- We prototype high risk items first
- We use established Drupal contrib projects whenever possible
- We use Features best practices
- We create websites with customizable display layouts
- We configure content structure as much as we can before we configure content display
- We build sites such that we can accommodate changing needs and requirements
- We treat the user stories of content editors and creators seriously
- We configure sites that are optimized for SEO
- We include social media functions
- We import and export data: Feeds and Migrate
- We capture configuration settings in code
- We build sites that are pleasant to administer
- We consider Search configuration implications early in the development process
- We configure permissions to be as simple as possible
- We use entity view modes to configure reusable displays for entities
- We improve the registration/login experience
- We are ALWAYS clear on which site is the config/content master
- We don't install modules we don't need, and we remove ones we no longer need
- We build sites that make it easy to upload and display images and video
- We upgrade Drupal major versions with careful consideration
- We update to new minor versions of Drupal core
- We configure secure text filters
- We use Entityform instead of Webform whenever possible
- We use/create panels layouts, rather than adding page specific layout adjustments
- We configure streamlined and semantic markup by default
- We set a "module budget" for a project
- We consider various featurization strategies prior to starting a project
- We avoid namespace conflicts
- We use drush to update node access
- We don't like media_gallery module
- We don't like Drupal Commons
We need to scope out high risk tickets to inform basic site architecture decisions. As we know more about a problem, we reduce the risk. Therefore focusing on high-risk first enables early identification of architectural obstacles and opportunities, leading to better matching of functional requirements and system architecture.
- Scan the product backlog and identify tickets whose functional requirements don't seem to align with known, low-risk mechanisms for achieving them.
- Label the tickets as "high-risk" tickets, and attempt to outline what it will take to build the function.
- Identify dependencies that may impact the ability to accomplish the ticket. Clearly indicate those dependencies in the ticket.
- If necessary, produce a simple flowchart to analyze the problem and call attention to unknown factors in the workflow.
- Prototype the workflow using "stub" data and actions to clarify when/how handoffs need to occur.
- When starting a project "from scratch" or from a concept.
- When a team has identified tasks that look like they are high-risk activities.
- When the project is time or budget constrained.
- When you don't have enough of a backlog to get a good sense of task priorities. It's easy to go down rabbit holes if you don't have a sense of how to limit action.
- When there are too many outstanding dependencies, or its clear that dependencies can't be resolved within the context of developing the function within a sprint or two.
- Make sure you consider likely extensions to functionality after you "set" the architecture based on high risk tickets.
- Complex permissions
- Search
It's generally cheaper to maintain and the barrier to maintainability is lower (less programmer skills). There are often established best practices around projects that allow us to standardize. We can take advantage of other developers insights and skills.
- Download and configure the relevant module(s) / themes.
- A modules function closely aligns with a requirement.
- When anticipated function changes align with how the module can be configured.
- When other administrators/developers/end-users are expected to be able to make configuration changes.
- When a lighter-weight approach might produce the same functionality.
- When an alternative approach using other Drupal tools (e.g. Views for customized data retrieval) might offer less lock-in and more configurability.
- When the price of setup and configuration and likelihood of unintentional breakage indicates that a custom module is a better fit.
- When a more direct approach (i.e. modifying data at the db level rather than through Drupal) might be faster/better/more economical.
- http://civicactions.com/blog/most_important_decision_developing_site_Contributed_vs_custom_development
- http://www.civicactions.com/blog/Drupal_Developer_Tips_Getting_Most_out_Open_Source
- Always include Strongarm module.
- Always fu-all periodically/always so cross-feature dependencies are updated.
- Include features_extra if you need to add blocks and nodequeues to your feature.
- We use a hook_update_N in a .install file of the feature to revert our feature.
- Break features into generic Drupal functionality areas: user config/access permissions; theme; content; custom reports, feeds, etc.
- Make ALL configuration changes locally (except for last-minute changes to live -- see below). Then either do a drush fu-all OR use the features UI to regenerate the specific feature you've rebuilt.
- Pull last minute Feature content from live using the UI: it will take the config settings and save them locally.
- Then use git status or svn stat to ensure that the correct files were indeed updated. Features is generally okay, but at times it seems to not register an update or a rebuild. Always best to double check.
- After you've made sure that your configuration changes have indeed been captured in code, commit and push your code.
- When pulling code from the repository whether on a staging, dev or qa site -- always do a drush fr-all -y immediately after pulling the codebase. This will ensure that all of your config is up-to-date.
- Create Feature sets on two levels: generic and specific function.
- Consider restricting the amount of time you spend featurinzing during the prototype stage.
- https://drupal.org/project/ftools
- https://drupal.org/project/configuration
- Good read (though 2 years old): http://www.lullabot.com/blog/article/features-module
Blocks vs Context vs Panels vs Panelizer.
- Only for very simple sites. Sometimes used for the header/footer regions in combination with Panels, unless you're using "panels everywhere."
- Can be easier to theme than panels.
- Easy to create generic templates with one-off major exceptions.
