{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}
module part2 where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Agda.Builtin.Unit
open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite
open import part1
Remark: for the sake of concision, since essentially all of the categorical structures treated in this paper will be infinite-dimensional, we shall generally omit the prefix "$\infty$-" from our descriptions these structures. Hence hereafter "category" generally means
Let A
, let
A polynomial functor is a coproduct of representable functors A
and family of types B : A → Type
. The data of a polynomial functor is thus uniquely determined by the choice of A
and B
. Hence we may represent such functors in Agda simply as pairs (A , B) of this form:
Poly : (ℓ κ : Level) → Type ((lsuc ℓ) ⊔ (lsuc κ))
Poly ℓ κ = Σ (Set ℓ) (λ A → A → Set κ)
A basic example of such a polynomial functor is the identity functor 𝕪
consisting of a single term of unit arity – hence represented by the pair (⊤ , λ _ → ⊤)
𝕪 : Poly lzero lzero
𝕪 = (⊤ , λ _ → ⊤)
The observant reader may note the striking similarity of the above-given formula for a polynomial functor and the endofunctor on 𝓤
and a function u : 𝓤 → Type
corresponding to a natural model as described previously, we obtain the corresponding polynomial 𝔲 : Poly
as the pair (𝓤 , u)
. Hence we can study the structure of 𝓤
and u
in terms of 𝔲
, and this, as we shall see, allows for some significant simplifications in the theory of natural models.
Given polynomial functors f : A → B
and a backward map g : (a : A) → D (f a) → B a
, as can be seen from the following argument via Yoneda: $$
& \int_{y \in \mathbf{Type}} \left( \sum_{a : A} y^{B(a)} \right) \to \sum_{c : C} y^{D(c)}\
\simeq & \prod_{a : A} \int_{y \in \mathbf{Type}} y^{B(a)} \to \sum_{c : C} y^{D(c)}\
\simeq & \prod_{a : A} \sum_{c : C} B(a)^{D(c)}\
\simeq & \sum_{f : A \to C} \prod_{a : A} B(a)^{D(f(c))}
$$ We use the notation
_⇆_ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} → Poly ℓ κ → Poly ℓ' κ' → Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓ' ⊔ κ ⊔ κ')
(A , B) ⇆ (C , D) = Σ (A → C) (λ f → (a : A) → D (f a) → B a)
By application of function extensionality, we derive the following type for proofs of equality between lenses:
EqLens : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (p ⇆ q) → (p ⇆ q) → Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ' ⊔ κ ⊔ κ')
EqLens (A , B) (C , D) (f , g) (f' , g') =
(a : A) → Σ (f a ≡ f' a)
(λ e → (b : D (f a)) → g a b ≡ g' a (transp D e b))
For each polynomial
id : ∀ {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ) → p ⇆ p
id p = ( (λ a → a) , λ a b → b )
And given lenses
comp : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' κ κ' κ''}
→ (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ') (r : Poly ℓ'' κ'')
→ p ⇆ q → q ⇆ r → p ⇆ r
comp p q r (f , g) (h , k) =
( (λ a → h (f a)) , λ a z → g a (k (f a) z) )
Hence we have a category
We say that a lens (f , f♯) : (A , B) ⇆ (C , D)
is vertical if f : A → C
is an equivalence, and Cartesian if for every a : A
, the map f♯ a : D[f a] → B a
is an equivalence.
