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File metadata and controls

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$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-elk.yml -f docker-compose-influx.yml up -d --build


The project aims to package a set of existing software to make webapp deployments fast, easy and secure.


  • Automatically handled HTTPS configuration, load balancing with proxy
  • Continuos logging and alerts monitoring your projects with very little effort
  • Easy setup
  • Access to logs without needing to access the server


Main layer

  • Nginx used as a proxy
  • Dockgergen
    • Creates nginx configuration automatically for containers. All it needs is a VIRTUAL_HOST environment varialble
  • Letsencrypt
    • Automatically enables HTTPS on a container when the LETSENCRYPT_HOST and LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL environment variables are present.


Logging is done in two ways, using the ELK (elasticsearch) stack and using TICK (influxdata) stack.

The two stacks measure different data. The first gives access to logs from all the containers while the second shows the impact each container has on the server resources.


The ELK stack includes:

  • Kibana
  • Elasticsearch
  • Logstash

Two more containers were added:

  • logspout: Automatically catches logs from containers and pushes them to Logstash
  • elk_starter: Configures elasticsearch for kibana and logstash and sets an index.

Kibana (with x-pack enabled) offers authentication. It is set by default to: u: elastic p: changeme u: kibana p: changeme

These users can be changed later from Kibana


The TICK stack includes the following containers:

  • Telegraf
  • Chronograf
  • Influxdb
  • Kapacitor

It is configured to handle inputs both from the host system and from the docker socket to monitor all the containers.

Chronograf can be configured to use github authentication


You can use the full solution or combine parts of it.

  • To install just the proxy (with letsencrypt) run
docker-compose up -d --build
  • To install the proxy and ELK use:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-elk.yml up -d --build
  • Finally to install the proxy with just TICK run:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-influx.yml up -d --build
  • [Optional] Install basic management services:

Use the following to install Portainer and Watchtower to manage your single node cluster.

Update to configure these services

Then run the services with docker-compose

docker-compose -f docker-compose-node-management.yml up -d --build
  • To install everything run the following instead:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-elk.yml -f docker-compose-influx.yml up -d --build

If you want to use TICK or ELK, you must start from the proxy yml, because they both use networks defined in docker-compose.yml. docker-compose-elk.yml and docker-compose-influx.yml extend docker-compose.yml


  • The proxy stack with Nginx, Letsencrypt and Dockergen requires few resources being based on Linux Alpine. Altogether they need about 100MB of disk space.
    • Nginx needs about 5MB of RAM
    • Letsencrypt needs less than 4MB of RAM
    • Dockergen uses less than 3MB of RAM
  • InfluxData stack nees about 200MB of disk space.
    • InfluxDB uses an average of 200MB of RAM
    • Chronograf on Idle uses about 9MB of RAM
    • Telegraf uses around 12MB of RAM instead
    • Kapacitor may need about 20MB of RAM
  • The ELK stack images have quite an impact needing more than 2.2GB of disk space.
    • ElasticSearch uses at least 512MB of RAM and can go up fast
    • Kibana requires about 200MB of RAM on idle
    • Logstash requires a lot of memory as well with an average of 600MB so more than 512MB of RAM
    • Logspout needs just 9MB of RAM to monitor docker containers
    • elk_starter will die as soon as it's job is done so it won't require any resources


  • IP Filtering
  • Canary testing
  • Build letsencrypt without dockergen since we're using an external dockergen container


InfluxData (TICK) stalk: 1.3-alpine

ElasticSearch (ELK) stalk: 6.2.0 (x-pack enabled)

Dockergen: jwilder/dockergen:latest


  • Dockergen: 0.7.3
  • Alpine: 3.3

Nginx: 1.13

All the containers (where possible) are based on Alpine