- Offers many add-ons like visibility settings on a per-pane basis, contextual filters (arguments) etc.
- Much more intuitive for content creators.
- Settings can be captured in code.
- Flexible conditional content/view permission options.
- Can be non-intuitive and fussy.
- Panelizer allows default panel that can be overridden by content creators.
- Can lock down default layouts while enabling modification by content creators.
- Con: Content creator customizations can't be version controlled as they reside in the db. Can cause major issues down the road.
There's an iterative link between content structure and content display. It's important to configure content structure as far as you can before working on display because It expedites content entry by content creators and you can't display what doesn't exist.
- Use content display wireframes as a clue to content structure.
- Use other examples of relevant solutions as clues/hints/templates about what to design.
- Talk with clients and attempt to clarify their willingness to attend to content detail.
- KISS whenever possible.
- When you have a pretty clear understanding about what you want to display.
- When you've gone through a formal design phase.
- When the project conflates the design and development phases into a rapid prototyping sprint.
- eatfresh.org recipe development: food integrates with instructions, with sources, with specific geo-location specific variables tied to county of residence.
We are agile, and we expect our clients to require agility in their website.
- We adhere to Drupal standards as much as possible.
- We use OTS solutions where practical.
- We choose the most reliable and robust solution to a functional problem and try not to lock ourselves into a specific approach.
Drupal has a notoriously poor content workflow and editing experience OOTB. There are simple ways to improve this.
- WYZIWYG: ckeditor (D8, works great in d6/d7).
- Create taxonomy vocabularies, related VBO views matched with rule sets to assist in managing editorial workflows.
- Use multistep form to make dealing with metadata less onerous.
- Create custom versions of the admin/content/node page (and other entity types) that shows fields that are useful for managing and bulk editing content.
- Install views_bulk_operations and rules to assist in managing workflow tasks.
- globalredirect
- xml sitemap
- Google Analytics module
- metatag
- proper configuration of pathauto
- redirect
- Lots more ideas at https://drupal.org/project/seo_checklist
- Training clients in creating search optimized content.
- Researching/identifying keywords (Discovery).
//needs content
- AddThis / ShareThis / AddToAny are services that offer code snippets and analytics.
- When one of the goals of the site is for content to be shared via social media.
- When content is not accessible to the public.
- It's not always worth bothering with an AddThis/ShareThis/AddtoAny Drupal module; adding code to tpl.php files can sometimes be easier.
Drupal configuration settings reside in various places in the source database. We capture configuration settings in code so that those settings can be versioned and reverted, and can be transferred to other installations without being manually entered.
- The project is sufficiently large and has configuration options too numerous to keep track of using the "config master" approach.
- Common configuration options can be exported and set up quickly on similar projects.
- With configuration exported to code, we have the advantages of version control -- including a history of configuration changes.
- Makes deploying new functionality less risky.
- In Drupal 7, Features module can be a PITA. It's buggy and often doesn't reflect the current state (overridden, default, needs review) of features.
- Features can create overhead later in a project: new functionality sometimes may require refactoring existing features.
- During prototype stages of a project, confg changes vary rapidly and you can spend more time storing / retrieving the changes than is worth it.
- You don't yet know the granularity level of site functions.
- Ctools and Views
- Date
- module_filter for the /admin/modules page
- admin_menu.module > toolbar.module > admin.module
- pathauto
- Media tools
- Drupal v Apache Solr?
- Faceted search?
- Substitute views search for Drupal or Solr search
- Do we need to index file attachments? (Has server php library implications)
- field level permissions (field_permissions)
- taxonomy level permissions (taxonomy_access)
- group permissions (organic_groups)
- content type permissions (content_access)
- role permissions
- individual user permissions (content_access)
We use entity view modes (e.g. teaser) to configure reusable displays for entities, rather than duplicated views field configurations.
We do this so we can avoid fragile duplicated configuration and emphasize consistency of display and modular CSS. There are still occasions where field based views make sense, but these are generally singletons. Part of this needs to happen in the design phase, when we're thinking about doing these displays in a modular fashion.
- When you've got a fiddly, reused data object.
- When you know you're going to reuse a group of data object (e.g. a "teaser" with thumbnail, header, and "like' widget that always appear together, at the same size).
- If you're only displaying a group of related data objects one time, in one place on the site.
- http://eatfresh.org: Search results, related recipes
This is a very common, important user story in Drupal that often gets ignored.
- LoginToboggan
- email_registration module (overlaps/conflicts with LoginToboggan)
- inline login blocks
- think about redirects
- update the default status messages
- theming the form fields
- colorbox popups (although be aware of mobile)
- http://drupalwatchdog.com/2/1/dedrupalize-login-form
Never lose time working on the wrong site! [Hint: in nearly all cases the config/content master should be "live" from day 1.]
- Add a ticket to the project Trello board designing dev, qa and live servers
- Look into using Environment Indicator to differentiate sites (https://www.drupal.org/project/environment_indicator)
This means our sites are as simple, focused and performant as possible.