isVertical : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ p ⇆ q → Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
isVertical p q (f , f♯) = isEquiv f
isCartesian : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ p ⇆ q → Set (ℓ ⊔ κ ⊔ κ')
isCartesian (A , B) q (f , f♯) = (a : A) → isEquiv (f♯ a)
Every lens (A , B) ⇆ (C , D)
can then be factored as a vertical lens followed by a Cartesian lens:
vertfactor : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) → p ⇆ (fst p , λ x → snd q (fst f x))
vertfactor p q (f , f♯) = (λ x → x) , (λ a x → f♯ a x)
vertfactorIsVert : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ)
→ (q : Poly ℓ' κ') (f : p ⇆ q)
→ isVertical p (fst p , λ x → snd q (fst f x))
(vertfactor p q f)
vertfactorIsVert p q f = idIsEquiv
cartfactor : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) → (fst p , λ x → snd q (fst f x)) ⇆ q
cartfactor p q (f , f♯) = f , λ a x → x
cartfactorIsCart : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ)
→ (q : Poly ℓ' κ') (f : p ⇆ q)
→ isCartesian (fst p , λ x → snd q (fst f x)) q
(cartfactor p q f)
cartfactorIsCart p q f x = idIsEquiv
vertcartfactor≡ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ)
→ (q : Poly ℓ' κ') (f : p ⇆ q)
→ EqLens p q f
(comp p (fst p , λ x → snd q (fst f x)) q
(vertfactor p q f)
(cartfactor p q f))
vertcartfactor≡ p q f a = refl , (λ b → refl)
Of these two classes of morphisms in p = (A , B)
as an A
-indexed family of types, given by B
, then given a lens (f , f♯) : p ⇆ 𝔲
, we can think of the map f♯ a : u (f a) → B a
, as an elimination form for the type u (f a)
, i.e. a way of using elements of the type u (f a)
. If we then ask that (f , f♯)
isCartesian, this implies that the type u (f a)
is completely characterized (up to equivalence) by this elimination form, and in this sense, 𝔲
contains the type B a
, for all a : A
We can therefore use Cartesian lenses to detect which types are contained in a natural model 𝔲
A further fact about Cartesian lenses is that they are closed under identity and composition, as a direct consequence of the closure of equivalences under identity and composition:
idCart : ∀ {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ)
→ isCartesian p p (id p)
idCart p a = idIsEquiv
compCartesian : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' κ κ' κ''}
→ (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ') (r : Poly ℓ'' κ'')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) (g : q ⇆ r)
→ isCartesian p q f → isCartesian q r g
→ isCartesian p r (comp p q r f g)
compCartesian p q r f g cf cg a =
compIsEquiv (snd f a) (snd g (fst f a)) (cf a) (cg (fst f a))
Hence there is a category
In fact,
Define a Cartesian lens (f , f♯) : p ⇆ q
to be a Cartesian embedding if f
is a monomorphism, and a Cartesian surjection if f
is an epimorphism.
isCartesianEmbedding : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) → isCartesian p q f → Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
isCartesianEmbedding p q (f , f♯) cf = isMono f
isCartesianSurjection : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) → isCartesian p q f → Set ℓ'
isCartesianSurjection p q (f , f♯) cf = isEpi f
Then every Cartesian lens can be factored into a Cartesian surjection followed by a Cartesian embedding.
factorcart1 : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) → isCartesian p q f
→ p ⇆ (Im (fst f) , λ (x , _) → snd q x)
factorcart1 p q (f , f♯) cf =
(factor1 f) , f♯
factorcart1IsCart : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) (cf : isCartesian p q f)
→ isCartesian p
(Im (fst f) , λ (x , _) → snd q x)
(factorcart1 p q f cf)
factorcart1IsCart p q (f , f♯) cf = cf
factorcart1IsEpi : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) (cf : isCartesian p q f)
→ isCartesianSurjection p
(Im (fst f) , λ (x , _) → snd q x)
(factorcart1 p q f cf)
(factorcart1IsCart p q f cf)
factorcart1IsEpi p q (f , f♯) cf = factor1IsEpi f
factorcart2 : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) → isCartesian p q f
→ (Im (fst f) , λ (x , _) → snd q x) ⇆ q
factorcart2 p q (f , f♯) cf = (factor2 f) , λ (x , _) y → y
factorcart2IsCart : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) (cf : isCartesian p q f)
→ isCartesian (Im (fst f) , λ (x , _) → snd q x) q
(factorcart2 p q f cf)
factorcart2IsCart p q (f , f♯) cf x = idIsEquiv
factorcart2IsMono : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) (cf : isCartesian p q f)
→ isCartesianEmbedding
(Im (fst f) , λ (x , _) → snd q x) q
(factorcart2 p q f cf)
(factorcart2IsCart p q f cf)
factorcart2IsMono p q (f , f♯) cf = factor2IsMono f
factorcart≡ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) (cf : isCartesian p q f)
→ EqLens p q f
(comp p (Im (fst f) , λ (x , _) → snd q x) q
(factorcart1 p q f cf)
(factorcart2 p q f cf))
factorcart≡ p q f cf x = refl , λ y → refl
As endofunctors on (A , B)
and (C , D)
, their composite, evaluated at a type y
is $$
& \sum_{a : A} \prod_{b : B(a)} \sum_{c : C} y^{D(c)}\
\simeq & \sum_{a : A} \sum_{f : B(a) \to C} \prod_{b : B(a)} y^{D(f(b))}\
\simeq & \sum_{(a , f) : \sum_{a : A} C^{B(a)}} y^{\sum_{b : B(a)} D(f(b))}
$$ This then defines a monoidal product 𝕪
_◃_ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' κ κ'} → Poly ℓ κ → Poly ℓ' κ' → Poly (ℓ ⊔ κ ⊔ ℓ') (κ ⊔ κ')
(A , B) ◃ (C , D) = (Σ A (λ a → B a → C) , λ (a , f) → Σ (B a) (λ b → D (f b)))
◃Lens : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' κ κ' κ'' κ'''}
→ (p : Poly ℓ κ) (p' : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (q : Poly ℓ'' κ'') (q' : Poly ℓ''' κ''')
→ p ⇆ p' → q ⇆ q' → (p ◃ q) ⇆ (p' ◃ q')
◃Lens p p' q q' (f , g) (h , k) =
((λ (a , c) → (f a , λ b' → h (c (g a b'))))
, λ (a , c) (b' , d') → ((g a b') , k (c (g a b')) d'))
where ◃Lens
is the action of ◃
on lenses.
