{-# OPTIONS --without-K --rewriting #-}
module part5v2 where
open import part1v2
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma
open import Agda.Builtin.Unit
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite
open import part2v2
open import appendixA
open import part3v2
open import part4v2
We have so far considered how polynomial universes may be equipped with structure to interpret the unit type and dependent pair types. We have not yet, however, said much in the way of dependent function types. In order to rectify this omission, it will first be prudent to consider some additional structure on the category of polynomial functors – specifically a new functor Π
types as the composition Σ
types, and which in turn bears a close connection to distributive laws in
The 𝔲
, find 𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲
such that 𝔲
classifies 𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲
if and only if 𝔲
has the structure to interpret Π
types (in the same way that 𝔲
classifies 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲
if and only if 𝔲
has the structure to interpret Σ
types). Generalizing this to arbitrary pairs of polynomials
_⇈_ : ∀ {ℓ0 ℓ1 κ0 κ1} → Poly ℓ0 κ0 → Poly ℓ1 κ1
→ Poly (ℓ0 ⊔ κ0 ⊔ ℓ1) (κ0 ⊔ κ1)
(A , B) ⇈ (C , D) =
( Σ A (λ a → B a → C)
, (λ (a , f) → (b : B a) → D (f b)))
Note that this construction is straightforwardly functorial with respect to arbitrary lenses in its 2nd argument. Functoriality of the 1st argument is trickier, however. For reasons that will become apparent momentarily, we define the functorial action
⇈Lens : ∀ {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3}
→ {p : Poly ℓ0 κ0} (r : Poly ℓ2 κ2)
→ {q : Poly ℓ1 κ1} (s : Poly ℓ3 κ3)
→ (f : p ⇆ r) (f' : r ⇆ p)
→ EqLens p (id p) (comp p f f')
→ (g : q ⇆ s) → (p ⇈ q) ⇆ (r ⇈ s)
⇈Lens {p = p} r s (f , f♯) (f' , f'♯) (e , e♯) (g , g♯) =
( (λ (a , γ) → (f a , (λ x → g (γ (f♯ a x)))))
, (λ (a , γ) Ϝ x →
g♯ (γ x)
(transp (λ y → snd s (g (γ y)))
(sym (e♯ a x))
(Ϝ (f'♯ (f a) (transp (snd p) (e a) x))))) )
By construction, the existence of a Cartesian lens (π , π♯) : 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
effectively shows that 𝔲
is closed under Π
-types, since:
maps a pair(A , B)
consisting ofA : 𝓤
andB : u(A) → 𝓤
to a termπ(A,B)
representing the correspondingΠ
type. This corresponds to the type formation rule $$ \inferrule{\Gamma \vdash A : \mathsf{Type}\ \Gamma, x : A \vdash B[x] ~ \mathsf{Type}}{\Gamma \vdash \Pi x : A . B[x] ~ \mathsf{Type}} $$ - The "elimination rule"
π♯ (A , B)
, for any pair(A , B)
as above, maps an elementf : π(A,B)
to a functionπ♯ (A , B) f : (a : u(A)) → u (B x)
which takes an elementx
and yields an element ofB x
. This corresponds to the rule for function application: $$ \inferrule{\Gamma \vdash f : \Pi x : A . B[x]\ \Gamma \vdash a : A}{\Gamma \vdash f ~ a : B[a]} $$ - Since
π♯ (A , B)
is an equivalence, it follows that there is an inverseπ♯⁻¹ (A , B) : ((x : u(A)) → u(B(x)) → u(π(A,B))
, which corresponds to$\lambda$ -abstraction: $$ \inferrule{\Gamma, x : A \vdash f[x] : B[x]}{\Gamma \vdash \lambda x . f[x] : \Pi x : A . B[x]} $$ - The fact that
π♯⁻¹ (A , B)
is both a left and a right inverse toπ♯
then corresponds to the$\beta$ and$\eta$ laws forΠ
types. $$ (\lambda x . f[x]) ~ a = f[a] \qquad f = \lambda x . f ~ x $$
Although it is clear enough that the Π
types in polynomial universes, its construction seems somewhat more ad hoc than that of Σ
types in polynomial universes while arising quite naturally from composition of polynomial functors. We would like to better understand what additional properties Π
types. In fact, we will ultimately show that this construction is intimately linked with a quite simple structure on polynomial universes 𝔲
, namely a distributive law of 𝔲
(viewed as a monad) over itself. Before that, however, we note some other key properties of
Specifically, let
module Unit⇈ {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ) where
𝕪⇈ : (𝕪 ⇈ p) ⇆ p
𝕪⇈ = ( (λ (_ , a) → a tt) , λ (_ , a) b tt → b)
𝕪⇈Cart : isCartesian p 𝕪⇈
𝕪⇈Cart (_ , x) =
Iso→isEquiv ( (λ Ϝ → Ϝ tt)
