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Smart contracts for Kleros v2


Refresh the list of deployed contracts by running ./scripts/

Official Testnet



Arbitrum Goerli




Arbitrum Goerli

Getting Started

Install the Dependencies

yarn install

Run Tests

yarn test

Compile the Contracts

yarn build

Run Linter on Files

yarn lint

Fix Linter Issues on Files

yarn fix

Deploy Instructions

NOTICE: the commands below work only if you are inside the contracts/ directory.

0. Set the Environment Variables

Copy .env.example file as .env and edit it accordingly.

cp .env.example .env

The following env vars are required:

  • PRIVATE_KEY: the private key of the deployer account used for the testnets.
  • MAINNET_PRIVATE_KEY: the private key of the deployer account used for Mainnet.
  • INFURA_API_KEY: the API key for infura.

The ones below are optional:

  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY: to verify the source of the newly deployed contracts on Etherscan.
  • ARBISCAN_API_KEY: to verify the source of the newly deployed contracts on Arbitrum.
  • GNOSISSCAN_API_KEY: to verify the source of the newly deployed contracts on Gnosis chain.

1. Update the Constructor Parameters (optional)

If some of the constructor parameters (such as the Meta Evidence) needs to change, you need to update the files in the deploy/ directory.

2. Deploy to a Local Network

The complete deployment is multi-chain, so a deployment to the local network can only simulate either the Home chain or the Foreign chain.

Shell 1: the node

yarn hardhat node --tags nothing

Shell 2: the deploy script

yarn deploy --network localhost --tags <Arbitration|VeaMock|ForeignGatewayOnEthereum|HomeGateway>

3. Deploy to Public Testnets

# ArbitrumGoerli to Chiado
yarn deploy --network arbitrumGoerli --tags Arbitration
yarn deploy --network arbitrumGoerli --tags HomeArbitrable
yarn deploy --network chiado --tags ForeignGatewayOnGnosis
yarn deploy --network chiado --tags KlerosLiquidOnGnosis
yarn deploy --network chiado --tags ForeignArbitrable
yarn deploy --network arbitrumGoerli --tags HomeGatewayToGnosis

# Goerli
yarn deploy --network goerli --tags ForeignGatewayOnEthereum
yarn deploy --network goerli --tags ForeignArbitrable
yarn deploy --network arbitrumGoerli --tags HomeGatewayToEthereum

The deployed addresses should be displayed to the screen after the deployment is complete. If you missed them, you can always go to the deployments/<network> directory and look for the respective file.

4. Deploy a Devnet on Public Testnets

Same steps as above but append Devnet to the --network parameter.

Running Test Fixtures

Shell 1: the node

yarn hardhat node --tags Arbitration,VeaMock

Shell 2: the test scripts

yarn test --network localhost

4. Verify the Source Code

This must be done for each network separately.

# explorer
yarn etherscan-verify --network <arbitrumGoerli|arbitrum|chiado|gnosischain|goerli|mainnet>

# sourcify
yarn sourcify --network <arbitrumGoerli|arbitrum|chiado|gnosischain|goerli|mainnet>

Ad-hoc procedures

Populating the policy registry and courts

1/ Export the registry data from V1

for network in mainnet gnosischain
  yarn hardhat run scripts/getPoliciesV1.ts  --network $network | tee config/policies.v1.$network.json
  yarn hardhat run scripts/getCourtsV1.ts --network $network | tee config/courts.v1.$network.json

2/ Import the data to V2 - Local Network

⚠️ By default this script populates from *.mainnet.json. To populate from *.gnosischain.json, set the variable USE_GNOSIS to true inside scripts/populateCourts.ts.

⚠️ It is possible to switch to testnet-friendly court parameters by setting the variable TESTING_PARAMETERS to true inside scripts/populateCourts.ts.

Shell 1:

yarn hardhat node --tags Arbitration

Shell 2:

yarn hardhat run scripts/populateCourts.ts --network localhost
yarn hardhat run scripts/populatePolicyRegistry.ts --network localhost

3/ Import the data to V2 - Public Testnet

yarn hardhat run scripts/populateCourts.ts --network arbitrumGoerli
yarn hardhat run scripts/populatePolicyRegistry.ts --network arbitrumGoerli

Generate deployment artifacts for existing contracts


scripts/ <network> <address>

Example: WETH on Gnosis chain

scripts/ gnosischain 0xf8d1677c8a0c961938bf2f9adc3f3cfda759a9d9 > deployments/gnosischain/WETH.json

Push the contracts to a Tenderly project

Ensure that your $TENDERLY_PROJECT and $TENDERLY_USERNAME is set correctly in .env.

yarn tenderly-verify --network goerli
yarn tenderly-verify --network arbitrumGoerli