diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/android/sv-SE/full_description.txt b/fastlane/metadata/android/sv-SE/full_description.txt index 2f4ed04a..202c3acb 100644 --- a/fastlane/metadata/android/sv-SE/full_description.txt +++ b/fastlane/metadata/android/sv-SE/full_description.txt @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ Waterfly III är en inofficiell app för din egna instans av Firefly III, en fri och öppen finanshanterare. -Denna app kräver en egen Firefly III instans på din egna server, besök https://www.firefly-iii.org/ för mer information om programvaran. Detta är endast en medföljande app och kan inte köra utan en Firefly III instans! +Denna app kräver en självhostad Firefly III-instans på din egen server, vänligen besök https://www.firefly-iii.org/ för mer information om programvaran. Detta appen kan inte köras fristående! Funktioner: -- Kontrollpanel med diagram & budgetöversikt +- En dashboard med diagram & budgetöversikt - Transaktionslista med filter -- Lägg till och redigera transaktioner med autocomplete, inklusive bilagor, delade transaktioner och stöd för flera valutor -- Stöd för spargrisar (visa och lägg till pengar) -- Notifikationslyssnartjänsten kan enkelt skapa nya transaktioner baserat på inkommande meddelanden (t.ex. från Google Pay eller din bankapp) -- Helt öppen källkod: https://github.com/dreautall/waterfly-iii -- Inga annonser eller trackers +- Lägg till & redigera transaktioner med autokomplettering, inklusive bilagor, delade transaktioner & stöd för flera valutor +- Stöd för "Piggy Bank" (visa & lägg till pengar) +- Tjänst för att lyssna av notifikationer för att enkelt skapa nya transaktioner baserade på inkommande notifikationer (t.ex. från Google Pay eller din bankapp) +- Fullständigt öppen källkod: https://github.com/dreautall/waterfly-iii +- Inga annonser eller spårare -Bidra: +Bidrag: -Om du stöter på en bugg eller saknar en funktion, får du gärna ge feedback i play store, skicka mig ett mail eller öppna ett ärende på GitHub. \ No newline at end of file +Om du stöter på ett fel eller saknar en funktion, tveka inte att ge feedback i Play Store, skicka ett e-postmeddelande till mig eller öppna ett ärende på GitHub. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb b/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb index ce501f85..9acbef82 100644 --- a/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb +++ b/lib/l10n/app_sv.arb @@ -1,854 +1,1122 @@ { - "@@locale": "sv", - "@@x-reference": true, - "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Plånbok", - "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditkort", - "@accountRoleAssetCC": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Förvalt tillgångskonto", - "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Sparkonto", - "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" - }, - "accountRoleAssetShared": "Delat tillgångskonto", - "@accountRoleAssetShared": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" - }, - "accountsLabelAsset": "Tillgångskonton", - "@accountsLabelAsset": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelExpense": "Kostnadskonton", - "@accountsLabelExpense": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Skulder", - "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" - }, - "accountsLabelRevenue": "Intäktskonton", - "@accountsLabelRevenue": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" - }, - "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% ränta per {period, select, weekly{vecka} monthly{månad} quarterly{kvartal} halfyear{halvår} yearly{år} other{okänd}}", - "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { - "description": "Interest in a certain period", - "placeholders": { - "interest": { - "type": "double", - "example": "1.2" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "yearly" - } - } - }, - "catOther": "Övrigt", - "@catOther": { - "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" - }, - "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Ogiltigt svar från API: {message}", - "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { - "description": "Invalid API response error", - "placeholders": { - "message": { - "type": "String", - "example": "API could not be reached." - } - } - }, - "errorAPIUnavailable": "API inte tillgängligt", - "@errorAPIUnavailable": { - "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." - }, - "errorFieldRequired": "Detta fält är obligatoriskt.", - "@errorFieldRequired": { - "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." - }, - "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Ogiltigt SSL-certifikat", - "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { - "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" - }, - "errorInvalidURL": "Ogiltig URL", - "@errorInvalidURL": { - "description": "Error: URL is invalid" - }, - "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minsta Firefly API Version v{requiredVersion} krävs. Vänligen uppdatera Firefly.", - "@errorMinAPIVersion": { - "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", - "placeholders": { - "requiredVersion": { - "type": "String", - "example": "2.0.0" - } - } - }, - "errorStatusCode": "Statuskod: {code}", - "@errorStatusCode": { - "description": "HTTP status code information on error", - "placeholders": { - "code": { - "type": "int", - "example": "500" - } - } - }, - "errorUnknown": "Okänt fel.", - "@errorUnknown": { - "description": "Error without further information occurred." - }, - "formButtonHelp": "Hjälp", - "@formButtonHelp": { - "description": "Button Label: Help" - }, - "formButtonLogin": "Logga in", - "@formButtonLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Login" - }, - "formButtonLogout": "Logga ut", - "@formButtonLogout": { - "description": "Button Label: Logout" - }, - "formButtonRemove": "Ta bort", - "@formButtonRemove": { - "description": "Button Label: Remove" - }, - "formButtonResetLogin": "Återställ inloggning", - "@formButtonResetLogin": { - "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" - }, - "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Lägg till transaktion", - "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" - }, - "formButtonTryAgain": "Försök igen", - "@formButtonTryAgain": { - "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" - }, - "generalAccount": "Konto", - "@generalAccount": { - "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" - }, - "generalAssets": "Tillgångar", - "@generalAssets": { - "description": "(Monetary) Assets" - }, - "generalBalance": "Balans", - "@generalBalance": { - "description": "(Account) Balance" - }, - "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo för {date}", - "@generalBalanceOn": { - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMd", - "example": "2023-05-13" - } - } - }, - "generalBill": "Räkning", - "@generalBill": { - "description": "Bill" - }, - "generalBudget": "Budget", - "@generalBudget": { - "description": "(Monetary) Budget" - }, - "generalCategory": "Kategori", - "@generalCategory": { - "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." - }, - "generalCurrency": "Valuta", - "@generalCurrency": { - "description": "(Money) Currency" - }, - "generalDefault": "förvald", - "@generalDefault": { - "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" - }, - "generalDismiss": "Stäng", - "@generalDismiss": { - "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" - }, - "generalError": "Fel", - "@generalError": { - "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" - }, - "generalExpenses": "Utgifter", - "@generalExpenses": { - "description": "(Account) Expenses" - }, - "generalIncome": "Inkomst", - "@generalIncome": { - "description": "(Account) Info" - }, - "generalLiabilities": "Skulder", - "@generalLiabilities": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" - }, - "generalMultiple": "multipla", - "@generalMultiple": { - "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" - }, - "generalNever": "aldrig", - "@generalNever": { - "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." - }, - "generalReconcile": "Avstämt", - "@generalReconcile": { - "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" - }, - "generalReset": "Återställ", - "@generalReset": { - "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" - }, - "generalSum": "Summa", - "@generalSum": { - "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" - }, - "generalTarget": "Mål", - "@generalTarget": { - "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" - }, - "generalUnknown": "Okänt", - "@generalUnknown": { - "description": "Something