Install PHP version 8.X from
This role is tailored towards Debian Bullseye / Bookworm.
The packages python-apt
(or python3-apt
) must be installed.
All role variables are displayed with their default value.
Specify the version of PHP 8 you want to use:
php8_version: 8.0
CLI is always installed. You can also install the Apache2 module, CGI binary and/or FPM binary:
php8_enable_apache: no
php8_enable_cgi: no
php8_enable_fpm: no
Files for module development can be installed too:
php8_enable_dev: no
The original php.ini
files are never touched by this role.
Instead a 99-customization.ini
file is placed in the appropriate conf.d
These customization files will be filled with the INI directives you specify with the following role variables.
Global INI directives, which configure all of CLI, Apache2, CGI and FPM:
php8_ini_directives_global: {}
Specific INI directives:
php8_ini_directives_cli: {}
php8_ini_directives_apache: {}
php8_ini_directives_cgi: {}
php8_ini_directives_fpm: {}
This role sets a couple of INI directives that are viewed as best practices. The result is the same as if configured in the following way:
allow_url_fopen: no
disable_functions: "exec, passthru, shell_exec, system, proc_open, popen, curl_exec, curl_multi_exec"
expose_php: no
session.cookie_httponly: yes
session.cookie_secure: yes
session.hash_bits_per_character: 4 # 7.0 only
session.hash_function: sha256 # 7.0 only
session.sid_bits_per_character: 4 # 7.1 and up
session.sid_length: 64 # 7.1 and up
session.use_strict_mode: yes
Install additional PHP extensions:
php8_extensions: []
php8_versioned_extensions: []
For example, to install the packages php-apcu
, php7.X-curl
and php7.X-mysql
- apcu
- curl
- mysql
Extension specific INI directives can be specified the same way any other, see the INI section above.
The following variables can be used to configure PHP FPM:
php8_fpm_pid: "/run/php/php{{ php8_version }}"
php8_fpm_error_log: "/var/log/php{{ php8_version }}-fpm.log"
php8_fpm_log_level: warning
php8_fpm_syslog_facility: ~
php8_fpm_syslog_ident: ~
php8_fpm_emergency_restart_threshold: 0
php8_fpm_emergency_restart_interval: 0
php8_fpm_process_control_timeout: 0
php8_fpm_process_max: 0
php8_fpm_process_priority: ~
php8_fpm_daemonize: yes
php8_fpm_rlimit_files: ~
php8_fpm_rlimit_core: ~
php8_fpm_events_mechanism: epoll
php8_fpm_systemd_interval: 10
By default a standard pool is configured as well:
php8_fpm_pool_enabled: yes
The pool name will determine the filename (with .conf
php8_fpm_pool_name: www
The following variables configure that standard pool (when enabled)
php8_fpm_pool_user: www-data
php8_fpm_pool_group: www-data
php8_fpm_pool_listen: "/run/php/php{{ php8_version }}-fpm.sock"
php8_fpm_pool_listen_backlog: 512
php8_fpm_pool_listen_owner: "{{ php8_fpm_pool_user }}"
php8_fpm_pool_listen_group: "{{ php8_fpm_pool_group }}"
php8_fpm_pool_listen_mode: "0660"
php8_fpm_pool_listen_acl_users: ~
php8_fpm_pool_listen_acl_groups: ~
php8_fpm_pool_listen_allowed_clients: ~
php8_fpm_pool_pm: dynamic
php8_fpm_pool_pm_max_children: 5
php8_fpm_pool_pm_start_servers: 2
php8_fpm_pool_pm_min_spare_servers: 1
php8_fpm_pool_pm_max_spare_servers: 3
php8_fpm_pool_pm_process_idle_timeout: 10s
php8_fpm_pool_pm_max_requests: 512
php8_fpm_pool_status_path: /status
php8_fpm_pool_ping_path: /ping
php8_fpm_pool_ping_response: pong
php8_fpm_pool_access_log: ~
php8_fpm_pool_access_format: ~
php8_fpm_pool_slowlog: ~
php8_fpm_pool_request_slowlog_timeout: 0
php8_fpm_pool_request_terminate_timeout: 0
php8_fpm_pool_rlimit_files: ~
php8_fpm_pool_rlimit_core: ~
php8_fpm_pool_chroot: ~
php8_fpm_pool_chdir: /var/www
php8_fpm_pool_catch_workers_output: yes
php8_fpm_pool_clear_env: yes
php8_fpm_pool_security_limit_extensions: .php
php8_fpm_pool_env: {}
php8_fpm_pool_php_admin_value: {}
php8_fpm_pool_php_value: {}
- hosts: servers
- { role: f500.php8, php8_version: 8.0, php8_enable_fpm: yes }
Github actions will check this role with ansible-lint. To run this locally, you will need to follow the following steps:
brew install ansible-lint
brew install yamllint
to fix the linting errors, run:
ansible-lint --fix
Copyright (C) 2017 Future500 B.V.
Jasper N. Brouwer,
Ramon de la Fuente,