We first start our foray into the world of differential circuits by considering the basic bipolar differential pair in Basic bipolar differential pair.
Set the two input voltages to zero.
What is the emitter voltage vE? (think of the answer before revealing!)
The base voltages are the same because they are set to be so, the emitter voltages are the same because they are attached to the same node.
vBE is about 0.6{V}, so vE is about −0.6{V}
This is not a problem so far, but what happens when V1 and V2 are not equal? Is this even possible? How can V1 be anything different if vBE is supposed to always be 0.6{V}?
Wait a second: why “must” vBE be 0.6{V} in the first place?
It is merely an approximation of the base-emitter voltage in active mode that causes collector currents somewhere around 1{mA} at around room temperature (300 K).
This connection forces us to use a more accurate approximation for the collector current, see Table: Bipolar transistor modes:
KCL forces the emitter currents to sum to Itail. A substitution for each transistor’s current gives us:
So many currents and voltages — take a minute to list out which are actually transistor properties and not part of the circuit analysis, but just have units of {V} or {A}.
\$I_{S1}\$ and \$I_{S2}\$ — depend on individual doping, geometry, and other manufacturing variations (and junction temperature)
\$V_{T1}\$ and \$V_{T2}\$ — thermal voltage \$k_B T / q\$, transistors may be at different temperatures!
Since the emitters are connected together, we can write the base-emitter voltages as
\$v_{BE1} = v_1 - v_E\$
\$v_{BE2} = v_2 - v_E\$
To proceed much more and arrive at the important result of this path, we need to make two assumptions:
Both transistors are at the same temperature.
The transistors are matched, meaning:
\$I_{S1} = I_{S2} = I_S\$, and
\$\alpha_1 = \alpha_2 = \alpha\$
Then, purely and only for convenience, we’ll approximate \$\alpha \approx 1\$
Now, factor the common vE term out of the exponentials.
and rearrange for later use
Follow this progression for the collector current in transistor Q1 (each step is simple!):
Then multipy by “1,” an algebra trick that is handy in many situations: