I strongly advise, you try this first in the coinbase sandbox, in which you can play with money, without spending real money.
- sign up for a 'coinbase sandbox account' at https://sandbox.coinbase.com/signup
Once you got it all running and have fully understood it, you can switch to PRODUCTION=True
in config.py, and instead of the sandbox ... connect it to a real coinbase account at https://www.coinbase.com/signup - and start earning real money.
To be able to create a 'checkout' via API:
- fill in your 'merchant profile' until you get a green
'Your merchant profile has been updated.'
at https://sandbox.coinbase.com/settings/api --> Create New API key
- with permission:
- Create. Then 'show' the 'API Key details'
- with permission:
into configPrivate.py (that file is in .gitignore, so that it is not committed to git).
Prepare the server, install dependencies, etc - see 'VPS ... dependencies'.
clone this from github
git clone https://github.com/drandreaskrueger/buyme.git
cd buyme
The db.sqlite3 database has to be initialized once:
python manage.py makemigrations buyme
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
And the static files made available:
python manage.py collectstatic
python manage.py runserver
Now you can try all the URLs in the cloud. In my case the base url is: