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Capkeybara (Backend)

Capkeybara is THE ultimate e-commerce platform for top-notch mechanical keyboard components that cater to all your needs!

Whether you're a seasoned keyboard enthusiast, a newbie exploring the world of mechanical keyboards, or simply on the hunt for a quick upgrade, we've got you covered! We are here guide you with expert advice to ensure you make the perfect choice every time you hit that "add to cart" button!

  • Frontend Repository (ReactJS - useForm, Toastify, Styled Components)
  • Backend Repository (NodeJS - Express, Handlebars, Bookshelf ORM with knex, DB-migrate, Cloudinary, Stripe, and MySQL)

Table of Contents

  1. System Design
  2. Functionalities
  3. Technologies Used
  4. Deployment
  5. References

System Design

Entity Relationship Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram

SQL Schema Diagram

Given the relationship between entities, a relational DB (in this case MySQL) would be more ideal to store the data. The schema is as shown below. SQL Schema

Do note that the password field will be hashed using bcrypt before it is stored in the DB.

The following has not been implemented

  • Discounts for products
  • 2FA for account signups forgot and update password (nodemailer)

API Routes for Buyers

Base URL for buyers

Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response Authentication Response
/ GET Get information of all buyers Status 200 - returns data of all buyers
Status 500 - returns an error message
/ POST Creates a new buyer
(Incomplete data)
 "username": string,
 "email": string,
 "password": string,
 "confirm_password": string
Status 200 - returns a message requesting for more signup details
Status 409 - returns an error message indicating that the buyer username and/or email already exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
/ POST Creates a new buyer
(Full data)
 "username": string,
 "email": string,
 "password": string,
 "confirm_password": string,
 "first_name": string,
 "last_name": string,
 "contact": string,
 "address": string
Status 201 - returns a success message and data of the new buyer created
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating an error during new account creation
Status 500 - returns an error message
/:buyerId GET Get information of a buyer with ID buyerId Status 200 - returns a success message and data of the found buyer
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating that the buyer is not found
Status 500 - returns an error message
/profile POST Get profile of an authenticated buyer Valid access token retrieved from cookies Status 200 - returns payload of the authenticated buyer
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/login POST Verifies the login credential of a buyer {
 "username": string,
 "password": string
Status 201 - returns a success message
Status 401 - returns an error message indicating invalid login credentials
Status 500 - returns an error message
/refresh POST Refresh an expired access token using the refresh token Valid refresh token retrieved from cookies Status 200 - returns a new access token
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message indicating no refresh token found
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid refresh token
/logout POST Removes the access and refresh tokens from cookie, and blacklists refresh token when a buyer logs out Valid refresh token retrieved from cookies Status 204 - no response
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message indicating no refresh token found
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid refresh token

Potential Improvement for Buyers API route

  1. Hashing password in the frontend before it is sent to the backend.
    Currently the new buyer data is sent over to the backend, with the password and confirm-password field being strings. This will be subject to MITM attacks. A better alternative is to hash the passwords after the new buyer has submitted his/her datato prevent information from being stolen during transmission.
  2. Filtering the payload information for buyer profile before it is sent to the frontend.
    Upon successful decryption of buyer access token, the payload containing the id, email, first name, username and role of the buyer is returned. Additionally, the 'exp' and 'iat' of the payload is also returned. These information can be filtered out before sending back the data of the buyer to the frontend as they are crucial information for hackers who make use of the access tokens.

