) *Rumors of the superior pokemon, MEW, in the game somewhere *Little more expensive than Red and Blue (currently) (Pokemon Yellow) OTHER NOTES: Ages: 7-13 (?) Time: As long as you want Easy to use: yes Fun: yes Addicted easily: yes RANKS (scale 1-5): Usability: 4 Action: 4 Length of time to win: 2 Addicted easily: 5 Same as older games of it's type: 2 Compares with other products (pokemon red, blue): 2"""
"324014,""I will admit I did think that this game would be a huge flop. But I was wrong. I rented this game and it was awesome. For some reason traveling around to different boards and taking pictures of pokemon for points trying to beat the game was fun. You always wanted to out due your last score. This game even though seems like it is boring but it really isn't. Many of my friends bought this game also and they have loved it,,they couldn't stop playing it until they beat it...As hard as it is to believe this game is good. The graphics are surprisingly awesome. And the storyline it is also good. This game gets a perfect 10 from me and everyone should play this game at least once.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"339384,""My 11 year old nephew just got Pokemon Snap for Christmas. I watched him play it for the last 2 days, even joining in myself now an then. I feel this is an excellent game for all ages, although some older kids probably wouldn't like it. I thought it was wonderful in that it shows kids, especially younger kids, that not all games need to revolve around shooting, maiming and killing. It could teach younger kids pattern recognition, patience, and hand-eye coordination. Older kids could learn patience from it as you have to go back thru most levels later on, much different from most "";if it moves, shoot it"" games on the market today. I found it most enjoyable, and would highly recommend this game to anyone who asked if I thought it was appropriate for their younger children.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"341053,""Pokemon--the little pocket monsters from Japan have captivated our kids from almost the day they arrived in this land of ours. The Pokemon phenomena has been the product of flooding the market with everything that has to do with Pokemon"; from lunch boxes to underwear. Sheesh. The product I'm reviewing today comes somewhere between action figures and Happy Meal toys. I'm doing Pokemon Snap from Nintendo. This product is available exclusively for the Nintendo 64 console gaming system. To start off with, the concept of the game is to take snapshots of your favorite Pokemon (and virtually all the ones you come across) and you earn points for the quality of the picture and rarity of the Pokemon you're taking a picture of. You, the player, play the role of the young photographer known as Todd, but you can change your name in the game if you want to. Say for example, you see a Bulbasaur. You can take a picture of him. All you have to do is focus the camera on him and snap! You're guided through the level on a little coal mine sort of cart contraption called the Zero One. To move to the next level, you have to attain a certain amount of points and get. You do this by taking pictures and making them good. At the end of a level, Professor Oak (he's prominently featured in the TV show if you watch it!) will judge your pictures and grade them accordingly. If you took crappy pictures where you can hardly see the Pokemon, then you'll get a low score, and the system works like that. You also get extra points if you catch the Pokemon in a happy pose! So what do I really think of this game? It's great to play. But if you're older than 6 or 7 years old then you'll quickly get bored and you'll probably realize that there's no point in playing it after you complete the game. I mean, you already know what's going to happen, and chances are if you've found all the Pokemon already you'll probably be thinking that you would have been better off just renting the game from Blockbuster or something. That's just how some one in grades higher than 3rd grade would probably feel. They'd be like, "Oh, mom, that game's boring. I already beat it and there's nothing left to do with it."". So that's the main problem with the game. The game features very little replay value. It would have been better if something extra happens when you beat the game. For instance: new levels are opened up that feature newly added Pokemon. In other words, they could have included all the Pokemon, but introduced them at different times when the game is completed. That would give that 3rd grader a reason to keep playing and playing, until they got all the Pokemon. But the game didn't work that way. Hmmm... What do I like about the game? I like how easy it was to play. There was no thumb murdering by having to use the Nintendo's joystick constantly and it's great for little kids to play too, since they don't worry about replay value and they don't have to learn about the buttons allover the keypad. It's also very cute. I LOVE Pikachu (the whole scheme's main character)! Also, it's a game that anyone can curl up and play. From little kids who need to learn about hand-eye-coordination from 38 year olds who just got off from work. It's a non-violent game, which steers away from the seemingly main theme of video games today. What can you like about the game? If you're a parent looking to buy a game for your kid, but you don't want to expose them to violence and stuff like that, Pokemon Snap is the game that you would want to buy them. The game is a great way for them to have fun without getting hurt and they can take pictures of their favorite little TV monsters. Also, you don't have to worry about your kid running around imitating any thing in the game, except for them maybe wanting to become mini-photographers. They won't go around poking people, or trying to shoot someone with their imaginary gun. But if you're one of those hardcore gamer types then this game isn't for you. As you've probably already read, there's absolutely no violence in this game. And you're not in total control either. You're in the Zero One and it moves you along through the level. Once you've missed something, you can't go back to take a picture of it. Also, the idea isn't exactly revolutionary and neither are the graphics, if you're one of those people that actually considers that when buying a game. Pokemon Snap is a snap to play and is fun for the pay. Go get a copy today, that is, if you don't care much about replay value. If you do, just check it out anyway. Rent it. Head on over to Blockbuster and check it out. Pikkkaachuuuu!!!""";;;;;;;;;;;
"344045,""Pokemon! Pokemon! Pokemon! What doesn't have this name on it on the toy market these days? Well obviously the video game industry has it. If you really look beyond the name, Pokemon Snap really isn't a good game. I mean it's sort of a boring and childish game. You sit in this vehicle and take pictures of 63 different Pokemon. I think most don't notice this for two reasons: a.)that it is geared toward a younger gamer b.)it has the name Pokemon and with a name like that it has to be good However, it is not expensive even though it is a hot item and there is no violence or bad values taught by it (like most Pokemon games have). In conclusion, there is much better Pokemon merchandise that this video game.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"355066,""Pokemon Snap for Nintendo 64 is a new and highly original game. It has teriffic graphics, great sound effects, hummable songs, and some of the most fun and original characters I have seen in a video game. The game play is teriffic also. I have never played a game where the goal is to photograph wild animals (Pokemon) on different areas of a mysterious island. You get rated on the quality of your photographs. It is so challenging and frustrating sometimes, that I find myself playing for hours! Me and my friends were amazed at how entertaining this game is. Once you get some great shots, you can even get them printed out onto stickers at a BlockBuster store! It is a fun challenging game that will keep you playing for weeks (or more!)""