Whenever you want to generate a URL that points to a waypoint within your Plan, consider using the waypointUrl()
function provided by CASA as this will generate consistent URLs, and beenfit from any future changes we might make to this function.
You can use this in your middleware:
import { waypointUrl } from "@dwp/govuk-casa";
middleware = (req, res, next) => {
// Generate a URL pointing to the `personal-details` waypoint
res.locals.url = waypointUrl({
mountUrl: req.baseUrl,
waypoint: "personal-details",
And in your Nunjucks templates (where the waypointUrl()
function is already pre-configured with appropriate values for the mountUrl
and journeyContext
Please revisit the <a href="{{ waypointUrl({ waypoint: 'personal-details' }) }}">Personal Details section</a>