, ( (λ a → refl)
, λ b → refl))
open Unit⇈ public
module ◃⇈ {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 κ0 κ1 κ2} (p : Poly ℓ0 κ0)
(q : Poly ℓ1 κ1) (r : Poly ℓ2 κ2) where
⇈Curry : ((p ◃ q) ⇈ r) ⇆ (p ⇈ (q ⇈ r))
⇈Curry = ( (λ ((a , h) , k)
→ (a , (λ b → ( (h b)
, (λ d → k (b , d))))))
, (λ ((a , h) , k) f (b , d) → f b d) )
⇈CurryCart : isCartesian (p ⇈ (q ⇈ r)) ⇈Curry
⇈CurryCart ((a , h) , k) =
Iso→isEquiv ( (λ f b d → f (b , d))
, ( (λ f → refl)
, (λ f → refl) ) )
open ◃⇈ public
The fact that ⇈Curry
is Cartesian corresponds to the usual currying isomorphism that relating dependent functions types to dependent pair types: $$
\Pi (x , y) : \Sigma x : A . B[x] . C[x,y] \simeq \Pi x : A . \Pi y : B[x] . C[x,y]
module ⇈Unit {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ) where
⇈𝕪 : (p ⇈ 𝕪) ⇆ 𝕪
⇈𝕪 = ( (λ (a , γ) → tt) , λ (a , γ) tt b → tt )
⇈𝕪Cart : isCartesian 𝕪 ⇈𝕪
⇈𝕪Cart (x , γ) =
Iso→isEquiv ( (λ x → tt)
, ( (λ a → refl)
, λ b → refl))
open ⇈Unit public
module ⇈◃ {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 κ0 κ1 κ2} (p : Poly ℓ0 κ0)
(q : Poly ℓ1 κ1) (r : Poly ℓ2 κ2) where
⇈Distr : (p ⇈ (q ◃ r)) ⇆ ((p ⇈ q) ◃ (p ⇈ r))
⇈Distr = ( (λ (a , h)
→ ( (a , (λ b → fst (h b)))
, λ f → (a , (λ b → snd (h b) (f b))) ))
, (λ (a , h) (f , g) b → (f b , g b)) )
⇈DistrCart : isCartesian ((p ⇈ q) ◃ (p ⇈ r)) ⇈Distr
⇈DistrCart (a , h) =
Iso→isEquiv ( (λ f → ( (λ b → fst (f b))
, (λ b → snd (f b)) ))
, ( (λ (f , g) → refl)
, (λ f → refl) ) )
open ⇈◃ public
The fact that ⇈Distr
is Cartesian corresponds to the distributive law of Π
types over Σ
types, i.e. $$
\Pi x : A . \Sigma y : B[x] . C[x,y] \simeq \Sigma f : \Pi x : A . B[x] . \Pi x : A . C[x, f(x)]
$$ One may wonder, then, whether this distributive law is somehow related to a distributive law ofg the monad structure on a polynomial universe 𝔲 given by Σ types (as discussed in the previous section) over itself, i.e. a morphism $$ \mathfrak{u} \triangleleft \mathfrak{u} \leftrightarrows \mathfrak{u} \triangleleft \mathfrak{u} $$ subject to certain laws. Indeed, given a Lens π : (𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲) ⇆ 𝔲
(intuitively – corresponding to the structure of Π
types in 𝔲
), one can define a morphism of this form as follows:
distrLaw? : ∀ {ℓ κ} (u : Poly ℓ κ) → (u ⇈ u) ⇆ u
→ (u ◃ u) ⇆ (u ◃ u)
distrLaw? u (π , π♯) =
( (λ (a , b) → π (a , b) , (λ x → a))
, λ (a , b) (f , x) → (x , (π♯ ((a , b)) f x)) )
The question then becomes whether this morphism has the structure of a distributive law when 𝔲
has the structure of a polynomial universe with Σ
types, and π
is Cartesian (i.e. 𝔲
also has Π
types). Answering this question in the affirmative shall be our task in the remainder of this section.
As a first step in this direction, we make a perhaps unexpected move of further generalizing the
As a first step in this direction, we make a perhaps unexpected move of further generalizing the
_⇈[_][_]_ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' κ κ' κ''}
→ (p : Poly ℓ κ) (q : Poly ℓ' κ')
→ (p ⇆ q) → (r : Poly ℓ'' κ'')
→ Poly (ℓ ⊔ κ ⊔ ℓ'') (κ' ⊔ κ'')
(A , B) ⇈[ (C , D) ][ (f , f♯) ] (E , F) =
( (Σ A (λ a → B a → E))
, (λ (a , ε) → (d : D (f a)) → F (ε (f♯ a d))))
module ⇈[]Functor {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 ℓ4 ℓ5 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3 κ4 κ5}
{p : Poly ℓ0 κ0} {p' : Poly ℓ3 κ3}
(q : Poly ℓ1 κ1) {q' : Poly ℓ4 κ4}
{r : Poly ℓ2 κ2} (r' : Poly ℓ5 κ5)
(f : p ⇆ q) (f' : p' ⇆ q')
(g : p ⇆ p') (h : q' ⇆ q) (k : r ⇆ r')
(e : EqLens q f (comp q g (comp q f' h))) where
⇈[]Lens : (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r) ⇆ (p' ⇈[ q' ][ f' ] r')
⇈[]Lens =
( (λ (a , γ) → (fst g a , λ x → fst k (γ (snd g a x))))
, λ (a , γ) Ϝ x →
snd k (γ (snd f a x))
(transp (λ y → snd r' (fst k (γ y)))
(sym (snd e a x))
(Ϝ (snd h (fst f' (fst g a))
(transp (snd q) (fst e a) x)))) )
Straightforwardly, we have that p ⇈ q = p ⇈[ p ][ id p ] q
. In particular, we have ⇈Lens p p' q q' f f' e g = ⇈[]Lens p p' p p' q q' (id p) (id p') f f' g e
, which serves to motivate the definition of ⇈Lens
in terms of morphisms equipped with left inverses.