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"357018,""In the recent wave of Pokemon products they have tried to pass almost everything off, from toys, movies and of course video games. Unlike the actual gameboy game this version involves no fighting, no plot (well such a limited one I consider it nothing) and in general no entertainment. There are, like always, exceptions to this rule and I have known a number of small children who enjoy the game. If you are considering this game for a poke-card collector or other hardcore Pokemon fan you will find them very disappointed and yourself back in the store (the return line this time). The game revolves around taking pictures of the various creatures in a simulated environment from a train. This is everything! I was quite disappointed and glad that I only rented the game at Blockbuster. Blockbuster offers a service where you can bring in saved pictures and print them out (at a goodly profit to the store). The resolution of the game is good but not good enough for pictures. I would much rather spend a similar amount on a real camera and film (you could most likely even get it developed for the cost of the game as well). Nature once again trumps Nintendo for simulation. This is only for some people, most of them are still watching Barney and miss out on the content. How bout a better title for this game: "";Take medium resolution fake pictures and pay $2 to print them out at Blockbuster!"". Avoid it in general..""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"364919,""Pokemon is still a strange phenomenon to me. I really think I missed out on something or maybe I just didn't care enough, who's to say. But either way, the modern pre-adolescent world still revolves around Pokemon, as does Nintendo's economy. Nintendo really knew what they were doing with this thing way before it even left the ground. After the card game took off, video game versions sprouted up everywhere. While the Game Boy has numerous Pokemon games in it's corner, the N64 was devoid of Poke-fun until the release of Pokemon Snap. Up until recently, I didn't even know the difference. When it was released, I almost believed it was a sad attempt to take more money from kids. Kind of like tricking them by releasing a substandard game that undeniably will be eaten up by fans. It looked basically like a game where 3-D versions of the characters ran around the screen and another character took pictures of them. It just didn't seem like much fun. Plus, Blockbuster Video allowed you to bring in your memory card and print your pictures out at the store. I was almost positive that was the whole concept of the game. I thought, "";What fun is it to take pictures of Pokemon, on a game no less, and then drive to Blockbuster just to get little stickers made out of them?" I was glad I was wrong. My 11 year old nephew is really big into this stuff, so he rented Snap one day, and I played it out of sheer curiosity. From about 10 minutes into the game, it started to show through that this just wasn't a cheap marketing attempt by Nintendo. What began to be evident was that thee Big N had delivered a simple but addicting addition the the 64. The game begins with a man named Dr. Oak, a scientist whose entire work revolves around the study of Pokemon. He needs you, a supposed world-renowned photographer, to venture to Pokemon Island to snap some photos for his research. You get points for taking the pictures as you go along. But it is the Pokemon that you get pictures of that keeps this game moving. As you go along through the island, Pokemon will come at you from all directions and you have to get good pictures of them. The point is to get a picture of all the Pokemon in the game, and sometimes this gets a little tough. The more points and pictures you get, the more options become available to you. These options help you to "uncover" some of the more elusive Pokemon. These little things are sometimes a little tricky to find, but it never gets so hard that you get frustrated. The graphics are pretty good considering they don't have to be much in a game like this. All of the creatures and very detailed and are true to form of their card game origins. The Pokemon are cute little characters, and I'll admit that. That's one of the draws of this game. They run around doing cute little things and you have to take pictures of them in the act. It wouldn't be any fun if all they had grimaces on their faces and they were sitting around like bums. The level designs are pretty nice, also. You are always in some bright colorful world as each level goes by. There is always plenty to see in this game. Sometimes you just want to take pictures of other things in the level besides Pokemon because everything looks so nice. Feel free. It actually will help you along in the game later, but I won't talk about that too much here. There isn't much to deal with as far as gameplay is concerned. Your character basically maneuvers on a linear path in an automated little craft that carries you throughout the game. You don't really have to move much except for your camera. What controls you do have to use are responsive and never really get in the way. One bad point to note in this game is the fact that it is so short. Sure, the game is aimed at a younger audience, but even my little nephew blew through this game in an afternoon. I don't think that it would have been too hard to throw in some more levels, and all the Pokemon since not all of them are there. The game doesn't warrant any complaints otherwise, but I state them when I have them. Overall, Pokemon Snap is a pretty good game considering it could have been as horrible as I originally thought it was. I was satisfied with what it had to offer, and my nephew had a great time with it. Although it was easy to get through, it does have a high reply value simply because you can always get that "better picture."" I found myself playing levels 6 or 7 times just because I wasn't satisfied with a couple of snapshots I had. If you are a serious gamer, I would recommend this as a rental just because it won't last long enough for the $50 you'd pay. That is unless your a big Pokemon fan, then I'd say go for it. This game is especially great for children, though. It has a fun theme, popular characters, and it is simple enough to let them have fun but is challenging enough to where they won't be bored after 20 minutes. I think there isn't a kid out there today that wouldn't have a blast with this one. Chakka""";;;;;;;;
"368613,""I am disappointed with the Pokemon craze. I enjoyed the first 2 Gameboy games, but since then, most of the games have been lackluster and boring. I wasn't expecting much from this game, but I was greatly surprised by how entertaining I found this game to be. No one else I know would give this a try, but I tried it, and ended up liking it. Snap is an original idea, and a great puzzle game. I personally don't like puzzle games, but this was different. In the game, you are a famous camera man, and Professor Oak needs your help to capture certain Pokemon on film. Snap was childish, yet difficult. Instead of taking pictures like a manic, the game encourages you to take your time, and search for Pokemon that may be hidden. There are certain goals in the game, which helps in making the player want to play more. There is a lot of replay value, because there are many Pokemon you have to capture on film. The only problems I had with this game were the fixed path you had to take during the game, and the small amount of actual Pokemon featured in the game. There were only about 56 Pokemon in Pokemon Snap, which isn't even half of the 151 Pokemon that exist. There is also a fixed path, that your vehicle takes, through the different Pokemon worlds. For instance, you can't wander off the path and walk up right next to a pokemon, it must come to you! Besides the obvious drawbacks, I found Pokemon Snap fun and entertaining. It had definite replay value, and colorful worlds. The hidden Pokemon were fun to find. The difficulty level was about 6 out of 10, although some Pokemon were really hard to find. I am sure that Pokemaniacs and Gamers alike will thoroughly enjoy this game.