API Routes for Sellers

Base URL for sellers

Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response Authentication Response
/ GET Get information of all sellers Status 200 - returns data of all sellers
Status 500 - returns an error message
/ POST Creates a new seller
(Incomplete data)
 "username": string,
 "email": string,
 "password": string,
 "confirm_password": string
Status 200 - returns a message requesting for more signup details
Status 409 - returns an error message indicating that the seller username and/or email already exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
/ POST Creates a new seller
(Full data)
 "username": string,
 "email": string,
 "password": string,
 "confirm_password": string,
 "name": string,
 "contact": string,
 "image_url": string
Status 201 - returns a success message and data of the new seller created
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating an error during new account creation
Status 500 - returns an error message
/:sellerId GET Get information of a seller with ID sellerId Status 200 - returns a success message and data of the found seller
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating that the seller is not found
Status 500 - returns an error message
/profile POST Get profile of an authenticated seller Valid access token retrieved from cookies Status 200 - returns payload of the authenticated seller
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring sellers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/login POST Verifies the login credential of a seller {
 "username": string,
 "password": string
Status 201 - returns a success message
Status 401 - returns an error message indicating invalid login credentials
Status 500 - returns an error message
/refresh POST Refresh an expired access token using the refresh token Valid refresh token retrieved from cookies Status 200 - returns a new access token
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message indicating no refresh token found
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid refresh token
/logout POST Removes the access and refresh tokens from cookie, and blacklists refresh token when a seller logs out Valid refresh token retrieved from cookies Status 204 - no response
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message indicating no refresh token found
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid refresh token

Potential Improvement for Sellers API route are similar to that of Buyers.

  1. There should also be a validity check done on the sellers (possibly using the vendor's UEN), before allowing them to list their products on the website. An additional column can be added to the 'sellers' table in the database to store this information.

API Routes for Products

Base URL for products

Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response Authentication Response
/ GET Get information of all products Status 200 - returns data of all products
Status 500 - returns an error message
/categories GET Get information of all product categories Status 200 - returns data of all product categories
Status 500 - returns an error message
/seller/:sellerId GET Get all products of a seller with ID sellerId Status 200 - returns a success message and data of all products of the specified seller
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified seller does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
/ POST Creates a new product {
 "name": string,
 "description": string,
 "price": float,
 "cost": float,
 "quantity_available": integer,
 "image_url": string,
 "category_id": integer,
 "seller_id": integer
Status 200 - returns a success message indicating that the new product has been created
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating any missing required fields
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring sellers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/:productId GET Get information of product with ID productId Status 200 - returns a success message and data of the specified product
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified product does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
/:productId PUT Updates an existing product with ID productId {
 "name": string,
 "description": string,
 "price": float,
 "cost": float,
 "quantity_available": integer,
 "image_url": string,
 "category_id": integer,
 "seller_id": integer
Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the product that was updated
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating any missing or invalid fields
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified product does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring sellers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/:productId DELETE Deletes an existing product with ID productId Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the product that was deleted
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified product does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring sellers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/search POST Search for existing products based on the search terms {
 "searched_name": string,
 "searched_brands": array,
 "searched_categories": array,
 "searched_availability": string,
 "searched_price_min": float,
 "searched_price_max": float
Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the product that was searched
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified products cannot be found
Status 500 - returns an error message

Potential Improvement for Products API route

  1. Role specification.
    Currently, any users with a valid access token can perform CRUD operations on the products. Role specification can be added to allow only users with 'seller' and 'admin' roles (and valid access tokens) to manage the products.

API Routes for Cart

Base URL for cart

Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response Authentication Response
/:buyerId GET Retrieves the cart items of buyer with ID buyerId Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the cart items of the specified buyer
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating that the specified buyer cannot view another buyer's cart
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/:buyerId POST Add or increase the quantity by 1 of a cart item for buyer with ID buyerId {
 "product_id": int
Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the cart item added
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating that the quantity to be added exceeded the quantity available
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating that the specified buyer cannot view another buyer's cart
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified product does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/remove/:buyerId POST Reduce the quantity of a cart item by 1 for buyer with ID buyerId {
 "product_id": int
Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the cart item reduced
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating that the cart item do not exist or quantity cannot be negative
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating that the specified buyer cannot view another buyer's cart
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified product does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/:buyerId PUT Add or increase the quantity of a cart item for buyer with ID buyerId {
 "product_id": int
 "new_quantity": int
Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the cart item updated
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating that the quantity to be added exceeded the quantity available
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating that the specified buyer cannot view another buyer's cart
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified product does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/:buyerId DELETE Remove a cart item entirely for buyer with ID buyerId {
 "product_id": int
Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the cart item removed
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating that the cart item was not removed
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating that the specified buyer cannot view another buyer's cart
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified product does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token

Potential Improvement for Cart API route

  1. Role specification.
    Currently, any users with a valid access token can perform CRUD operations on the cart items. Role specification can be added to allow only users with 'buyer' and 'admin' roles (and valid access tokens) to manage their cart items.
  2. More specific error validation.
    The error that returns status 400 is does not take into other instances where, for example, users enter data of inapproperiate datatype.

