From feac93cdcdca5db62b4349a5e3aa517dd92cdfb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: github-actions
+ Irikā divaśany ājñā śrī mahārāja rake halu śrī lokeśvara dharmmavaṅśa
+ Airlaṅgānantavikramottuṅgadeva, tinaḍaḥ rakryān· mahāmantrī I hino śrī samaravijaya
+ dha sambandha, A huvus ta śrī mahārāja kr̥tasaṁskāra, pratiṣṭa riṁ siṅhāsana, mvaṁ An· kapadasthāniṁ
+ pituṁ śrī ma sampun· saṁkṣipta ta Ikāṁ pralaya ri yava(dvīpa), matlasan ikā
+ saṁgrāma, ta Eternal homage to the Creator (Brahmā), who, even though he is
+ endowed with the three qualities (of Homage to Him (Viṣṇu) who, though famous in the world to have
+ (only) three acts of valour — [or rather,] Homage to that Śiva, who, despite being an (immovable) stump —
+ [or rather,] He who has an obsession for women — [or rather] There was a crest-jewel among kings, who defeated numerous hordes
+ of (enemy) kings, famous throughout all three worlds, comparable to a lion by his
+ great prowess, who long held the Earth, of unlimited fruits, as well as Lakṣmī
+ (Fortune), not fickle [at all in his case]. He was the king of Yava (i.e. Java),
+ endowed with fortune, fame and power, called Śrī Īśānatuṅga. His daughter was like a she-goose: she was charming with her pure
+ mind and attire And then the king Śrī Lokapāla, In order for an earth-ornament (i.e. a king) Known as Śrī Makuṭavaṁśavardhana, an incomparable chief
+ ( The extremely beautiful daughter of that king was, thanks to the
+ king’s virtues, like the embodied royal fortune of Java, even though on another
+ island; she was clearly made by her fortunate (i.e. happily married) father “the
+ lawful wife of the one who is fond of virtues” by her name. There was also that Udayana, of distinguished and pure birth,
+ born from a famous royal lineage. True to his name, From him was born a divine son called Erlaṅgadeva, as Rāma was
+ born from Daśaratha. He was the best among all people, delightful because of the
+ arts [he mastered], even more venerable than him because of his good qualities,
+ whose exalted career was predicted by the best sages because of his
+ majesty. When the previous king of Java called Śrī Dharmavaṁśa, his
+ in-law, Then his (Dharmavaṁśa Təguh’s) city suddenly turned to ashes, …
+ like the kingdom of Indra. Clearly because of the rogue Kali (Age), he went to the
+ forest without servants, together with Narottama. In the elapsed The multitude of enemies, having heard that this king, after
+ being consecrated to emperorship, had defeated by his power the horde of foes, here
+ even today constantly study the unprecedented swiftness of the palm of his
+ serpent-like arm. Very many kings of Java enjoyed / ruled the earth while being
+ petitioners / beggars with respect to their opponents / enemies (indebted to their
+ enemies?). By force of their royal birth their sons enjoyed [the earth] in
+ succession (reading OR Their sons did not enjoy [it] by force of their royal birth on the royal throne. OR Very many kings of Java ruled the earth while being supplicants with respect to their
+ opponents, by force of their royal birth. Their sons did not rule on the throne. But
+ his Majesty, king Jalalaṅgadeva, who was born in a good family and is the foremost
+ of emperors, does very much rule. Only that enemy (reading
+ He is seated on the throne, while his pair of feet are smeared
+ by the heads of kings. Every day he converses with his ministers who are engaged in
+ reflecting upon counsel.
+ “My husband, though he is very tender / affectionate, suddenly
+ left our sons [and] me, … going to the women in heaven … obeying your command. You
+ are known in the world to have a compassionate heart, how can you behave like a
+ thief? (read COMMENTARY
+ One would expect or
+ One great enemy … striving for liberation …to achieve … the dirt
+ of riches / forest fruits, another one obtained the king’s spells / counsels that
+ face heaven / the chief of which is heaven / beginning with heaven / which are the
+ source of heaven, was made by him a pupil, so to say. Xāvāptaye tadāptaye / tasyāptaye mumukṣur … jahāti mukteḥ / so vāptaye dhanamalāni ? vanaphalāni? from the mouth of the king? which is (like?) heaven? a, cannot end in o ; jijñāsita, jijñāsaka, jijñāsayā,
+ jijñāsanaṁ, jijñāsavaḥ -sya maharovi X jī(ba/jñā)sa -sya maharo vi – ⏑ jijñāsayā kiṅ — — bhuvanatrayasya mahato viśvasya jijñāsayā b, kiṁ sandhānacikīrṣayā kṣitibhujas tībradyutes tejasaḥ (if it were bandhāna, a
+ nonexistent form anyway, we would expect kim), “why would a king, whose splendour is
+ fierce because of his majesty, wish to make peace / form alliances?” (tīvradyuti
+ also means the sun) c kiṅ krīḍārasalipsayā rabhasayā yasyoddhataiḥ / yasyodyataiḥ kīrtitā d kīrtiḥ śuddhikarīndubhādhavalabhās sammānyate harniśam What is the use of strong desire to obtain the pleasure of play for someone whose purifying fame, which is celebrated by proud people and has a lustre white like
+ moonbeams, is honoured day and night? kiṅ krīḍāraṇa ? kiṅ śrī ? ‘Indra unto men (= Varuṇa unto those who are to be subjected, Kubera unto supplicants — having assembled
+ the world guardians, saying “Behold the ruler of kings!”, he was uniquely chosen by
+ the creator to … many.’ c, hanta yavarāḍ ? nr̥parāḍ? bhr̥gurāḍ? hasta? d, pra…tuṁ ? inf. cf. RV 2:75cd narapatikulabhūtyai garbham ādhatta rājñī gurubhir abhiniviṣṭaṁ lokapālānubhāvaiḥ | 17:76 pañcamaṇ lokapālānām 17:79 indrād vr̥ṣṭir niyamitagadodrekavr̥ttir yamo ’bhūd yādonāthaḥ śivajalapathaḥ karmaṇe naucarāṇām | pūrvāpekṣī tadanu vidadhe kośavr̥ddhiṁ kuveras tasmin daṇḍopanatacaritaṁ bhejire lokapālāḥ || cf. Manu 7 rakṣārtham asya sarvasya rājānam asr̥jat prabhuḥ 3 indrānilayamārkāṇām agneś ca varuṇasya ca candravitteśayoś caiva mātrā nirhr̥tya śāśvatīḥ 4 yasmād eṣāṁ surendrāṇāṁ mātrābhyo nirmito nr̥paḥ tasmād abhibhavaty eṣa sarvabhūtāni tejasā 5 There was a king … the annihilation of the city … his eminent
+ son was called Viṣṇuprabhāva. Him in the Śaka year 951 … eleventh day … in phālguṇa
+ … % if śuklapakṣa: 16 Feb 1030, Monday; if kr̥ṣṇapakṣa: 3 March 1030, Tuesday % On this stanza, see Boechari 1968: 13: n. 8. ekādaśībadi ekādaśīśudi Another one, a very vile man called Paruda, tormented the people
+ like an actual Ten-Faced (Rāvaṇa). The king, ..., whose conduct was more pleasurable
+ even than that of Rāma, slew him quickly. Immediately after that the king, who wished to defeat the king’s
+ son, went from there and at once burnt down his whole residence. Then, again and
+ again, when the Śaka year 953 had elapsed, the excellent king burnt his cities
+ ( There was also on the earth a woman, as terrible in might as a
+ female
+ Like a constantly licking fire, the king burnt that southern
+ region, which had been utterly unconquerable, because he was able. Having obtained
+ lots of riches and having given them to the community of chief brahmins and sages
+ which was supported by him, he only took fame [for himself].
+ Then, because he was proud, in the elapsed Śaka year 957, in the
+ month of Bhādra, on the 13th day of the waxing fortnight, on an auspicious
+ Wednesday, the king, who is worshipped by the world, went together with zealous,
+ strong, innumerable forces in the Western direction and defeated the king called
+ Vijaya. % 19 Aug 1035, but this was a Tuesday !! % kr̥ṣṇapakṣa 13 bhadra 957 = 3 Sep 1035, Wed; māsy asita ? % 957 māgha śukla 13 would be 14 Jan 1036 Wed % Then in the Śaka year 959, on the 8th of the waxing fortnight of
+ the month of Kārtika, on Thursday, seized by his own forces by the stratagems of
+ Viṣṇugupta, king Vijayavarman at once went to heaven. % Reading the data as mukhaśararandhra, the date is verifiable: 20 Oct. 1037,
+ Thursday. With Kern’s reading muniśararandhra, the weekday is a Sunday. % need note on Viṣṇugupta’s = Kauṭalya’s stratagems (sāman, dāna, bheda, daṇḍa) AŚ 2.10.47ff. On this stanza, see Boechari 1968: 13: n. 8.
+ In the Śaka year 959, on the 15th of the waning fortnight of
+ Kārtika, on Thursday, having placed his foot on the head of his enemy, the
+ illustrious king of the island of Java is victorious, sitting on the bejewelled
+ lion-throne. % 10 Nov 1037, Thursday Royal Majesty is now unable to look at anyone else as, pressing
+ with her fair arms, she tightly embraces Jalalaṅgadeva, who has conquered the
+ directions beginning with the East, who has killed all his enemies, and who is the
+ single parasol-bearer of the earth.
+ Having defeated his (wordly) enemies by heroic acts and also by
+ stratagems, (flowing forth) from the wealth of his valour, (as well as the spiritual
+ ones) by observance of vows unimpaired thanks to his power or by worshipping
+ deities, Those who hear about this peerless royal hermitage, which
+ resembles the Nandana grove, they too, going there continuously, vying with each
+ other, their motionless / fixed with wonder, causing joy with garlands, their mouths
+ shouting praises, considering him to be the foremost of kings, the lord of the
+ high-minded / highly esteemed — they say he is to be venerated as Manu because of
+ his majesty. May the collective of citizens walk on the path of good people,
+ may the course of ministers be dharmic, [may] the sages desire the welfare of beings
+ — I do not pray like this. They succeed as long as that king lives and protects the
+ earth righteously, therefore may the king His Majesty Jalalaṅgadeva live long! Hail! Elapsed Śaka year 963, month of Kārttika, tenth
+ That was the time that the decree of the Great King Raka of Halu (named) Śrī
+ Lokeśvara Dharmavaṅśa Airlaṅga Anantavikramottuṅgadeva was received by the lord
+ Great Minister of Hino (named) Śrī Samaravijaya Dhāmasuparṇavāhana Təguh
+ Uttuṅgadeva, coming down to the lord of Kanuruhan (named) The occasion was that the Great King had had a prayer in view of a desire
+ at the time of the disaster on the island of Java in the [year of the] Śaka era 939,
+ due to the attack of the king of Vuravari who came out of Lva Rām. At that time, the
+ whole of Java resembled one great sea. Many distinguished men died. First and
+ foremost did die at that time the late Great King who rests at the holy temple
+ foundation in Vvatan. It was in the month of Caitra of the [year of the] Śaka era
+ 939. The Great King was still a child at that time. In fact he was sixteen years of
+ age. He was not very experienced in battle, because he was still young. He was not
+ at ease at quickly grasping the ways of handling his weapons. But because he was
+ manifestly an incarnation of Viṣṇu, he was the protégé of all the gods, destined not
+ to be among those who succumbed to the force of the great disaster, as he stayed on
+ the slope of the Vanagiri, conversing with the ascetics of pure conduct [and] being
+ accompanied by his servant, whose mind had focused dedication as his bodily services
+ were skilled [and] as he was bowed in devotion to the dust on slippers of the Great
+ King. His name was Pu Narottama. He was the foremost of the servants of the Great
+ King extraordinary in the steadfastness of his devotion, who followed inseparably to
+ the Great King’s every destination, wearing bark garments like the Great King, and
+ accompanying him in taking all the types of food The Great King had already undergone due rites, was installed on the lion
+ throne, and, insofar as it was the appanage ( The way in which the Great King carried out all intentions of all the gods
+ with regard to him knew no limits. All together the external and internal rites were
+ performed by him. Exceedingly powerful and brave, he defeated the King of Vəṅkər. Nine were
+ the kings who faced him together with the King of Vəṅkər. Still
+ ( As for the manner in which the King of Vəṅkər perished because of his the
+ Great King, originally his palace was in Kapaṅ. He The disaster on the island of Java has been summarized. The war ended.