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"372654,""Though, of course, that is not the point of the game. ^_^ In Pokemon Snap, you play as Tod, a young photographer enlisted by Professor Oak to take pictures for a report on the mysterious Pokemon. You are given many tools to aid you in your quest: A land rover, Pokemon yummies, devices called "";pester balls" that can be a source of great fun (they're called "pester" balls, after all...so I use them to pester the little critters for no apparent reason whatsoever. ^_^) and a "pokeflute" that enchants the various Pokemon to perform tricks, stunts, or do a happy little dance for you. ^_^ There aren't too many levels, which may make this game seem a might short. However, it takes a lot of effort to get those "perfect" shots. To even get shots of some pokemon requires the use of tools that may have to be acquired after a level is completed, which requires going back through many levels, sometimes many times. There are also "special" shots that require something special done, like hitting something down, or throwing something a certain way. Warning! I am about to reveal some of the most high-scoring shots, and how to obtain them. Surfing Pikachu: Getting a shot of Surfing Pikachu is actually quite easy. However, you need to have the Pokemon food. You simply throw the apple-shaped food toward the surfboard in the beach level to lure the idling Pikachu over there. He'll jump on the surfboard, and VOILA! Surfing Pikachu! Pikachu On A Stump: Pikachu On A Stump can also be obtained in the beach level. This requires continually throwing pester balls into a certain patch of bushes near two stumps to lure out a big, green Scyther (it looks like a big bug). The Scyther will scare up two Pikachus, who will hop up onto the nearby stumps. To add a bonus, play the Pokeflute, and they'll throw around some electricity for you. ^_^ Pikachu On A Ball: In the tunnel level, you will see a Pikachu waiting by a phone. If you snap it's picture, it will run a few feet away and wait. Snap it's picture again, and it will hop up on an Electrode rolling by. Just be sure to snap the picture before Electrode explodes! ^_^ Speed Pikachu: No, it's not what you think. ^_^ In the river level, just before entering the gates at the end, you may catch a glimpse of a Pikachu peeking out from behind a log. Focus on it and manage to snap a photo, and he'll shoot out from behind the log. He's fast, so make sure to be ready to take his picture! Balloon Pikachu: This is one of the more difficult shots in the game. To acquire this shot requires rescuing the little rodent from a Zubat in the cave level who's swooped him up. To do this, you must hit either Zubat or Pikachu when the chance comes up with either Pokemon food, or a pester ball. I recommend the pokemon food, because you can throw them faster. Another thing to do is not to try to follow the Zubat. Stay in one place and throw the apples, and it'll probably end up running into them. When either Pikachu or the Zubat is hit, Zubat will drop Pikachu, and Pikachu will automatically sport balloons holding him up. Say, CHEESE! Pikachu Riding On Articuno's Back: This shot isn't difficult if you have obtained Balloon Pikachu. After rescuing Pikachu, you will see two Jinx around a crystal egg. Play the Pokeflute, and out will hatch a lovely Articuno. After this, you will enter a cave just before the level ends. Turn around here and stay turned around, and you will see Articuno fly in with you-know-who on his back. Jigglypuff Trio On Stage: To obtain this shot requires rescuing the three Jigglypuffs in distress in the cave level. The Jigglypuffs will be chased by Koffings. Your job is to hit the Koffings with either an apple, or a pester ball. This will free the Jigglypuff, who will then fly away. Free all three Jigglypuffs, and at the end of the level, turn to the left in the cave, and you will hear and see a trio of Jigglypuffs floating about and singing their haunting melody. Photographing Mew: The very last level of the game is in the domain of the rarest Pokemon of them all (and the cutest, in my opinion! ^_^), Mew! Mew will appear in his little protective bubble, which you must hit three times. He will then change to a different colored bubble, which also must be hit three times. At this point, he will appear on either side of the screen, but you must turn quickly to that side to be able to get a good shot at him. In order to get a close, clear shot, you must hit Mew with either an apple, or a pester ball. Again, I recommend the apples, because they can be thrown faster. You must keep hitting Mew with the apples until you can get close enough to him to get a good shot. However, he will disappear quickly if you are too close, and he will also disappear shortly after he stops spinning, which is when you can get the best shot. You must photograph him in that split second after he stops and before he disappears. It's tricky, but it can be done. Well, so much for tips. Graphics-wise, this game is very nicely done. The Pokemon work out quite nice in the three-dimensional world, and there are no poorly placed pixels anywhere. The controls are quite simple, and there is plenty of fun to be had in taking unusual pictures along with high-scoring ones. The best picture I've gotten so far is of one Magmar (a fire Pokemon) shooting flames onto another Magmar's behind. Needless to say, the surprised expression on the other one's face is priceless. ^_^ While many photos will go into the Pokemon Report, players can also put pictures that they like into a special Pokemon Album, where they can also attach quotes to the picture, like "Hmm...I smell somethin' cookin'..."" If they still exist, there are also places where players can turn their favorite photos into stickers to put all over their stuff. These booths, if they're still around, can be found at select Blockbuster video stores all around the country. Overall, this game is a blast, as long as one has a little patience. It may take a while to get those perfect shots, but it'll be worth it. And besides, even if you hate Pokemon, you can always get a kick out of running them over in your cruiser and knocking them silly (or unconscious) with apples and pester balls. ^_^""";;
"377412,""Introduction When looking at the Nintendo of today, I realize that they have sunk lower and lower as the years have progressed. Since the days of the mighty NES, they had a good run with the Super Nintendo, but now the Nintendo 64 is here, and Nintendo has produced only two 5-star games (Super Smash Brothers and Mario Party 2, both best played multiplayer). Nintendo appears to have focused more on producing second rate games (Zelda) and blatant Pokemon ripoffs like this.... I mean, do we really need a photo snapping game??? Thats all you do in this game: go around taking pictures of pokemon. Where is the fun in that? The only reason why anyone loves this game probably is because there's Pokemon in it. If this was a regular photo game (without the Pokemon in it) would it have gotten a 9 or 10??? Don't think so. So read on as I expose the TRUTH behind Pokemon Snap. Graphics (8.2/10) Okay, the graphics are pretty good. At least Nintendo didn't screw up on the graphics. The pokemon look pretty good in 3D, and it is a welcome change from seeing them in 2D (like in Pokemon Yellow for Game Boy). Each of the Pokemon look good, and when you focus on them and take their photo the pose they were in remains on the photo. The graphics are the only good thing in this terrible game. Character designs in the game are a mixed bag. All of the Pokemon look great and just like the Game Boy version of them, and they look even better when fully animated in 3D. Also, Ash and the doctor look pretty good, although you don't really get to see them too much in 3D. Definitely the highlights of the graphics in the game are the fact that you get to see the Pokemon in 3D, and those look pretty good. Overall, the character designs are decent. Overall, the graphics in Pokemon Snap are great. The best part of Pokemon Snap are the graphics, especially the character designs, because the various Pokemon look great in 3D. Music and Sound Effects (2.1/10) What is this terrible stuff? Words cannot describe how much I hated the music in this game. It is definitely some of the worst music I have ever heard. The sound effects are not much better, as they got very annoying to listen to after a while. I really am not a fan of the music or sound effects in the game, at all. Music in the game is very annoying. If anybody even likes this music, I want some of what they're smoking, because they have to be smoking to even think of enjoying the horribly repetitive music in the game. Every music piece in the game is terrible and sounds way too kiddy for my tastes. Overall, the music in the game really sucks. Sound effect wise, there are a lot of sound effects in the game but most of them get annoying after a while and very repetitive. The most annoying sound effect in the game is the sound of the camera snapping picture after picture. It really gets annoying after a while. Also, I want to shoot the pokemon after hearing some of their annoying sounds, not snap pictures of them. Overall, the sound effects are very annoying. Overall, I really hated both the music and sound effects in this crappy game. Both were very annoying and repetitive, and I did not enjoy hearing them in the least. Gameplay/Control (0.1/10) Never in my life have I wanted to hit myself after renting this game out. There goes a chance of me playing NBA Courtside 2. The game is not fun at all. All you do is go around taking pictures of Pokemon. Now I am a big fan of the Pokemon games on Game Boy (especially yellow) but the idea of a photo adventure game does not exie me in the least. I mean, whoever thought of this idea needs to be strangled. It is bad enough going around killing enemies (that gets really boring after a while, in my