You Must copy or clone your production backend and frontend app to the docker directory.
Directory structure
docker/ ├── frontend ├── backend
Set your build environment variables. You can use for this the .env file.
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=your-app-name CONTAINER_REGISTRY_BASE=your-registry-url/your-app-name
And optionally your IMAGE tag, by default this is already set to latest.
Build with command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.deploy.yml build
or faster build with enabled BuildKit
COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_BUILD=1 DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker-compose -f docker-compose.deploy.yml build
For testing your backend code must have must have correctly configured test tools. If you have correctly set up your testing tools you can execute the commands:
#!/bin/bash set -eo pipefail function finish { docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml rm --stop --force } trap finish EXIT docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up -d until docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run --rm php bin/console doctrine:query:sql "SELECT 1" > /dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 1 done docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run -e "PHP_INI_DIRECTIVES=memory_limit=-1" --rm php bin/phing test docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run --rm nuxtjs npm run test
To test your images on local machine you can use command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml -f docker-compose.postgres.yml up -d
And test your app on port 80 (by default this is set in environment variable $EXPOSED_NGINX_PORT) at http://localhost
- To push your images to your registry you need execute commands.
docker login your-registry-url
docker-compose -f docker-compose.deploy.yml push
You need login to your swarm server by ssh and following command execute on your docker swarm server.
You need set all environment required variables described in
and optionally indocker-compose.postgres.yml
. -
For environmental variables, you can create a file
. -
file:COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=your-app-name CONTAINER_REGISTRY_BASE=your-registry-url/your-app-name ...
Login to your registry (if your registry require this for pulling docker images)
docker login your-registry-url
Create the your stack with
docker stack deploy:
$ env $(cat .env | grep ^[a-zA-Z] | xargs) docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.production.yml --compose-file docker-compose.postgres.yml ergonode Creating network ergonode_ergonode Creating service ergonode_php-messenger-export Creating service ergonode_rabbitmq-02 Creating service ergonode_php-messenger-core Creating service ergonode_php Creating service ergonode_nginx Creating service ergonode_php-messenger-import Creating service ergonode_postgres Creating service ergonode_rabbitmq-01 Creating service ergonode_consul Creating service ergonode_nuxtjs Creating service ergonode_php-messenger-segment Creating service ergonode_rabbitmq-03 Creating service ergonode_haproxy
If You have managed PostgreSQL by your provider you can skip option
--compose-file docker-compose.postgres.yml
Check that it’s running with
docker stack services ergonode
:$ docker stack services ergonode ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE PORTS 4uwzc0p9hetl ergonode_nginx replicated 1/1 docker.io/ergonode/nginx:latest *:80->80/tcp q1me75mm90pw ergonode_nuxtjs replicated 1/1 docker.io/ergonode/nuxtjs:latest rlgcj8dyj54z ergonode_postgres replicated 1/1 docker.io/ergonode/postgres:latest s4hlonu65i8g ergonode_php replicated 1/1 docker.io/ergonode/php:latest
This might take some time if you have a multi-node swarm, as images need to be pulled. It may take some time if you have a multi-node, because the images have need to be pulled by swarm nodes.
And you can test your application on port 80 (by default this is set in environment variable $EXPOSED_NGINX_PORT) at http://your-swarm-node-ip.
To check your service logs you can do this with
docker service logs ergonode_service_name
$ docker service logs -f ergonode_nginx ergonode_nginx.1.z8ohiml3lj9l@swarm | - - [25/Feb/2020:09:59:49 +0000] "GET /api/doc HTTP/1.1" 200 98347 "-" "curl/7.66.0" "-"
If you want to bring down your stack then you can execute
docker stack rm:
$ docker stack rm ergonode
Removing service ergonode_nginx
Removing service ergonode_nuxtjs
Removing service ergonode_php
Removing service ergonode_postgres
Removing network ergonode_ergonode