The functor _⇈[_][_]_
defined above moreover preserves Cartesian morphisms in all of its arguments, and so restricts to a functor
⇈[]LensCart : isCartesian q h → isCartesian r' k
→ isCartesian (p' ⇈[ q' ][ f' ] r') ⇈[]Lens
⇈[]LensCart ch ck (a , γ) =
(PostCompEquiv (λ x → snd k (γ (snd f a x)))
(λ x → ck (γ (snd f a x))))
(λ x → transp (λ y → snd r' (fst k (γ y)))
(sym (snd e a x)))
(λ x → transpIsEquiv (sym (snd e a x))))
(PreCompEquiv (transp (snd q) (fst e a))
(transpIsEquiv (fst e a)))
(PreCompEquiv (λ x → snd h (fst f' (fst g a)) x)
(ch (fst f' (fst g a))))))
open ⇈[]Functor public
Moreover, all the properties of _⇈_
noted above generalize to _⇈[_][_]_
. For instance, we now have natural transformations $$
\mathbb{y} {\upuparrows}[\text{id}_{\mathbb{y}}] p \to p
$$ $$
(p \triangleleft r) {\upuparrows}[f \triangleleft g] q \to p {\upuparrows}[f] (r {\upuparrows}[g] q)
$$ as follows:
𝕪⇈[] : ∀ {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ) → (𝕪 ⇈[ 𝕪 ][ (id 𝕪) ] p) ⇆ p
𝕪⇈[] p = ((λ (_ , γ) → γ tt) , λ (_ , γ) Ϝ _ → Ϝ)
⇈[]Curry : ∀ {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 ℓ4 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3 κ4}
→ (p : Poly ℓ0 κ0) (q : Poly ℓ1 κ1)
→ (r : Poly ℓ2 κ2) (s : Poly ℓ3 κ3)
→ (t : Poly ℓ4 κ4)
→ (f : p ⇆ q) (g : r ⇆ s)
→ ((p ◃ r) ⇈[ q ◃ s ][ f ◃◃[ s ] g ] t)
⇆ (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] (r ⇈[ s ][ g ] t))
⇈[]Curry p q r s t f g =
( (λ ((a , h) , k) → a , (λ b → (h b) , (λ d → k (b , d))))
, λ ((a , h) , k) Ϝ (b , d) → Ϝ b d)
And similarly, we have natural transformations $$ p {\upuparrows}[f] \mathbb{y} → \mathbb{y} $$ $$ p {\upuparrows}[g \circ f] (r \triangleleft s) \to (p {\upuparrows}[f] r) \triangleleft (q {\upuparrows}[g] s) $$
⇈[]𝕪 : ∀ {ℓ0 κ0 ℓ1 κ1} (p : Poly ℓ0 κ0) (q : Poly ℓ1 κ1)
→ (f : p ⇆ q) → (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] 𝕪) ⇆ 𝕪
⇈[]𝕪 p q f = ((λ _ → tt) , λ _ _ _ → tt)
⇈[]Distr : ∀ {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 ℓ4 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3 κ4}
→ (p : Poly ℓ0 κ0) (q : Poly ℓ1 κ1) (r : Poly ℓ2 κ2)
→ (s : Poly ℓ3 κ3) (t : Poly ℓ4 κ4)
→ (f : p ⇆ q) (g : q ⇆ r)
→ (p ⇈[ r ][ comp r f g ] (s ◃ t))
⇆ ((p ⇈[ q ][ f ] s) ◃ (q ⇈[ r ][ g ] t))
⇈[]Distr p q r s t (f , f♯) (g , g♯) =
( (λ (a , h) → (a , (λ x → fst (h x))) , λ k1 → f a , λ x → snd (h (f♯ a x)) (k1 x))
, λ (a , h) (k1 , k2) d → (k1 (g♯ (f a) d)) , k2 d )
As we shall now see, these structures on _⇈[_][_]_
are intimately connected to a class of morphisms in
Given polynomials p,q,r,s
, a distributor of p,q
over r,s
is a morphism of the form (p ◃ r) ⇆ (s ◃ q)
in m,n
with ηₘ : 𝕪 ⇆ m, ηₙ : 𝕪 ⇆ n
and μₘ : (m ◃ m) ⇆ m, μₙ : (n ◃ n) ⇆ n
, a distributive law of m
over n
consists of a distributor of n,n
over n,n
(i.e. a morphism (n ◃ m) ⇆ (m ◃ n)
) such that the following diagrams commute:
By inspection, it can be seen that all the composite morphisms required to commute by the above diagrams are themselves distributors of various forms. Understanding the closure properties of such distributors that give rise to these diagrams, then, will be a central aim of this section.
