Ongoing project
Task with the aim of learning the basics of the JavaScript course where the goal was a webshop based on a list of requirements from a customer.
In this project, I have gained basic knowledge in the areas of:
- Logic & program flow
- Comments and self-documenting code
- High code quality, conventions
- Conditionals (if statements)
- Events
- DOM manipulation
- Functions
- Variables
- Arithmetic
- Object
- Arrays
- Timers
- Loops
- Date
In this project, the following technologies and tools have been used:
- HTML – The structure of the web page.
- SASS – For styling.
- JavaScript – For interactivity and logic.
- Prettier – For code formatting and styling.
- ESLint – To find and fix code quality issues.
- HTML validation:
- CSS validation:
- Lighthouse:
- Screenshot of webshop on desktop, tablet & mobile: