Here we provide the pseudocode for generate keys in NTRUencypt.
credits: Some functions are from
In sagemath we have,
# key generation
# generate a list with d+1 ones and d minus ones
Zx.<x> = ZZ[]
def T(d1,d2,N):
import random
Zx.<x> = ZZ[]
a = d1*[1]
b = d2*[-1]
c = (N-d1-d2)*[0]
L = flatten([a,b,c])
return L,Zx(L)
# step 1, generation of private keys (f,g)
def private_keys(N,d):
f = T(d+1,d,N)
g = T(d,d,N)
return f[1],g[1]
# step 3,4: compute the inverses of f in R_p and R_q
def CenterLift(f,q,N):
f_balanced = list( ((f[i]+q//2)%q) -q//2 for i in range(N))
return Zx(f_balanced)
def Invertmodprime(f,p,N): #p must be prime
T = Zx.change_ring(Integers(p)).quotient(x^N-1)
return Zx(lift(1/T(f)))
def Invertmodpowerofprime(f,q,e,N): # we compute the inverse of f in R_m where m = q ^ e, and q is a prime number
F = Invertmodprime(f,q,N)
if e == 1:
return F
n = 2
while e>0:
temp = Convolution_in_R(F,f,N);
F = Convolution_in_R_p(F,2-temp,N,q^n);
e = floor(e/2)
n = 2*n
return F
def Convolution_in_R(f,g,N):
return (f*g)%(x^N-1)
def Convolution_in_R_p(f,g,N,p):
h = (f*g)%(x^N-1)
h1 = list( (h[i]%p) for i in range(N) )
return Zx(h1)
def gen_keys(N,d,p,q,e): # N,p primes,
#if d >= ((q^e-p)/(6*p)).n():
# print d , ((q^e-p)/(6*p)).n()
# return "choose a smaller d or larger N or q^e",d,(q^e-p)/(6*p).n()
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Oops! there is not inverse of f in R_q")
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("Oops! there is not inverse of f in R_p")
Fq = Invertmodpowerofprime(f,q,e,N)
h = Convolution_in_R_p(Fq,g,N,q^e); # public key
print("checking if f is inverted modq...",Convolution_in_R_p(f,Fq,N,q^e)==1)
return f,g,h
For instance see
For the encryption we use the following pseudo code
We provide the code for encryption and decryption,
# choose a random message
left = ceil(-p/2)
right = floor(p/2)
M = Zx([randint(left,right) for i in range(N)])
#print("the message M:",M) # the message
r = T(d,d,N) #ephemeral key
#show("the ephemeral key r:",r)
### Encryption
e1 = Convolution_in_R_p(h,p*r[1],N,q^exponent)
e = e1 + M;
print('the encryption e:',e)
### Decryption
m = q^exponent;
a = Convolution_in_R_p(f,e,N,m)
a = CenterLift(a,m,N)
Fp = Invertmodprime(f,p,N)
dec = CenterLift(b,p,N)
print(dec==M) #we check if we find the message m(x)