By function extensionality, we obtain the following type of equality proofs for distributors:
EqDistributor : ∀ {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3}
→ (p : Poly ℓ0 κ0) (q : Poly ℓ1 κ1)
→ (r : Poly ℓ2 κ2) (s : Poly ℓ3 κ3)
→ (p ◃ r) ⇆ (s ◃ q) → (p ◃ r) ⇆ (s ◃ q)
→ Type (ℓ0 ⊔ ℓ1 ⊔ ℓ2 ⊔ ℓ3 ⊔ κ0 ⊔ κ1 ⊔ κ2 ⊔ κ3)
EqDistributor p q r s (f , f♯) (g , g♯) =
(a : fst p) (γ : snd p a → fst r)
→ Σ (fst (f (a , γ)) ≡ fst (g (a , γ)))
(λ e1 → (x : snd s (fst (f (a , γ))))
→ Σ ((snd (f (a , γ)) x)
≡ (snd (g (a , γ))
(transp (snd s) e1 x)))
(λ e2 → (y : snd q (snd (f (a , γ)) x))
→ (f♯ (a , γ) (x , y))
≡ (g♯ (a , γ)
( (transp (snd s) e1 x)
, (transp (snd q) e2 y)))))
Moreover, for any polynomial u
with π : (u ⇈ u) ⇆ u
, the morphism distrLaw? u π
defined above is a distributor of u,u
over itself. In fact, we can straightforwardly generalize the construction of distrLaw?
to a transformation $$
(p ~{\upuparrows}[q][f] r) \leftrightarrows s \implies (p \triangleleft r) \leftrightarrows (s \triangleleft q)
$$ as follows:
⇈→Distributor : ∀ {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3}
→ {p : Poly ℓ0 κ0} (q : Poly ℓ1 κ1)
→ (r : Poly ℓ2 κ2) {s : Poly ℓ3 κ3}
→ {f : p ⇆ q}
→ (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r) ⇆ s
→ (p ◃ r) ⇆ (s ◃ q)
⇈→Distributor q r {f = (f , f♯)} (g , g♯) =
( (λ (a , h) → g (a , h) , λ d' → f a)
, λ (a , h) (d' , d)
→ f♯ a d , g♯ (a , h) d' d)
Hence to show that the above-given diagrams commute for the candidate distributive law distrLaw? u π
given above, it suffices to show that the distributors required to commute by these diagrams themselves arise – under the above-defined transformation – from Cartesian morphisms of the form p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r ⇆ u
, which, if u
is a polynomial universe, are necessarily equal.
First of all, any distributor p' ⇆ p, q ⇆ q', r' ⇆ r, s ⇆ s'
to a distributor
module DistributorLens {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 ℓ4 ℓ5 ℓ6 ℓ7
κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3 κ4 κ5 κ6 κ7}
{p : Poly ℓ0 κ0} {p' : Poly ℓ4 κ4}
{q : Poly ℓ1 κ1} (q' : Poly ℓ5 κ5)
(r : Poly ℓ2 κ2) {r' : Poly ℓ6 κ6}
{s : Poly ℓ3 κ3} (s' : Poly ℓ7 κ7)
(g : p' ⇆ p) (h : q ⇆ q')
(k : r' ⇆ r) (l : s ⇆ s') where
distrLens : (p ◃ r) ⇆ (s ◃ q) → (p' ◃ r') ⇆ (s' ◃ q')
distrLens j =
comp (s' ◃ q') (g ◃◃[ r ] k)
(comp ((s' ◃ q')) j
(l ◃◃[ q' ] h))
The corresponding construction on morphisms out of _⇈[_][_]_
is given by forming the composite $$
p' ~ {\upuparrows}[q'][h \circ f \circ g] ~ r' \leftrightarrows p {\upuparrows}[q][f] ~ r \leftrightarrows s \leftrightarrows s'
⇈→DistributorLens : {f : p ⇆ q} → (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r) ⇆ s
→ (p' ⇈[ q' ][ comp q' g (comp q' f h) ] r') ⇆ s'
⇈→DistributorLens {f = f} j =
comp s' (⇈[]Lens q' r (comp q' g (comp q' f h)) f
g h k ((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl)))
(comp s' j l)
⇈→DistributorLens≡ : {f : p ⇆ q} (j : (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r) ⇆ s)
→ distrLens (⇈→Distributor q r j)
≡ ⇈→Distributor q' r' (⇈→DistributorLens j)
⇈→DistributorLens≡ j = refl
open DistributorLens public
Similarly, there are two distinct ways of composing distributors:
- Given jump morphisms
$j1 : s \xleftarrow{p \xleftarrow{f} q} t$ and$j2 : u \xleftarrow{q \xrightarrow{g} r} v$ , we obtain a Jump structure$s \triangleleft u \xleftarrow{p \xrightarrow{g \circ f} r} t \triangleleft v$ on the composite $$ p ◃ (s \triangleleft u) \simeq (p \triangleleft s) \triangleleft u \xrightarrow{j1 \triangleleft u} (t \triangleleft q) \triangleleft u \simeq t \traingleleft (q \triangleleft u) \xrightarrow{j2} t \triangleleft (v \triangleleft r) \simeq (t \triangleleft v) \triangleleft r $$
module DistributorComp1 {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 ℓ4 ℓ5 ℓ6 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3 κ4 κ5 κ6}
{p : Poly ℓ0 κ0} {q : Poly ℓ1 κ1} (r : Poly ℓ2 κ2)
