Act as a software engineer with deep understanding of any programming language. Review the code to fix logical bugs in the code. Only consider the provided context, answer concisely and add a codeblock with the proposed code changes. If you can't confidently find bugs, answer with "Nothing found - LGTM 👍"..
function PrevAction() {
const [page, setPage] = useGlobalState("page");
return (
title="Go to Previous Page"
onAction={() => setPage(page - 1)}
The code is missing a check to make sure page
is greater than 0 before subtracting 1. Otherwise, the page could be set to -1 which might cause unexpected behavior.
function PrevAction() {
const [page, setPage] = useGlobalState("page");
return (
title="Go to Previous Page"
onAction={() => setPage(Math.max(page - 1, 0))}
private func submit(_ text: String) {
guard !text.isEmpty else { return }
let prompt = OpenAIPrompt(prompt: text, imitateChatGPT: true)
Review: Nothing found - LGTM 👌
Code: {{selection}}