Need to install operator-sdk first.
After modifying the undermoon_types.go
run the following to generate codes:
> make update-types
> make lint
Use kind to run Kubernetes locally.
> make kind-env
This will also create a registry on localhost:5000
When you need to remove
See the uploaded images:
> make list-images
The undermoon image should be renamed and pushed to localhost:5000/undermoon_test
Build from undermoon repository:
> git clone
> cd undermoon
> docker-build-test-image
> docker tag undermoon_test:latest localhost:5000/undermoon_test
> docker push localhost:5000/undermoon_test
> make debug-build
Run e2e tests:
> make e2e-test
Clean up the environment when the test fails:
> make cleanup-e2e-test
Run the operator in Kubernetes:
> make debug-run
Create the Undermoon CRD:
> make debug-start
See the pods we created:
> kubectl get pods
See the logs of the operator:
> make debug-logs
Change the Undermoon CRD we created:
> make debug-edit
Cleanup the environment after debugging:
> make debug-stop
Run an image with curl
and jq
to debug the broker:
> make run-redis-cli
Run redis-cli
to access the redis cluster service:
> make run-redis-cli
The chao test uses Helm Charts package.
There's a checker service that will keep accessing the cluster
and check the data.
Note that due to limited resources in PC,
failover could happen and cause INCONSISTENT DATA
Build the checker images:
> make docker-build-checker-image
Install the operator and create the Undermoon CRD:
> make install-helm-package
Run the checker that stops on error:
> make install-undermoon-checker
Or run the checker that doesn't stop on error and keeps printing success rate:
> make install-undermoon-chaos-checker
Get the logs of the checker:
> make checker-logs
Then we can keep scaling the cluster and create some failures:
> pip install -r chaostest/ctrl_requirements.txt
# Run without killing pods
> make test-ctrl
# Run with killing pods
> make test-chaos-ctrl
Stop the checker
> uninstall-undermoon-checker
Remove the Undermoon CRD and operator:
> make uninstall-helm-package