{s : Poly ℓ3 κ3} {t : Poly ℓ4 κ4}
(u : Poly ℓ5 κ5) {v : Poly ℓ6 κ6} where
distrComp1 : (p ◃ s) ⇆ (t ◃ q) → (q ◃ u) ⇆ (v ◃ r)
→ (p ◃ (s ◃ u)) ⇆ ((t ◃ v) ◃ r)
distrComp1 h k =
comp ((t ◃ v) ◃ r) (◃assoc⁻¹ p s u)
(comp ((t ◃ v) ◃ r) (h ◃◃[ u ] (id u))
(comp ((t ◃ v) ◃ r) (◃assoc t q u)
(comp ((t ◃ v) ◃ r) ((id t) ◃◃[ (v ◃ r) ] k)
(◃assoc⁻¹ t v r))))
The corresponding construction on morphisms (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] s) ⇆ t
and (q ⇈[ r ][ g ] u) ⇆ v
is to form the following composite with the colaxator of _⇈[_][_]_
: $$
p {\upuparrows}[r][g \circ f] (s \triangleleft u) \leftrightarrows (p {\upuparrows}[q][f] s) \triangleleft (q {\upuparrows}[r][g] u) \leftrightarrows t \triangleleft v
⇈→DistributorComp1 : {f : p ⇆ q} {g : q ⇆ r}
→ (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] s) ⇆ t
→ (q ⇈[ r ][ g ] u) ⇆ v
→ (p ⇈[ r ][ comp r f g ] (s ◃ u)) ⇆ (t ◃ v)
⇈→DistributorComp1 {f = f} {g = g} h k =
comp (t ◃ v) (⇈[]Distr p q r s u f g)
(h ◃◃[ v ] k)
⇈→DistributorComp1≡ : {f : p ⇆ q} {g : q ⇆ r}
(h : (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] s) ⇆ t)
(k : (q ⇈[ r ][ g ] u) ⇆ v)
→ distrComp1 (⇈→Distributor q s h) (⇈→Distributor r u k)
≡ ⇈→Distributor r (s ◃ u) (⇈→DistributorComp1 h k)
⇈→DistributorComp1≡ h k = refl
open DistributorComp1 public
- Given distributors
$p \triangleleft u \leftrightarrows v \triangleleft q$ and$r \triangleleft t \leftrightarrows u \triangleleft s$ , we obtain a distributor$(p \triangleleft r) \triangleleft t \leftrightarrows v \triangleleft (q \triangleleft s)$ as the composite $$ (p \triangleleft r) \triangleleft t \simeq p \triangleleft (r \triangleleft t) \leftrightarrows p \triangleleft (u \triangleleft s) \simeq (p \triangleleft u) \triangleleft s \leftrightarrows (v \triangleleft q) \triangleleft s \simeq v \triangleleft (q \triangleleft s) $$
module DistributorComp2
{ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 ℓ4 ℓ5 ℓ6 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3 κ4 κ5 κ6}
{p : Poly ℓ0 κ0} {q : Poly ℓ1 κ1}
{r : Poly ℓ2 κ2} (s : Poly ℓ3 κ3)
(t : Poly ℓ4 κ4) {u : Poly ℓ5 κ5}
{v : Poly ℓ6 κ6} where
distrComp2 : (r ◃ t) ⇆ (u ◃ s) → (p ◃ u) ⇆ (v ◃ q)
→ ((p ◃ r) ◃ t) ⇆ (v ◃ (q ◃ s))
distrComp2 h k =
comp (v ◃ (q ◃ s)) (◃assoc p r t)
(comp (v ◃ (q ◃ s)) ((id p) ◃◃[ u ◃ s ] h)
(comp (v ◃ (q ◃ s)) (◃assoc⁻¹ p u s)
(comp (v ◃ (q ◃ s)) (k ◃◃[ s ] (id s))
(◃assoc v q s))))
The corresponding construction on morphisms (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] u) ⇆ v
and (r ⇈[ s ][ g ] t) ⇆ u
is to form the following composite with the morphism ⇈[]Curry
defined above: $$
(p \triangleleft r) {\upuparrows}[q \triangleleft s][f \triangleleft g] t \leftrightarrows p {\upuparrows}[q][f] (r {\upuparrows}[s][g] t) \leftrightarrows p {\upuparrows}[q][f] u \leftrightarrows v
⇈→DistributorComp2 : {f : p ⇆ q} {g : r ⇆ s}
→ (r ⇈[ s ][ g ] t) ⇆ u → (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] u) ⇆ v
→ ((p ◃ r) ⇈[ (q ◃ s) ][ f ◃◃[ s ] g ] t) ⇆ v
⇈→DistributorComp2 {f = f} {g = g} h k =
comp v (⇈[]Curry p q r s t f g)
(comp v (⇈[]Lens q u f f
(id p) (id q) h
( (λ a → refl)
, (λ a d → refl)))
⇈→DistributorComp2≡ : {f : p ⇆ q} {g : r ⇆ s}
→ (h : (r ⇈[ s ][ g ] t) ⇆ u) (k : (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] u) ⇆ v)
→ (distrComp2 (⇈→Distributor s t h)
(⇈→Distributor q u k))
≡ ⇈→Distributor (q ◃ s) t
(⇈→DistributorComp2 h k)
⇈→DistributorComp2≡ h k = refl
open DistributorComp2 public
Likewise, there are two corresponding notions of "identity distributor" on a polynomial p
, the first of which is given by the following composition of unitors for ◃
: $$
p \triangleleft y \simeq p \simeq y \triangleleft p
$$ and the second of which is given by the inverse such composition $$
y \triangleleft p \simeq p \simeq p \triangleleft y
module DistributorId {ℓ κ} (p : Poly ℓ κ) where
distrId1 : (p ◃ 𝕪) ⇆ (𝕪 ◃ p)
distrId1 = comp (𝕪 ◃ p) (◃unitr p) (◃unitl⁻¹ p)
distrId2 : (𝕪 ◃ p) ⇆ (p ◃ 𝕪)
distrId2 = comp (p ◃ 𝕪) (◃unitl p) (◃unitr⁻¹ p)