By construction, the existence of a Cartesian lens (σ , σ♯) : 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
effectively shows that 𝔲
is closed under Σ
-types, since:
maps a pair (A , B) consisting ofA : 𝓤
andB : (u A) → 𝓤
to a termσ(A,B)
representing theΣ
type. This corresponds to the type formation rule $$ \inferrule{\Gamma \vdash A : \mathsf{Type}\ \Gamma, x : A \vdash B[x] ~ \mathsf{Type}}{\Gamma \vdash \Sigma x : A . B[x] ~ \mathsf{Type}} $$ - For all
(A , B)
as above,σ♯ (A , B)
takes a term of typeσ (A , B)
and yields a termfst (σ♯ (A , B)) : A
along with a termsnd (σ♯ (A , B)) : B (fst (σ♯ (A , B)))
, corresponding to the elimination rules $$ \inferrule{\Gamma \vdash p : \Sigma x : A . B[x]}{\Gamma \vdash \pi_1(p) : A} \quad \inferrule{\Gamma \vdash p : \Sigma x : A . B[x]}{\Gamma \vdash \pi_2(p) : B[\pi_1(p)]} $$ - The fact that
σ♯ (A , B)
has is an equivalence implies it has an inverseσ♯⁻¹ (A , B) : Σ (u A) (λ x → u (B x)) → u (σ (A , B))
, which takes a pair of terms to a term of the corresponding pair type, and thus corresponds to the introduction rule $$ \inferrule{\Gamma \vdash a : A\ \Gamma \vdash b : B[a]}{\Gamma \vdash (a , b) : \Sigma x : A . B[x]} $$ - The fact that
$σ♯⁻¹ (A , B)$ is both a left and a right inverse to$σ♯$ then implies the usual$β$ and$η$ laws for dependent pair types $$ \pi_1(a , b) = a \quad \pi_2(a , b) = b \quad p = (\pi_1(p) , \pi_2(p)) $$
Similarly, the existence of a Cartesian lens
- There is an element
η tt : 𝓤
which represents the unit type. This corresponds to the type formation rule $$ \inferrule{~}{\Gamma \vdash \top : \mathsf{Type}}$$ - The "elimination rule"
η♯ tt : u(η tt) → ⊤
, applied to an elementx : u(η tt)
is trivial, in that it simply discardsx
. This corresponds to the fact that, in the ordinary type-theoretic presentation,$\top$ does not have an elimination rule. - However, since this trivial elimination rule has an inverse
η♯⁻¹ tt : ⊤ → u (η tt)
, it follows that there is a (unique) elementη♯⁻¹ tt tt : u (η tt)
, which corresponds to the introduction rule for$\top$ :$$\inferrule{~}{\Gamma \vdash \mathsf{tt} : \top}$$ - Moreover, the uniqueness of this element corresponds to the
$\eta$ -law for$\top$ :$$\frac{\Gamma \vdash x : \top}{\Gamma \vdash x = \mathsf{tt}}$$
But then, what sorts of laws can we expect Cartesian lenses as above to obey, and is the existence of such a lens all that is needed to ensure that the natural model Π
types, or other type formers? To answer these questions, we will need to study the structure of ◃
, along with some closely related functors, in a bit more detail. In particular, we shall see that the structure of ◃
as a monoidal product on Σ
For instance, the associativity of ◃
corresponds to the associativity of Σ
◃assoc : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' κ κ' κ''}
→ (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ') (r : Poly ℓ'' κ'')
→ ((p ◃ q) ◃ r) ⇆ (p ◃ (q ◃ r))
◃assoc p q r =
((λ ((a , f) , g) → (a , (λ b → (f b , λ d → g (b , d)))))
, λ ((a , f) , g) (b , (d , x)) → ((b , d) , x))
◃assocCart : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' κ κ' κ''}
→ (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ') (r : Poly ℓ'' κ'')
→ isCartesian ((p ◃ q) ◃ r) (p ◃ (q ◃ r)) (◃assoc p q r)
