##BCH Reusable Address Proposal: Recovery Server##
This is a stub for the specs of communication protocol needed for the proposed Recovery Server.
Client request:
Field Size | Description | Data Type | Comments |
1 | suffix_size | uint8 | length of the filtering suffix desired in bytes; 0 if no-filter |
variable | suffix | char | exact suffix used to filter transactions |
4 | start time | uint32 | Beginning UNIX time of the period of transactions the client wishes to examine |
4 | end time | uint32 | End UNIX time of the period of transactions the client wishes to examine |
Server response:
The precise response and how/whether to paginate it is yet to be determined, but the server is expected to return a list of txids that contain the requested transactions. The client can download and verify these transactions from another service like Bitcore or ElectrumX.