API Routes for Orders

Base URL for orders

Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response Authentication Response
/:buyerId GET Retrieves all orders of buyer with ID buyerId Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the orders of the specified buyer
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified product does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/seller/:sellerId GET Retrieves all orders of seller with ID sellerId Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the orders of the specified seller
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating that the specified seller cannot view another seller's orders
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/:buyerId POST Creates a new order for buyer with buyerId based on his/her cart items Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the order created for the specified buyer
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token
/:orderId PUT Updates the order status of order with ID orderId {
 "order_status": string
Status 200 - returns a success message and the data of the updated order
Status 400 - returns an error message indicating that the specified order was not updated
Status 404 - returns an error message indicating that the specified order does not exist
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token

Potential Improvement for Order API route

  1. Segregation of order status based on sellers.
    Since a order can consist of many products from different sellers, the order status for a order should be separated for each seller. Currently, the order status will update across all sellers with the same order, instead, the order status could be updated from 'Unfulfilled' to 'Completed' after all sellers have updated the status of the order to 'Delivered'.

API Routes for Checkout

Base URL for checkout

Endpoint Method Description Request Body Response Authentication Response
/:userId GET Creates a Stripe session for user with ID userId by retrieving their cart items from the Cart API Status 200 - returns a session ID
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating that the specified buyer cannot process another buyer's payment
Status 500 - returns an error message
Status 401 - returns an error message requiring buyers to login
Status 403 - returns an error message indicating an invalid access token


User Authorisation

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are used for user authorisation and protection of API routes.

In Capkeybara's case, the JWT generated by the backend, after a user has successfully logged in, is stored using HttpOnly Cookies. The flow is illustrated in the sequence diagram below.

User Authorisation UML Sequence Diagram

Cookies was chosen over session and localStorage due to its ability to protect against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.The HttpOnly flag prevents malicious scripts from accessing the cookies, thus providing a better safeguard for user sessions and sensitive information.

A request is sent using a refreshToken to get a new accessToken whenever the accessToken is close to expiry. If the new token fails to be generated, the user has to log in again. Upon log out, the refresh token is added to a black list, preventing it from being reused.

Product Management

The product API routes allows sellers and admin to create, update and delete products with ease. The product information are also displayed on the frontend, allowing easy management.

Cart Item Management

The cart API routes allows buyers to add, update and delete their cart items. These cart items will also be displayed on the frontend, allow buyers to view their cart items before checking out.

Order Creation and Status Management

The order API routes allows buyers to create their orders upon successful payment, and also allows sellers to view and manage their orders on the client.

Payment Processing

The third party platform, also known as a SASS, Stripe, was used to handle payment processing.

Payment Processing UML Sequence Diagram

  1. Reduce the time and money required to implement such capability. This will allow resources to be diverted to developing other areas of Capkeybara.
  2. Secure data and prevent legal repercussions in the case of a data breach. Since Stripe stores the users' sensitive information such as their credit card information, any form of data breach and security incidents will be borne by Stripe rather than Capkeybara.

Technologies Used


  • ReactJS - Route access restriction, navigation between pages, form control using useForm
  • Cloudinary - Image upload widget for buyer and seller and product images



Live Links

(Note that Admin Page is not yet implemented)

Test Accounts

Account Type Name Email Password
Buyer Peter Pan peterpan123@
Buyer Tinker Bell tinkerbell123@
Buyer Captain Hook captainhook123@
Seller Epomaker epomaker123@
Seller Aula aula123@
Seller Keychron keychron123@

No test admin account will be provided.