opinion), and it is even worse when you have to take pictures of pokemon. Is not that the worst idea for a video game ever or what? I swear, I do not know what these people were thinking when they made this game. It is clearly another way to milk the Pokemon franchise to death, because there is no redeeming qualities to play this game, besides the fact that you can take pictures of Pokemon, which doesn't matter if you are over the age of 10. You can take your cartridge to Blockbuster Video and print out pictures of the Pokemon you snapped, but does it really matter? Overall, I still have not figured out the point of this terrible game, and probably never will. The fact that the control is tedious and unforgiven does not help this terrible game out any. This was simply another way for Nintendo to make money off the Pokemon franchise, and the tediousness of the game proves this point exactly. If you like Pokemon, bad games, taking pictures, AND boring gameplay, make sure to get this game. if not, stay far away =========================== Other Important Scores =========================== Replay Value: on the level of eating dog poop Sheeyah. I just spent an hour bashing this game, what else am I going to say about the replay value besides the fact that the only replay value of the game is bashing the cartridge itself, because the game inside the cartridge is plain old horrible. Overall, the replay value in the game is terrible. Challenge: To Heck If I ever beat it The challenge is to keep on playing this stinker. I turned it off after half an hour and starting cursing at it, which was bad because I was playing it at Blockbuster Video at the time. The challenge was mostly reduced to snapping pictures of Pokemon. Really, how hard can it possibly be? Overall, this game has decent challenge. GOOD POINTS --------------- -You can play it at Blockbuster to see how horrible it is. -The cover looks okay. -You can see Pokemon in 3D. BAD POINTS ----------------- -What ISN'T a bad point about the game? -You have to take pictures of pokemon! the hell? -Terrible and repetitive music and sound effects. Overall (0.3/10) Overall, I still have not figured out the point of this horrible game, and probably never will. The fact that the control is tedious and unforgiven does not help this crappy game out any. This was simply another way for Nintendo to make money off the Pokemon franchise, and the tediousness of the game proves this point exactly. If you like Pokemon, bad games, taking pictures, AND boring gameplay, make sure to get this game. if not, stay far away""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"377795,""This game is possibly the best rent ever. If you love Pokemon, this is a must-rent. If you don't yet, you will after you play this. The concept behind this game is that you go through 6 levels (plus a hidden level) taking pictures of Pokemon! Sounds boring? It's not.. you get items throughout the game (PokeFood, PokeFlute, etc) and go back to the levels trying to get the perfect picture. The graphics are FANTASTIC, and there are all kinds of secrets to find to help you get great pictures. For example, if you hit certain fire pokemon into a fire pond, it evolves. You don't have to catch all the Pokemon (which is very hard!), but it's fun to try. There's really no "";end"" to the game and no limit on how great the pictures you take can be. The only problem to the game is some of the secrets (a couple of which are required to progress) are very hard to find on your own (but you can find hints at www.gamefaqs.com) and once you do find them, the game is rather short. I've found it's a perfect game for a 5 day rental. If you really love Pokemon, buy it!""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"379047,""When I was a small boy of about 12 a brand new idea was released in America. This idea was known as Pokemon. I immediatly took to this idea because of the wonderful gameboy RPG's. After the gameboy games other Pokemon games began to hit the shelves. I belived any game with the name Pokemon printed across the cover had to be a good game my wallet and I soon learned that this was not so. As soon as the game Pokemon Snap appeared in stores I paid the full $40.00 to purchase it. As soon as I got home I ripped into the package with aspirations of a fun challenging game. One hour later the game was beat and three days later everything that could be done in the game had been done. The first mistake this game had was the price, $40.00 was not a resonable price at all because being geared towards kids about 7-13 this amount is too much when going on allowence alone. Some other mistakes in this game were, the fact that this game had no real goal attached, and the fact it was easily beatible by the kids it was geared toward. To talk about the fact there was no goal I must relate the theme of the game, to take pictures of pokemon to help research them. With this said I show that there is no real gaming goal such as taking out bad guys or saving the world. Throughout the game you are put into a moving vehicle you yourself do not control and you """"snap"""" pictures of pokemon for Professor Oak and he rates them. Another mistake that nintendo made with the creation of this game is the lack of all the pokemon. To me this shows that the makers just wanted to ship this one out as quickly as possible. Before I leave and get called bias I have to relate the best quality of this game, the graphics, the graphics are smooth and obviously the reason this game even a quarter good. I advise all gamers to refrain from buying by title as I mistakingly did and rent a game first.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"381038,""This is a game in which you are Todd, a Pokemon photographer. You have been hired by Professor Oak, because you are one of the best photographers available, and he wants you to take pictures of Pokemon. You go around levels trying to find different secrets, and photograph different Pokemon. Your eventual goal, is to try to photograph the rarest Pokemon, Mew. To get to Mew, you need to have gotten all the items from Professor Oak, Pokemon Food, pester balls, and the Poke Flute. Also you are trying to gain access to all the different levels. After you have completed all of the levels, you try to find certain landmarks. After that, you gain entry to the land of the one and only, Mew. I did not like this game. To me it seemed like a total waste of money. All you basically are doing, is going around, and taking pictures of Pokemon. To me that is very boring. I prefer action games, such as Goldeneye. This is a boring game and I recommend you keep your $50 or so. Do not waste your money on this. What is wrong with this is that it just plain isn't interesting. Once again, I recommend you don't buy this game""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"384541,""This is one of those games that is fun ONCE, and then has no more plot or challenge. There are 63 Pokemon hidden throughout this Pokemon World, and it is your job to take pictures of them all! The better the picture, the higher the score. There are secrets to this game, for example, you can't get a picture of Charizard unless you knock Charmeleon into a mini volcano filled with lava. It is a little bit challenging when you play (that is, if you don't use a cheat guide and you don't get help from your friends). I was entertained by it and I'm 21, and my 30 year old sister enjoyed it as well. But like I said, don't buy it, just rent it. It's fun once. Take your game back to Blockbuster, and print off some stickers, and call it good. Michael Beck""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"385976,""This has got be one of the most boring game for the Nintendo 64 game console. I played this for maybe five minutes and I was bored out of my mind. Who really wants to take Pictures of a Pokemon anyway. I personally cannot see how people can take it, taking pictures of little animals, could it be in more boring. This is probably got to be one of the easiest games to beat for the Nintendo game console too. I have not beat it but I watched another kid do it in about an hour. Oh yeah, then there is the apples that you throw at the pokemon, wow they will do a trick for you. I know that the Pokemon craze is going around but please, no more!""