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Netlist Simulator and Waveform Viewer

joern274 edited this page Jun 16, 2022 · 33 revisions

Note: netlist simulator is currently experiencing a major makeover. The code has not been merged into master yet but can be obtained in branch [v4.0.0](

The simulator framework enables the reverse engineer to simulate selected parts of the netlist in a cycle-accurate fashion and analyze the results in a graphical viewer. The simulator framework is made out of several plugins, like controller plugin to provide common functionality and API, Verilator simulator plugin and waveform viewer plugin. These plugins are not build automatically. It is recommended to force the build of all available plugins by issuing the flag -DBUILD_ALL_PLUGINS=1 flag when calling cmake.

The simulation procedure (Overview)

The simulation can be controlled from waveform viewer GUI or via Python script or Python command line. In all cases the following steps are necessary

  • Instantiate a simulation controller
  • Select parts of the current netlist to be simulated
  • Prepare simulation
    • Select the clock(s) driving the simulation
    • Select the simulation engine
    • Load or create data for the inputs of the selected partial netlisst.
  • Run the simulation
  • Analyze the results

Instantiate a simulation controller


from hal_plugins import netlist_simulator_controller
pl_sim = hal_py.plugin_manager.get_plugin_instance("netlist_simulator_controller")
sim_ctrl = pl_sim.create_simulator(<optional_name>)

Imediatelly when creating a new controller instance a working directory for the waveform database gets created as well. The optinal controller name and a random string will become part of the working directory name. The user can choose any variable name for the python controller instance. In this tutorial we name it sim_ctrl which will be used in subsequent python command lines.

When creating a new controller instance a log message will be written on console revealing the autogenerated controller-ID.

GUI: Create a new controller by (left-)click on '+' button, the leftmost button in waveform viewer button toolbar.

Select parts of the current netlist to be simulated



The list of gates defining the partial netlist for simulation can be prepared using the well documented functions get_gates from hal netlist or module.


Click on 'settings' button (second from left) -> 'Select gates for simulation'

The user has the choice to pick the gates for the partial netlist individually, to select the entire netlist, or to use a selection previously made in the graph view from the netlist.

All subsequent preparation steps depend on the selected partial netlist for simulation. For this reason, the selection of gates can only be done. If the user changes the mind concerning selected gates a new controller can be set up with the correct selection.

Prepare simulation

The sequence of the following steps is not important, they can be done in any order. However, GUI will only allow to do the actual simulation if all steps below have been completed.

Select the clock(s) driving the simulation

Setting the clock is a convenient method to define a clock with a given period for a duration of time. All times are given as integer values. In most cases the unit 'picosecond' is assumed but that is not important for the 'ideal' simulation which does not simulate time jitter or delay.

It is however possible to provide user generated input data for the clock like for every other input net. In this case it must be announced that no clock will be used to skip this setup step. Python:

ctrl_sim.add_clock_period(<clock_net>, <period>, <start_at_zero>, <duration>)


Click on 'settings' button (second from left) -> 'Select clock net'

Setup parameter for selected clock as above or check 'Do not use clock in simulation'.

Select the simulation engine

While the menu offers three different engines the user should always select the external Verilator engine for most accurate simulation. The build-in HAL-simulator has known issues and is kept only for testing and comparison with simulation results from early HAL days. The dummy engine is for debugging purpose only. Python:

eng = ctrl_sim.create_simulation_engine("verilator")


Click on 'settings' button (second from left) -> 'Select engine ...' -> 'verilator'

The Verilator engine will be started as a separate process. For special cases (number of threads, additional input, remote execution) the engine might need additional parameter. Python:

eng.set_engine_property("num_of_threads", "8")


Click on 'settings' button (second from left) -> 'Settings ...' -> 'Engine properties'-Tab

The output and error messages the engine generates while performing the simulation will be dumped into console. GUI users can get a slightly enhanced view of the engines output. GUI:

Click on 'settings' button (second from left) -> 'Show output of engine'

Load or create data for the inputs of the selected partial netlisst.

Run the simulation


while eng.get_state() > 0 and eng.get_state() != 2:
    print ("eng state running %d" % (eng.get_state())) # Output: 1
print ("final state %d" % (eng.get_state())) # Output: 0 on success, -1 on error

Simulation will be startet in a separate thread. Therefore a loop is mandatory to check the engines state (1=Simulation running, 0=Ended successfully, -1=Some error).


Click 'run simulation' icon (green triangle)

A status message at the bottem of the waveform viewer widget informs the user whether the simulation is still running, has ended successfully or crashed with some error.

Analyze the results

Restore Results from previous Simulation

When a HAL project is saved to disk and gets reopened the simulation results are restored as well. Note that the core waveform data is implemented as database so modifications are stored without explicit ''save'' command. It is also possible to open manually results from previous simulations if the simulation has been performed with the same netlist. Python:

# based on plugin instance pl_sim (see above)
sim_ctrl = pl_sim.restore_simulator(netlist,"<path_to_external_simulation_workdir>/netlist_simulator_controller.json")


Click 'open file' icon
Select file 'netlist_simulator_controller.json' in working directory of external simulation

Running the build in hal simulator

This part describes the hal build-in simulater which is should not be used any more. However, for the moment it is kept for testing and prove of backward compatibility. For this purpose the documentation behind this point is kept ... but will be removed eventually.