is unknown." - }, - "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{årligen} yearly{} other{okänd}})", - "@homeMainBillsInterval": { - "description": "bill interval type", - "placeholders": { - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBillsTitle": "Räkningar inför nästa vecka", - "@homeMainBillsTitle": { - "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" - }, - "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} till {to}, {period})", - "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - }, - "period": { - "type": "String", - "example": "weekly" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} till {to})", - "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { - "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", - "placeholders": { - "from": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 13" - }, - "to": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "MMMd", - "example": "May 17" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{över} other{kvar från}} {available}", - "@homeMainBudgetSum": { - "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", - "placeholders": { - "current": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - }, - "status": { - "type": "String", - "example": "left from" - }, - "available": { - "type": "String", - "example": "12.34€" - } - } - }, - "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgetar för den aktuella månaden", - "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { - "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" - }, - "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Kontosammanfattning", - "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategorisammanfattning för aktuell månad", - "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 dagars genomsnitt", - "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { - "description": "Text for last week average spent" - }, - "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Daglig sammanfattning", - "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" - }, - "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Nettoinkomst", - "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" - }, - "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettoförmögenhet", - "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { - "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" - }, - "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Spara/spendera pengar", - "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { - "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." - }, - "homePiggyDateStart": "Startdatum: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateStart": { - "description": "Start of the piggy bank", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyDateTarget": "Måldatum: {date}", - "@homePiggyDateTarget": { - "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", - "placeholders": { - "date": { - "type": "DateTime", - "format": "yMMMMd", - "example": "March 12, 2023" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyLinked": "Länkad till {account}", - "@homePiggyLinked": { - "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", - "placeholders": { - "account": { - "type": "String", - "example": "Awesome Bank Account" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Inga spargrisar har inrättats.", - "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { - "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" - }, - "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Skapa några i webbgränssnittet!", - "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { - "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." - }, - "homePiggyRemaining": "Kvar att spara: {amount}", - "@homePiggyRemaining": { - "description": "How much money is left to save", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggySaved": "Sparat hittills: {amount}", - "@homePiggySaved": { - "description": "How much money already was saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homePiggyTarget": "Målbelopp: {amount}", - "@homePiggyTarget": { - "description": "How much money should be saved", - "placeholders": { - "amount": { - "type": "String", - "example": "€12.34" - } - } - }, - "homeTabLabelBalance": "Balansräkning", - "@homeTabLabelBalance": { - "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" - }, - "homeTabLabelMain": "Start", - "@homeTabLabelMain": { - "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" - }, - "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Spargris", - "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { - "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" - }, - "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaktioner", - "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { - "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" - }, - "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Filtrera listan", - "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { - "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset bills" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset budgets" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { - "description": "Filter for unset categories" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { - "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Sökord", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { - "description": "Search term for filter" - }, - "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Välj filter", - "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { - "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" - }, - "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Inga transaktioner hittade.", - "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { - "description": "Message when no transactions are found." - }, - "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorier", - "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { - "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "int", - "example": "2" - } - } - }, - "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Jag är skyldig denna skuld", - "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" - }, - "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Jag har denna skuld", - "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" - }, - "liabilityTypeDebt": "Skuld", - "@liabilityTypeDebt": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" - }, - "liabilityTypeLoan": "Lån", - "@liabilityTypeLoan": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" - }, - "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Bolån", - "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { - "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" - }, - "loginAbout": "För att använda Waterfly III på ett produktivt sätt behöver du din egen server med en Firefly III instans eller Firefly III-tillägget för Home Assistant.\n\nAnge hela URL: en samt en personlig åtkomst-token (inställningar -> Profil -> OAuth -> Personlig åtkomst-token) nedan.", - "@loginAbout": { - "description": "Login screen welcome description" - }, - "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Giltig API-nyckel", - "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" - }, - "loginFormLabelHost": "Värd URL", - "@loginFormLabelHost": { - "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" - }, - "loginWelcome": "Välkommen till Waterfly III", - "@loginWelcome": { - "description": "Login screen welcome banner" - }, - "logoutConfirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill logga ut?", - "@logoutConfirmation": { - "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" - }, - "navigationAccounts": "Konton", - "@navigationAccounts": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" - }, - "navigationMain": "Kontrollpanel", - "@navigationMain": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" - }, - "navigationSettings": "Inställningar", - "@navigationSettings": { - "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" - }, - "numPercent": "{num}", - "@numPercent": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage", - "placeholders": { - "num": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 - } - } - } - }, - "numPercentOf": "{perc} av {of}", - "@numPercentOf": { - "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", - "placeholders": { - "perc": { - "type": "double", - "format": "decimalPercentPattern", - "optionalParameters": { - "decimalDigits": 0 - } - }, - "of": { - "type": "String" - } - } - }, - "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Du kan aktivera och skicka felsökningsloggar här. Dessa har en dålig inverkan på prestandan, så var snäll och aktivera dem inte om du inte rekommenderas att göra det. Inaktivering av loggning kommer att ta bort den lagrade loggen.", - "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { - "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Skapa e-post", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { - "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." - }, - "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "VARNING: Ett e-postutkast öppnas med loggfilen bifogad (i textformat). Loggarna kan innehålla känslig information, såsom värdnamnet för din Firefly instans (även om jag försöker undvika loggning av några hemligheter, såsom api nyckel). Läs igenom loggen noga och censurera all information som du inte vill dela och/eller inte är relevant för det problem du vill rapportera.\n\nSkicka inte in loggar utan föregående överenskommelse via mail/GitHub. Jag kommer att ta bort alla loggar som skickas utan kontext av sekretessskäl. Ladda aldrig upp loggen ocensurerad till GitHub eller någon annanstans.", - "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { - "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Skicka loggar via e-post", - "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { - "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" - }, - "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Felsökningsloggar", - "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" - }, - "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Välj språk", - "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" - }, - "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Välj tema", - "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { - "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" - }, - "settingsLanguage": "Språk", - "@settingsLanguage": { - "description": "Currently selected language" - }, - "settingsLockscreen": "Låsskärm", - "@settingsLockscreen": { - "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" - }, - "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Kräv autentisering vid appstart", - "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { - "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" - }, - "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Vänligen autentisera för att aktivera låsskärmen.", - "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { - "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" - }, - "settingsNLAppAccount": "Förvalt konto", - "@settingsNLAppAccount": { - "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." - }, - "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", - "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { - "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." - }, - "settingsNLAppAdd": "Lägg till app", - "@settingsNLAppAdd": { - "description": "Button title to add a new app." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Klicka för att lägga till en app att lyssna efter. Endast kvalificerade appar visas i listan.", - "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { - "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." - }, - "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Gör några transaktioner där du får telefonaviseringar för att lägga till appar i den här listan. Om appen fortfarande inte dyker upp, vänligen rapportera det till app@vogt.pw.", - "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { - "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." - }, - "settingsNLDescription": "Den här tjänsten låter dig hämta transaktionsdetaljer från inkommande pushnotifikationer. Du kan även välja ett förvalt konto som transaktionen ska göras på - om inget värde ges försöker den extrahera kontot från notifikationen.", - "@settingsNLDescription": { - "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tryck för att bevilja tillstånd.", - "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { - "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Behörighet inte beviljad.", - "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { - "description": "A requested permission was not granted." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Ta bort behörigheten?", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { - "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." - }, - "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "För att avaktivera den här tjänsten, tryck på appen och ta bort behörigheterna på den nästa skärmen.", - "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { - "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." - }, - "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Fyll i transaktionstiteln med nofikationstiteln i förväg", - "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { - "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." - }, - "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Kontrollerar status…", - "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { - "description": "Checking the status of the background service" - }, - "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Fel vid kontroll av status: {error}", - "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { - "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String", - "description": "Error details", - "example": "Timeout" - } - } - }, - "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Tjänsten körs.", - "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { - "description": "A background service is running normally." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Tjänstestatus", - "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { - "description": "Status of a background service." - }, - "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Tjänsten är stoppad.", - "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { - "description": "A background service is stopped." - }, - "settingsNotificationListener": "Notifikationslyssningstjänst", - "@settingsNotificationListener": { - "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." - }, - "settingsTheme": "Apptema", - "@settingsTheme": { - "description": "App theme (dark or light)" - }, - "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamiska färger", - "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { - "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" - }, - "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Mörkt läge} light{Ljust läge} other{Systemstandard}}", - "@settingsThemeValue": { - "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", - "placeholders": { - "theme": { - "type": "String", - "example": "ThemeMode.dark" - } - } - }, - "settingsVersion": "Appversion", - "@settingsVersion": { - "description": "Current App Version" - }, - "settingsVersionChecking": "kontrollerar…", - "@settingsVersionChecking": { - "description": "Shown while checking for app version" - }, - "splashCustomSSLCert": "Anpassat SSL-certifikat", - "@splashCustomSSLCert": { - "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" - }, - "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Certifikatfil (PEM)", - "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { - "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" - }, - "transactionAttachments": "Bilagor", - "@transactionAttachments": { - "description": "Button Label: Attachments" - }, - "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker att du vill radera denna transaktion?", - "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Ta bort bifogad fil", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { - "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker på att du vill radera bilagan?", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { - "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Kunde inte ladda ner filen.", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Kunde inte öppna filen: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + "@@locale": "sv", + "@@x-reference": true, + "accountRoleAssetCashWallet": "Plånbok", + "@accountRoleAssetCashWallet": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_cashWalletAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetCC": "Kreditkort", + "@accountRoleAssetCC": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_ccAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetDefault": "Förvalt tillgångskonto", + "@accountRoleAssetDefault": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_defaultAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetSavings": "Sparkonto", + "@accountRoleAssetSavings": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_savingAsset" + }, + "accountRoleAssetShared": "Delat tillgångskonto", + "@accountRoleAssetShared": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_role_sharedAsset" + }, + "accountsLabelAsset": "Tillgångskonton", + "@accountsLabelAsset": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: asset_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelExpense": "Kostnadskonton", + "@accountsLabelExpense": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: expense_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelLiabilities": "Skulder", + "@accountsLabelLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities_accounts" + }, + "accountsLabelRevenue": "Intäktskonton", + "@accountsLabelRevenue": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: revenue_accounts" + }, + "accountsLiabilitiesInterest": "{interest}% ränta per {period, select, weekly{vecka} monthly{månad} quarterly{kvartal} halfyear{halvår} yearly{år} other{okänd}}", + "@accountsLiabilitiesInterest": { + "description": "Interest in a certain period", + "placeholders": { + "interest": { + "type": "double", + "example": "1.2" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsAddNewBill": "Lägg till ny räkning", + "@billsAddNewBill": { + "description": "Text for add new bill flows" + }, + "billsAmountAndFrequency": "Räkningen matchar transaktioner mellan {minValue} och {maxvalue}. Upprepas {frequency, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{halvårsvis} yearly{årligen} other{okänt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, hoppar över {skip}}}.", + "@billsAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for min and max amounts, and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "minValue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "maxvalue": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$60.50" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsChangeLayoutTooltip": "Ändra layout", + "@billsChangeLayoutTooltip": { + "description": "Text for layout change button tooltip" + }, + "billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": "Ändra sorteringsordning", + "@billsChangeSortOrderTooltip": { + "description": "Text for sort order change button tooltip" + }, + "billsDialogLayoutTitle": "Layout för räkningsvy", + "@billsDialogLayoutTitle": { + "description": "Text for bills layout dialog title" + }, + "billsDialogSortTitle": "Sortera listan efter", + "@billsDialogSortTitle": { + "description": "Text for bills sort dialog title" + }, + "billsEditBill": "Ändra räkning", + "@billsEditBill": { + "description": "Text for edit bill flows" + }, + "billsErrorLoading": "Fel vid laddning av räkningar.", + "@billsErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when bills can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "billsExactAmountAndFrequency": "Räkningen matchar transaktioner på {value}. Upprepas {frequency, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{halvårsvis} yearly{årligen} other{okänt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, hoppar över {skip}}}.", + "@billsExactAmountAndFrequency": { + "description": "Bill match for exact amount and frequency", + "placeholders": { + "value": { + "type": "String", + "example": "$50.12" + }, + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsExpectedOn": "Förväntad {date}", + "@billsExpectedOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill is expected", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequency": "{frequency, select, weekly{Veckovis} monthly{Månadsvis} quarterly{Kvartalsvis} halfyear{Halvårsvis} yearly{Årligen} other{Okänt}}", + "@billsFrequency": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + } + } + }, + "billsFrequencySkip": "{frequency, select, weekly{Veckovis} monthly{Månadsvis} quarterly{Kvartalsvis} halfyear{Halvårsvis} yearly{Årligen} other{Okänt}}{skip, plural, =0{} other{, hoppar över {skip}}}", + "@billsFrequencySkip": { + "description": "Bill frequency", + "placeholders": { + "frequency": { + "type": "String", + "example": "yearly" + }, + "skip": { + "type": "num", + "example": "1" + } + } + }, + "billsInactive": "Inaktiv", + "@billsInactive": { + "description": "Text: when the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsIsActive": "Räkningen aktiv", + "@billsIsActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is active" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": "Räkningar visas i sina tilldelade grupper.", + "@billsLayoutGroupSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutGroupTitle": "Grupp", + "@billsLayoutGroupTitle": { + "description": "Title text for group layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListSubtitle": "Räkningar visas i en lista sorterad efter vissa kriterier.", + "@billsLayoutListSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle text for list layout option" + }, + "billsLayoutListTitle": "Lista", + "@billsLayoutListTitle": { + "description": "Title text for list layout option" + }, + "billsListEmpty": "Den här listan är för närvarande tom.", + "@billsListEmpty": { + "description": "Describes that the list is empty" + }, + "billsNextExpectedMatch": "Nästa förväntade träff", + "@billsNextExpectedMatch": { + "description": "Text: next expected match for bill" + }, + "billsNotActive": "Räkningen är inaktiv", + "@billsNotActive": { + "description": "Text: the bill is inactive" + }, + "billsNotExpected": "Ej förväntat denna period", + "@billsNotExpected": { + "description": "Describes that the bill is not expected this period" + }, + "billsNoTransactions": "Inga transaktioner hittade.", + "@billsNoTransactions": { + "description": "Describes that there are no transactions connected to the bill" + }, + "billsPaidOn": "Betald {date}", + "@billsPaidOn": { + "description": "Describes what date the bill was paid", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "January 5, 2024" + } + } + }, + "billsSortAlphabetical": "Alfabetisk", + "@billsSortAlphabetical": { + "description": "Text for alphabetical sort types" + }, + "billsSortByTimePeriod": "Efter tidsperiod", + "@billsSortByTimePeriod": { + "description": "Text for frequency sort type" + }, + "billsSortDirection": "{sortDirection, select, ascending{Stigande} descending{Fallande} other{Okänt}}", + "@billsSortDirection": { + "description": "Bill sort direction", + "placeholders": { + "sortDirection": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Ascending" + } + } + }, + "billsSortFrequency": "Frekvens", + "@billsSortFrequency": { + "description": "Text for sort by frequency" + }, + "billsSortName": "Namn", + "@billsSortName": { + "description": "Text for sort by name" + }, + "billsUngrouped": "Ogrupperad", + "@billsUngrouped": { + "description": "Title for ungrouped bills" + }, + "categoryDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna kategori? Transaktionerna kommer inte att tas bort, men kommer inte att ha en kategori längre.", + "@categoryDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete category" + }, + "categoryErrorLoading": "Fel vid laddning av kategorier.", + "@categoryErrorLoading": { + "description": "Generic error message when categories can't be loaded (shouldn't occur)" + }, + "categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": "Inkludera i månadssumman", + "@categoryFormLabelIncludeInSum": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for toggle field to include value in monthly sum" + }, + "categoryFormLabelName": "Kategorinamn", + "@categoryFormLabelName": { + "description": "Category Add/Edit Form: Label for name field" + }, + "categoryMonthNext": "Nästa Månad", + "@categoryMonthNext": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for next month" + }, + "categoryMonthPrev": "Föregående månad", + "@categoryMonthPrev": { + "description": "Button