import * as ec2 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
import * as cdk from 'aws-cdk-lib/core';
import NetFW from '@durkinza/cdk-networkfirewall-l2';
import { Bucket } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3';
* Props for configuring the NonObtrusiveNetworkFirewallStack
export interface NonObtrusiveNetworkFirewallStackProps extends cdk.StackProps{
* The VPC for the firewall to listen on.
readonly vpc: ec2.IVpc,
* The S3 bucket to store traffic logs.
readonly loggingS3Bucket: s3.IBucket
* A Non-obtrusive, monitoring example for the AWS Network Firewall
export class NonObtrusiveNetworkFirewallStack extends cdk.Stack {
* @param scope - The CDK Stack SCope
* @param id - The name for this stack.
* @param props - Additional stack properties
constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props: NonObtrusiveNetworkFirewallStackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
// Finally setup Policy and firewall.
const policy = new NetFW.FirewallPolicy(this, 'MyNetworkfirewallPolicy', {
// Send all traffic to Stateful rules for inspection
statelessDefaultActions: [NetFW.StatelessStandardAction.FORWARD],
statelessFragmentDefaultActions: [NetFW.StatelessStandardAction.FORWARD],
// Alert on all traffic from the stateful rules
statefulDefaultActions: [NetFW.StatefulStandardAction.ALERT],
new NetFW.Firewall(this, 'networkFirewall', {
firewallName: 'my-network-firewall',
vpc: props.vpc,
policy: policy,
loggingS3Buckets: [
// Send all Alerts to the logging bucket.
bucketName: props.loggingS3Bucket.bucketName,
logType: NetFW.LogType.ALERT,
prefix: 'alerts',
// Send all Flow logs to the logging bucket.
bucketName: props.loggingS3Bucket.bucketName,
logType: NetFW.LogType.FLOW,
prefix: 'flow',
// Now call the stack in your app
const app = new cdk.App();
new NonObtrusiveNetworkFirewallStack(app, 'network-firewall-passive-monitoring-stack', {
// Replace <MyVPCName> and <MyBucketName> with your VPC and S3 bucket names
vpc: ec2.Vpc.fromLookup(app,'myVPC',{vpcName:"<MyVPCName>"}),
loggingS3Bucket: Bucket.fromBucketName(app, 'myBucket', "<MyBucketName>")