◃assocCart p q r (a , f) =
Iso→isEquiv ( (λ ((b , d) , x) → b , d , x)
, ( (λ (b , d , x) → refl)
, λ ((b , d) , x) → refl))
◃assoc⁻¹ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' κ κ' κ''}
→ (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ') (r : Poly ℓ'' κ'')
→ (p ◃ (q ◃ r)) ⇆ ((p ◃ q) ◃ r)
◃assoc⁻¹ p q r =
( (λ (a , h) → ( (a , (λ x → fst (h x)))
, (λ (x , y) → snd (h x) y) ))
, λ (a , h) ((x , y) , z) → (x , (y , z)) )
while the left and right unitors of ◃
correspond to the fact that ⊤
is both a left and a right unit for Σ
◃unitl : ∀ {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ) → (𝕪 ◃ p) ⇆ p
◃unitl p = (λ (tt , a) → a tt) , λ (tt , a) x → tt , x
◃unitlCart : ∀ {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ)
→ isCartesian (𝕪 ◃ p) p (◃unitl p)
◃unitlCart p (tt , a) =
Iso→isEquiv ( (λ (tt , b) → b)
, (λ b' → refl)
, (λ b' → refl) )
◃unitr : ∀ {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ) → (p ◃ 𝕪) ⇆ p
◃unitr p = (λ (a , f) → a) , λ (a , f) b → b , tt
◃unitrCart : ∀ {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ)
→ isCartesian (p ◃ 𝕪) p (◃unitr p)
◃unitrCart p (a , f) =
Iso→isEquiv ( (λ (b , tt) → b)
, (λ b → refl)
, (λ (b , tt) → refl) )
◃unitr⁻¹ : ∀ {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ) → p ⇆ (p ◃ 𝕪)
◃unitr⁻¹ p = (λ x → x , (λ _ → tt)) , (λ a (x , y) → x)
In fact, ◃
restricts to a monoidal product on ◃
on lenses preserves Cartesian lenses:
◃LensCart : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' κ κ' κ'' κ'''}
→ (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (r : Poly ℓ'' κ'') (s : Poly ℓ''' κ''')
→ (f : p ⇆ q) (g : r ⇆ s)
→ isCartesian p q f → isCartesian r s g
→ isCartesian (p ◃ r) (q ◃ s)
(◃Lens p q r s f g)
◃LensCart p q r s (f , f♯) (g , g♯) cf cg (a , h) =
pairEquiv (f♯ a) (λ x → g♯ (h (f♯ a x)))
(cf a) (λ x → cg (h (f♯ a x)))
We should expect, then, for these equivalences to be somehow reflected in the structure of a Cartesian lenses η : 𝕪 ⇆ 𝔲
and μ : 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
. This would be the case, e.g., if the following diagrams in
One may recognize these as the usual diagrams for a monoid in a monoidal category, hence (since ◃
corresponds to composition of polynomial endofunctors) for a monad as typically defined. However, because of the higher-categorical structure of types in HoTT, we should not only ask for these diagrams to commute, but for the cells exhibiting that these diagrams commute to themselves be subject to higher coherences, and so on, giving 𝔲
not the structure of a (Cartesian) monad, but rather of a (Cartesian) $\infty$-monad.
Yet demonstrating that
Those familiar with type theory may recognize this practice of defining types in terms of their elimination forms as characteristic of so-called negative types (in opposition to positive types, which are characterized by their introduction forms). Indeed, there are good reasons for this, having to do with the fact that negative types are equivalently those whose universal property is given by a representable functor, rather than a co-representable functor, which reflects the fact that natural models are defined in terms of presheaves on a category of contexts, rather than co-presheaves. ↩