title to view overview for previous month" + }, + "categorySumExcluded": "exkluderad", + "@categorySumExcluded": { + "description": "Label that the category is excluded from the monthly sum. The label will be shown in the place where usually the monthly percentage share is shown. Should be a single word if possible." + }, + "categoryTitleAdd": "Lägg till kategori", + "@categoryTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Add Category" + }, + "categoryTitleDelete": "Ta bort kategori", + "@categoryTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Delete Category" + }, + "categoryTitleEdit": "Redigera kategori", + "@categoryTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title for Dialog: Edit Category" + }, + "catNone": "", + "@catNone": { + "description": "Placeholder when no category has been set." + }, + "catOther": "Övrigt", + "@catOther": { + "description": "Category description for summary category 'Other'" + }, + "errorAPIInvalidResponse": "Ogiltigt svar från API: {message}", + "@errorAPIInvalidResponse": { + "description": "Invalid API response error", + "placeholders": { + "message": { + "type": "String", + "example": "API could not be reached." + } + } + }, + "errorAPIUnavailable": "API inte tillgängligt", + "@errorAPIUnavailable": { + "description": "Error thrown when API is unavailable." + }, + "errorFieldRequired": "Detta fält är obligatoriskt.", + "@errorFieldRequired": { + "description": "Error: Required field was left empty." + }, + "errorInvalidSSLCert": "Ogiltigt SSL-certifikat", + "@errorInvalidSSLCert": { + "description": "Error: SSL certificate is invalid" + }, + "errorInvalidURL": "Ogiltig URL", + "@errorInvalidURL": { + "description": "Error: URL is invalid" + }, + "errorMinAPIVersion": "Minsta Firefly API Version v{requiredVersion} krävs. Vänligen uppdatera Firefly.", + "@errorMinAPIVersion": { + "description": "Error: Required API version not met.", + "placeholders": { + "requiredVersion": { + "type": "String", + "example": "2.0.0" + } + } + }, + "errorStatusCode": "Statuskod: {code}", + "@errorStatusCode": { + "description": "HTTP status code information on error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "type": "int", + "example": "500" + } + } + }, + "errorUnknown": "Okänt fel.", + "@errorUnknown": { + "description": "Error without further information occurred." + }, + "formButtonHelp": "Hjälp", + "@formButtonHelp": { + "description": "Button Label: Help" + }, + "formButtonLogin": "Logga in", + "@formButtonLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Login" + }, + "formButtonLogout": "Logga ut", + "@formButtonLogout": { + "description": "Button Label: Logout" + }, + "formButtonRemove": "Ta bort", + "@formButtonRemove": { + "description": "Button Label: Remove" + }, + "formButtonResetLogin": "Återställ inloggning", + "@formButtonResetLogin": { + "description": "Button Label: Reset login form (when error is shown)" + }, + "formButtonTransactionAdd": "Lägg till transaktion", + "@formButtonTransactionAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Transaction" + }, + "formButtonTryAgain": "Försök igen", + "@formButtonTryAgain": { + "description": "Button Label: Try that thing again (login etc)" + }, + "generalAccount": "Konto", + "@generalAccount": { + "description": "Asset/Debt (Bank) Account" + }, + "generalAssets": "Tillgångar", + "@generalAssets": { + "description": "(Monetary) Assets" + }, + "generalBalance": "Balans", + "@generalBalance": { + "description": "(Account) Balance" + }, + "generalBalanceOn": "Saldo för {date}", + "@generalBalanceOn": { + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMd", + "example": "2023-05-13" + } + } + }, + "generalBill": "Räkning", + "@generalBill": { + "description": "Bill" + }, + "generalBudget": "Budget", + "@generalBudget": { + "description": "(Monetary) Budget" + }, + "generalCategory": "Kategori", + "@generalCategory": { + "description": "Category (of transaction etc.)." + }, + "generalCurrency": "Valuta", + "@generalCurrency": { + "description": "(Money) Currency" + }, + "generalDefault": "förvald", + "@generalDefault": { + "description": "Indicates that something is the default choice" + }, + "generalDismiss": "Stäng", + "@generalDismiss": { + "description": "Dismiss window/dialog without action" + }, + "generalEarned": "Intjänat", + "@generalEarned": { + "description": "(Amount) Earned" + }, + "generalError": "Fel", + "@generalError": { + "description": "Error (title in dialogs etc.)" + }, + "generalExpenses": "Utgifter", + "@generalExpenses": { + "description": "(Account) Expenses" + }, + "generalIncome": "Inkomst", + "@generalIncome": { + "description": "(Account) Info" + }, + "generalLiabilities": "Skulder", + "@generalLiabilities": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liabilities" + }, + "generalMultiple": "multipla", + "@generalMultiple": { + "description": "Multiples of a single thing (e.g. source accounts) are existing" + }, + "generalNever": "aldrig", + "@generalNever": { + "description": "Has never happened, no update etc." + }, + "generalReconcile": "Avstämt", + "@generalReconcile": { + "description": "Booking has been confirmed/reconciled" + }, + "generalReset": "Återställ", + "@generalReset": { + "description": "Reset something (i.e. set filters)" + }, + "generalSpent": "Spenderat", + "@generalSpent": { + "description": "(Amount) Spent" + }, + "generalSum": "Summa", + "@generalSum": { + "description": "(Mathematical) Sum" + }, + "generalTarget": "Mål", + "@generalTarget": { + "description": "Target value (i.e. a sum to save)" + }, + "generalUnknown": "Okänt", + "@generalUnknown": { + "description": "Something is unknown." + }, + "homeMainBillsInterval": " ({period, select, weekly{veckovis} monthly{månadsvis} quarterly{kvartalsvis} halfyear{årligen} yearly{} other{okänd}})", + "@homeMainBillsInterval": { + "description": "bill interval type", + "placeholders": { + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBillsTitle": "Räkningar inför nästa vecka", + "@homeMainBillsTitle": { + "description": "Title: Bills for the next week" + }, + "homeMainBudgetInterval": " ({from} till {to}, {period})", + "@homeMainBudgetInterval": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', over an interval of 'period'. 'period' is localized by Firefly.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + }, + "period": { + "type": "String", + "example": "weekly" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": " ({from} till {to})", + "@homeMainBudgetIntervalSingle": { + "description": "Budget interval ranging from 'from' to 'to', without a specified period.", + "placeholders": { + "from": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 13" + }, + "to": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "MMMd", + "example": "May 17" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetSum": "{current} {status, select, over{över} other{kvar från}} {available}", + "@homeMainBudgetSum": { + "description": "Budget has 'current' money over/left from ('status') of total budget 'available' money.", + "placeholders": { + "current": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + }, + "status": { + "type": "String", + "example": "left from" + }, + "available": { + "type": "String", + "example": "12.34€" + } + } + }, + "homeMainBudgetTitle": "Budgetar för den aktuella månaden", + "@homeMainBudgetTitle": { + "description": "Title: Budgets for current month" + }, + "homeMainChartAccountsTitle": "Kontosammanfattning", + "@homeMainChartAccountsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Account Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": "Kategorisammanfattning för aktuell månad", + "@homeMainChartCategoriesTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Category Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyAvg": "7 dagars genomsnitt", + "@homeMainChartDailyAvg": { + "description": "Text for last week average spent" + }, + "homeMainChartDailyTitle": "Daglig sammanfattning", + "@homeMainChartDailyTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Daily Summary" + }, + "homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": "Nettoinkomst", + "@homeMainChartNetEarningsTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Earnings" + }, + "homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": "Nettoförmögenhet", + "@homeMainChartNetWorthTitle": { + "description": "Chart Label: Net