This app is useful to simply try out the RNTP features or as a basis for implementing new features and/or bugfixes.
git clone
cd react-native-track-player
yarn build
cd example
cd ios && pod install && cd ..
If you want to use the example project to work on features or bug fixes in the core library then there are a few things to keep in mind.
If you want to work on the typescript files located in src
(in the root
project) you should run
yarn dev
The above command will automatically watch for changes int the src
and recompile them while you work. Then they'll get automatically reloaded
in a running instance of the example
app so you can see your changes.
It's recommended that you make your changes directly in XCode. Which you can open quickly by running one of the following commands:
From inside the example
yarn ios:ide
From the root directory:
yarn example ios:ide
Once opened you can simply navigate to the native dependencies, open their source files, modify them, or add breakpoints. See the screenshots below for specifically how to navigate to react-native-track-player and SwiftAudioEx dependencies (see screenshots below).
You can modify any android native code for RNTP by simply opening the example android project in Android Studio and modifying the source:
macOS Ex
From inside the example
yarn android:ide
From the root directory:
yarn example android:ide
If you need to resolve a bug that exists in KotlinAudio
you'll need to build
and install a local version of KotlinAudio
in order to do so. Here's how:
git clone
cd KotlinAudio
./gradlew -x test build publishToMavenLocal
Make a note of the versionNumber
configured in the kotlin-audio/build.gradle
file as you'll need this in the next step.
The result of this is a local version of the build published here:
Windows: C:\Users\<user_name>\.m2 Linux: /home/<user_name>/.m2 macOS: /Users/<user_name>/.m2
-x test
skips tests for faster build. Make sure you run the test before submitting a PR to theKotlinAudio
Please note that <version_number>
below will need to be replaced with the
you got from KotlinAudio/kotlin-audio/build.gradle
// react-native-track-player/android/build.gradle
dependencies {
// implementation 'com.github.DoubleSymmetry:KotlinAudio:v0.1.33' // this is remote
implementation 'com.github.doublesymmetry:kotlin-audio:<version_number>' // this is local
NOTE: there are small differences in the package naming.
cd ./example
yarn android
🎊 You've done it. 🎊