The corresponding morphisms p ⇈[ p ][ id p ] 𝕪 ⇆ 𝕪
and 𝕪 ⇈[ 𝕪 ][ id 𝕪 ] p ⇆ p
are precisely the maps ⇈[]𝕪
and 𝕪⇈[]
defined above, respectively:
⇈→DistributorId1≡ : distrId1 ≡ ⇈→Distributor p 𝕪 (⇈[]𝕪 p p (id p))
⇈→DistributorId1≡ = refl
⇈→DistributorId2≡ : distrId2 ≡ ⇈→Distributor 𝕪 p (𝕪⇈[] p)
⇈→DistributorId2≡ = refl
open DistributorId public
It can thus be seen that the above operations defined on distributors are preicsely those occurring in the diagrams for a distributive law given above, and moreover, these all have corresponding constructions on morphisms out of _⇈[_][_]_
, all of which preserve Cartesian morphisms. Hence if π : 𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
is Cartesian, all of the morphisms involving _⇈[_][_]_
corresponding to those required to commute in order for distrLaw? 𝔲 π
to be a distributive law will be Cartesian, and so if 𝔲
is a polynomial universe, these will all automatically be equal to one another.
ap⇈→Distributor : ∀ {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3}
→ (p : Poly ℓ0 κ0) (q : Poly ℓ1 κ1)
→ (r : Poly ℓ2 κ2) (s : Poly ℓ3 κ3)
→ (f : p ⇆ q)
→ (h k : (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r) ⇆ s)
→ EqLens s h k
→ EqDistributor p q r s
(⇈→Distributor q r h)
(⇈→Distributor q r k)
ap⇈→Distributor p q r s f h k (e , e♯) a γ =
( e (a , γ)
, λ x → ( refl
, (λ y → pairEq refl
(coAp (e♯ (a , γ) x) y)) ) )
module DistrLaw {ℓ κ} (𝔲 : Poly ℓ κ) (univ : isUnivalent 𝔲)
(η : 𝕪 ⇆ 𝔲) (cη : isCartesian 𝔲 η)
(σ : (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲) ⇆ 𝔲) (cσ : isCartesian 𝔲 σ)
(π : (𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲) ⇆ 𝔲) (cπ : isCartesian 𝔲 π) where
distrLaw1 : EqDistributor 𝔲 𝔲 (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲) 𝔲
(distrLens 𝔲 (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲) 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲)) σ
(distrComp1 𝔲 𝔲 (distrLaw? 𝔲 π)
(distrLaw? 𝔲 π)))
(distrLens 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) σ (id 𝔲)
(distrLaw? 𝔲 π))
distrLaw1 = ap⇈→Distributor 𝔲 𝔲 (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲) 𝔲 (id 𝔲)
(comp 𝔲 (comp (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲) (⇈Distr 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲) (π ◃◃[ 𝔲 ] π)) σ)
(comp 𝔲 (⇈[]Lens 𝔲 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) σ ((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl))) π)
(univ (compCartesian 𝔲
(compCartesian (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲)
(⇈DistrCart 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲)
(◃◃Cart 𝔲 𝔲 cπ cπ))
(compCartesian 𝔲
(⇈[]LensCart 𝔲 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) σ
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl))
(idCart 𝔲) cσ)
distrLaw2 : EqDistributor (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲) 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲
(distrLens 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲 (id (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲)) σ (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲)
(distrComp2 𝔲 𝔲 (distrLaw? 𝔲 π)
(distrLaw? 𝔲 π)))
(distrLens 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲 σ (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲)
(distrLaw? 𝔲 π))
distrLaw2 = ap⇈→Distributor (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲) 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲 σ
(comp 𝔲
(comp (𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲)
(comp (𝔲 ⇈ (𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲))
(⇈[]Lens 𝔲 𝔲 σ (id (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲))
(id (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲)) σ (id 𝔲)
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl)))
(⇈Curry 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲))
(⇈Lens 𝔲 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲)
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl))