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"387266,""We had been playing Pokemon red and blue for months and when my daughter heard that they were coming out with a Pokemon game for Nintendo 64, she couldn't wait for it to come out. We reserved it early and she eagerly awaited the day it would be released so we could run out and pick it up. The first few days were great. The graphics are wonderful. All 150 Pokemon are not available to take pictures of, which disappointed us, but there are some good ones in there. You play by trying to snap the best pictures and poses. The photos are graded by Professor Oak on size, pose, specials, and whether it is centered or not. She really enjoyed taking the pictures and trying to "";snap"" better pictures the next time. I've even enjoyed playing along with her. (Sometimes I even kept playing after she quit) The knowledge that there could be a better score out there continuously brings me back. However, my daughter seldom plays anymore. She plays occasionally so that she can take her game to Blockbuster and print out stickers at the Snap station. They will also give you a collectable card at that time. (not compatible with the WOTC cards) We also entered the Snap contest with some of our pictures. That really got us playing again! It is a one player game, but my daughter and several friends have played it successfully (with almost no arguments) by taking turns and trying to out-snap each other. All-in-all it is an great game for what it is. I think it probably would be enjoyed more by the younger children for a longer period of time. It doesn't seem to be as challenging as the Gameboy games for kids a little older. This old kid here still loves playing though! We are now eagerly awaiting the release of Pokemon Stadium and hope that it is as good quality as we have come to expect from Nintendo.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"394715,""I hate to admit this, but of all the pokemon stuff we have in our home, this is the only game I can play well! Granted my little boy had to teach me how to play but once I learned I was hooked. Pokemon snap for N64 is yet another toy that parents of young Pokemon trainers have to buy. :) The basic principal of the game is to travel through the 3d worlds of pokemon and take pictures with a virtual camera. Professor Oak will tell you if your photos are good or not and give you points on size, allignment, expression, etc. I'm not a great photographer anyway so why would I think I could play this game? It's fun to search through the virtual worlds looking for the little pocket monsters to photograph them to make sure you get the best shot possible to gain the most points. I'm not really a N64 person so my son had to train me on which button to push to make it do this that or the other. I don't think it's the game in general that causes a child to loose interest, yet that everytime you turn around there is a new Pokemon game or toy on the market that each one is better than the last edition. Pokemon snap is in what we call our electronics drawer with all the other long lost games that are played for a month or two then tossed back for whatever is new. Over the years, I have learned a little trick... When the kids get bored with the newest game, go back to that electronics drawer and say """"hey we haven't played this in awhile"""" COOL MOM!!! works every time.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"401224,""Pokemon is the fad of the late nineties. Nearly everyone has seen it somewhere. The so-called "";Pokemania" has spread through nearly every aspect of life, and now it is on Nintendo 64. The only question is, can it live up to expectations? My brother purchased this game because he owned nearly everything else that involved Pokemon. He basically chose this game to add to his collection. I decided to try it for myself one day and this is what I found out: while it may be cute, the game can get extremely old. The point is to go around and take pictures of the various Pokemon, earning points for things such as quality, distance, and how rare a certain pose is to find. For example, the player can get a picture of Pikachu standing, but for more points he can capture him in poses such as riding a Pokeball or surfboard. It seems easy enough, but then once you acquire enough pictures, you have to start trying to find "signs,"" which I had no idea about. It's fun when there's nothing else to do, but the game gets boring after a while.""";;;;;;;;;;
"401288,""This game is the best pokemon game on the N64. This game is challenging to get some pictures of pokemon. the game is great. It doesn't have all 151 pokemon.the game is great when you first get it. Its so good when you beat it. pikachu is looks so cool when hes on the electrode. Snap is rated E for everyone. its the first pokemon game on the Nintendo 64.I didn't even rent it,I just bought it. the game is to take the best shot of a pokemon. to get high points and get the pokemon food the pester ball and the poke flute. I like it. you try to get all the pokemon pictures and the signs. But I try to go to rainbow cloud to take good pictures of Mew.the game is so great i will just keep playing it.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"402903,""I am basically writing this review to convince all of you parents out there with kids obsessed with Pokemon to buy this game for them. First of, I am extremely impressed with the new Pokemon Snap game. I didn't exactly like it that much, but my cousins rave endlessly about it. Both of my little buddies (5 and 7 years of age) have been playing this game for hours and hours everyday. They are really into the Pokemon craze";" the TV shows, the gameboy games, and the card game. In some cases, these shows and games can be very influential on the minds of young kids, especially since they like it so much. This can be a terrible thing, considering violence it contains. As I was reading TIME Magazine one night, a letter to the editor about Pokemon grabbed my attention. It said (sorry I don't have the article right now but If I find It I'll update this review), look at all of the killers and rapists that exist in are nation right now, and they grew up on fairy tales. Imagine what the world will be like when the kids that obsess over Pokemon are the adults? I think that whoever wrote this article makes a great point. Pokemon Snap is the first Pokemon product that takes a step away from the violence that all of the other ones contain. Instead of raising monsters to kill other ones, you take pictures of pokemon. You are a young photographer that is collecting pictures for a scientist who is studying pokemon. The object is to go through the levels and take pictures of the little monsters running around. When you think about it, they way that you are taking pictures is the same thing as going through the levels of doom games and trying to shoot people with a gun instead of a camera. You have a crosshair in the middle of the screen, and you get more points for taking a shot of a Pokemon that is right in the middle of it, just like the enemy will die in doom if you aim your weapon properly when firing. So to all you parents out there who can't decide what to do about there kids naging for Pokemon things, I recommend you buy this over anything, due to its lack of violence.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;
"406009,""I bought this for my son's 4th birthday and he had the game mastered and finished within a couple of days. Luckly, with the Pokemon craze he didn't care and started right back over playing it. As soon as you get all the characters pictures and take pictures of the signs the game is over. This is not a long drawn out game, once you know where the pokemons are hiding there is nothing more to do. They are always in the same spot wether it is your first game or your one hundreth game. I don't advise purchasing this game, but a five day rental at the movie store would be great. I think after five days you'll be ready to give it back and feel very thankful you didn't spend the fifty dollars on it. It is a cute game for a child who likes to repeat things, but for the average child most would find it pretty boring. In the game for so many pictures taken you will receive an apple [pokemon food], a pester ball [can change or uset pokemon], a flute [makes pokemon dance] and a motor [makes your cart move faster]. The idea of the game is to take the best Pokemon pictures you can. You get scored by prof. Oak on size, pose, and if it is in the center.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"408444,""I admit it! We did NOT buy this game. Having a smallish game budget, we always rent games first. Especially for Nintendo 64, since the games are invariably more expensive than for Playstation or PC. We rented this game for three days for my sons, who are 6 and 7. They (not US, THEY) beat the game twice before we took it back. That's when I decided we would not be buying this game. It's replayability factor is practically nil. Once you know the "";secrets" of finding all the Pokemon or evolving them, there's nothing left to do. And I had a hard time getting them to understand that not all the Pokemon in the game can evolve, so they kept trying to evolve Pikachu and Squirtle, and were upset that it didn't work. I actually like the concept. It's great to have a game for the kids that doesn't involve killing stuff. If they had the ability to add an "expansion" with more Pokemon, and more challenging levels, it might be worth another look. But I don't think that's probable, and maybe not even possible. My kids and I had a lot of fun trying to get pictures of Pikachu on a surfboard, or getting Electrode to explode. But once you do it, well, you did it. It's over. Doing it again is just boring. A game can be too easy, even for little kids. My "recommend to friends"" means I recommend that you rent, not buy, as the game is fun the first time you play.""";;;;;;;;