+ There was no doubt in the minds of the people, as they took shelter, using as refuge
+ the shadow of the sandals of the Great King. This is the reason why he fulfilled his
+ promise So therefore they will undergo the consequences of their action. The
+ (consequences of the) Five Major Sins are their lot. ... calligrapher to his Majesty
+ the Great King ... the holy royal decree (in the form of an) edict.
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z
// 0 // svasti //
s surādhipena sadā
namaḥ ⊙ || ⊙
ṇais sa jayatād erlaṅga-nāmā nr̥paḥ ⊙
kṣmīś ca no gatvarī
gaḥ ⊙
dalane putraḥ prabhur bhū-bhujām·
+ ⊙
ja-guṇato yava-rāja-lakṣmīḥ
matīv vidhivad eva mahendra-dattāv
hasā munīndrair
prathita-kīrttir abhūn mahātmā ⊙
[bdhi]-vadane yāte mahā-vatsare
hīty apātāṅ kṣitim· ⊙
[na]kti kevalam arin dvandvam bhraman bhūtale
+ ⊙
to niviśate vīraiḥ parīto bhr̥śaṁ
⏑ – ⏑ ⏑ ⏑ to h/py ājñā-vidheyas tava
⏑ – ⏑ ⏑ – ⏑ – –
sya maha – – – ⏑ – – ⏑ so
dā dhavala – – mānyate ’har-niśam· ⊙
ko bahum pra ⏑ ⏑ – v vriyate sma dhātrā ⊙
ta-vadane śakābde gate
māsi sitatrayodaśatitho vāre budhe pāvane
(śa)rarandhre śākavarṣe ṣṭamākhye
cchat· ⊙
o ratna-siṁhāsana-sthaḥ ⊙
mprati rāja-lakṣmīḥ ⊙
+ kurute puṇyāśramaṁ śrīmataḥ
+ ntas santatan te py ahamahamikayā
+ vismayālolanetrā
mānanīyav vruvanti ⊙
+ kṣati bhuvan dharmeṇa siddhyanti
+ te
// @ // svasti śaka-varṣātīta 963 kārtika-māsa, tithi daśamī śukla-pakṣa,
+ ha, va‚ śu, vāra vayaṁ-vayaṁ, caragraha bāyabyastha, Uttarabhadravā-nakṣatra,
+ Ahirbudhna-devatā, bajrayoga, gara(ḍ)i[ka]
raṇa, bāruṇyamaṇḍala,
masuparṇa(vā)haṇa tguh uttuṅgadeva, [Um]iṅ[so]r· I rakryān·
+ kanuruhan· pu dharmmamūrtti (naro)ttama dānaśūra (k)umo(nak)ə(n) i(kana)ṁ ri
+ pucaṅan·, Iṁ barahəm·,
[n·] hana Iṣṭaprārthanā śrī mahārāja ri kālaniṁ pralaya riṁ
+ yavadvīpa, (I)[r]i[kā]ṁ [śaka]k[āla] 939 ri pra(hāra) haji vura(va)ri An· vijil·
+ saṅke lva rām·, Ekărṇavarŭpanikāṁ sayavadvīpa rikāṁ kā
la, Akveḥ sira vvaṁ
+ mahāviśeṣa pjaḥ, karuhun· An· samaṅkana divaśa śrī mahārāja devatā pjaḥ lumāḥ ri saṁ
+ hyaṁ dharmma parhyaṅan i vvatan·, riṁ cetramāsa, śakakāla 939 sḍaṁ vāla
+ śrī mahārāja Irikāṁ kāla, prasiddha na[m] blas· (tah)un· vayaḥnira, tapvan· dahat·
+ kr̥tapariśramanireṁ saṁgrāma, makahet[u] rarenira, tapvan enak· baṅətni denira
+ rumə
gəp· pasarikəpany āyudhanira, kunaṁ ri sākṣāt(n)iran·
+ viṣṇumūrtti, rinakṣaniṁ sarbvadevata, Inahākən tan ilva kavaśa deni paṅava(śaniṁ)
+ mahāpralaya, maṅantīri himbaṁniṁ vanagiri, ma
kasambhāsana saṁ tāpaśa
+ suddhācāra, meriṁ lāvan· hulunira saṅ ek(ā)ntapratipatti manaḥniran·
saṁjñānira, sirādini
+ h(u)lan· śrī mahārāja Atisayeṁ dr̥ḍabhakti, tumūt tan sāḥ I saparān· śrī mahārāja,
+ milu valkaladhara pinakarovaṁ śrī mahārāja makāhāra sāhā
ra saṁ bhikṣuka
+ vanaprastha, tātan· vismr̥di śrī mahārāja ri kārādhanan· bhaṭāra riṅ ahorātra,
+ nimittani mahābhāranyāsiḥniṁ sarbvadevata I śrī mahārāja, An· sira pi
nratyayaniṁ sarbvadevata (ka)lpapādapa Umə:bana bhuvana, kumaliliranaṁ kulit kaki,
+ makadrabyaṁ rājalakṣmī, muvahakna sāśvatā(niṁ)
humariṣṭākna hanituniṁ bhuvana,
+ maṁkanābhamataniṁ sarbva(devata) I śrī mahārāja,
hārāja haji devatā saṁ lumāḥ riṅ īśānabajra Ikanaṁ halu
+ pinaka(ka)padasthān· śrī mahārāja, mataṅyan· rake halu śrī lokeśvara dharmmavaṅśa
+ Airla(ṅgā)nantavikram
ottuṅgadeva saṁjñā kāstvan· śrī mahārāja, de
+ mpuṅku sogata maheśvara mahābrāhmaṇa Irikāṁ śakakāla 941 (tā)tan· pahī(ṅan de) śrī
+ mahārāja [luma]risakə
n· sābhamataniṁ sarbvadevatā I sira, kapva
+ kakal(imbaṅ ikaṁ) kriyā vāhyāntara denira, tan· kasalimur i kadamlaniṁ pūjā,
raniṁ kasiṅhe(śva)ranira,
+ marava(śā)k(ə)n· sakveḥnik(āṁ ka)la(ṅka) satumuvuh i
ṅ inaranan· si (śuvuka)l·, (man)tu (ha)j(ī)nadgakn (iṁ) ka(ṭ)ula mvaṁ si
+ la(ḍ)iṁ, nirava(ś)eṣa I
tahun· An· paṁ(di)ri, pinakarovaṁ mad(v)andva yuddhaca(kra)
ta śrī mahārāja dumon ikāṁ parad[āra]putra hyaṁ ma(ṅ)adg (i
+ v)uru tum(u)ṁgal (i) maddhyadeśaniṁ vurahan·, Atiśayeṁ mahābalapa(rākrama) sumorakən
+ haji vəṅkər·
saṅa ta ha(jy a)n· pahaR̥p=haR̥pan· mvaṁ haji vaṅk(ə)r·,
+ kavnaṅ ata Ikā (de) śrī mahārāja I(rikāṁ śaka)kāla 952 mvaṁ tinuluy (hani)hanitu[n]i
+ karājyanira (m)uvah akaḍatvan i L̥ca, tin(ū)tnikāṁ deśa galuḥ m(v)aṁ deśa barat·,
+ A(n)· tinkān· sināhasan irikāṁ śakakāla 9(5)[3] [d]e (śrī) mahārā
+ muvaḥ hana ta putra [haji] vaṅ[ka]r· ma(ṅ)adg i vur(u rt)u p(j)aḥ Ata Ikā de śrī
+ mahārāja Irikāṁ śakakāla 954 sahanani vargga la(ṁ)ḍiṁ rāk·, mvaṁ hiR̥ṁ-hiR̥ṅan(·),
+ (Iṁ)
maṁd(on·,) lāvan· sahananikāṁ makira-(k)i(rāpā)yāmutra hyaṅ
+ amana(ḥnya)
puruṣa(kā)ra kahilaṁnira,
+ (U)saṁ[ṅ-u]saṁ śrī mahārāja mvaṁ rakryān· kanuruhan· pu narottama, rakryān· kuniṅan
+ pu nīti, ri kāla śrī mahārāja hane magəṁ ha
paṁ sira naṁ
+ pratiniyata hinārohara deśanirāṅkən· Asujimāsa de śrī mahārāja, muvaḥ Irikāṁ
+ śakakāla 95[7] vvay ata, samaṁkana (ta) sirar kapa
rājaya ri kapaṁ
+ de śrī mahārāja, sirāmriḥ manusup amet· deśa durgga, matiṅgal· tanaya dāra tka
+ riṁ rājadrabya rājavāhana prakāra, ri kahləma
nya Irikāṁ śakakāla
+ 959 vaR̥gg anusup· haji ri kapaṁ mvaṁ balanira samāsiḥ ri sira, kavnaṁ ta sira ri
+ sarasa ratu
+ (t)aṇḍasnira de śrī mahārāja Ar paliṅgiḥ moḍo(ḍa) ri siṅhāsa(na),
n (hana) saṅśayani manaḥnikāṁ rāt· An· (p)aṅəb·
+ makapārāyana (c)chāyāni pāduka śrī mahārāja, mataṅ yar siddhākən·
+ pratijñānira,
+ madaməl· yaśa pa
tapān iṁ pucaṅan· Inusa[n·-U]san· raghu,
+ yāṅkən· mantras(t)avanamaskāra śrī mahārāja ri bhaṭāra sāri-sāri, mvaṁ
+ paṁliṅgānanikāṁ
+ rāt·, karuhun saṅ anā
gataprabhu hlam i dlāhaniṁ dlāha, ri kramani
+ de śrī mahārāja munarjīvākən· sāśvatāniṁ sayavadvīpa,
+ Āpan· saṅ anādi prabhu sakveḥnira sinivi riṁ
yavadvīpa, ka
(th)ā(n)i [vat]ə[k]·
+ yaśa patapān· I pucaṅan·, mantən· ta Ikāṁ lmaḥ ri pucaṅan·, I barahəm·, I
+ bapuri
+ ṅkur·, tavan·, tirip·, mvaṁ (saṁ nāyaka)pratyaya,
+ piṅhai vahuta rāma, mvaṁ sakveḥ saṁ maṅilala drabya haji m
+ khaduḥkha,
+ sakveḥ lviranya
+ siṅ ata lviranya,
+ luməbu[ra]
piṅhai vahuta rāma
saṁ hyaṅ ājñā haji praśāsti
+ ,
+ although the absence of visarga at the end of pāda b in stanza XXXIII is
+ beyond doubt, and it may simply never have been written here either.
