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tool for visualize & work with Kraken2 reports


To get the tool clone the git repository:

git clone

In your R session, source all functions:



Functions for data preparation and their descriptions are avialable in /functions Manipulations to visualize data is avialable in /plots Test pipeline via /test repositorium

Enjoy beauty of R plots!


Data manipulation


get conut and amount table from kraken2 report

      path, #path to k2 reports
      keep_unclassified = T, #keep or not unclassified reads from report as new taxa
      pattern = "", #optional: pattern of file names to use
      trim_char = F, #optional: character to split file name in final table
      clade = F, #optional: which clade (like "O", "F", "G", "S" to use)
      type = k2, #character, kraken2 or kaiju
      legend = F #optional: path to legend file in csv format: 
                 #legend$name == name of kraken report (OR slited file name!), rest of columns - legend itself
  result is data.frame with columns: 
          #number of reads, 
          #ammount of all reads, 
          #amount of classified reads 
          #and several columns of applied legend


get untidy table for base::heatmap or future processing

      df, #result tibble from get_counts.R
      counts = T, #use counts or amount data
      classified_only = F, #only if counts = F, get amount by classified data
      drop_unclassified = F, #drop all unclasified levels
      keep_sample_name = F #warning! if T translate legend to separated format in name of each column :(


trim taxa by their amount

      df, #result tibble from get_counts.R
      top_taxa = 10 #how many taxa to trim
      #attention! function remove all [taxa]*, keep only "S" and similar taxa


get top taxa from result data frame of different clade

      df, #result tibble from get_counts.R
      clade, #clade
      top, #count of top taxa to use


rop all unclassified tables

      df, #result tibble from get_counts.R


rescale all amounts to 1. neccessary if you drop some taxa levels

      df, #result tibble from get_counts.R


get parents taxas to df

      df, #result tibble from get_counts.R


additional function to get all unclassified level down

      df, #result tibble from get_counts.R

Execute plots

Diversity calculation


Calculate all alpha-diversity metrix. To use only part of them, use df2alpha


Calculate all beta-diversity matrix


Calculate PCA based on beta-diversity matrix (image below based on another dataset)

Composition plots


donut plot of the composition


bar plot of the composition


box plot of the composition


cluster plot. untidy table input


now depricated 2D cluser visualisation using legend. untidy table input


heatmap plot. untidy table input


corrplot. untidy table input. scaling required


ggraph and circlize connection plot #


tsne plot. untidy table input #


volcano plot based on log amount change between groups (image below based on another dataset) #


pca plot for samples. untidy table input #


pca plot for taxa. untidy table input

# Diversity:
df2alpha(df, split_by = F, add_legend = F, ...)
df2alpha_summary(df, split_by = F, add_legend = F,
alpha_function_list = list("Shannon" = shannon, "Simpson" = simpson), ...)

df2beta <- function(df, clade = F, dist_function = bray_curtis,
                    treshhold_up = 1,treshhold_down = 0,
                    add_legend = F, add_labels= F, print_df = F,
                    heatmap_type = "heatmap", ...)
df2beta_pcoa <- function(df,
                         dist_function = bray_curtis,
                         treshhold_up = 1, treshhold_down = 0,
                         add_legend = F, add_ellipse = F,...)

# Basic view:
df2donut(df, ...)           #ggplot2 donut plot
df2composition(df, ...)     #ggplot2 bar plot
df2barplot(df, ...)         #ggplot2 box plot. c:

# Interspecies crosstalk
df2cluster(df, k_means = 2, use = "sp", ...)                            #base R cluster plot
df2clust2d(dfU, legend_detect, clade = F, k_means = 5, counts = F, ...) #2D cluser visualisation using legend
df2heatmap(dfU,clade, trim = F, counts = F, ...)                        #base R heatmap plot
df2corrplot(df, clade = F, counts = F, ...)                             #corrplot. using scale
df2chord(df, clade = F, k_means = 5, counts = F,
         coenf_level = F, coenf, line_as_clusters = F, ...)             #ggraph and circlize connection plot
df2tsne(df, clade_trim, clade_color = "P", counts = T,
           taxa = NA, trim_taxa = T, only_input_taxa = F)               #ggplot2 tsne plot
df2pca_sample(df, clade = F, scale = T, ...)                            #factoextra pca plot for samples
df2pca_sp    (df, clade = F, scale = T, ...)                            #factoextra pca plot for taxa

Parameters for all plotting functions

    df  - data.frame in format above
    dfU - data.frame after df_untidy transformation. numeric matrix with samples in column and species in row names

    split_by: column number to split the plot
    add_legend: column number(s) to add color legend
    add_label: column number(s) to add label legend
    add_ellipse: column number(s) to add ellipse legend
    treshhold_up: remove all values above the level from df
    treshhold_down: remove all values below the level from df
    dist_function: function to calculate diversity measure. one from abdiv package
    print_df: return data.frame insted of plot
    clade: character. which clade to use(e.g. "S", "G", "F")
    clade_color: character. which clade to usefor coloring (e.g. "S", "G", "F")
    drop_unclassified: logical. drop unclassified
    counts: logical. use counts or amount
    k_means: numeric. number of k-means to use
    use: character. one of "sp" and "sample"
    legend_detect: character. what to detect in legend to divied by two groups
    coenf_level: logical or numeric. trim connections according to level
    coenf: character. one of "upper", "lower" or "both" to trim in coenf_level
    only_input_taxa: logical. use or not only inputed taxa for labels
    taxa: character. what taxa to show on labels
    trim_taxa: logical. get only 1 word from the taxa to label. better use for species
    scale: logical. scale or not the data to get z-scores


To cite the tool, please use

Smutin D, Taldaev A, Lebedev E, Adonin L. Shotgun Metagenomics Reveals Minor Micro“bee”omes Diversity Defining Differences between Larvae and Pupae Brood Combs. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2024; 25(2):741. 

or import BibText:

      AUTHOR = {Smutin, Daniil and Taldaev, Amir and Lebedev, Egor and Adonin, Leonid},
      TITLE = {Shotgun Metagenomics Reveals Minor Micro&ldquo;bee&rdquo;omes Diversity Defining Differences between Larvae and Pupae Brood Combs},
      JOURNAL = {International Journal of Molecular Sciences},
      VOLUME = {25},
      YEAR = {2024},
      NUMBER = {2},
      ARTICLE-NUMBER = {741},
      URL = {},
      PubMedID = {38255816},
      ISSN = {1422-0067},
      DOI = {10.3390/ijms25020741}


Work on libraries:

  • tidyverse
  • ggrepel
  • viridis
  • corrplot
  • ggraph
  • igraph
  • circlize
  • factoextra
  • Rtsne