Copernicus Global Land product licence
All users of the Global Land service products benefit from the free and open access policy as defined in the European Union’s Copernicus regulation (N° 377/2014 of 3 April 2014) and Commission Delegated Regulation (N° 1159/2013). This includes lawful use reproduction, distribution, communication to the public, adaptation, modification and combination with other data and information or any combination thereof. Access and use can only be limited in rare cases of security concerns, protection of Third Party risks or risks of service disruption.
By using the products, you acknowledge that these conditions apply and renounce to any claims for damages against the European Union and the data providers (Global Land Service).
Whenever you distribute the original products or communicate them to the public, you are required to refer to the data source through (at least) the following statement: Copernicus Service information [Year] where [Year] is the year of publication or distribution.
In case you adapted or modified the products, the statement must be: Contains modified Copernicus Service information [Year].