+ Wuru Tunggal (912-03-08)
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS03Timbanan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS03Timbanan.html
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTimbanan Wungkal (913-02-11)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS04Pesindon.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS04Pesindon.html
index 68509b18..ab73f60a 100644
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@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZPesindon I and II (914-08-14)
Editor: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS05Tulang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS05Tulang.html
index 2b5e452a..047fcd45 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS05Tulang.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTulang Er III (914-12-30)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS06Tihang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS06Tihang.html
index 2e0b5f14..ced63396 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS06Tihang.html
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTihang (914-11-08)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS07Wintang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS07Wintang.html
index 63a30575..780f46ac 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWintang Mas II (919-10-12)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS08Sugih.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS08Sugih.html
index a53eae77..d305a35e 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZSugih Manek (915-09-13)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS09Barahasrama.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS09Barahasrama.html
index 53703238..4ccf64b2 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBarahasrama (915-12-14)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS10Kiringan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS10Kiringan.html
index 117a0fbb..d0b49582 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKiringan (917-11-14)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS11Lintakan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS11Lintakan.html
index 7fb3b3a1..e8c850f4 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZLintakan (841 Śaka, 919-07-12)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti, Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS12Gilikan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS12Gilikan.html
index dd899359..a34388d2 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZGilikan (date lost)
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS13Air.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INS13Air.html
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZAir Kali (849-850 Śaka)
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAdulengen.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAdulengen.html
index 972ab761..463ce583 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZAdulengen
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAirAsih.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAirAsih.html
index 431f540c..d5aeac4d 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZAir Asih (between 1177 and 1208 Śaka)
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAlasantan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAlasantan.html
index f4691299..a4c31794 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZAlasantan
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAmoghapasaPlaqueTropenmuseum.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAmoghapasaPlaqueTropenmuseum.html
index fa96fce1..ecf5e724 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZSingasari Amoghapāśa plaque Tropenmuseum
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAnjatan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAnjatan.html
index 633d015e..725572b5 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZAnjatan: Foundation Charter of the Amr̥tamaṅgala Monastery
Editors: Arlo Griffiths and Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAyamTeas_I.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAyamTeas_I.html
index 91e58ce2..31c28187 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZAyam Teas I (822 Śaka)
Editors: Arlo Griffiths and Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAyamTeas_II.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAyamTeas_II.html
index 302178a9..13d1288a 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZCharter of Ayam Teas II
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAyamTeas_III.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKAyamTeas_III.html
index 97183151..e8bfae86 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZAyam Teas III (822 Ś – 901-01-01)
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBarahasrama.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBarahasrama.html
index 9f73111b..75ecb6d0 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBarahasrama (915-12-14)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBarsahan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBarsahan.html
index 372b52bd..787e6e76 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBarsahan charter (date lost)
Editors: Arlo Griffiths and Eko Bastiawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBatur.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBatur.html
index cdab3426..df3c1202 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBatur
Editor: Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBatutulis.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBatutulis.html
index 667c2511..e924832f 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBatutulis
Editors: Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBhatari.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBhatari.html
index e0ed9661..6438ea10 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBhatari (829 Śaka, 907-10-07)
Editor: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBromoSemeru2.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBromoSemeru2.html
index 8046bcf3..96e3fe26 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBromo Semeru 2
Editors: Arlo Griffiths and Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBromoSemeru4.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBromoSemeru4.html
index 51fed1d7..614de3cd 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBromo Semeru 4
Editors: Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBromoSemeru6.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBromoSemeru6.html
index a4020b7c..d0576dd7 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBromo Semeru 6
Editors: Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBulai.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBulai.html
index 9c59d07f..26a3e3a5 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKBulai.html
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZBulai
Editor: John Doe.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKCamundi.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKCamundi.html
index 726a5d4a..b8c1c9c4 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZCamundi
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKCanggu.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKCanggu.html
index 7a522b1b..886f0c78 100644
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@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZCanggu inscription
Editor: Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKDalinan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKDalinan.html
index 863d09b3..33f9ab7f 100644
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@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZFoundation Charter of the Dalinan Monastery (villages Wukajana, Tumpak &
Editors: Arlo Griffiths and Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKDawangsari.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKDawangsari.html
index c0de87f6..2adae432 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKDawangsari.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKDawangsari.html
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZDawangsari
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKDisunuh.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKDisunuh.html
index 88fb68f5..c1e4bf68 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKDisunuh.html
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZThe Disunuh Inscription (709 Śaka)
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKE62.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKE62.html
index a70336a0..50789357 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKE62.html
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZE62
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGajahMada.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGajahMada.html
index f9772304..1c2e0636 100644
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@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZGajah Mada’s foundation of a caitya (1351-04-27)
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGandhakuti.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGandhakuti.html
index 03df2e74..4cf73217 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGandhakuti.html
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZGandhakuti
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGarung.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGarung.html
index 7eb14eeb..d81f7745 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGarung.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGarung.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZGarung
Editors: Roelof Goris and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGenengII.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGenengII.html
index d8bb735a..1a20426e 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGenengII.html
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@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZGeneng II
Editors: Arlo Griffiths and Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGulungGulung.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGulungGulung.html
index 8a76cca0..83d57b72 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGulungGulung.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGulungGulung.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZGulung-Gulung (851 Śaka)
Editors: Eko Bastiawan and Arlo Griffiths.
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZApparatus
maṅasəA by treating only the pa as superfluous.— A5vḍu⟨⟨s·⟩⟩ T ◇ vḍu N B
A6gatyanikaṁ T ◇ gatyanika T B
A7sakarmmaṇya T B ◇ saṁ karmmaṇya N— A7tka(n)iṁ N T ◇ tka (riṁ) B
A8sakarmmaṇya T B ◇ saṁ karmmaṇya N— A8sakarmmaṇya T B ◇ saṁ karmmaṇya N
A9kāla[1×1×]n· N T ◇ kāla[1×](n)ndhan· B— A9tuṅgal· T B ◇ tiṅgal· N
A10sbaṁ T ◇ mbaṁ B; mvaṁ N
A11śī(khāha) pañ(j)at· ◇ śīkha[1×] pañjat· B; śīkhā[1×] pañjak· N; śīkhāṁ hapañat· T— A11At the end of this line, races of akṣaras can still be seen but are difficult to decipher.
B reads ruAṁ … (rimpaṁ) and N has ruAṁ … niṁ ... while T does not provide any reading.
A12riṁ kapūjān· N B ◇ rikaṁ pūjān· T
A13maṁ[kana sam](b)[aḥ] ◇ ma[4×] N B; maṁ[kana səm](b)[aḥ] T— A13ya pinagəhakan· Inarpaṇākan· N T ◇ ta [5×] Inargha[1×]kan· B
A14[I saṁ hyaṁ prāsā]da ◇ [5+1×] N B
A15pa[rtta]ya N ◇ [2×] B; pa[rtya]ya T • T’s restitution may be correct but ours is more plausible, as the reading parttaya
is considerably better attested than pratyaya in the corpus of Sindok inscriptions.— A15pamgat· N B ◇ samgat· T
A16pini[l]ai kataṅgaran· T ◇ [3×] kat(u)ṅgaran· B; piniṁlai kataṅgaran· N
A17L̥bə-L̥b· N ◇ L̥ba-L̥b· B; L̥b-L̥b· T
A18mā[vi] T ◇ mā[1×] N B
A19paka[luṅkuṁ] Urutan· N T ◇ paka[2+] vrutan· B
A21[hopa]n· T ◇ [2+]n· B; [1×pan·] N— A21skar T B ◇ Akar N
A24ka[savu]r iṁ T ◇ ka[2+]r iṁ B; ka[savu]r i N
A26[matarub]· T ◇ manaru(p)· B; [3+] N— A26maṅubar· N T ◇ mabubar· B— A26maṁluruṁ T ◇ maluruṁ N B
A28parahu N ◇ barahu T B— A28masuṁhara T ◇ masuhara B; massuhara N— A28Adagaṁ T ◇ madagaṁ N B
A29Aṅuñjal· N T ◇ Aṅañjal· B
A30[sa](pa)raṅgaṁ ◇ [1+1×](raṅgaṁ) B; [1+]paraṅgaṁ N; [1+](sa)raṅgaṁ T • Cf. Jeru-Jeru A19.— A30sīma tan· knā T ◇ [...]ima ba[2×] B; [3×]n· [1×] N
B1[kāla ma]ṅasəAkan· T ◇ [2+] AṅasəAkan· B; [3+]ṅasəAkan· N
B2I [ra]kryān· N B ◇ I (taṇḍa ra)kryān· T
B4vahaṁ N T ◇ [2×] B
B5ma⟨ṁ⟩hūri ◇ maṁhūri N B; mahūṁri T • B and N silently correct the reading.
B6[1] ◇ [1+] N T B
B7pahuṁ T ◇ paluḥ B; patuḥ N— B7lbūr N T ◇ lbar B— B7saṁ ra majjha T ◇ sarama[1×] B; saṁ rama(ṅse) N
B8vatu kiluṁ N T ◇ [1×]ta kīluṁ B
B9ho[vaṅka] T ◇ [1×2+] B; ho[1+]ṅ[śa] N— B9saṁ kulumpaṁ N T ◇ Akulumpaṁ B
B10pu ⟨tu⟩ntun· N ◇ puntun· T B • Cf. Sangguran B4 (guṇuṅan· pu tun·tun·) and Masahar B9 (gunuṅan pu tuntun·). The
- parallel passage in Jeru-Jeru B1 which reads vuntun· also shows omission of one akṣara.
B11vatu N T ◇ [1×]ta B
B12satyaka N T ◇ (sa)kya(ta) B
B13kinabaihānira T ◇ kinabaihān[...1×] B; kinabaihān[...](ra) N— B13və:han· ◇ pə:han· N T B— B13mājha T ◇ mā(ñaṁ) B; māṅsa N
B14paṅaṅkat· N T ◇ pa(ṅu)[1×] B— B14hop saji N T ◇ hop[1×]saji N
B15vasaḥ T B ◇ vasuḥ N— B15matəb· N T ◇ mañəb· B • B notes an alternative reading matəb·.
B16ku[ci] saṁ būka T ◇ [1×1+] subuta B; k(uvi) subūta N— B16piṅsor hyaṁ N T ◇ piṅhe ryya B
B17turus· T ◇ kurus· N B— B17mā 2 N B ◇ mā 4 T
B18kahyunan T ◇ [2×]ṅan B; kahyuṅan N— B18saṁ lāgi N B ◇ saṁ lābhi T— B18baraṇa N T ◇ maba[1×] B
B19[A]nakbi B ◇ nakbi N T • B silently correcting the reading.— B19vlaḥ T ◇ vlu N B
B20jura(ṁ) T ◇ juru N B
B21ma(ṁ)ha[mb]in· ◇ ma(ha)[2×] B; maṁha[2×] N T— B21saṁ balusyak· N T ◇ saba saṁ syak· B
B22prathama, maṇi(ga) [5+] vinaiḥ ◇ bajrama malā[1× 4+]məṁ vinaiḥ B; prajamaṁ maṇiga [4+]mī N; prathama maniL̥ [4+]mə T • Cf. Jeru-Jeru B12 pr̥thama, maṇiga L̥kər·, barsahan· (s)amə, vineḥ. The present
+ parallel passage in Jeru-Jeru B1 which reads vuntun· also shows omission of one akṣara.
B11vatu N T ◇ [1×]ta B
B12satyaka N T ◇ (sa)kya(ta) B
B13kinabaihānira T ◇ kinabaihān[...1×] B; kinabaihān[...](ra) N— B13və:han· ◇ pə:han· N T B— B13mājha T ◇ mā(ñaṁ) B; māṅsa N
B14paṅaṅkat· N T ◇ pa(ṅu)[1×] B— B14hop saji N T ◇ hop[1×]saji N
B15vasaḥ T B ◇ vasuḥ N— B15matəb· N T ◇ mañəb· B • B notes an alternative reading matəb·.