"420557,""This is one game I highly recommend for young children. This game has absolutely no violence and has a high cute factor which is especially important in my determination of which games are appropriate for children under the age of 12. Pokemon snap involves the player riding around in a Poke-mobile taking pictures of pokemon that are around on the six levels. If you snap pictures of all pokemon on all of the levels then you get to move onto Rainbow bridge to try to capture a picture of Mew, the rarest pokemon of them all. One interesting factor is that some pokemon are hidden around the levels and you have to lure them out with food, music or pester them out with a pester ball. These latter items you earn after snapping pictures of a certain number of pokeman. Once you've obtained the appropriate number of snapshots, then you go back to the lab to Visit Professor Oak who rewards your efforts with one of these items. This game held my daughters 11 and 14 captive for hours. They were trying to see who could snap the better pictures. The game did seem to get tiresome for them after awhile, but for myself, I thoroughly enjoyed playing for hours. I think the fact that this game requires not thought on the part of an adult, helps after a stressful day at work. The allure is that some of the potential poses are really cute, while others are a little tricky to get. And there are a couple of Pokemon that are hidden so well, that trial and error are the only way to lure them out. That or get on the internet to find cheats(which I needed to locate Gyrados). I love the fact that this game has absolutely no violence and is easy to catch on to. The difficulty for smaller children can be in learning to control the new joystick on the N64. Okay, you've discovered my secret, I'm a sucker for Pokemon. Although they have no true redeeming qualities and a lot of adults think they and their games are annoying, I think they are cute.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"421039,""This game could Quite Possably be the WORST game ive ever played and ive played alot of games I mean a chess game is packed with more excitement than than this the whole game Is sitting there Taking PICTURES of POkeMon Pokemon Is really lame To Begin with! But this just takes LAMENESS to a NEw Level! You get sit there In a Set path never straying from it With a time limit and picture limit to take as many as you can and after youve taken all those pictures you can only choose ONE to give to professor Oak Which Makes it Semi-Hard to deal with since you can onnly give him one and you have to take about 10 pictures per board...This game Sucks Dont Buy it if you havent already dont even waste your money renting it..""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"424385,""Pokemon Snap is a fun game for all ages, even if you don't like Pokemon. I'm not a Pokemon fan, but I enjoyed this game. It is a safari of the Pokemon world. Your goal is to take the best pictures possible of as many different Pokemon as you can see. Some of the methods used to get certain Pokemon to show themselves are quite involved. Your pictures are scored according to their distance from the subject, angle, and pose. You have the opportunity to play each of the six levels as many times as you like to improve your score. The graphics are great. You feel like you're really there. This game has two drawbacks. One is that you have no control over the movements of the vehicle in which you travel. The second is that the game is too short with only six levels. You may get tired of it quickly.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"424708,""Pokemon Snap is one of the worst games I've ever played. It might be worth a rental but you would be crazy to buy this. At first the game isn't that bad but then it starts getting repetitive. You'll play it for a couple hours and you'll never want to touch it again. There are only a few levels to choose from and after you master each one (which takes 10 minutes) you'll find it's not worth it to play anymore. In the game you take pictures of Pokemon on Pokemon island and Professor Oak will rate your pictures depending on the size of the Pokemon, if it's in the center, and it's technique. Although the game is unique, that's not necessarily a good thing. Many parents will buy it for their little tykes because it's Pokemon and little kids will enjoy it. But if your a hardcore gamer who wants to have fun, don't touch this pathetic piece of junk.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"427032,""OK, I know Pokemon is all the rage with the kids. I have two of my own, and that's all I hear about these days. So, of course, we had to try Pokemon Snap when it came out. Yes, the game is good for younger kids, who enjoy the thrill of trying to take pictures of the different Pokemon. For that matter, they just get a thrill out of seeing the different Pokemon and teasing their mother because she doesn't know the names of them all. However, it doesn't take long before they're pulling the game out of the system and popping a different game in. I'm glad I rented the game and tried it out. Actually, many times that's how I decide on whether to actually purchase the game or not. I pretty much know when I'm going on about the 3rd rental at Blockbuster, that the game is a real keeper and worth investing the $50+ in. However, this was not one of those games. Unfortunately, the thrill of trying to get better and better pictures everytime you pass the same character, in the same field, becomes old fast. Even for the young kids. I will say though, that the graphics are pretty good on this video. Also, if you're in the market for a game that is not the typical "";Shoot em up"" kind of game, this game succeeds in that area. Unfortunately, I think that's about all this game has going for it.""";;;;;;;;;;;;
"434416,""Pokemon Snap should not even be considered a real game! There is no action, no challenge, or even problem solving, you can't even learn something from it! This game consists of riding around in a cart on a track and taking pictures of pokemon. These pictures are then rated by their appearance, and things like whether or not the pokemon are facing you or if their centered in the pictures. That's the extent of this game!! My 9 year old sister, who adores pokemon, even thought this game was dumb! So do yourself a favor and don't waste your time or money! (or rent it first and see how you like it.)""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"436980,""Nintendo has one of the greatest marketing departments in the world. These guys know how to sell you something, and then sell it to you 6 more times with a new name and a different wrapper. The most famous of these would be the Pokemon phenomenon. Pokemon was a TV show, then two Gameboy games, then a third? the list goes on until now you have people with shoes and colognes (exaggeration) with a Pokemon on it. This was all fine and dandy, and to the people who like this sort of thing, well that?s your decision. But when Nintendo created a game based solely around photographing the little critters they have gone to far, but now to the actual game. Pokemon Snap is a Nintendo 64 game where the sole purpose of the game is to photograph Pokemon. At first I thought, well that?s an interesting idea, walk around and take pictures of all these Pokemon, good entertainment value and all that. I was quite surprised to find that when you play the game you are restricted to this little cart on a track, and the game is completely linear, you go through it once, and you?ve seen it all, at least if your attentive. That?s not to say that you can?t re-play it and find new things, but you will quickly run out of new things. The gameplay is absolutely horrendous, or more specifically non-existent. You sit in your little cart and take pictures of Pokemon? that?s about it, you can do a couple of things like throw food at them and play a flute? but there?s really not much to it. There are no other options in the game, and its not as if you can hop out of your cart and roam around, so it pretty much looses its entertainment value rather quickly. One of the features that did make the game interesting was the fact that your pictures are scored, so you can at least go through and try and take better pictures, or out score your friend, but pictures can only get so good, and you quickly reach a photographing pinnacle. The game does sport some fairly done graphics, nothing spectacular, but enough to keep you entertained for a little while at least. The music, as in most Pokemon games quickly got tiring, and listening to your camera snap time after time in mind numbing, so my advice would be to turn the sound off, or at least turn the volume down All in all id say that this game may be entertaining for at least the first run through for adolescents and adults, and a couple of times for children, but it has a very short shelf life, and is not a very wise investment because soon your children will be asking for something else, already done with Pokemon Snap. My advice is to rent the game, and should your children want it again, rent it again, but I guarantee that you will save money renting rather than buying.