solidity-repl on win64
to be sure: uninstalled node 4.4.2, installed node 4.4.6 with node-v4.4.6-x64.msi
fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib\libeay32.lib'
(needed for secp256k1, needed for ethereumjs-util, needed for ethereumjs-testrpc).
Fix: Download from e.g. here, unpack to C:\OpenSSL-Win64\
(exact path!)
Solve that secp256k1-node/binding.gyp
path problem (line 10, line 120), either by (explorer: new folder, rename, copy), or by
cd C:\OpenSSL-Win64
mkdir lib
copy libeay32.lib lib
Many, but all embedded now:
npm install -g solidity-repl
Welcome to the Solidity REPL!
> uint a=2**255
> a - 1 + a
> a - 1 + a + 1
created 24/6/2016 by Andreas Krueger (my github, my twitter)