B16ku[ci] saṁ būka T ◇ [1×1+] subuta B; k(uvi) subūta N— B16piṅsor hyaṁ N T ◇ piṅhe ryya B
B17turus· T ◇ kurus· N B— B17mā 2 N B ◇ mā 4 T
B18kahyunan T ◇ [2×]ṅan B; kahyuṅan N— B18saṁ lāgi N B ◇ saṁ lābhi T— B18baraṇa N T ◇ maba[1×] B
B19[A]nakbi B ◇ nakbi N T • B silently correcting the reading.— B19vlaḥ T ◇ vlu N B
B20jura(ṁ) T ◇ juru N B
B21ma(ṁ)ha[mb]in· ◇ ma(ha)[2×] B; maṁha[2×] N T— B21saṁ balusyak· N T ◇ saba saṁ syak· B
B22prathama, maṇi(ga) [5+] vinaiḥ ◇ bajrama malā[1× 4+]məṁ vinaiḥ B; prajamaṁ maṇiga [4+]mī N; prathama maniL̥ [4+]mə T • Cf. Jeru-Jeru B12 pr̥thama, maṇiga L̥kər·, barsahan· (s)amə, vineḥ. The present
passage can probably be restored after the parallel in Jeru-Jeru.— B22kahyunan· ⟨⟨bisat·⟩⟩ ◇ kahyunan· bipat· B; kahyunan· bisak· N; kahyunan· T
B23ma(ṁ)hamb[i]nanī ◇ [1×]tamban B; maṁhambinana N; pahambin T • Cf. Jeru-Jeru B13.— B23gu[s]t[i] N B ◇ [2×] T— B23[pañjuruAn·] ◇ [4+] N T B • Restored after Jeru-Jeru B13 parujar patiḥ maṁhambin nanī, pañjuruAn· Iṁ pakaraṇan·
Astuti malavaṁ kāliḥ jaṅga. But note that gusti is absent there.— B23malavaṅ N B ◇ maṁlavaṅ T— B23bhoma Ugal-ugal· T ◇ go[5×] B; boma dagalaṅan· N— B23səvu[r·] ◇ [2×] B; sibu[r·] T
B24juru kalaṁ T ◇ [2×] kala B; juru kala N— B24tajuṅkilan· T ◇ kajuṅkilaṅan· B; kajaṅkilaṅ N— B24mḍaṁ gəntər· N T ◇ [1×]ntara N
B25dhavala kamasihan· N T ◇ [2×]han· B — B25Unak· T ◇ Enak· B; ḍanak· N— B254 T ◇ 5 N B— B25pinaka- N T ◇ [3×] B
B26kalumpaṁ T B ◇ (u)lumpaṁ N • Cf. Jeru-Jeru B16.— B26pa(ḍ)i T ◇ paṭi B; pati N • Or read paṭi here and in Jeru-Jeru B17?— B261 N T ◇ 6 T
B27sovaṁ-[sovaṁ saṁ tu]hān· T ◇ sovaṁ-[2+ tu]hān· N B— B27vujaṁ T ◇ māja B; guḍa N
B28sovaṁ-sovaṁ N T ◇ [4×] B— B28paṅambuhan· N T ◇ paṅambulan· B— B28siñjalan· N T ◇ siñjasan· B— B284 T ◇ [1×] B; 5 N
B29vḍihan· N T ◇ [1×]han· B— B291 T B ◇ [1×] N
B30Uṅgər· N ◇ Uṅkər· T B
c2[pasək· mā 4 kinabaihannira patiḥ tpi siriṁ vinai]ḥ ◇ [15+ vinai]ḥ T B; [17+]ḥ N • Supplied from the parallel in Jeru-Jeru B20–21.— c2karūman· ◇ ku[1×]ma[1×] B; karūpan· N; tarūman· T
c3jātaḥ T ◇ jata N B— c3maṅhambi[n·] N ◇ maṅha[1×] B; saṁ maṅhambin· N; maṅhambi T
c5prakaśita N T ◇ saśakaśita B
c6malaḥ ◇ mala N T B
c10kvaiḥ[n]i[ra I]lu T ◇ kvaihni[2+1×] B; kvaiḥni[2+]l[...] N
c13t[p]i [s]iriṅ T ◇ (ki)[1+](ipi)ṅ B; [2+] Asiṁ N
c14k[i]non T ◇ [1×]non B; [1×]nān B — c14¿malūṅguḥ?⟨maluṅguḥ⟩ N B ◇ maṁluṅguḥ T
c17kalaṅan· T B ◇ kaluṅan· N
c20suma(ṅa)skāra ◇ [2×]ha[2×] B; sumāṇaskāra N T
c21sakrama[niṁ da)ṅū T B ◇ sakrama[1+] daṅū N
c22mamantiṅa[kan·] T B ◇ mabantiṅakan· N
c23(susu)k· N T ◇ [2×] B— c23 pamaṁmaṁ B ◇ ma(mapaṁ) B; maṁmaṁ N; mamaṁmaṁ T — c23 (liṁ)[nira] N T ◇ [1×2+] B
c26(mahāR̥)ṣi saṁ hyaṁ I daśadeśa N T ◇ [10×] B— c26Ū[rdhamadhaḥ] T ◇ [4×] B; Urdha[2×] N
c28yajamānākāśa T ◇ jayamānākāśa B; [1×]jamānākāśa N— c28Aho(rātra) N T ◇ Ahoratri B
c29[2×] N B ◇ dvaya N • Having observed the trace of the akṣaras and the availability of space, some of
the expected readings such sandhyā hr̥daya (Linggasuntan B24), sandhyādvaya (Jeru-Jeru
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGuntur.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGuntur.html
index 64b731ac..bba6a06e 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGuntur.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKGuntur.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Guntur
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHampran.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHampran.html
index 5fdcab97..2cc26b8b 100644
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@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZHampran
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHarinjing.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHarinjing.html
index d0a2a886..f34d48e8 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHarinjing.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHarinjing.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZThe Harinjing Charter
Editors: Eko Bastiawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHimadvalandit.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHimadvalandit.html
index 3539dc3e..dc01211f 100644
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@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZHimad Walandit
No editor has been identified for this inscription.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHujungGaluh-Sangsang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHujungGaluh-Sangsang.html
index de3fe21e..2c8a32a2 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHujungGaluh-Sangsang.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZHujung Galuh / Sangsang (907-05-04)
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHuludayeuh.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHuludayeuh.html
index 4bbf094c..62ca972b 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKHuludayeuh.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZHuludayeuh
Editors: Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKJamwi.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKJamwi.html
index 8f58f5f3..b0a32ccd 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKJamwi.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKJamwi.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZJamwi (Sinaguha)
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKJeruJeru.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKJeruJeru.html
index f558cb75..e6d2c87e 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKJeruJeru.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZJeru-Jeru (852 Śaka)
Editors: Eko Bastiawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKabhagavanan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKabhagavanan.html
index 9f0332ca..6bec79fc 100644
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@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKabhagavanan
Editors: Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKakalangan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKakalangan.html
index dd2fbb99..3e8fa196 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKakalangan.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKakalangan
Editors: Arlo Griffiths and Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKaladi.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKaladi.html
index c21edbe0..b2876fb6 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKaladi.html
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKaladi charter
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKalasan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKalasan.html
index ee2c51e7..edece7a8 100644
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@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKalasan
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKamalagyan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKamalagyan.html
index d4a6043b..d1927cb6 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKamalagyan.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKamalagyan charter (959 Śaka)
Editors: Arlo Griffiths and Eko Bastiawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKandangan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKandangan.html
index 3a4f2ba1..f43abfec 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKandangan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKandangan.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZThe Charter of Kandangan
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKanjuruhan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKanjuruhan.html
index e4977cef..064e01dd 100644
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@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZThe Kanjuruhan Charter (682 Śaka)
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKasugihan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKasugihan.html
index 23fcb956..7abdf567 100644
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@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKasugihan (829 Śaka, 907-11-18)
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_1a.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_1a.html
index d62d7ee2..dfe4be57 100644
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@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKawali I (a)
Editors: Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_1b.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_1b.html
index 78aef3df..5e622789 100644
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@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKawali I (b)
Editor: Aditia Gunawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_2.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_2.html
index 6c594d22..9d202b18 100644
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@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKawali 2
Editors: Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_3.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_3.html
index bb061786..8049d64a 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_3.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKawali 3
Editors: Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_4.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_4.html
index 4b1f69cb..cf756486 100644
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Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKawali 4
Editor: Aditia Gunawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_5.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_5.html
index c91168e9..8241b97e 100644
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@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKawali 5
Editor: Aditia Gunawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_6.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKawali_6.html
index f11e3cc8..f6225f5e 100644
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@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKawali VI
Editor: Aditia Gunawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKayuAraHiwang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKayuAraHiwang.html
index f5471832..3e9f2d28 100644
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+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKayuAraHiwang.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKayu Ara Hiwang (823 Śaka)
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_1.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_1.html
index b7fab607..8c944371 100644
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@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKebantenan 1
Editors: Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_2.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_2.html
index ee8eec51..69689a3f 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_2.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_2.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKebantenan 2
Editors: Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_3.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_3.html
index 0da85045..79072e8d 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_3.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_3.html
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKebantenan 3
Editors: Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_4.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_4.html
index 24b340b1..a47820e0 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_4.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKebantenan_4.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKebantenan 4
Editors: Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKedungwangi.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKedungwangi.html
index 8bc4ce65..f88bffd7 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKedungwangi.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKedungwangi.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZThe Stela of Kedungwangi (Lawan)
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKetanen.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKetanen.html
index 9fb7b9dd..b046910d 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKetanen.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKetanen.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZKetanen (826 Ś, 904/905)
Editor: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ 1 svastī (śaka-varṣā)tīta 82(6) – ji – i ja –r) I rakryān· 1rakryān· ◇ rakryan· 1rakryān· ◇ rakryan·
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
@@ -100,26 +100,26 @@ 1 ( ) 4rakryān • this word is omitted in OJO CIJ. 4rakryān • this word is omitted in OJO CIJ.
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKubu-Kubu.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKubu-Kubu.html
index 9c8d4052..b2861de8 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKubu-Kubu.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKubu-Kubu.html
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKurungan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKurungan.html
index 5e8ef02d..47c35f13 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKurungan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKurungan.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKusambyan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKusambyan.html
index 42174ae4..c32df3ac 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKusambyan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKusambyan.html
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Arlo Griffiths and Eko Bastiawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKusmala.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKusmala.html
index cd176eba..f7d51362 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKusmala.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKusmala.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLaguna.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLaguna.html
index 195d18c6..7561fc5a 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLaguna.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLaguna.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLanda.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLanda.html
index 28dd5954..816b9aa9 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLanda.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLanda.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLinggasuntan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLinggasuntan.html
index 8ed5ee87..69405d88 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLinggasuntan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLinggasuntan.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Eko Bastiawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLinggawangi.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLinggawangi.html
index 66cbab71..bb6f9711 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLinggawangi.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLinggawangi.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Aditia Gunawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLintakan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLintakan.html
index b724f906..82a2822f 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLintakan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLintakan.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti, Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLuitan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLuitan.html
index dcdb02d7..1dbad656 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLuitan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLuitan.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLurah.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLurah.html
index b5839661..eac5f61d 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLurah.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKLurah.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMadhavapura.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMadhavapura.html
index 95510bff..0971cab7 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMadhavapura.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMadhavapura.html
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKManahimanuk.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKManahimanuk.html
index f0fb0260..1cdf25b9 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKManahimanuk.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKManahimanuk.html
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihI.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihI.html
index 6829e6bf..f1da16a1 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihI.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihI.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihII.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihII.html
index d886a14b..1809a51a 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihII.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihII.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihIII.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihIII.html
index 05dc86e6..97b3f497 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihIII.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMantyasihIII.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMaribong.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMaribong.html
index 5f9726ca..767bb9df 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMaribong.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMaribong.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarinci_I.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarinci_I.html
index 131e5a10..03e3955c 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarinci_I.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarinci_I.html
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarinci_II.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarinci_II.html
index 0625c177..807ae6f2 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarinci_II.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarinci_II.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Arlo Griffiths and Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarsmu.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarsmu.html
index 82d7bcc4..83689030 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarsmu.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMarsmu.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMasahar.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMasahar.html
index 7b44e9b2..7a14760d 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMasahar.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMasahar.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Eko Bastiawan, Arlo Griffiths and Titi Surti Nastiti.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMpuMano.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMpuMano.html
index 3ee8c956..56dc2051 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMpuMano.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMpuMano.html
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMula-Malurung.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMula-Malurung.html
index c0e7edfd..1e65e3f1 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMula-Malurung.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMula-Malurung.html
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMunduan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMunduan.html
index a28715fe..cacdf30a 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMunduan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMunduan.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMunggut.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMunggut.html
index 487337f6..719c6a19 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMunggut.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKMunggut.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Arlo Griffiths and Eko Bastiawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKNarasinghanagara.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKNarasinghanagara.html
index 346c7d6e..bcdeb706 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKNarasinghanagara.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKNarasinghanagara.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKNgadoman.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKNgadoman.html
index dc910bd1..1f7701ab 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKNgadoman.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKNgadoman.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPabanyolan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPabanyolan.html
index 0e07186e..0a7237bf 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPabanyolan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPabanyolan.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPadangRoco.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPadangRoco.html
index 9101d9eb..33d92af3 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPadangRoco.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPadangRoco.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPadingding.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPadingding.html
index 1c555449..61717175 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPadingding.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPadingding.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Arlo Griffiths and Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPaguhan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPaguhan.html
index b951b96a..66362e6c 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPaguhan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPaguhan.html
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPakisWetan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPakisWetan.html
index 68716178..8804022d 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPakisWetan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPakisWetan.html
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPalebuhan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPalebuhan.html
index 27896409..28caefef 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPalebuhan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPalebuhan.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Willem Frederik Stutterheim and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPalepangan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPalepangan.html
index 27f08996..1bf2b902 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPalepangan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPalepangan.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPamintihan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPamintihan.html
index 322941f3..c7fdfeda 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPamintihan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPamintihan.html
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPanggumulanA.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPanggumulanA.html
index 7b574870..2dec2fc3 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPanggumulanA.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPanggumulanA.html
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParablyan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParablyan.html
index 5f841cf8..dbf1d8e9 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParablyan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParablyan.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParhyangan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParhyangan.html
index 996bd3f2..1c385ee7 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParhyangan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParhyangan.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParung_I.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParung_I.html
index e08dea22..0ee9bff0 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParung_I.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParung_I.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParung_II.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParung_II.html
index 3f3e450d..4cbab37b 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParung_II.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKParung_II.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPasanggrahan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPasanggrahan.html
index fdfdfaf4..f78cd9d8 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPasanggrahan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPasanggrahan.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatapan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatapan.html
index 2e3244b1..c24fd4ed 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatapan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatapan.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatapan_II.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatapan_II.html
index f649aeab..bb84f78f 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatapan_II.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatapan_II.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatitihan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatitihan.html
index faa816e6..4fb34e6f 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatitihan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPatitihan.html
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPenampihan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPenampihan.html
index 6089770e..1c307888 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPenampihan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPenampihan.html
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Jan Laurens Andries Brandes.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPesindon.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPesindon.html
index 68509b18..ab73f60a 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPesindon.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPesindon.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPlered.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPlered.html
index 0ce6c01e..195ba6b4 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPlered.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPlered.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPoh.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPoh.html
index fb90dea0..735a4e3b 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPoh.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPoh.html
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPucangan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPucangan.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89b87f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKPucangan.html
@@ -0,0 +1,13066 @@
+ Current Version:
+ draft, 2024-03-21Z No editor has been identified for this inscription.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 3"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00001 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-22 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 24"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00002 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-23 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTDaksinaKosala000001 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-6 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 3"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00003 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-21 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 5"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00004 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-23 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 5"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00005 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-26 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 9"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00006 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-28 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 2"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00007 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-25 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 3"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00008 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-30 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 7"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00009 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-27 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 7"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00010 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-28 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 7"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00011 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-27 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 10"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00012 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-30 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: administrative/legal-royal order-tax regulation
+ Languages: Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00013 inscription on
+ Layout: 18 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 3"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00014 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-25 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 3"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00015 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-25 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTDaksinaKosala000002 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-12 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 11"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00016 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-31 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 2"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00017 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-49 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 8"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00018 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-53 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTDaksinaKosala000003 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-11 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 5"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00019 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-43 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 7"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00020 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-38 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 7"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00021 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-41 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 9"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00022 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-42 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00023 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-26 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 6"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00024 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-29 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated (presumably year 6)"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00025 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-30 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 9"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00026 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-32 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 11"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00027 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-30 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 19"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00028 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-30 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 22"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00029 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-31 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 37"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00030 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-30 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 38"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00031 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-34 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 46"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00032 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-34 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 48"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00033 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-34 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated (presumably year 48 or later)"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00034 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-30 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 52"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00035 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-35 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 55"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00036 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-34 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated (presumably year 55 or later)"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00037 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-32 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 57"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00038 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-34 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 57"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00039 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-43 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Year 57"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTDaksinaKosala000008 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-8 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTDaksinaKosala000009 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-8 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00040 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-30 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: undated"
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTDaksinaKosala00041 inscription on
+ Layout: engraved-29 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: contruction religious building
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: contruction religious building
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: eulogy
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 850-900.
