Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pkiCreditcardclientID | Int | The unique ID of the Creditcardclient | |
fkiCreditcarddetailID | Int | The unique ID of the Creditcarddetail | |
bCreditcardclientrelationIsdefault | Bool | Whether if it's an relationisdefault | |
sCreditcardclientDescription | String | The description of the Creditcardclient | |
bCreditcardclientIsactive | Bool | Whether the creditcardclient is active or not | |
bCreditcardclientAllowedagencypayment | Bool | Whether if it's an allowedagencypayment | |
bCreditcardclientAllowedroyallepageprotection | Bool | Whether if it's an allowedroyallepageprotection | |
bCreditcardclientAllowedtranquillit | Bool | Whether if it's an allowedtranquillit | |
objCreditcarddetail | CreditcarddetailResponseCompound |