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File metadata and controls

94 lines (79 loc) · 2.86 KB

Task Management


  1. Java Development Kit (JDK) version 21 or more (I preferred version 21)
  2. Gradle 8 (or more)
  3. IntelliJ IDEA (or any preferred IDE)
  4. Kotlin Plugin: (for IntelliJ IDEA’s user)
  5. Docker (and Docker Compose)

API Documentation

See and Task MGMT API | Postman

Import Task MGMT API Collection on Postman
and setup environment variable base-url = http://«hostname»:«port» (e.g. http://localhost:8080)

Available Scripts


To build containerized database:

docker-compose -f docker/ up --build -d


To install packages:

./gradlew clean build

To run application on local machine:


./gradlew bootRun

Create Docker Image

docker build -t «tag_name» .
# Example
docker build -t app-task-mgmt .

Create Container by Docker Command

docker run -d --name «container_name» \
  --network «network_name» \
  -e POSTGRES_URL=r2dbc:postgresql://«postgres_container_name»:5432/«database_name» \
  -p «target_port»/8080 \
# For example
docker run -d --name app-task-mgmt \
  --network taskmgmt-dev \
  -e POSTGRES_URL=r2dbc:postgresql://taskmgmt-db:5432/task-mgmt \
  -p 8088:8080 \

Data Table change

  1. Change Table definition in the /src/main/resources/schemas.sql file to relate with the Entity data classes
  2. Access to the containerized database (Postgresql)
    docker exec -it taskmgmt-db bash
    # In the container
    psql -U postgres -d task-mgmt -W
  3. Delete tables
    \dt+; -- To see every tables
    DROP TABLE «table_name»;
    exit; -- When finish dropping tables
  4. Run project again
    ./gradlew bootRun
    # Data table will be re-created follow the `schemas.sql` file

TODO (for improvement)

  • Validate body request to response 400 Bad Request
  • Create DTO for Tasks by UserId
  • Create GET /tasks API route to retrieve tasks that match specific due dates, statuses, or created/updated users.
  • Create API Document with Open API or Swagger
  • Add the source method in the Logger to (right now we know only source class)
    • Actual Result - 2023-11-28T15:35:56.540+07:00 ERROR 39490 --- [actor-tcp-nio-2] d.fresult.taskmgmt.handlers.UserHandler [«METHOD_NAME»] : [User] with ID [222] does not exist)
    • Expected Result - 2023-11-28T15:35:56.540+07:00 ERROR 39490 --- [actor-tcp-nio-2] d.fresult.taskmgmt.handlers.UserHandler [byId] : [User] with ID [222] does not exist)
  • Make status accept only possible 3 values in enum
  • Hash Password
  • Do authorization for most of API routes
  • Make createdBy and updatedBy refer to authentication (token) automatic update by data auditing