+ Classification: religious land grant
+ Languages: Sanskrit and Tamil
+ Corresponding Artefact: #CONARTPallava000001 inscription on
+ Layout: 79 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: eulogy
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: hero memorial
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: rock north of Gaṇeśaratha
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: rock north of Gaṇeśaratha
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant #administrative/legal-royal order
+ Languages: Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -39 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages: Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000001$ARTSomavamsin000002$ARTSomavamsin000003 #CONARTSomavamsin000001
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 52 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages: Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000004$ARTSomavamsin000005$ARTSomavamsin000006 #CONARTSomavamsin000002
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 49 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages: Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000007$ARTSomavamsin000008$ARTSomavamsin000009 #CONARTSomavamsin000003
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 65+1(seal)-65 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages: Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -45 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000016$ARTSomavamsin000017$ARTSomavamsin000018 #CONARTSomavamsin000006
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 46 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000013$ARTSomavamsin000014$ARTSomavamsin000015 #CONARTSomavamsin000005
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 48-43 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -44 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -51 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -53 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -49 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000010$ARTSomavamsin000011$ARTSomavamsin000012 #CONARTSomavamsin000004
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 52 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on Now preserved n the department of history, Utkal University
+ Layout: -71 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -31 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -78 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -46 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000031$ARTSomavamsin000032$ARTSomavamsin000033 #CONARTSomavamsin000011
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 55+2(seal)-55 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000022$ARTSomavamsin000023$ARTSomavamsin000024 #CONARTSomavamsin000008
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 75 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -73 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000034$ARTSomavamsin000035$ARTSomavamsin000036 #CONARTSomavamsin000012
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 63 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Nuapatna Plates of the Time of Mahāśivagupta IV Janamejaya Year 5 Shastri1995
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -42 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000025$ARTSomavamsin000026$ARTSomavamsin000027 #CONARTSomavamsin000009
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 50+1(seal)-52 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -66 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -53 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000019$ARTSomavamsin000020$ARTSomavamsin000021 #CONARTSomavamsin000007
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 64 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Kudopali Plates of the Time of Mahābhavagupta II Kielhorn1896-1897_05
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -36 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -5 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -3 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages: Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -20 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages: Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000028$ARTSomavamsin000029$ARTSomavamsin000030 #CONARTSomavamsin000010
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 18(plate1)-68 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -43 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000037 inscription on
+ Layout: 14 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: 2-10 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -28 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -45 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -45 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin00042$ARTSomavamsin00043$ARTSomavamsin00044 #CONARTSomavamsin000014
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 75 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -44 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -50 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -55 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -51 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000038 inscription on
+ Layout: 5(+top of the sixth line)-5 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -4 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: -27 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTSomavamsin000039$ARTSomavamsin000040$ARTSomavamsin000041 #CONARTSomavamsin000013
+ inscription on
+ Layout: 74?-75 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 849.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000001 inscription on On a stone lying in a field at Addanki
+ Layout: 12-16 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 849-891.
+ Classification: commemorative-eulogy-victory record
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000002 inscription on On a stone built into the Ramasvāmi Mēḍa in Kandakūr town
+ Layout: 15861 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 849-891.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000003 inscription on On a stone set up inside the compound of the Śiva temple at Balapanūru
+ Layout: 24159 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000004 inscription on Below the image of Vishṇu carved in the first cave-temple at Bhairavakōna in Bhairavakoṇḍa
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000005 inscription on North-east of Budidagaddapalli, hamlet of Budili
+ Layout: 3 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000006 inscription on On the east wall of the same shrine [i. e. Vāyudēva shrine of the Mukhaliṅgēśvara
+ temple at Mukhaliṅgam]
+ Layout: 5 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 575-600.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000007 inscription on On two faces of a broken pillar lying in the court-yard of the same temple [i. e.
+ Cennakēśava temple at Kalamaḷḷa]
+ Layout: 18-19171 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 575-600.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000008 inscription on Slab set up outside the north prākāra of the same temple [i. e. the Cennakēśavasvāmi
+ temple at Erraguḍipāḍu]
+ Layout: 1495 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-label-artwork label
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000009 inscription on On the proper right pillar in the same verandah [i. e. the verandah of the fifth cave-temple
+ at Bhairavakōna in Bhairavakoṇḍa]
+ Layout: 2 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-label-artwork label
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000010 inscription on On the proper left pillar of the same verandah [i. e. of the seventh cave-temple at
+ Bhairavakōna in Bhairabakoṇḍa]
+ Layout: 2 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000011 inscription on On the top of a niche containing a liṅga in front of the Bhairava temple in the same
+ place [i. e. cave temples at Bhairavakōna in Bhairabakoṇḍa]
+ Layout: 3-4 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 600-625.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000012 inscription on Engraved on a slab near a well in the village of Uruṭūru, Kamalapuram taluk, Cuddapah
+ district
+ Layout: 8 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000013 inscription on Buried stone near the same temple [i. e. Bhīmēśvara temple at Bhīmavaram]
+ Layout: 4 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000013 inscription on Buried stone near the same temple [i. e. Bhīmēśvara temple at Bhīmavaram]
+ Layout: 12 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 600-625.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000014 inscription on On a slab set up at the entrance of the village Indukūru
+ Layout: 8 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000015 inscription on On two faces of a pillar lying in front of the Gōpālakriṣṇa temple at Mālēpāḍu
+ Layout: 19-22712 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 625-675.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000016 inscription on Engraved on three sides of a stone in front of the Chennakēśava temple at Veludurti
+ Layout: 7-9232 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 648.
+ Classification: donative-secular donation
+ Languages: Telugu and Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000017 inscription on On a slab standing on the bund of the tank at Vipparla
+ Layout: 20119 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 655-681.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000018 inscription on On a hero-stone set up in a field about ½ furlong to the north of the Musi river near
+ Annavaram-Agrahāram
+ Layout: 4 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000019 inscription on
+ Layout: 15 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu and Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000017 inscription on On a slab standing on the bund of the tank at Vipparla
+ Layout: 8 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 682-706.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000020 inscription on On a pillar lying near the Māriyamma temple in Cauḍūru
+ Layout: 17-1989 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 625-675.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000021 inscription on
+ Layout: 11 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 629.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000022 inscription on On two faces of another pillar set up in the courtyard of the Rāmaliṅgēśvara temple
+ at Rāmēśvaram near Prodduṭūru
+ Layout: 22139 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 725-750.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000023 inscription on On two faces of a pillar lying near a well west of Mālēpāḍu
+ Layout: 301713 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 660-680.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu and Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000024 inscription on The inscription is engraved on the two sides of a stone.