Worth" + }, + "homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": "Spara/spendera pengar", + "@homePiggyAdjustDialogTitle": { + "description": "Title of the dialog where money can be added/removed to a piggy bank." + }, + "homePiggyDateStart": "Startdatum: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateStart": { + "description": "Start of the piggy bank", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyDateTarget": "Måldatum: {date}", + "@homePiggyDateTarget": { + "description": "Set target date of the piggy bank (when saving should be finished)", + "placeholders": { + "date": { + "type": "DateTime", + "format": "yMMMMd", + "example": "March 12, 2023" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyLinked": "Länkad till {account}", + "@homePiggyLinked": { + "description": "Piggy bank is linked to asset account {account}.", + "placeholders": { + "account": { + "type": "String", + "example": "Awesome Bank Account" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyNoAccounts": "Inga spargrisar har inrättats.", + "@homePiggyNoAccounts": { + "description": "Information that no piggy banks are existing" + }, + "homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": "Skapa några i webbgränssnittet!", + "@homePiggyNoAccountsSubtitle": { + "description": "Subtitle if no piggy banks are existing, hinting to use the webinterface to create some." + }, + "homePiggyRemaining": "Kvar att spara: {amount}", + "@homePiggyRemaining": { + "description": "How much money is left to save", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggySaved": "Sparat hittills: {amount}", + "@homePiggySaved": { + "description": "How much money already was saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homePiggyTarget": "Målbelopp: {amount}", + "@homePiggyTarget": { + "description": "How much money should be saved", + "placeholders": { + "amount": { + "type": "String", + "example": "€12.34" + } + } + }, + "homeTabLabelBalance": "Balansräkning", + "@homeTabLabelBalance": { + "description": "Tab Label: Balance Sheet page" + }, + "homeTabLabelMain": "Start", + "@homeTabLabelMain": { + "description": "Tab Label: Start page (\"main\")" + }, + "homeTabLabelPiggybanks": "Spargris", + "@homeTabLabelPiggybanks": { + "description": "Tab Label: Piggy Banks page" + }, + "homeTabLabelTransactions": "Transaktioner", + "@homeTabLabelTransactions": { + "description": "Tab Label: Transactions page" + }, + "homeTransactionsActionFilter": "Filtrera listan", + "@homeTransactionsActionFilter": { + "description": "Action Button Label: Filter list." + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterAccountsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific account (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific bill (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBillUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset bills" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetsAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific budget (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterBudgetUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset budgets" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoriesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific category (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCategoryUnset": { + "description": "Filter for unset categories" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": "", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterCurrenciesAll": { + "description": "Don't filter for a specific currency (default entry)" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": "Visa framtida transaktioner", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterFutureTransactions": { + "description": "Setting to show future transactions" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": "Sökord", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterSearch": { + "description": "Search term for filter" + }, + "homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": "Välj filter", + "@homeTransactionsDialogFilterTitle": { + "description": "Title of Filter Dialog" + }, + "homeTransactionsEmpty": "Inga transaktioner hittade.", + "@homeTransactionsEmpty": { + "description": "Message when no transactions are found." + }, + "homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": "{num} kategorier", + "@homeTransactionsMultipleCategories": { + "description": "$num categories for the transaction.", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "int", + "example": "2" + } + } + }, + "liabilityDirectionCredit": "Jag är skyldig denna skuld", + "@liabilityDirectionCredit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_credit" + }, + "liabilityDirectionDebit": "Jag har denna skuld", + "@liabilityDirectionDebit": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: liability_direction_debit" + }, + "liabilityTypeDebt": "Skuld", + "@liabilityTypeDebt": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_debt" + }, + "liabilityTypeLoan": "Lån", + "@liabilityTypeLoan": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_loan" + }, + "liabilityTypeMortgage": "Bolån", + "@liabilityTypeMortgage": { + "description": "Firefly Translation String: account_type_mortgage" + }, + "loginAbout": "För att använda Waterfly III på ett produktivt sätt behöver du din egen server med en Firefly III instans eller Firefly III-tillägget för Home Assistant.\n\nAnge hela URL: en samt en personlig åtkomst-token (inställningar -> Profil -> OAuth -> Personlig åtkomst-token) nedan.", + "@loginAbout": { + "description": "Login screen welcome description" + }, + "loginFormLabelAPIKey": "Giltig API-nyckel", + "@loginFormLabelAPIKey": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for API Key field" + }, + "loginFormLabelHost": "Värd URL", + "@loginFormLabelHost": { + "description": "Login Form: Label for Host field" + }, + "loginWelcome": "Välkommen till Waterfly III", + "@loginWelcome": { + "description": "Login screen welcome banner" + }, + "logoutConfirmation": "Är du säker på att du vill logga ut?", + "@logoutConfirmation": { + "description": "Get user confirmation if he really wants to log out" + }, + "navigationAccounts": "Konton", + "@navigationAccounts": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Accounts Page" + }, + "navigationBills": "Räkningar", + "@navigationBills": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Bills" + }, + "navigationCategories": "Kategorier", + "@navigationCategories": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Categories" + }, + "navigationMain": "Kontrollpanel", + "@navigationMain": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Main Dashboard" + }, + "navigationSettings": "Inställningar", + "@navigationSettings": { + "description": "Navigation Label: Settings" + }, + "no": "Nej", + "@no": { + "description": "The word no" + }, + "numPercent": "{num}", + "@numPercent": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage", + "placeholders": { + "num": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Kunde inte ladda upp filen: {error}", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { - "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", - "placeholders": { - "error": { - "type": "String" - } + } + } + }, + "numPercentOf": "{perc} av {of}", + "@numPercentOf": { + "description": "Number formatted as percentage, with total amount provided", + "placeholders": { + "perc": { + "type": "double", + "format": "decimalPercentPattern", + "optionalParameters": { + "decimalDigits": 0 } - }, - "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Bilagor", - "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" - }, - "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ingen faktura", - "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { - "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" - }, - "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Länk till faktura", - "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" - }, - "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Välj valuta", - "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Lägg till Tagg", - "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Sök/Lägg till tagg", - "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { - "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" - }, - "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Välj