- We prefer to use config.make as an inventory of contributed modules and patches.
- We use dev commit id's to identify our dev versions in contrib.make instead of the generic "7.x-dev".
- We routinely review enabled modules in the module list, and remove modules that aren't currently enabled ASAP, but no later than pushes to production servers.
- Remove = disable AND uninstall AND delete.
- Insert module for inline images ... ASPCA, Rethink, etc.
- Media module and WYSYWIG/CKEditor integration... Mukutu, EatFresh, GlobalNET
- Embed fields ... C4CM
- Video filter ... RPA
Why? So that we can mitigate risk and ensure a good value proposition for the client.
- We don't (normally) upgrade, we reconstruct and port existing data.
- Either make no design changes and port exact existing functionality, OR consider the project to be a ground-up redesign.
- When there's sufficient budget and time to accomplish it.
- When there are equivalent contrib modules.
- Anytime there are Organic Groups
We do this so we can resolve bugs when necessary, or address security vulnerabilities.
- We backup our db using pushdb --backup (or drush sql-dump).
- We use the drush up on our sandbox, then commit/tag/push.
- There's a trello board to monitor security updates for sites we host https://trello.com/b/QdozgLL0/security-updates-for-client-sites
- Tables
- Tables
- php module
Unlike Webform module, Entityform module uses Form API instead of reinventing the wheel. This makes it far more easy to integrate with other modules, particularly Rules and modules that alter entity forms. Also, it's exportable in Features.
Projects where this has proven useful: RTM, Teach.
- When you have a smallish number of forms.
- When you need excellent views, token, rules etc integration.
- When you need better control over response output.
- When you have a lot of forms (dozens or hundreds) - management can get challenging unless you also build tools to help manage the forms.
We do this so that layouts are cleanly separated from other visual styles, and so that they are reusable.
A great way to do this is to make a standalone Zen Grids layout - see https://git.civicactions.net/civicactions/home/tree/master/docroot/sites/all/themes/sanantonio/panels-layouts/three-across for an example.
We do this so that our pages are smaller, faster and simpler to theme as well as more accessible. If wrappers turn out to be needed later in theming they are easy to add.
- Views (e.g. fields) - remove wrapper markup and specify semantic tags.
- Panels/blocks - use https://www.drupal.org/project/clean_markup to create semantic tags and remove wrappers.
- Fields - use https://www.drupal.org/project/fences to remove field wrappers by default, and also set field tags to be semantic.
We do this to prioritize functionality and keep things maintainable and performant.
- Good for: Smaller sites, prototypes.
- Pros: Easy, simple.
- Cons: Breaks when you hit complex/large features because of PHP and MySQL limits (PHP max_input_vars and MySQL max transaction size).
(e.g. content types & views, roles/permissions; strongarm settings, theming and defaults, etc)
- Good for: Medium sites, smaller, more stable teams.
- Pros: Relatively easy to parse out where things go. Simpler, structure.
- Cons: Need to commit to multiple features for single function; relatively easy to step on someone else’s work and not notice it. Dependency issues/conflict management. Possibility of not putting things in the right place: more feature housekeeping. Requires good semantics / categorization.
(One feature per content type or function)
- Good for: Larger sites, fluid teams
- Pros: Easier for developer to focus on specific instances, see when they’ve stepped on things;
- Cons: Complexity; dependency management, conflict management. Possibility for multiple developers to work on the same functional issue but in different features at different times. More difficult to figure out where a particular function lives when it crosses over content types.
- Features Extra module (adds blocks, user profiles to Features)
- Configuration module (captures a subset of what Features captures)
- Features Builder: https://www.drupal.org/project/features_builder
- Apps: https://www.drupal.org/project/apps
- Organizing Features for Configuration Management: https://docs.google.com/a/civicactions.net/document/d/178hsoHrK28xj6M9FlBDXNSufo7oD4i9zu-ernqDARvI/edit?usp=sharing
We carefully consider our semantics, naming features/views/custom modules in ways that don't conflict with Drupal terms and client terms.
Make sure you set it to batch mode. You can use:
PHP_OPTIONS='-d disable_functions=set_time_limit -d max_execution_time=0 -d memory_limit=1024M' drush php-eval 'node_access_rebuild();'
to rebuild the node access table. If you leave off TRUE, it will attempt to update all nodes, and may result in some php out of memory errors.
- http://befused.com/drupal/rebuild-node-permissions-large-sites
- https://docs.acquia.com/articles/rebuilding-node-access-permissions
What it does: Allows users to upload/maintain folders of resources using Media module integration.
Useful ONLY if you don't have to change anything about it.
- Hard coded behavior and UI.
- Odd structure and doesn't recognize a lot of standard Drupal functions.
- Difficult to troubleshoot.
- UI almost always needs fixing/updating but it's difficult to do.
- Unnecessary complexity for little return.
- We can use OG instead.
- Difficult to re-theme.
- Really difficult to upgrade and keep modules up to date.
- If you aren't going to change anything.