+ Layout: 261412 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 657.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu and Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000025 inscription on On a slab set up in front of the Pāpavināśēśvara temple at Turimella
+ Layout: 12 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 682.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000026 inscription on On a stone lying in a field to the north-east of Dimmagudi
+ Layout: 12-13 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000027 inscription on On a stone set up near the Hanumān shrine Bōdanampāḍu
+ Layout: 1688 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 674.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000028 inscription on
+ Layout: 5111101812 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000030 inscription on On the top of a niche containing a liṅga to the proper right of the first cave-temple
+ at Bhairavakōna in Bhairavakoṇḍa
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000029 inscription on At the top of the entrance into the third cave-temple at Bhairavakōna in Bhairavakoṇḍa
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000031 inscription on On the beam of the verandah of the fifth cave-temple at Bhairavakōna in Bhairavakoṇḍa
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000009 inscription on On the capital of the proper right pillar in the verandah of the fifth cave-temple
+ at Bhairavakōna in Bhairavakoṇḍa
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000032 inscription on In front of the three niches below the second cave temple at Bhairavakōna in Bhairavakoṇḍa
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000010 inscription on On the proper left pillar of the verandah of the seventh cave-temple at Bhairavakōna
+ in Bhairabakoṇḍa
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000033 inscription on On the beam of the verandah of the seventh cave-temple at Bhairavakōna in Bhairabakoṇḍa
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 680.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu and Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000034 inscription on On a stone in a field to the west of Vīrāreḍḍipalle (hamlet of Kamalapāḍu)
+ Layout: 15-16 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 694.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000035 inscription on Stone in the vaṅka on the way to Banḍārlapalle near Igaḍūru
+ Layout: 5 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 698.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000036 inscription on Stone in a field belonging to Nārāyaṇa Reḍḍi, to the west of the path leading to Kottapalle
+ Layout: 11-12 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 698.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000037 inscription on On a stone lying in Survey No. 563-D to the east of Candana
+ Layout: 19 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 699.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000038 inscription on On a stone in a field belonging to Raṅgayya to the west of Kottapalle
+ Layout: 3212128 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification:
+ Languages:
+ Corresponding Artefact: inscription on "On a stone lying in a field to the east of Peddapēṭa
+ Layout: lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier: Kotturu Inscription of Chalukya Vijayaditya; Year 4
+ Origin: Written in 700.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu and Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000040 inscription on On a broken stone lying in a field near the Āñjanēya temple at Kottūru, hamlet of
+ Brāhmaṇapalle
+ Layout: 8 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000041 inscription on On the first black stone pillar on a mound at a place known as Stambhālabōḍu at Samādhānapuram
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000042 inscription on On the third black stone pillar on a mound at a place known as Stambhālabōḍu at Samādhānapuram
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000043 inscription on On a marble pillar (first) on a mound at a place known as Stambhālabōḍu on the bank
+ of the river Kṛishṇā
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000043 inscription on On a marble pillar (first) on a mound at a place known as Stambhālabōḍu on the bank
+ of the river Kṛishṇā
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000043 inscription on On a marble pillar (first) on a mound at a place known as Stambhālabōḍu on the bank
+ of the river Kṛishṇā
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000043 inscription on On a marble pillar (first) on a mound at a place known as Stambhālabōḍu on the bank
+ of the river Kṛishṇā
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000044 inscription on On a marble pillar (second) on a mound at a place known as Stambhālabōḍu on the bank
+ of the river Kṛishṇā
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 675-700.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000045 inscription on On a pillar lying in front of the Agastyēśvara temple in Cilamakūru
+ Layout: 22 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-730.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000046 inscription on On a pillar lying near the well called Kaṭṭubhāvi on the way to the Mōpūr temple from
+ Nallacheruvupalle
+ Layout: 27189 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 719.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu and Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000047 inscription on On a stone lying in a field to the north-east of Kondupalli
+ Layout: 12-13 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000048 inscription on On the fourth slab set up in front of the temple of Cennakēśavasvāmin at Veludurti
+ Layout: 3313911 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 675-700.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000049 inscription on On a broken pillar lying in a field in the east of Cilamakūru
+ Layout: 4 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 746-757.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000050 inscription on On a slab lying in the verandah in front of the Agastyēśvara temple at Chilamkūru
+ Layout: 24 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 734.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000051 inscription on Stone in survey No. 217 by the roadside, about a mile to the west of Tippalūru
+ Layout: 3112154 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 749-802.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000052 inscription on On a bolder in a field south of Dharaṇikōṭa
+ Layout: 9 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 697-750.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu and Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000053 inscription on On four sides of a stone lying in a field on the borders of the village Cāmalūru
+ Layout: 21-35109106 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 750-800.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000054 inscription on On a hero-stone set up to the north-east of Budidigaddapalli, hamlet of Husēnāpuram
+ Layout: 4 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial #donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000055 inscription on On a slab set up near the old village-site at Mailavaram, Ongole taluk, Guntur district
+ Layout: 7 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: utilitarian-name person
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000056 inscription on On the flight of steps at the first gate leading up the hill to the Trikōṭīśvara temple
+ at Kōṭapakoṇḍa
+ Layout: 3 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000057 inscription on On a slab lying in the bed of the Pennēru at Dānavulapāḍu
+ Layout: 16 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000058 inscription on On a slab forming the west wall of the Vīrabhadra shrine on the south side of the
+ Bhīmēśvara temple in Pēṭlūru
+ Layout: 14122 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000059 inscription on On a stone lying before the Sōmēśvarasvāmin temple at Palaparru
+ Layout: 11 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000060 inscription on On a stone unearthed in the bed of the stream at Kāmanūru
+ Layout: 6 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000061 inscription on On a pillar set up in the court-yard of the Cennakēśavasvāmin temple at Muttukūru
+ Layout: 7 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000062 inscription on On a stone lying behind the western gopura of the Bhairavēśvara temple at Mōpūr
+ Layout: 10 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000063 inscription on On a broken slab near Goddolollapalle, hamlet of Sompalle
+ Layout: 7 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: donative-secular donation
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000064 inscription on On a stone lying in a field near Būḍidigaḍḍapalli, a hamlet of Vanavōlu
+ Layout: 5 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: inaugurative-contruction religious building
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000065 inscription on On one face of a slab, that also bears another inscription, set up close to the east
+ wall of the Āñjanēya shrine in the Cennakēśava temple at Kalamaḷḷa
+ Layout: 2 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 624-755.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000066 inscription on On a pillar in the maṇḍapa in front of the Kapōtēśvara temple at Chejerla
+ Layout: 9 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 700-800.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000067 inscription on On a slab found near the ruined ´Siva temple in the Yēnugarātimadi field at Peddatippasamudram
+ near Madanapalle
+ Layout: 7 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 752-805.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000068 inscription on On a stone lying in a field in Selapādu, hamlet of Śēkūru
+ Layout: 14 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000069 inscription on On a slab set up to the north of Cēnnārāyaṇapalle (the one closer to Madanapalle)
+ Layout: 15 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 880.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000070 inscription on On a slab in a field at Mudivēḍu
+ Layout: 8 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 880.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000071 inscription on On one of three slabs set up in a field at Mudivēḍu
+ Layout: 9 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 849-892.
+ Classification: unknown text type
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000072 inscription on On a broken slab lying in a field to the south of Kurubalakōṭa
+ Layout: 5 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 849-892.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000073 inscription on On a slab in a field to the south of Kurubalakōṭa
+ Layout: 5 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 835-880.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000074 inscription on On a slab in a field near Gālivāṇḍlapalle, hamlet of Guḍupalle
+ Layout: 11 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 835-880.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000075 inscription on On two pieces of a broken slab lying in a field to the north of Rāmanāyanikōṭa
+ Layout: 11 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000076 inscription on On a slab set up in a grove called Polimēratōpu near Cinna-Tippasamudram
+ Layout: 6 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000077 inscription on On a slab set up near the Śiva temple, west of Madanapalle
+ Layout: 7 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000078 inscription on On a broken slab lying in a field at Basinikoṇḍa near Madanapalle
+ Layout: 9 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000079 inscription on On a broken slab in a field near the Nāgavūṭikālva to the west of Cipili
+ Layout: 3 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000080 inscription on On a slab in a field near Tupākulollapalle, hamlet of Gollapalle
+ Layout: 17107 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000075 inscription on On a slab lying in a field to the north of Rāmanāyanikōṭa
+ Layout: 3 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 835-880.
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000081 inscription on On a slab in front of the Maddemma temple to the south of Gaṅgireḍḍipalle
+ Layout: 10 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000082 inscription on On a slab lying in a field of Pullagaṇṭivaripalle, hamlet of Pedda-Tippasamudram
+ Layout: 5 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu and Sanskrit
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000083 inscription on On a slab set up in a field to the west of Raṅgasamudram
+ Layout: 17 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000084 inscription on On a slab in a field at Mudivēḍu
+ Layout: 6 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: commemorative-memorial-hero memorial
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000085 inscription on On a slab lying in a field to the north-west of Rāmanāyanikōṭa
+ Layout: 7 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin:
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000086 inscription on On a stone set up in front of the chāvaḍi at Kōṭapāḍu (Kōyilakuṁṭla taluk)
+ Layout: 6 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 971.
+ Classification: donative-religious land grant
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000087 inscription on Government Museum, Madras
+ Layout: 8 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 972.
+ Classification: utilitarian-designation office
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000088 inscription on On a white marble slab set up by the side of the Kaḍapa-Puṣpagiri road close to the
+ ruined Śiva temple called Mobbu-dēbaḷam near Upparapalle
+ Layout: 8 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 967-972.
+ Classification: donative
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000089 inscription on On a slab lying behind the Gōpālakṛṣṇasvāmi temple at Mālepāḍu
+ Layout: 28 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
+ Alternative identifier:
+ Origin: Written in 100-200.
+ Classification: utilitarian
+ Languages: Telugu
+ Corresponding Artefact: #ARTTelugu000090 inscription on On a stone, probably beneath the depiction of a snake
+ Layout: 1 lines are observed/preserved on the artifact.
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRamesvarapura.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRamesvarapura.html
index fca9f892..ce987265 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRamesvarapura.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRamesvarapura.html
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRampal.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRampal.html
index 7ea5d1a2..aae70971 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRampal.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRampal.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRembang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRembang.html
index 4d83cdb0..b4052039 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRembang.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRembang.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Arlo Griffiths and Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRongkab.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRongkab.html
index d4728fd8..00f5b3d6 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRongkab.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRongkab.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRukam.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRukam.html
index 649608b2..11a413d4 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRukam.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRukam.html
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRumwigaI.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRumwigaI.html
index 1feadac4..91e73da0 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRumwigaI.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRumwigaI.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRumwigaII.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRumwigaII.html
index 79148408..c87764db 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRumwigaII.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKRumwigaII.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSadang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSadang.html
index a2f4f26f..d09ca82c 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSadang.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSadang.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSalingsingan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSalingsingan.html
index e28f03bc..14074788 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSalingsingan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSalingsingan.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan, Arlo Griffiths and Louis-Charles Damais.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSamalagi.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSamalagi.html
index 698defed..90b97f34 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSamalagi.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSamalagi.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangMakudur.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangMakudur.html
index 09485b86..a4d257ac 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangMakudur.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangMakudur.html
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z No editor has been identified for this inscription.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSanga.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSanga.html
index b08618ee..b2074ff9 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSanga.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSanga.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangguran.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangguran.html
index 52c1e00b..c1b4b405 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangguran.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangguran.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Arlo Griffiths and Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangsang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangsang.html
index 86933bab..ae5b6806 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangsang.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSangsang.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSankara.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSankara.html
index 710f9f55..bf6d0a35 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSankara.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSankara.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSarungga.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSarungga.html
index d85315c4..ea4e80c1 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSarungga.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSarungga.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSarvadharma.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSarvadharma.html
index 574fbb78..d9757e25 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSarvadharma.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSarvadharma.html
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSatyapura.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSatyapura.html
index dc73449f..490ea434 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSatyapura.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSatyapura.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSelamandi_I.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSelamandi_I.html
index d1ad1bf3..d2ccb52c 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSelamandi_I.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSelamandi_I.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Arlo Griffiths and Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSelamandi_II.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSelamandi_II.html
index 26b9880b..398e5605 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSelamandi_II.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSelamandi_II.html
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSikuLalawa.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSikuLalawa.html
index b254e366..cbf9b328 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSikuLalawa.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSikuLalawa.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSimaAnglayang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSimaAnglayang.html
index f5408397..e7c774f7 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSimaAnglayang.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSimaAnglayang.html
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Eko Bastiawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuBahut.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuBahut.html
index 6a300ef9..3c0fb476 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuBahut.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuBahut.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuMamruk.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuMamruk.html
index a8d0e4ba..e130b4cb 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuMamruk.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSindoro-PuMamruk.html
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editor:
Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSugihManek.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSugihManek.html
index 7d4ebee9..48395d03 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSugihManek.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSugihManek.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSukhamerta.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSukhamerta.html
index a432d520..d062ff99 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSukhamerta.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKSukhamerta.html
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Arlo Griffiths and Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTaji.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTaji.html
index b3e073fa..b6898456 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTaji.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTaji.html
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07Z Editors:
Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ 1r2 karaṇa Br ◇ kāraṇa Boe — 1r2 rakryān· Boe ◇ rakryan· Br — 1r2 -dhurandhara Br ◇ -dhurandara Boe 1r2 karaṇa Br ◇ kāraṇa Boe — 1r2 rakryān· Boe ◇ rakryan· Br — 1r2 -dhurandhara Br ◇ -dhurandara Boe
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZEdition
2 lañja ri ina nahan· rakva rakryān· paṇamva pavana - - raṅ
3 ḍivadda - - ma jñaye Ikaṁ kabikuAn· I simājaran·
4māryya ya umasō saṅhayaṅ davahhan i pamvatan parnahan tu
5 - - ma Irikaṅ (dha)rmma haji parhyaṅan· I R̥mbai saṁ vyakā raṇa
6 gaṅgu{1}nikanaṁ simā_jaran· tan· hana vehan· tumamā Iriya (ga/śa)
7-gyya Ataḥ pramā¿n?⟨ṇ⟩ā pamasaṅananya mataṅya deyanika
8 rāma kanityaknanya hananike(ṁ) surat· yathānya tan· A-
9puharā pramajatta n(i)mitanya lvir·ni sukha-du⟨ḥ⟩kha ma-
10ti tan· papalar· Inalapi gallap· mati katibā mati ma-
11kaṇḍat· mati kalvu sinahut· riṅ ulā – tat vitrāsa si –
12 no maṅkana makə - maṅgappi iṅ rahi ta rikeṅ - katamana
13 –e sar –i ri vavulatan ri vahdajahi lañjadayjaṅ
14 - kvehniṅ maṅilala kriṅ paḍamm apvay pinilay / vayan
15 mahijo juru jagal juru gañjar haluvarak ṅuniveh ka
16laṅka tan (ta)mā / cittralekha pu prajña kinon mājra i ra-
17kryān bavaṅ mvaṅ mvaṅ ri pamgat paṅkaja kara uva mvaṅ vu buka du
18 – ma sibattan i kayyan yan ta kinonakan de kaya
19 –y) tika – karabavakan - - -n) – yya - -
20 – daśaApparatus
2rakryān pu ◇ rakryān paṇamva
3Ikaṁ kabikuAn· ◇ Ikānaṁ kabikuAn·
5Irikaṁ ◇ Irikanaṁ— 5parhyaṅan I R̥mbai saṁ ◇ 2+ ṅgaraṅ muAṁ
6tan· hana ◇ ta hana— 6Iriya ◇ Irīya
7pamasaṅananya ◇ papaśana dadya
8surat· ◇ sarat·
8-9Apuharā ◇ mamuharā
11riṅ ulā ◇ miṅ ulā
2rakryān pu ◇ rakryān paṇamva
3Ikaṁ kabikuAn· ◇ Ikānaṁ kabikuAn·
5Irikaṁ ◇ Irikanaṁ— 5parhyaṅan I R̥mbai saṁ ◇ 2+ ṅgaraṅ muAṁ
6tan· hana ◇ ta hana— 6Iriya ◇ Irīya
7pamasaṅananya ◇ papaśana dadya
8surat· ◇ sarat·
8-9Apuharā ◇ mamuharā
11riṅ ulā ◇ miṅ ulā Commentary
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKinewu.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKinewu.html
index d74e9a41..3811546a 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKinewu.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKKinewu.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Kinewu (829 Śaka – 907-11-20)
(d) short side [n. 2293 right]
2 ( )
3 ( )
4 ( )
5 ( )
6 X X mantrī ...........................................
7 X X X X X X X lakilaki X X
8 X X X X X X X n· saṁ hyaṁ prasāsti X XApparatus
5(kahad)yanan· ◇ katajyanan· • The reading is difficult here, but my new reading is possible, and probably preferable
5(kahad)yanan· ◇ katajyanan· • The reading is difficult here, but my new reading is possible, and probably preferable
in the light of the role of a hadyan in l. 19 below. Note that Cohen Stuart read kahā(?)dyana
- ... (KO). See also Wukajana I 1r4 savaḥ kahadyanan.