(comp 𝔲 (⇈[]Lens 𝔲 𝔲 σ (id 𝔲) σ (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲)
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl)))
(univ (compCartesian 𝔲
(compCartesian (𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲)
(compCartesian (𝔲 ⇈ (𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲))
(⇈[]LensCart 𝔲 𝔲 σ (id (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲))
(id (𝔲 ◃ 𝔲)) σ (id 𝔲)
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl))
cσ (idCart 𝔲))
(⇈CurryCart 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲))
(⇈[]LensCart 𝔲 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) π
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl))
(idCart 𝔲) cπ))
(compCartesian 𝔲
(⇈[]LensCart 𝔲 𝔲 σ (id 𝔲) σ (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲)
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl))
(idCart 𝔲) (idCart 𝔲))
distrLaw3 : EqDistributor 𝔲 𝔲 𝕪 𝔲
(distrLens 𝔲 𝕪 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝕪) η (distrId1 𝔲))
(distrLens 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) η (id 𝔲) (distrLaw? 𝔲 π))
distrLaw3 =
ap⇈→Distributor 𝔲 𝔲 𝕪 𝔲 (id 𝔲)
(comp 𝔲 (⇈𝕪 𝔲) η)
(comp 𝔲 (⇈Lens 𝔲 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) ((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl)) η) π)
(univ (compCartesian 𝔲 (⇈𝕪Cart 𝔲) cη)
(compCartesian 𝔲
(⇈[]LensCart 𝔲 𝔲 (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) η
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl))
(idCart 𝔲) cη)
distrLaw4 : EqDistributor 𝕪 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲
(distrLens 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲 (id 𝕪) η (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (distrId2 𝔲))
(distrLens 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲 η (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲) (distrLaw? 𝔲 π))
distrLaw4 =
ap⇈→Distributor 𝕪 𝔲 𝔲 𝔲 η
(comp 𝔲 (⇈[]Lens 𝔲 𝔲 η (id 𝕪) (id 𝕪) η (id 𝔲)
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl)))
(𝕪⇈ 𝔲))
(comp 𝔲 (⇈[]Lens 𝔲 𝔲 η (id 𝔲) η (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲)
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl)))
(univ (compCartesian 𝔲
(⇈[]LensCart 𝔲 𝔲 η (id 𝕪) (id 𝕪) η (id 𝔲)
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl))
cη (idCart 𝔲))
(𝕪⇈Cart 𝔲))
(compCartesian 𝔲
(⇈[]LensCart 𝔲 𝔲 η (id 𝔲) η (id 𝔲) (id 𝔲)
((λ a → refl) , (λ a d → refl))
(idCart 𝔲) (idCart 𝔲))
Hence distrLaw? 𝔲 π
is a distributive law, as desired (and moreover, all of the higher coherences of an
As we have just seen, every polynomial universe 𝔲
equipped with unit, y ⇆ 𝔲
𝔲 ◃ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
and 𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
, respectively -- gives rise to a (Cartesian) monad structure on 𝔲
together with a distributive law of this monad over itself. Does the converse to this statement hold? That is, given a Cartesian monad structure with a self-distributive law on some polynomial universe, does this imply that the universe is closed under unit, ⇈→Distributor
) have a rather special form. For instance, such a distributive law (δ , δ♯) : 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲
must satisfy snd (δ (a , γ)) x ≡ a
for all a : fst 𝔲, γ : snd 𝔲 a → fst 𝔲, x : snd 𝔲 (fst (δ (a , γ))
, and this need not be the case for arbitrary distributive laws.
What is needed to make such a translation from distributive laws to Π
types possible is some restriction of the space of possible distributive laws so as to make the closure of a polynomial universe under Π
types equivalent to the existence of such a distributive law. Indeed, the closure of the universe under unit and Σ
types corresponded not to the existence of an arbitrary monad, but rather of a Cartesian monad, so what we seek is an appropriate notion of Cartesian distributive law of Cartesian monads that will give rise to Π
types on polynomial universes.