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"443770,""Although I am not into Pokemon, I really had a great time playing this game. In fact, until now I completely steered clear of Pokemon, but I saw this game and decided to try it out. My hobby is scrapbooking. Just as the goal to Pokemon Snap, you compile your best pictures into an album. Obviously the subjects are different, but the basic idea of getting a lot of great shots is the same. The game itself is pretty repetetive. Your character sits in a cart with a camera and you are supposed to take pictures of any Pokemon you see on the way. As the game proceeds and you take better pictures of new Pokemon, new paths open up and you get "";tools" to help you take better pictures. These tools include Pokemon bait, a pester ball, a flute, and a turbo speed for your cart. Different Pokemon react to different tools. That's part of the challenge of the game, to figure out how to get the best shot of each Pokemon. I will admit, we rented this game for a five day period. The first night we spent probably five hours playing this game. Which we did "win"". However, just because you have all the paths clear and you get congratulated, the game doesn't end. You can go back to get even better shots of the Pokemon you already have in your report. In real life, you rarely get the chance to go back and take another picture of special events. The graphics were very good. I enjoyed watching what was going to happen next. The sound effects would give you hints as to where to point the camera. I don't think I would spend a lot of money to buy this game, but I did enjoy renting it. I will rent it again, after I've tried some more N64 games (we just got the system). And if I find a good deal, I would like to add Pokemon Snap to my video game library.""";;;;;;;;;;
"446044,""In the adventure of Pokmon Snap"; you get to play as Todd (or Snap) and your quest is to capture the best photographs of all pokmon in the game! Throughout the levels you are given certain items to make this easier; and there are many hidden surprises and bonus poses you can try out on all sorts of pokmon! I wouldn't recommend buying the game; since anyone over the age of 10 could easily beat the game in a weekend rental. But it is worth renting; playing; and buying some Blockbuster Snap cards to get your pictures printed out in sticker form :) I've personally used my Snap stickers to decorate my Pokmon card binder; and if I were young enough to do so;" I'd enter one of my Chansey pictures into the Pokmon Snap contest Nintendo is holding. Anyhow, back to the review :) This game is definately something any pokmon fan should see, although purchasing it would probably just be a big waste of money.""";;;;;;;
"450364,""I hate pokemon and when I tried this game at Blockbuster it just drove me away from it even more. I can't stand the way you just move around in your vehicle and you can't stop or turn around, if you were in a real car or whatever, you could stop, slowdown, and turn around, but not in this game. Pokemon just makes absolutely no sense to me. The game does have some pros though. It can help them learn ho to take good pictures and just help to pass the time, but I really just don't like the game. In my opinion it is one of the worst games ever created.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"450916,""Pokemon Snap is a wonderful game full of excitement! Who wouldn't want to take quick pictures of adorable creatures. Kids love this pokemon game and even adults could find this game neat. This game involves skill and the quickness of your thumb. A good thing about this is that you can continue to play this game even if you have taken all of the pokemon's pictures. A con of this game is that if you don't live near a blockbuster video store, it will be hard to print out your pictures.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"451173,""Pokemon snap is great for any future photographers out there, but based on all the pokemon games that came out before (such as the game boy games, and pikachu starring in Super Smash Bros.) Pokemon Snap is a drag. I mean, Pokemon is known for the fighting and all the pokeballs and that you "";Gotta catch em' all!" not "Gotta take pictures of em' all!"" This game has very good graphics, and it's fun to see how many good pictures you can take, like of a electrode exploding, or an eevee chasing a chansey. What I thought was disappointing is that not all 150 pokemon are featured in the game. I mean, if they can fit MORE than 150 pokemon on GAMEBOY, they could fit 400 on N64!!! And another thing: why can't you walk around the 3-d world and have a map with you, instead of being in a cart on a track? If you could walk around, into the bushes, in shallow water, you could get many more neat pictures! All in all, this game is a great family game, but it gets boring after a while.""";;;;;;;;;;
"453074,""When my friend first told me that he bought Pokemon Snap, I questioned him because I thought all Pokemon games were bad. I found out that the game was actually quite fun when I started playing it though, because all the game is about is perfecting your pictures of the little creatures. This I though was fun, and we played it for about 4 hours straight (one hour was spent just trying to find the last Pokemon), and then beat it. I thought """"Ok, next world"""" after I got a picture of Mew, but there was no next world. Instead there were """"challenge scores"""" that you had to try to beat. I beat those right away, and that was the whole game. The game has potential to be very good, but instead the people who created it did a minimalist job because they knew people would buy it no matter how hard they worked on it, due to the Pokemon name. If the programmers just added another world with the remainder of the Pokemon, then this game could have been quite good. Therefore, I conclude that this game could have been good if there had been more levels and more Pokemon, but instead the people at Nintendo decided to screw it up and put no effort into it. I say it would be bad to purchase, but a perfect game to rent for the weekend.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"454835,""Ok I hate Pokemon I think it's the dumbest, gay-est, kiddy thing ever. Yet Pokemon snap I think is like no other pokemon game, and the game would do really bad, if it had the same Game play, music, control yet in stead of taking pictures of Pokemon you took Pictures of monster's. But any way the first time I played this game was at a friends house and yes I never did buy it, yet still enjoyed it. Game play: Going around taking pictures of Pokemon might sound boring yet it's allot of fun, with about 7 different levels and nice graphics I would recommend it, to a Pokemon Freak or Human. The only real Problem that it's pokemon and you stay on a course. You take Picture's of Pokemon while you stay in a little cart like thing and you stay on course you can't even stop. The better the picture's are the more points you get and at the end it count's them. It's fun to play your friend to see who can get the most points. You can also throw apples and some kind of stick bomb to make the pokemon do cool stuff. Overall I would say about 7/10 Graphics: Smooth, very 3-d, some of the best. The Pokemon look great with some detail and not flat or chunky just nice and smooth. 