5–6kmikakannikanaṁ ◇ kmitakannikanaṁ • The form assumed by Brandes and Sarkar is not grammatically acceptable and probably
- a misreading. Emend kmitannikanaṁ.
6kaṭik ◇ kaḍik • The reading is clearly kaṭik, and this is the expected term.
8maṁL̥(p)iha ◇ maṁL̥(p)iha • Sarkar’s note ‘The better form is : °viha’ is misguided. The base must here be
+ ... (KO). See also Wukajana I 1r4 savaḥ kahadyanan.
5–6kmikakannikanaṁ ◇ kmitakannikanaṁ • The form assumed by Brandes and Sarkar is not grammatically acceptable and probably
+ a misreading. Emend kmitannikanaṁ.
6kaṭik ◇ kaḍik • The reading is clearly kaṭik, and this is the expected term.
8maṁL̥(p)iha ◇ maṁL̥(p)iha • Sarkar’s note ‘The better form is : °viha’ is misguided. The base must here be
ləpih, as is proven by occurrence of linapiḥ in line 10. This was already observed
by Boechari (2012: 302 n. 30).— 8ḍap· (da 2) • this sequence was left unread in OJO CIJ. The reading ḍap· seems relatively clear,
but forms no (part of a) recognizable word. I have considered reading ḍa pāda 2, which
with pāda would yield a recognizable word, but would leave the unmistakable ḍa stranded,
and requires reading as pā an akṣara that quite clearly seems to be p·. Perhaps read
- ḍaṅ· ‘copper pot’? See OJED.
9masnya ◇ māsuya • Cf. māsya, recognized as error for māsnya, by Brandes in Groeneveldt 1887: 326
+ ḍaṅ· ‘copper pot’? See OJED.
9masnya ◇ māsuya • Cf. māsya, recognized as error for māsnya, by Brandes in Groeneveldt 1887: 326
(note), for inscription on silver plate (MNI 1738). See masnya attested as such in
- E.8 and E.64. See also l. 20 below.— 9pva ◇ • omitted in CIJ.
12samgat· momah-umaḥ I mamrata pūttara • OJO CIJ misread samgat momahumaḥ i pamrata puttara. Cf. Mantyasih A11 samgat momah-umaḥ
- mamrata pu uttara. See also Wanua Tengah III (2r14) and Sarkar p. 79 n. 57.— 12hamprun ◇ hamparan • A toponym Hampran is attested in the Plumpungan inscription and in Mantyasih III,
- A.14. But the reading here is clearly hamprun.
13vata mvaṁ rovaṁ ◇ vatabvaṁ rovaṁ • For the combination mvaṅ rovaṅ, see Luītan l. 3: saṅ wahuta hyaṅ kudur muaṅ rowaṅ
+ E.8 and E.64. See also l. 20 below.— 9pva ◇ • omitted in CIJ.
12samgat· momah-umaḥ I mamrata pūttara • OJO CIJ misread samgat momahumaḥ i pamrata puttara. Cf. Mantyasih A11 samgat momah-umaḥ
+ mamrata pu uttara. See also Wanua Tengah III (2r14) and Sarkar p. 79 n. 57.— 12hamprun ◇ hamparan • A toponym Hampran is attested in the Plumpungan inscription and in Mantyasih III,
+ A.14. But the reading here is clearly hamprun.
13vata mvaṁ rovaṁ ◇ vatabvaṁ rovaṁ • For the combination mvaṅ rovaṅ, see Luītan l. 3: saṅ wahuta hyaṅ kudur muaṅ rowaṅ
rakryān i pagarwsi; Rukam, II.6; Palepengan, l. 5 kinon maṅukura wadwā rakryān i hino
saṅ brahmā muaṅ rowaṅ samgat priñ sakañcur.— 13sañjiva saṁ pamilihan • OJO CIJ misread pañji vasapamilihan. Perhaps understand sañjīvana saṁ pamilihan.
Cf. Rukam, I.2: rakryān sañjīwana nini haji; see also Rukam, II.17, 21, and OV 1939,
- 21, about three talams inscribed with sañjīwana nini haji.
14kaṭik ◇ kadik; kaḍik • Cf. the note on line 6.
15khaṭ(ṭ)vāṅga • this name also occurs in Tihaṅ, l. 14.
15-16ma[la]ñja[ṁ] ◇ malañja • The [la] is entirely unverifiable; if we assume that it was correctly read by Brandes,
+ 21, about three talams inscribed with sañjīwana nini haji.
14kaṭik ◇ kadik; kaḍik • Cf. the note on line 6.
15khaṭ(ṭ)vāṅga • this name also occurs in Tihaṅ, l. 14.
15-16ma[la]ñja[ṁ] ◇ malañja • The [la] is entirely unverifiable; if we assume that it was correctly read by Brandes,
then we may have to suppose the presence of a final anusvāra and read malañjaṁ, a
- name attested in Kwak Ib, l. 5; Saṅsaṅ Ia, l. 8.
16vadya • thus KO and Damais (1970); vadva OJO CIJ.— 16kālīḥ ◇ kāliḥ
17prasasti ḍa punta ◇ prasasti ḍa punta; praṣasti saṁ ḍa punta • There is no saṁ here.
18kvaiḥnira ◇ kveḥnira— 18inanugrahan ◇ inanugrahān
19maṁhilirī ... I maṁhilir(ī) ◇ mahilirī ... i paṁhilirī • The same word occurs in the Karangtengah inscription (Blitar).
20masnya ◇ masuya • See note on l. 9 above.
21saṁ • this word is omitted in OJO CIJ; in KO, we find sakai....n for saṁ kasugihan.— 21Akalamvī ◇ akalambi— 21(ma)ṅgala • Damais 1970: 182 n. 5 proposes naṅgala and explicitly rejects nāṅgala, which would
+ name attested in Kwak Ib, l. 5; Saṅsaṅ Ia, l. 8.
16vadya • thus KO and Damais (1970); vadva OJO CIJ.— 16kālīḥ ◇ kāliḥ
17prasasti ḍa punta ◇ prasasti ḍa punta; praṣasti saṁ ḍa punta • There is no saṁ here.
18kvaiḥnira ◇ kveḥnira— 18inanugrahan ◇ inanugrahān
19maṁhilirī ... I maṁhilir(ī) ◇ mahilirī ... i paṁhilirī • The same word occurs in the Karangtengah inscription (Blitar).
20masnya ◇ masuya • See note on l. 9 above.
21saṁ • this word is omitted in OJO CIJ; in KO, we find sakai....n for saṁ kasugihan.— 21Akalamvī ◇ akalambi— 21(ma)ṅgala • Damais 1970: 182 n. 5 proposes naṅgala and explicitly rejects nāṅgala, which would
have been better supported by from the van Kinsbergen photo; but the latter as well
as the estampage and inspection of the stone allow reading as I do here, replacing
unknown names by a well-known one. Kiringan (917-11-14)
Kubu-Kubu (827 Ś, 905-10-17)
Kurungan (Randusari II)
Kusambyan charter (945 Śaka)
Laguna Copper plate (820 Śaka)
Linggasuntan (851 Śaka)
Lintakan (841 Śaka, 919-07-12)
Charter of Luitan I
Lurah (E. 14)
Manah i Manuk Charter (1350–1356 CE)
The Charter of Mantyasih I
Mantyasih II (829 Śaka, 907-04-11)
The Charter of Mantyasih III
Marinci I
Marinci II
Masahar (852 Śaka)
Mpu Mano
Munggut charter (944 Śaka)
The Comedy (pabañolan)
Padang Roco
Pakis Wetan
The Pamintihan charter
Panggumulan Charter
Parablyan (between 1177 and 1208 Śaka)
Parung I
Parung II
Pasanggrahan ()
Patapan I
Patapan II
Pesindon I and II (914-08-14)
Plered (n.d.)
Charter of Poh (Randusari I)
+ Additional Metadata
+ Rabvan (827 Śaka, 906-02-03)
Karang Tengah
Charter of Rongkab
Charter of Rukam
Rumwiga I (826 Śaka, 904-12-28)
Rumwiga II (827 Śaka, 905-07-05)
Salingsingan (802 Ś, 880-05-02 & 827 Ś, 905-11-28)
Samalagi ([824 Ś], 902-10-29)
Sang Makudur (~830 Śaka, ~908 CE)
Sangguran Charter (928-08-02)
Foundation of Sarungga’s Hermitage
Selamandi I
Śelamaṇḍi II
Siku Lalawa
Sima Anglayang charter (in or after 968 Śaka)
Pu Bahut
Pu Mamruk
Sugih Manek (915-09-13)
kumira-kira kalvurananikiṁ sīmā, pañcamahāpā⟨ta⟩ka paṅguhanya, manurat jayapātra
7v3citralekha I dmu⟨ṁ⟩ saṅ neṣṭi ddandaCross|ddandaCross Apparatus
1r3paṅavetanya Boe ◇ paṅavetannya Br— 1r3Anu⟨ṁ⟩ ◇ Anuṁ Br Boe
1r4maṅās· Br ◇ maṅas· Boe— 1r4kiṇḍayut· Boe ◇ kaṇḍiyut· Br
1r5tavḍak· Br ◇ tavdak· Boe
1r7ṅarannikanaṁ kabikuAn· Iṁ Br ◇ ṅarannikanan kabikuAn· In Boe • "Most likely a misprint in Boechari"— 1r7-sabhā Br ◇ -sabha Boe
1r9-pakṣakṣaya Br ◇ -pakṣasaya Boe— 1r9rakryān I sirikan· ◇ rakryān sirikan· Br; rakryān I sirikin· Boe— 1r9saṁ pamgat· Boe ◇ sapamgat Br
3r3padyusan ◇ padyūsan Br Boe
3r4kampit· ◇ hampit· Br Boe— 3r4 dom· Boe ◇ dan· Br
3r5Irikāṁ Boe ◇ Irikaṁ Br
3r6 voḥ 1 Br ◇ voḥ Boe— 3r6 simsim· Br ◇ sīmsim· Boe — 3r6 bhāru Br ◇ bharu Boe
3r7 vrig-vrik· Br ◇ vrgi-vrik· Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari
3r8 Arjja Boe ◇ Aryya Br
3r11 vlaḥ Br ◇ valḥ Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.
3r12 maṁju(ru) Boe ◇ maṅju— 3r12 bayakū ◇ bayatū Br Boe
6r1 Urā Boe ◇ vrā Br— 6r1 vsi lima vlas· Br ◇ vsi vsi lima vlas· Boe • The repeated vsi in Boechari is probably a misprint.