For this purpose, we define the auxiliary notion of a Jump structure of a lens (f , f♯) : p ⇆ q
on a distributor (g , g♯) : p ◃ r ⇆ q ◃ s
. Intuitively, a jump structure of (f , f♯)
on (g , g♯)
witnesses that (g , g♯)
"applies the action of (f , f♯)
on p
and q
while jumping over its action on r
and s
." In concrete terms, this means that we must have witnesses to the following equations:
snd (g (a , γ)) x = f a
for alla : fst p, γ : snd p a → fst r, x : snd s (fst (g (a , γ))
fst (g♯ (a , γ) (x , y)) ≡ f♯ a y
for alla, γ, x
as above andy : snd q (f a)
module JumpDistr {ℓ0 ℓ1 ℓ2 ℓ3 κ0 κ1 κ2 κ3}
(p : Poly ℓ0 κ0) (q : Poly ℓ1 κ1)
(r : Poly ℓ2 κ2) (s : Poly ℓ3 κ3)
(f : p ⇆ q) where
Jump : (p ◃ r) ⇆ (s ◃ q) → Set (ℓ0 ⊔ ℓ1 ⊔ ℓ2 ⊔ κ0 ⊔ κ1 ⊔ κ3)
Jump (g , g♯) =
Σ ((a : fst p) (γ : snd p a → fst r)
(x : snd s (fst (g (a , γ))))
→ snd (g (a , γ)) x ≡ fst f a)
λ e → (a : fst p) (γ : snd p a → fst r)
(x : snd s (fst (g (a , γ))))
(y : snd q (snd (g (a , γ)) x))
→ fst (g♯ (a , γ) (x , y))
≡ snd f a (transp (snd q) (e a γ x) y)
By construction, the distributive laws 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲
defined above can be naturally equipped with Jump structures of id 𝔲 : 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
. More generally, in fact, distributors p ◃ r ⇆ s ◃ q
arising from morphisms p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r ⇆ s
via ⇈→Distributor
as above naturally carry jump structures of f : p ⇆ q
, as follows:
⇈→Jump : (g : (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r) ⇆ s) → Jump (⇈→Distributor q r g)
⇈→Jump g = ((λ a γ x → refl) , (λ a γ x y → refl))
Conversely, given a jump structure of f : p ⇆ q
on a distributor g : p ◃ r ⇆ s ◃ q
, we obtain a morphism p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r ⇆ s
as follows:
Jump→⇈ : (g : (p ◃ r) ⇆ (s ◃ q)) → Jump g
→ (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r) ⇆ s
Jump→⇈ (g , g♯) (e , e♯) =
( (λ (a , γ) → fst (g (a , γ)))
, λ (a , γ) x y
→ transp (λ z → snd r (γ z))
(fst (g♯ (a , γ) (x , transp (snd q) (sym (e a γ x)) y))
≡〈 e♯ a γ x (transp (snd q) (sym (e a γ x)) y) 〉
ap (snd f a) (symr (e a γ x) y))
(snd (g♯ (a , γ) (x , transp (snd q) (sym (e a γ x)) y))) )
We say that a distributor g : p ◃ r ⇆ s ◃ q
equipped with a jump structure j : Jump g
of f : p ⇆ q
is Cartesian if the corresponding morphism Jump→⇈ g : p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r ⇆ s
is Cartesian. In particular, given a Cartesian morphism g : p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r ⇆ s
, it follows that the distributor ⇈→Distributor q r g : p ◃ r ⇆ s ◃ q
equipped with the jump structure ⇈→Jump g
, is Cartesian.
JumpCart : (g : (p ⇈[ q ][ f ] r) ⇆ s) → isCartesian s g
→ isCartesian s (Jump→⇈ (⇈→Distributor q r g) (⇈→Jump g))
JumpCart g cg = cg
open JumpDistr
Hence we define a Cartesian distributive law of polynomial monads m , n
as a distributive law δ : n ◃ m ⇆ m ◃ n
of m
over n
, equipped with a jump structure of id n : n ⇆ n
on δ
, such that δ
is Cartesian, in the above sense. It follows, then, that given a polynomial universe 𝔲
equipped with a Cartesian monad structure η : y ⇆ 𝔲, μ : 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
and a Cartesian distributive law δ : 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲
of this monad over itself, applying Jump→⇈
to this distributive law yields a Cartesian morphism 𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
witnessing that 𝔲
is closed under Π
From this we obtain the main theorem of this paper:
A polynomial universe 𝔲
is closed under unit, Σ
, and Π
types if and only if there exists a Cartesian monad structure on 𝔲
together with a Cartesian distributive law of this monad over itself.
Since from any 𝔲
closed under these types we obtain a Cartesian monad and Cartesian self-distributive law on 𝔲
, and from any Cartesian monad structure on 𝔲
and Cartesian distributive law of this monad over itself, we obtain Cartesian morphisms y ⇆ 𝔲, 𝔲 ◃ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲, 𝔲 ⇈ 𝔲 ⇆ 𝔲
as above.