All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to ConVista Faktor Zehn GmbH.
- projects: show information on staged build (see Jenkins Pipeline Stage View Plugin)
- size switcher in header: change to Small, Medium, Large
- projects: custom class for styling
- sonar.newissues: fixed calculation of short artifact name
- projects: added progressbar for builds
- jenkins.job: added job state ABORTED
- sonar.issues and sonar.newissues: neutral color for empty widgets
- version up
- projects: show culprits on mouseover
- jenkins job widget for running jobs
- minor fixes in sonar.newissues and sonar.issues widgets
- new widget for project information. Actually it is a combination of jenkins and sonarqube informations and can me configured
- sonar.metric: unit and reverse properties are removed because they are now loaded from Sonar directly
- sonar.metric: Analyse Build Url was removed and replaced by a direct link to the appropriate domain
- bug in sonar widgets after api changes
- changes in web api with SonarQube 6.3
- removed metricIndex configuration for sonar.metric widget
- fixed link to sonar user issues
- project navigation i.e. /project/2 to switch to the second project
- added new filter for maven artifact names
- added tooltip for sonar new issues artifact names
- more visible information on failed build in jeknins.testreport widget
- added navigation to specific project via url i.e. /0 is the first project, /1 is the second project, ...
- Added configuration for sonar metric trend calculation
- trend calculation and icon colors for sonar metrics
- new widget for jira issues due dates
- new widget for user specific text
- column title and description
- added example configuration config-example.json
- removed params onecolor for jira.issue widget
- renamed param colorthreshold for jira.issue widget to threshold
- changed project structure for widgets and directives for better organization.
- changed widget names for better organization
- new widget for sonarqube quality gates
- custom.css for style customizations
- Menu autohide after 5 seconds of user inactivity
- Show menu when mouse is moved
- Autorefresh is disabled by default