The user must specify the subset of the netlist he wants to simulate. For this purpose, a list of gates must be specified and passed to the simulator instance sim such that it can automatically determine input and output nets of the subgraph. This can be done using the add_gates function as shown below.

gate_list = [g1, g2, g3, g4]   # collect gates to simulate in a list
sim_ctrl.add_gates(gate_list)        # add the gates to the simulation instance

As stated before, the simulator will automatically detect all inputs and outputs to the simulated subgraph. Using get_input_nets and get_output_nets, the user can retrieve those nets and may use them later on to, e.g., set input values during simulation.

sim_ctrl.get_input_nets()    # get all input nets
sim_ctrl.get_output_nets()   # get all output nets

Next, the clock signal needs to be specified. This can be done using either add_clock_frequency or add_clock_period, which take the net connected to the clock and a clock frequency or period as input. Hence, the function assignes a specific clock frequency to the given net and thus allows for different clock domains.

sim_ctrl.add_clock_frequency(clk, 1000000)   # assign a clock frequency of 1 MHz to input net 'clk'

To avoid getting stuck in infinite loops, it may be helpful to set a iteration timeout that stops the simulation after a pre-defined number of iterations. The timeout is given in number of iterations and can be controlled using set_iteration_timeout and get_iteration_timeout. It defaults to 10000000 iterations and assigning a value of 0 disables the timeout.

sim_ctrl.set_iteration_timeout(1000)   # set the timeout to 1000 iterations

In some cases, sequential gates may come with an initial value that is assigned to their internal state during device startup. For example, this is the case for flip-flops within FPGA netlists, which may retrieve their initial state from the netlist or rather bitstream file. To accommodate this during simulation, these initial values can be loaded into the internal state of such sequential elements using load_initial_values_from_netlist. Further, load_initial_values may be used to specify an initial value to load into all sequential elements before running the simulation.

sim_ctrl.load_initial_values_from_netlist()                        # load initial values into sequential gates if available
sim_ctrl.load_initial_values(hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ZERO)   # load logical 0 into all FFs before running simulation

Running the Hal-Buildin-Simulator

To finally run the simulation, logical values should be assigned to all of the input nets of the simulated subgraph. The function set_input provides exactly this functionality and takes a net as well as a value as input. It may also be used during simulation to change input values between simulation cycles. The simulation itself is started using simulate and proceeds for the specified number of picoseconds. An example is given below.

sim_ctrl.set_input(in1, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ONE)    # assign a logical 1 to input net in1
sim_ctrl.set_input(in2, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ZERO)   # assign a logical 0 to input net in2
sim_ctrl.simulate(3000)                                       # simulate for 3000 ps
sim_ctrl.set_input(in1, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ZERO)   # change the value of in1 to a logical 0
sim_ctrl.simulate(2000)                                       # simulate for another 2000 ps

Retrieving Simulation Results

To get the results of the simulation, the function get_simulation_state may be called to retrieve the entire simulation result. It returns a simulation state containing detailed information of the simulation including all incurred events. By calling get_net_value on that instance, the user can query the value of each net included in the subgraph at every point in time during simulation.

state = sim_ctrl.get_simulation_state()     # retrieve the simulation state
val = state.get_net_value(net, 1000)   # get the value of net 'net' after 1000 ps

Furthermore, the simulation state holds a list of all events incurred during simulation that can be obtained using get_events. This list may also be expanded by the user by creating and adding a new event using add_event. The current simulation state of the simulator instance may be overwritten using set_simulation_state. More on these operations can be found in the official Python API documentation.

Generating a Waveform File

To assist the simulation process, HAL can generate waveform files using the VCD file format. For this purpose, the function generate_vcd can be called to write the current simulation instance to a waveform file. The user may specify a start and an end time (in ps) to avoid the generation of unnecessarily large traces. The VCD file can then be viewed using popular open-source tools like gtkwave. An example looks like this:

sim_ctrl.generate_vcd("trace.vcd", 0, 300000)

Example: Simulating a simple counter

In our tests we provide a netlist for a simple counter. The following code simulates the netlist:

from hal_plugins import netlist_simulator
pl_sim = hal_py.plugin_manager.get_plugin_instance("netlist_simulator")

sim = pl_sim_ctrl.create_simulator()


clock_enable_B = netlist.get_net_by_id(8)
clock = netlist.get_net_by_id(9)
reset = netlist.get_net_by_id(7)
output_0 = netlist.get_net_by_id(6)
output_1 = netlist.get_net_by_id(5)
output_2 = netlist.get_net_by_id(4)
output_3 = netlist.get_net_by_id(3)

sim_ctrl.add_clock_period(clock, 10000)

sim_ctrl.set_input(clock_enable_B, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ONE)
sim_ctrl.set_input(reset, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ZERO)
sim_ctrl.simulate(40 * 1000)

sim_ctrl.set_input(clock_enable_B, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ZERO)
sim_ctrl.simulate(110 * 1000)

sim_ctrl.set_input(reset, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ONE)
sim_ctrl.simulate(20 * 1000)

sim_ctrl.set_input(reset, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ZERO)
sim_ctrl.simulate(70 * 1000)

sim_ctrl.set_input(clock_enable_B, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ONE)
sim_ctrl.simulate(23 * 1000)

sim_ctrl.set_input(reset, hal_py.BooleanFunction.Value.ONE)
sim_ctrl.simulate(20 * 1000)

sim_ctrl.simulate(20 * 1000)

sim_ctrl.simulate(5 * 1000)


sim_ctrl.generate_vcd("counter.vcd", 0, 300000)

The generated vcd can be viewed using gtkwave.

Waveform of a simple counter

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