8/10 Sound: Sound is great and the Pokemon sound like they should, also, so does the area that you are in. 8/10""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"456992,""I don't think people give too much credit for Poke'mon Snap. Sure, it's not the best game, but I think it's cool. I mean I don't even watch the show, and I like it. If you want to get Poke'mon Snap, you wouldn't be making a bad choice. I mean sure people say it isn't all that good, but it's ok. I don't know why people think that, but I hope you don't. Choosing what YOU want to do is the right decition, whether you do or don't. Basically you're in different types of land trying to photo poke'mon with your camera. Somewhat challenging, but it's fun to do. I say this is a good game and should be given more credit, but choose what you want to do, it's not my choice.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"457590,""Well, some franchises just can't wait to grow. Pokemon, for example, has been out less than two years in the United States, and already there are seven titles available here. In Japan, where it has been out around for around five years, they have eleven that I know of. Perhaps the most different is this one, Pokemon Snap. The idea of the game is that you still want to catch all of them. But instead of the traditional Poke Balls that fans of the game and series are familiar with, you want to catch them on film. This is rather unique - while some games have had modes where you could take snap shots of the screen, never before have I encountered a game where it was the whole point. Not only that, but its an opportunity for those who don't like the traditional RPG to enjoy Pokemon. However, there is one serious problem with all of this. Each level is always the same. You will always go through the same route, and you will always see the same Pokemon. You do accumulate more items through the game, but these don't really affect the levels greatly - you get about half of the Pokemon this way, but it's not that amazing. After you get those items, you get one or two runs through a level as something new, but in the end it still is the same level, with the same single route you follow, with the same Pokemon. Fortunately, these Pokemon are wonderfully rendered. I am familiar with all of them through the Game Boy games, and they looked much like I expected them to. Not only that, but the backgrounds look like you'd expect - trees look mostly like trees, and the power plant in particular looked like what one would expect. Only the cave, which seemed to lack usual cave features like mold, stalactites, or stalagmites, could be said to be seriously lacking. The sound of the game is very ambient - unless you concentrate very hard on it, you're not going to remember it afterwards. The effects are nice, although some of the Pokemon voices, such as Charmander's, get annoying. Other than that, you could just place on an album of your choice and not even notice the difference. The control is very clean. Aiming the camera is relatively simple, and you just have to press the trigger button to snap a picture. A separate button is used to zoom, so you can line up your shot perfectly, or you can shoot from the hip, whichever you prefer. There are also items that you get to throw on the field, but those are more difficult to aim, as you don't have the zoom option to throw them. Instead, you can throw them rapidly and hope that they hit their target, which is still fairly easy. The game's controls have a very small learning curve, and it only takes a couple of minutes to have it down like a pro. The shots themselves can range from the ordinary - a Slowpoke just sitting there - or the amazing - like a surfing Pikachu. However, since the shots just require some forethought to set up, they are fairly simple to accomplish. you just need to patience to go through a board about twice, which isn't difficult since the boards only last a couple of minutes at most. For beginners and those new to the Pokemon craze, this is perhaps a good game to start out on. The controls are simple and intuitive, and you don't need the strategy or the reading skills that the other Pokemon games require. However, experienced gamers will quickly get bored with the repetitive play and little variation the game presents. For a rental, its a good choice, but only pick this up for the inexperienced or the absolute Pokemon fanatic, those that will love anything with Pokemon in it.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"458930,""My son loves Pokemon. Everything on his Christmas list this year was Pokemon. So, of course, I bought him Pokemon Snap for his N64. It's a really great game in some ways, there's no violence, it's a photo safari. You take a trip and take pictures of the different Pokemon. Then the pictures are rated and you get points for them. There is a problem though, my son, who is twelve was able to get all the way through the game in two days. It's probably too easy for the older child but I can see where it might keep a younger child occupied for a long time.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"462584,""Hi! My name is a very good one, but unfortunately I cannot tell you it. I live in the great state of New Jersey. Yeah - New Jersey!! I am writing this article on exactly what the title says. I am writing this epinion on ? Pokemon Snap an OK Game. I think this game is ok. It is not great because of the fact that it has absolutely no challenge to it. You don?t have any trouble getting from place to place because you are in an auto moving cart and the Pokemon are right in front of you. It is hard to find the last level because you have to look for certain clues. That is all I am going to write on Pokemon Snap right now. Be sure to look at some of my other epinions.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"463216,""Ah yes, the Pokemon craze is upon up and Nintendo has again tried to lure more money out of our pockets by producing a very simplistic and pretty boring game. All you do is get pulled around in some little train and take photos of the Pokemon, and about half of them aren't even in the game. You also have little rocks or something that you toss around in order to get them to pose or run around, yay. I guess this game is worth a rent since it will take a few hours to get every pokemon, but do the kids really want to sit there for a few hours to get them all? I highly doubt it, it's just like trying to catch all the pokemon in a sense but they've been there and done that. The only cool thing about this game is you can take your saved photos, head over to a Blockbuster Video, and for a certain price, print the photos onto some cards. I never did it, whats the use? A nice little novelty for your kid but this will wear out in 10 minutes. The game is definitley not worth buying, posibly a decent rent, but thats all. Enjoy.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"463238,""Ah yes, the Pokemon craze is upon up and Nintendo has again tried to lure more money out of our pockets by producing a very simplistic and pretty boring game. All you do is get pulled around in some little train and take photos of the Pokemon, and about half of them aren't even in the game. You also have little rocks or something that you toss around in order to get them to pose or run around, yay. I guess this game is worth a rent since it will take a few hours to get every pokemon, but do the kids really want to sit there for a few hours to get them all? I highly doubt it, it's just like trying to catch all the pokemon in a sense but they've been there and done that. The only cool thing about this game is you can take your saved photos, head over to a Blockbuster Video, and for a certain price, print the photos onto some cards. I never did it, whats the use? A nice little novelty for your kid but this will wear out in 10 minutes. The game is definitley not worth buying, posibly a decent rent, but thats all. Enjoy.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;
"463506,""What an easy game. This game is great, I have to tell you, but to find em all, you need about an hour. If you've got little pokemaniac 4 year olds, this games a challenge for them. I have to admit, the part where you hit the little Squirtles over a mountain got me annoyed for awhile. If you are going to play this game, rent it. If you like it, rent it again. It's not worth buying. And after you find all of the pokemon (cough only 63 cough cough) you can do the challenge scores.. which actually take about an hour to complete. If you are a die hard pokemon fan, your going to end up spending more on the Blockbuster pokemon snap station for stickers than you are buying pokefood from the local grocery store. Well kids: you want 5 minute fun, get it. Looking for a more lasting game? Get pokemon Yellow, which actually is tougher than Red and Blue.""";;;;;;;;;;;;;;