Of course, every language starts with the basics.
The first thing you have to do is create a new project, to do so:
1- Make a folder anywhere after installing dotlang
2- Open the terminal in that folder you have created
3- type in: dot new
and output should be:
4- now open main.dot
in any of your favourite code editors (e.g. VS Code, Notepad++, etc.)
5- you're gonna see the first line Import-Module .\dot.ps1
, do NOT touch it, this will import dotlang.
6- you're now ready to learn the basics!!
To print a text on the screen simply,
printTxt("Hi I'm dotlang!"); # semicolons are optional.
To print a warning text (yellow and followed by the word WARNING:) simply,
printWarning("This is a test!"); # Output: WARNING: This is a test!
ever thought of showing an error to the user? well you can! simply,
printError("This is just a test!");
yeah! text with your own custom color! simply,
printColored "I'm green!" "Green";
your code takes time to execute? no worries just simply use,
printProgress "Activity" "Status";
That's it for basic commands!