Releases: farcrycore/core
- [FC-3023] - Webtop user profile links
- [FC-3032] - Admin "change password" option should check password validation rules
- [FC-3033] - The minutes option for datetime formtool should be 0-59
- [FC-3039] - Array formtool throws an error with ftRenderType of checkbox or radio
- [FC-3040] - Bootstrap CSS conflicts with cfdump on Railo/Lucee in webtop
- [FC-3041] - flushCache() in fapi doesn't set the timeout property
- [FC-3032] - Admin "change password" option should check password validation rules
- [FC-3033] - The minutes option for datetime formtool should be 0-59
- [FC-3039] - Array formtool throws an error with ftRenderType of checkbox or radio
- [FC-3040] - Bootstrap CSS conflicts with cfdump on Railo/Lucee in webtop
FarCry Core 7.2.0
Release Notes
- [FC-2983] - Signed S3 urls don't include bucket in signed string
- [FC-3014] - Enabling "bArraysAsStructs" for a content type breaks temporary objects for that type
- [FC-3024] - ftLimitMin not working in longchar formtool
- [FC-3025] - TinyMCE insert image request is aborted after 2 seconds
- [FC-3026] - Status column is sometimes outputted twice in objectadmin tag
- [FC-3028] - Discard login form object from tempobjectstore
- [FC-3029] - Config properties with ftWatch don't work with read-only values
New Feature
- [FC-2982] - Improve form theme configuration and flexibility
- [FC-3013] - Remove unnecessary try ... catches in core
- [FC-3021] - Improve performance of S3 CDN directory listing
- [FC-3022] - In S3 CDN configs, allow structs in admin list
- [FC-3027] - New mime type - srt
- [FC-3016] - Remove deprecated security variables
- [FC-3017] - Show Lucee versions in sys info output
- [FC-3018] - stResult undefined in task processing error logging
- [FC-3019] - updateapp performance chart rendering on Railo/Lucee
- [FC-3020] - Bulk upload for dmImage fails to create image crops
- [FC-3024] - ftLimitMin not working in longchar formtool
- [FC-3025] - TinyMCE insert image request is aborted after 2 seconds
- [FC-3028] - Discard login form object from tempobjectstore
7.2.0 Release Candidate
Release Notes
- [FC-2983] - Signed S3 urls don't include bucket in signed string
- [FC-3014] - Enabling "bArraysAsStructs" for a content type breaks temporary objects for that type
New Feature
- [FC-2982] - Improve form theme configuration and flexibility
- [FC-3013] - Remove unnecessary try ... catches in core
- [FC-3021] - Improve performance of S3 CDN directory listing
- [FC-3022] - In S3 CDN configs, allow structs in admin list
- [FC-3016] - Remove deprecated security variables
Release Notes
[FC-2976] - Errors with lib packages during startup results in an empty response
[FC-2977] - adds spaces to plaintext emails
[FC-2978] - Installer throws an exception when a datasource name exists that doesn't match the skeleton
[FC-2980] - The aLinks display style for skin:genericNav should have a customisable separator
[FC-2984] - Query string variable delimiter gets encoded if redirected to a Friendly URL
[FC-2986] - key [fuLookup] doesn't exist in objectBroker.cfc:740
[FC-2987] - fapi.setConfig needs to be usable during initialization
[FC-2989] - Site tree should return errors that can be displayed rather than throw an exception
[FC-2990] - getFU() needs to check type exists in stCOAPI before using it
[FC-2991] - farFU migrate() missing required argument to deployType()
[FC-2992] - tree getLeaves() returns no records with a list of node IDs on Railo
[FC-2993] - Config WDDX to JSON upgrade fails if a config component is missing
[FC-2994] - Avoid encoded "+" in local file CDN getURLPath()
[FC-2995] - Tray shows a 404 on friendly URLs that involve redirects
[FC-2997] - Forgot password issues
[FC-2999] - Default objectbroker doesn't evict data properly
[FC-3000] - CDN migration tool doesn't log errors
[FC-3001] - Show unknown database tables on the COAPI overview
[FC-3002] - Relative dates within the next hour are shown in the format 'in n minutes ago'
[FC-3004] - TinyMCE Insert/edit link request is aborted after 2 seconds
[FC-3005] - Allow DSN and configs to be set by environment variables
[FC-3009] - Objectbroker changes for shared cluster caches does not work for configs
[FC-3010] - objectadmin $fc.objectAdminAction() shows the wrong dialog contents
[FC-2975] - Add alias argument for getCategoryIDbyName
[FC-2996] - Use a 301 for external redirects
[FC-2998] - Allow a content type to completely override the library query functionality
[FC-3006] - Update the request approval emails to include an HTML version
[FC-3007] - Clean up application initialisation error pages
[FC-3008] - Add bSecure attribute to fapi.getLink() to return a secure URL
Release Notes
[FC-2846] - Date formtool; ftToggleOffDateTime not working
[FC-2976] - Errors with lib packages during startup results in an empty response
[FC-2984] - Query string variable delimiter gets encoded if redirected to a Friendly URL
[FC-2991] - farFU migrate() missing required argument to deployType()
[FC-2992] - tree getLeaves() returns no records with a list of node IDs on Railo
[FC-3003] - Js error when using ftAutosave attribute
[FC-3004] - TinyMCE Insert/edit link request is aborted after 2 seconds
[FC-3005] - Allow DSN and configs to be set by environment variables
[FC-2975] - Add alias argument for getCategoryIDbyName