Version 2.1, December 2022
Copyright © Jack Meng 2020-2023
A safe-permissive license that enables friendly end-user consumption
You may only use the bundled source or binary(s) in compliance with this LICENSE.
Copyright © 2021-2023 Jack Meng All rights reserved to the above copyright holder(s).
This license with all subsiding terms and conditions applies to all forms (source and/or binary, without or without modifications) for USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION, & DISTRIBUTION.
Notice: This license covers only SOURCE and BINARY software; however, it only has a single clause protecting any other files. Files and artifacts that fall under “resources” must be labeled under a different license in order to be fully protected if need be. [See also Clause 11].
Source: All deriving works that directly modify the original software must reproduce the above copyright notice, including this list of terms and conditions, in FULL (raw retention).
Binary: All subsiding binaries that have been compiled by third-party roots must be able to reproduce the above copyright notices, including this list of terms and conditions. Either via accompanied documentation or some other format that provides the user with direct access to these terms and conditions.
Except for files related to clause 11, no derivatives of this software may be sublicensed in any way.
In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damage, or other liabilities, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
You accept that the software bundled may include, but is not limited to:
- Incompatibility with your system(s)
- Potential malfunctions
- Bugs
Trademarking of trade names, service marks, trademarks, and/or product names of the copyright holders except for descriptive purposes titling the parent roots.
Plugin integration with the root software can be alienated from this license. However, if the desired plugin requires THIS software to be bundled with it in any form, or if it is required before the bundled software links or loads it, this license must be used.
By creating a plugin, you accept that no matter its purpose, that software is NOT TRUSTED. By creating potentially adverse or malicious plugins and software to be loaded by the bundled software, you are being exposed to potential damages that must be dealt with without this license and its stated copyright holders and authors.
Direct modification of the source software must retain this license. All source versions must contain a file titled "ATTRIBUTIONS" which provides literal attributions to works. In this file, you may state changes made, previous attributions (fork of a fork), and your own attribution to your modifications. This license file shall serve as a literal marker of the attributions made.
By creating and modifying, you show your full compliance with this license and acknowledge the risks, terms and conditions, and your role.
In no way shall this ATTRIBUTIONS file be used to restrict access to other contributors, it must only serve as a marker and not interfere with the license and its overall accessibility.
If there is already an ATTRIBUTIONS file, you may append it to it.
You pledge that your modifications are safe, reliable, and original. In no way shall your modifications cause adverse/malicious intents (unless it is a bug related to very specific system support or some kind of third-party dependency used by the bundled software). Reliable in the sense that you have tested your modifications against test cases and demonstrated that they will work on the majority of targeted platforms.
The authors and copyright holders may restrict access to certain content parts. This does not give you the legal right to modify and redistribute the part, but it does allow you to modify it for personal use only.
You may only use the bundled software as a reference, and you may not directly restate its contents.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed in writing, content distributed under this license is provided “as is”:
There shall be no third party imposed fees or royalties required for any version of the bundled software. However, plugin authors may impose their own fee if need be.
The end user is allowed to modify, inspect, and redistribute the bundled software only in compliance with this LICENSE. By utilizing the software in any way, be it executing it, viewing its source code or binary form, redistributing it, etc., the end-user shows his or her compliance with this LICENSE.
You accept that this software is not perfect and may contain bugs. This means that it is your responsibility as the end user to back up data if the bundled software requires data modification.
By utilizing any built-in plugin loading functionalities, you also acknowledge that the original authors and copyright holders have no warranties, liability claims, or protection for you against any plugins that are created maliciously. The end user must accept the risks of knowing the potential risks of using them and recognizing them properly. Damages caused by third-party plugins loaded by the bundled software can only be dealt with by the consumer and the plugin author(s); the consumer is not affiliated with the authors or copyright holders of this license.
Third-party redistributions and authors may only redistribute under the terms that they:
- No royalties or fees may be charged.
- Disclose the full origination.
- Cannot bar any person or persons from accessing the aforementioned modifications or redistributions.
- Does not imply or violate the terms and conditions of this license.
- A full source is disclosed, including the original documentation and source code attributes.
This license is not provided with a patent claim, and users besides the original authors and license holders are not granted any patent claims & rights.
This clause only comes into effect if the original license holder DOES NOT provide a secondary license for resources and prefers to use this license as a whole to protect their work.
This license does not fully protect any resource files (e.g. Image Files, Archive Files, Raw Documents _.doc, _.docx, *.pdf, etc.)
All works are credited under a subcategory of licenses that should be made aware to the original authors & license holders. However, works that do not provide another license shall follow under the following declaration:
- Said works must be attributed clearly in any derivations of work
- Derivations of this software may not have these resources modified in any (except those that do not modify the original contents, e.g. file name, file date)
- Use of this content outside of the bundled software is not allowed unless stated. This means you are not allowed to use said content to promote elsewhere either for the authors & license holders OR for any other content.
- Acknowledgment that these resource files may use patented file formats or proprietary formats & you acknowledge the potential legal risks
Reuse of license
If you wish to append this license or use this license in your own work, you simply change the above copyright notice:
Copyright © [YYYY] [NAMES]
Replace [YYYY] (without brackets) with the year
Replace [NAMES] (without brackets) with all intended authors and license holders.
By using this license, you acknowledge the potential legal risks and the purpose this license serves.