This project was CREATED on: 2017-01-28T16:40:49 UTC.
This project was last MODIFIED on: 2017-01-28T16:40:49 UTC.
The current Version, expressed in the unique version name, of this project is: …
The current git commit hash of this project is: _
The version name of this project is a unique description of the project that identifies or denotes one and only one state of this project i.e., there is a bijection between the set of project states and the set of all project names.
Roughly speaking the version name mainly consists of two subnames:
- A hexadecimal and
- A .
Where denotes a long hexeadecimal number and denotes a simple time stamp. Both subnames are concatenated (combined) to one string:
is a unique natural number that is a simple counter that represents the number of the total commits of this project so far.
is a unique 11 digit abbreviated git commit hash that uniquely identifies exactly one state of the project. It is important to note that this subname, the 10 digit git hash is suficient at its own to uniquely identify every single project state.
- the current date and time stamp in ISO format (Coordinated Universal Time (former Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)).
Here are three examples of valid version names:
- alpha-2-gff8ce47848b
- beta-314-gff8ce47848b
- stable-31415926-gff8ce47848b
Where in example 1. the verion name tells you (a) by subname that the project is in its alpha state and (b) by the subname that in total there where 2 commits made to this project and (c) by the subname that the current unique git commit hash is gff8ce47848b.
In example 2. the verion name tells you (a) by subname that the project is in its beta state and (b) by the subname that in total there where 314 commits made to this project and (c) by the subname that the current unique git commit hash is gff8ce47848b.
In example 3. the verion name tells you (a) by subname that the project is in its stable state and (b) by the subname that in total there where 31415926 commits made to this project and (c) by the subname that the current unique git commit hash is gff8ce47848b.
The version name of this project is generated automatically with each commit by issuing a git post commit hook script called The essetial functionality of this script is to make use of the features of git. It runs git describe to get the latest (abbreviated but unique) commit hash with tags of the project by issuing “describe” and giving the following optional arguments. Here is what the man page of “git describe” says about those options (see: for more information):
describe: Describe a commit using the most recent tag reachable from it.
--long: Always output the long format (the tag, the number of commits and the abbreviated commit name) even when it matches a tag.
--always: Show uniquely abbreviated commit object as fallback.
--abbrev= Instead of using the default 7 hexadecimal digits as the abbreviated object name, use digits, or as many digits as needed to form a unique object name. An of 0 will suppress long format, only showing the closest tag.
--tags: Instead of using only the annotated tags, use any tag found in refs/tags namespace. This option enables matching a lightweight (non-annotated) tag.
The script also takes the current date and time and generates a CREATION, MODIFICATION and a COPYRIGHT line.
Too simple and to complicated. (Why Semantic Versioning Isn't)[]
Too simple and focused on deployment not on small continous iterations. (Why Semantic Versioning Isn't)[]
The main reasons to use git commit hashes as version names are:
- that it is simple (short),
- that it is unique,
- that it is easy to generate,
- that it is easy to integrate into the de facto standard versioning workflow.
Instead of using the default 7 or 12 hexadecimal digits as the abbreviated object name, using 100 hexadecimal digits (a) garanties that there is no hash collision for more objects than there are in the linux kernel and (b) it garanties that you do not have to mess around with abbreviation schemes in near future. For more information on this topic see (Linus Torvalds)[].