6r2 A(s)inn-asin· ◇ Asin-asin· Br Boe • The first s here is difficult to distinguish from p, but the intended reading is
1r3paṅavetanya Boe ◇ paṅavetannya Br— 1r3Anu⟨ṁ⟩ ◇ Anuṁ Br Boe
1r4maṅās· Br ◇ maṅas· Boe— 1r4kiṇḍayut· Boe ◇ kaṇḍiyut· Br
1r5tavḍak· Br ◇ tavdak· Boe
1r7ṅarannikanaṁ kabikuAn· Iṁ Br ◇ ṅarannikanan kabikuAn· In Boe • "Most likely a misprint in Boechari"— 1r7-sabhā Br ◇ -sabha Boe
1r9-pakṣakṣaya Br ◇ -pakṣasaya Boe— 1r9rakryān I sirikan· ◇ rakryān sirikan· Br; rakryān I sirikin· Boe— 1r9saṁ pamgat· Boe ◇ sapamgat Br
3r3padyusan ◇ padyūsan Br Boe
3r4kampit· ◇ hampit· Br Boe— 3r4 dom· Boe ◇ dan· Br
3r5Irikāṁ Boe ◇ Irikaṁ Br
3r6 voḥ 1 Br ◇ voḥ Boe— 3r6 simsim· Br ◇ sīmsim· Boe — 3r6 bhāru Br ◇ bharu Boe
3r7 vrig-vrik· Br ◇ vrgi-vrik· Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari
3r8 Arjja Boe ◇ Aryya Br
3r11 vlaḥ Br ◇ valḥ Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.
3r12 maṁju(ru) Boe ◇ maṅju— 3r12 bayakū ◇ bayatū Br Boe
6r1 Urā Boe ◇ vrā Br— 6r1 vsi lima vlas· Br ◇ vsi vsi lima vlas· Boe • The repeated vsi in Boechari is probably a misprint.
6r2 A(s)inn-asin· ◇ Asin-asin· Br Boe • The first s here is difficult to distinguish from p, but the intended reading is
obvious.— 6r2 ḍeṁ hasin· ◇ ḍeṁ Asin· Br Boe
6r3 rakryān· Br ◇ rakryan· Boe— 6r3 hyaṁ ... patiḥ vahuta, Br • This string is omitted in Boechari, probably due to an eyeskip between the two
- instances of vahuta.— 6r3 ron· 10 ◇ ron· 1, Br;
6r4 ron· 20 ◇ ron· 2, Br Boe
6r5 taji ron· 40 ◇ taji ron· 4, Br Boe— 6r5 rāmanta ron· 50 ◇ rāmanta ron· 5, Br Boe
6r6 150 ◇ 15, Br Boe— 6r6 100 ◇ 10, Br Boe
6r7 ron· 50 ◇ ron· 5, Br Boe — 6r7 ron· 20 ◇ ron· 2, Br Boe — 6r7 ron·120 ◇ ron· 12, Br Boe — 6r7 290 ◇ 29, Br Boe — 6r7 Ekapiṇḍanikanaṁ ◇ Ikapiṇḍanikanaṁ Br Boe
6r8 440 ◇ 44, Br Boe— 6r8 nāhan· Br ◇ nahaṁ Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.
6r9 kapuA Boe ◇ kapva Br — 6r9 Umarsukhāmvaknikanaṁ ◇ Umarsukhamvaknikanaṁ Boe; Br
6r10 pataṁ kuliliṁ gumanti Boe ◇ patikuliliṁ gumanti Br— 6r10 moliḥ pataṁ kuliliṁ Boe ◇ moliḥ patikuliliṁ Br
6r11 gr̥hastha Br ◇ gr̥hasta Boe
7r2 panamapo Br ◇ panapatthe Boe • Brandes suggests “lees manapathe”.— 7r2 səmā Br ◇ sīmā Boe— 7r2 Ikanaṁ kabikuAn· Br ◇ Ikaneṁ kabikuAn· Boe
7r3 səmānya Br ◇ sīmānya Boe— 7r3 vinehakannira ◇ vinehakanira Br Boe
7r4 karmmaṇyā ◇ karmmaṇya Br; karmmanya Boe
7r5 bhaṭāra Br ◇ bhatāra Boe — 7r5 karmmaṇya Br ◇ karmmanṇya Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.
7r6 kabikuAn· Br ◇ kebikuAn· Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.— 7r6 dharmma Br ◇ dharma Boe
7r7 Iṁ parhyaṅan· Br ◇ In parhyaṅan· Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.— 7r7 buat-thajyanya Br ◇ buattajyanya Boe
7r8 bhaṭāra Br ◇ bhatāra Boe
7r9 hana Boe ◇ kana Br — 7r9 baṇyāga Boe ◇ baṇyaga Br— 7r9 kāṅsa Br ◇ kaṅsa Boe
7r10 Ityaivamādi Br ◇ Ityavamādi Boe — 7r10 bhaṭăra ◇ bhaṭāra Br Boe — 7r10 bhaṭāra Br ◇ bhatāra Boe
7r11 kilalān· Br ◇ kilalan· Boe
7r12 lvīrni Br ◇ lvirni Boe— 7r12 sīmā ◇ sīma Br Boe — 7r12 sīmānya ◇ sīmanya Br Boe
7v1 muA⟨ṁ⟩ ◇ sīmanya Br Boe— 7v1 kabikuAn· Boe ◇ kabibuAn· Br— 7v1 sīmā Boe ◇ sīma Br
6r4 ron· 20 ◇ ron· 2, Br Boe
6r5 taji ron· 40 ◇ taji ron· 4, Br Boe— 6r5 rāmanta ron· 50 ◇ rāmanta ron· 5, Br Boe
6r6 150 ◇ 15, Br Boe— 6r6 100 ◇ 10, Br Boe
6r7 ron· 50 ◇ ron· 5, Br Boe — 6r7 ron· 20 ◇ ron· 2, Br Boe — 6r7 ron·120 ◇ ron· 12, Br Boe — 6r7 290 ◇ 29, Br Boe — 6r7 Ekapiṇḍanikanaṁ ◇ Ikapiṇḍanikanaṁ Br Boe
6r8 440 ◇ 44, Br Boe— 6r8 nāhan· Br ◇ nahaṁ Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.
6r9 kapuA Boe ◇ kapva Br — 6r9 Umarsukhāmvaknikanaṁ ◇ Umarsukhamvaknikanaṁ Boe; Br
6r10 pataṁ kuliliṁ gumanti Boe ◇ patikuliliṁ gumanti Br— 6r10 moliḥ pataṁ kuliliṁ Boe ◇ moliḥ patikuliliṁ Br
6r11 gr̥hastha Br ◇ gr̥hasta Boe
7r2 panamapo Br ◇ panapatthe Boe • Brandes suggests “lees manapathe”.— 7r2 səmā Br ◇ sīmā Boe— 7r2 Ikanaṁ kabikuAn· Br ◇ Ikaneṁ kabikuAn· Boe
7r3 səmānya Br ◇ sīmānya Boe— 7r3 vinehakannira ◇ vinehakanira Br Boe
7r4 karmmaṇyā ◇ karmmaṇya Br; karmmanya Boe
7r5 bhaṭāra Br ◇ bhatāra Boe — 7r5 karmmaṇya Br ◇ karmmanṇya Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.
7r6 kabikuAn· Br ◇ kebikuAn· Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.— 7r6 dharmma Br ◇ dharma Boe
7r7 Iṁ parhyaṅan· Br ◇ In parhyaṅan· Boe • Probably a misprint in Boechari.— 7r7 buat-thajyanya Br ◇ buattajyanya Boe
7r8 bhaṭāra Br ◇ bhatāra Boe
7r9 hana Boe ◇ kana Br — 7r9 baṇyāga Boe ◇ baṇyaga Br— 7r9 kāṅsa Br ◇ kaṅsa Boe
7r10 Ityaivamādi Br ◇ Ityavamādi Boe — 7r10 bhaṭăra ◇ bhaṭāra Br Boe — 7r10 bhaṭāra Br ◇ bhatāra Boe
7r11 kilalān· Br ◇ kilalan· Boe
7r12 lvīrni Br ◇ lvirni Boe— 7r12 sīmā ◇ sīma Br Boe — 7r12 sīmānya ◇ sīmanya Br Boe
7v1 muA⟨ṁ⟩ ◇ sīmanya Br Boe— 7v1 kabikuAn· Boe ◇ kabibuAn· Br— 7v1 sīmā Boe ◇ sīma Br Translation by Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan
Taji Gunung (910-12-21)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelahap.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelahap.html
index a8d5d005..48037e1e 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelahap.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelahap.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTelahap Stone
Editor: Louis-Charles Damais.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelangI-WanagiriI.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelangI-WanagiriI.html
index f40ffe53..94936cb0 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelangI-WanagiriI.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelangI-WanagiriI.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTelang I / Wanagiri I (825 Ś, 904-01-11)
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelangII-WanagiriII.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelangII-WanagiriII.html
index 8049520f..32bfb1ac 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelangII-WanagiriII.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTelangII-WanagiriII.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTelang II / Wanagiri II (825 Ś, 904-01-11)
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTerep_I.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTerep_I.html
index 56c9a26f..33ebb88f 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTerep_I.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTerep_I.html
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTerep I
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTerep_II.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTerep_II.html
index feec6ea1..2bc3072b 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTerep_II.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTerep_II.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTerep II
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTigaRon-TluRon.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTigaRon-TluRon.html
index c85db02b..5ab84d31 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTigaRon-TluRon.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTigaRon-TluRon.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZCharter of Tiga Ron also called Təlu Ron (822 Śaka – 900-03-30)
Editors: Arlo Griffiths and Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTihang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTihang.html
index 2e0b5f14..ced63396 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTihang.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTihang.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTihang (914-11-08)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTija-HaruHaru.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTija-HaruHaru.html
index 52d55f6b..732f838f 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTija-HaruHaru.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTija-HaruHaru.html
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTija & Haru-Haru
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTimbananWungkal.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTimbananWungkal.html
index c1d5f797..dcae4b2b 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTimbananWungkal.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTimbananWungkal.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTimbanan Wungkal (913-02-11)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTirah.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTirah.html
index fbb16e43..d931d78a 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTirah.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTirah.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTirah
Editor: Marine Schoettel.
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Translation
No identifier given for SoṅgaNo identifier given for CaritaNo identifier given for Tirah
draft, 2024-03-21Z
Editors: Marine Schoettel and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTulangEr.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTulangEr.html
index 506384a3..8ae21fb6 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTulangEr.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTulangEr.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTulang Er III (914-12-30)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTulangan.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTulangan.html
index 80ac264a..fd03d68d 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTulangan.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTulangan.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTulangan (832 Śaka, 910-08-13)
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTuruMangambil.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTuruMangambil.html
index 83ea973d..0fe17b75 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTuruMangambil.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTuruMangambil.html
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTuru Mangambil (~830 Śaka, ~908 CE)
No editor has been identified for this inscription.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTuwuhada.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTuwuhada.html
index aed45519..82e8c6db 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTuwuhada.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKTuwuhada.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZTuwuhada
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWalanditA.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWalanditA.html
index 8b880018..44a5b568 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWalanditA.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWalanditA.html
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWalandit A
Editor: Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWanuaTengahIII.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWanuaTengahIII.html
index 473fb8d4..ff2d5a17 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWanuaTengahIII.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWanuaTengahIII.html
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWanua Tengah III
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuGenuk.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuGenuk.html
index c466456c..3ac2b676 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuGenuk.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuGenuk.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWatu Genuk slab
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuKuraI.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuKuraI.html
index 76a69515..f6d9b82c 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuKuraI.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuKuraI.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZCharter of Watu Kura I
Editors: Arlo Griffiths, Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Marine Schoettel.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuRidang.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuRidang.html
index 75a60cb9..ca4106bd 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuRidang.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWatuRidang.html
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWatu Ridang (832 Śaka, 910-03-22)
Editor: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWintangMas.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWintangMas.html
index c98ed506..9cadbae3 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWintangMas.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWintangMas.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWintang Mas II (919-10-12)
Editors: Tyassanti Kusumo Dewanti and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuangGot.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuangGot.html
index 2180ab57..6e8f8b3b 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuangGot.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuangGot.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWuang Got
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWunganDaik.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWunganDaik.html
index e548b1f0..62f0fc7b 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWunganDaik.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWunganDaik.html
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWungan Daik
Editors: Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan and Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWurare.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWurare.html
index 896a017b..c4c60fad 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWurare.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWurare.html
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWurare
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruTunggal.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruTunggal.html
index 965c7158..5697407c 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruTunggal.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruTunggal.html
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWuru Tunggal
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.
diff --git a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruduKidul.html b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruduKidul.html
index c7807a83..57e6606d 100644
--- a/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruduKidul.html
+++ b/workflow-output/html/DHARMA_INSIDENKWuruduKidul.html
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
Current Version:
- draft, 2024-03-07ZWurudu Kidul
Editor: Arlo Griffiths.