Thanks for your interest in the SaC (Sequences as Code) repository.
We value and welcome all contributions including
- Issue reports.
- Fixes for issues.
- Improvements to the documentation.
Contributions can be made to the improve the base repository.
- The way to collaborate and work on the project is via GitHub:
- For documentation updates, bug fixes or the addition of new features please create and submit a pull request
- For raising an issue or a defect, please open a new github issue
You should not need to submit a pull request with your dedicated missions and sequences, i.e. missions specific to you and/or your organization.
For instructions on how to
- Stand up a dedicated instance of SaC
- Add your missions and sequences
- Perform common SaC tasks please
see the SaC (Sequences as Code) documentation.
We encourage contributions from the community. No fix is too small.
We strive to process all pull requests as soon as possible and to provide constructive feedback if required.
If your pull request is not accepted at first, please try again after addressing the feedback you received.
- Fork the SaC (Sequences as Code) repository
- Make changes in your local environment
- Test your changes
- Submit a Pull Request to the master repository including a brief description of the request. The Pull Request should include enough detail to enable the owner of the repository understand and process the request.
- @Mention the team/team members in the comment section so the notification is sent. This alerts the team members of the need to review the code.
- Wait for the repo admins to review the changes and provide feedback.
As noted above please do not submit a pull request containing your dedicated missions and sequences, these should be added to a dedicated instance of SaC.
For details on how to stand up a dedicated instance of SaC refer to the SaC (Sequences as Code) documentation.