taggar", - "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { - "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" - }, - "transactionDuplicate": "Dubblett", - "@transactionDuplicate": { - "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Ogiltigt konto", - "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" - }, - "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Ogiltig budget", - "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" - }, - "transactionErrorTitle": "Vänligen ange en titel.", - "@transactionErrorTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Till konto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Mottagarkonto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Källkonto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" - }, - "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Källkonto", - "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" - }, - "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Anteckningar", - "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTags": "Taggar", - "@transactionFormLabelTags": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" - }, - "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Transaktionstitel", - "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { - "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" - }, - "transactionSplitAdd": "Lägg till delad transaktion", - "@transactionSplitAdd": { - "description": "Button Label: Add a split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Ändra delad valuta", - "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" - }, - "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Ändra delat målkonto", - "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { - "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" - }, - "transactionSplitDelete": "Ta bort delning", - "@transactionSplitDelete": { - "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" - }, - "transactionTitleAdd": "Lägg till transaktion", - "@transactionTitleAdd": { - "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleDelete": "Ta bort transaktion", - "@transactionTitleDelete": { - "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTitleEdit": "Ändra transaktion", - "@transactionTitleEdit": { - "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" - }, - "transactionTypeDeposit": "Insättning", - "@transactionTypeDeposit": { - "description": "Deposit transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeTransfer": "Överföring", - "@transactionTypeTransfer": { - "description": "Transfer transaction type" - }, - "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Uttag", - "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { - "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" + }, + "of": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "settingsDialogDebugInfo": "Du kan aktivera och skicka felsökningsloggar här. Dessa har en dålig inverkan på prestandan, så var snäll och aktivera dem inte om du inte rekommenderas att göra det. Inaktivering av loggning kommer att ta bort den lagrade loggen.", + "@settingsDialogDebugInfo": { + "description": "Information about debug logs and their impact." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": "Skapa e-post", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailCreate": { + "description": "Button to confirm mail creation after privacy disclaimer is shown." + }, + "settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": "VARNING: Ett e-postutkast öppnas med loggfilen bifogad (i textformat). Loggarna kan innehålla känslig information, såsom värdnamnet för din Firefly instans (även om jag försöker undvika loggning av några hemligheter, såsom api nyckel). Läs igenom loggen noga och censurera all information som du inte vill dela och/eller inte är relevant för det problem du vill rapportera.\n\nSkicka inte in loggar utan föregående överenskommelse via mail/GitHub. Jag kommer att ta bort alla loggar som skickas utan kontext av sekretessskäl. Ladda aldrig upp loggen ocensurerad till GitHub eller någon annanstans.", + "@settingsDialogDebugMailDisclaimer": { + "description": "Privacy disclaimer shown before sending logs" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugSendButton": "Skicka loggar via e-post", + "@settingsDialogDebugSendButton": { + "description": "Button to send logs via E-Mail" + }, + "settingsDialogDebugTitle": "Felsökningsloggar", + "@settingsDialogDebugTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Debug Logs" + }, + "settingsDialogLanguageTitle": "Välj språk", + "@settingsDialogLanguageTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select Language" + }, + "settingsDialogThemeTitle": "Välj tema", + "@settingsDialogThemeTitle": { + "description": "Dialog title: Select theme" + }, + "settingsLanguage": "Språk", + "@settingsLanguage": { + "description": "Currently selected language" + }, + "settingsLockscreen": "Låsskärm", + "@settingsLockscreen": { + "description": "Setting if a lockscreen is shown (authentication is required on startup)" + }, + "settingsLockscreenHelp": "Kräv autentisering vid appstart", + "@settingsLockscreenHelp": { + "description": "Description for lockscreen setting" + }, + "settingsLockscreenInitial": "Vänligen autentisera för att aktivera låsskärmen.", + "@settingsLockscreenInitial": { + "description": "Prompt to authenticate once to set up the lockscreen" + }, + "settingsNLAppAccount": "Förvalt konto", + "@settingsNLAppAccount": { + "description": "Default account which will be used for the transaction." + }, + "settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": "", + "@settingsNLAppAccountDynamic": { + "description": "Account will be selected dynamically by the content of the notification." + }, + "settingsNLAppAdd": "Lägg till app", + "@settingsNLAppAdd": { + "description": "Button title to add a new app." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddHelp": "Klicka för att lägga till en app att lyssna efter. Endast kvalificerade appar visas i listan.", + "@settingsNLAppAddHelp": { + "description": "Help text below adding the new app button." + }, + "settingsNLAppAddInfo": "Gör några transaktioner där du får telefonaviseringar för att lägga till appar i den här listan. Om appen fortfarande inte dyker upp, vänligen rapportera det till app@vogt.pw.", + "@settingsNLAppAddInfo": { + "description": "Help text when no more app is available to add." + }, + "settingsNLDescription": "Den här tjänsten låter dig hämta transaktionsdetaljer från inkommande pushnotifikationer. Du kan även välja ett förvalt konto som transaktionen ska göras på - om inget värde ges försöker den extrahera kontot från notifikationen.", + "@settingsNLDescription": { + "description": "Description text for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionGrant": "Tryck för att bevilja tillstånd.", + "@settingsNLPermissionGrant": { + "description": "Indicates user should tap the text to grant certain permissions (notification access)." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": "Behörighet inte beviljad.", + "@settingsNLPermissionNotGranted": { + "description": "A requested permission was not granted." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemove": "Ta bort behörigheten?", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemove": { + "description": "Dialog title asking if permission should be removed." + }, + "settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": "För att avaktivera den här tjänsten, tryck på appen och ta bort behörigheterna på den nästa skärmen.", + "@settingsNLPermissionRemoveHelp": { + "description": "Dialog text giving hint how to remove the permission." + }, + "settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": "Fyll i transaktionstiteln med nofikationstiteln i förväg", + "@settingsNLPrefillTXTitle": { + "description": "First line for setting to use pre-fill transaction title with notification title." + }, + "settingsNLServiceChecking": "Kontrollerar status…", + "@settingsNLServiceChecking": { + "description": "Checking the status of the background service" + }, + "settingsNLServiceCheckingError": "Fel vid kontroll av status: {error}", + "@settingsNLServiceCheckingError": { + "description": "An error occurred while checking the service status", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String", + "description": "Error details", + "example": "Timeout" + } + } + }, + "settingsNLServiceRunning": "Tjänsten körs.", + "@settingsNLServiceRunning": { + "description": "A background service is running normally." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStatus": "Tjänstestatus", + "@settingsNLServiceStatus": { + "description": "Status of a background service." + }, + "settingsNLServiceStopped": "Tjänsten är stoppad.", + "@settingsNLServiceStopped": { + "description": "A background service is stopped." + }, + "settingsNotificationListener": "Notifikationslyssningstjänst", + "@settingsNotificationListener": { + "description": "Setting for the notification listener service." + }, + "settingsTheme": "Apptema", + "@settingsTheme": { + "description": "App theme (dark or light)" + }, + "settingsThemeDynamicColors": "Dynamiska färger", + "@settingsThemeDynamicColors": { + "description": "Material You Dynamic Colors feature" + }, + "settingsThemeValue": "{theme, select, dark{Mörkt läge} light{Ljust läge} other{Systemstandard}}", + "@settingsThemeValue": { + "description": "Currently selected theme (either dark, light or system)", + "placeholders": { + "theme": { + "type": "String", + "example": "ThemeMode.dark" + } + } + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezone": "Använd serverns tidszon", + "@settingsUseServerTimezone": { + "description": "Setting label to use server timezone." + }, + "settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": "Visa alla tider i serverns tidszon. Detta härmar beteendet hos webbgränssnittet.", + "@settingsUseServerTimezoneHelp": { + "description": "Help text for the server timezone setting. Basically, if enabled, all times shown in the app match the time shown in the webinterface (which is always in the 'home' timezone). Please try to keep the translation short (max 3 lines)." + }, + "settingsVersion": "Appversion", + "@settingsVersion": { + "description": "Current App Version" + }, + "settingsVersionChecking": "kontrollerar…", + "@settingsVersionChecking": { + "description": "Shown while checking for app version" + }, + "splashCustomSSLCert": "Anpassat SSL-certifikat", + "@splashCustomSSLCert": { + "description": "Button text & Dialog title for using a custom SSL certificate" + }, + "splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": "Certifikatfil (PEM)", + "@splashFormLabelCustomSSLCertPEM": { + "description": "Label for certificate file text input in PEM format" + }, + "transactionAttachments": "Bilagor", + "@transactionAttachments": { + "description": "Button Label: Attachments" + }, + "transactionDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker att du vill radera denna transaktion?", + "@transactionDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": "Ta bort bifogad fil", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDelete": { + "description": "Button Label: Delete Attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": "Är du säker på att du vill radera bilagan?", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsDeleteConfirm": { + "description": "Confirmation text to delete attachment" + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": "Kunde inte ladda ner filen.", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorDownload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File download failed." + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": "Kunde inte öppna filen: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorOpen": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be opened, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } + } + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": "Kunde inte ladda upp filen: {error}", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsErrorUpload": { + "description": "Snackbar Text: File could not be uploaded, with reason.", + "placeholders": { + "error": { + "type": "String" + } } -} \ No newline at end of file + }, + "transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": "Bilagor", + "@transactionDialogAttachmentsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Attachments Dialog" + }, + "transactionDialogBillNoBill": "Ingen faktura", + "@transactionDialogBillNoBill": { + "description": "Button Label: no bill to be used" + }, + "transactionDialogBillTitle": "Länk till faktura", + "@transactionDialogBillTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Link Bill to transaction" + }, + "transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": "Välj valuta", + "@transactionDialogCurrencyTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Currency Selection" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsAdd": "Lägg till Tagg", + "@transactionDialogTagsAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add Tag" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsHint": "Sök/Lägg till tagg", + "@transactionDialogTagsHint": { + "description": "Hint Text for search tag field" + }, + "transactionDialogTagsTitle": "Välj taggar", + "@transactionDialogTagsTitle": { + "description": "Dialog Title: Select Tags" + }, + "transactionDuplicate": "Dubblett", + "@transactionDuplicate": { + "description": "Menu Label: Duplicate item" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidAccount": "Ogiltigt konto", + "@transactionErrorInvalidAccount": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid account" + }, + "transactionErrorInvalidBudget": "Ogiltig budget", + "@transactionErrorInvalidBudget": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: Invalid budget" + }, + "transactionErrorTitle": "Vänligen ange en titel.", + "@transactionErrorTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Save Error: No title provided" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": "Till konto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountDestination": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for destination account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": "Mottagarkonto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountForeign": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for foreign (other) account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": "Källkonto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountOwn": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for own account" + }, + "transactionFormLabelAccountSource": "Källkonto", + "@transactionFormLabelAccountSource": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for source account for transfer transaction" + }, + "transactionFormLabelNotes": "Anteckningar", + "@transactionFormLabelNotes": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for notes field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTags": "Taggar", + "@transactionFormLabelTags": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for tags field" + }, + "transactionFormLabelTitle": "Transaktionstitel", + "@transactionFormLabelTitle": { + "description": "Transaction Form: Label for title field" + }, + "transactionSplitAdd": "Lägg till delad transaktion", + "@transactionSplitAdd": { + "description": "Button Label: Add a split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeCurrency": "Ändra delad valuta", + "@transactionSplitChangeCurrency": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change currency for a single split" + }, + "transactionSplitChangeTarget": "Ändra delat målkonto", + "@transactionSplitChangeTarget": { + "description": "Hint Text: Change target account for single split" + }, + "transactionSplitDelete": "Ta bort delning", + "@transactionSplitDelete": { + "description": "Hint Text: Delete single split" + }, + "transactionTitleAdd": "Lägg till transaktion", + "@transactionTitleAdd": { + "description": "Title: Add a new transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleDelete": "Ta bort transaktion", + "@transactionTitleDelete": { + "description": "Title: Delete existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTitleEdit": "Ändra transaktion", + "@transactionTitleEdit": { + "description": "Title: Edit existing transaction" + }, + "transactionTypeDeposit": "Insättning", + "@transactionTypeDeposit": { + "description": "Deposit transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeTransfer": "Överföring", + "@transactionTypeTransfer": { + "description": "Transfer transaction type" + }, + "transactionTypeWithdrawal": "Uttag", + "@transactionTypeWithdrawal": { + "description": "Withdrawal transaction type" + }, + "yes": "Ja", + "@yes": { + "description": "The word yes" + } +}