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Custom (De )Serialization Functions

Felix Gündling edited this page Oct 8, 2019 · 21 revisions

For all standard layout, non-polymorphic aggregate types you do not have to write a custom function. However, when you have 3rd-party structs, structs with constructors or RAII structs that manage memory, etc. you need to override the serialize and deserialize functions.


By default, every value gets copied raw byte-by-byte. For each type you would like serialize with a custom function, you need to override the following function for your type.

This function will be called with

  • The serialization context (described below). It provides functions to write to the buffer and to translate pointers to offsets.
  • A pointer to the original value (i.e. not the serialized!) of your struct.
  • The offset value where the value of YourType has been copied to. You can use this information to adjust certain members of YourType. For example: ctx.write(pos + offsetof(cista::string, h_.ptr_), start). This overrides the pointer contained in cista::string with the offset, the bytes have been copied to by calling start = c.write(orig->data(), orig->size(), 1).
template <typename Ctx>;
void serialize(Ctx&, YourType const*, cista::offset_t const);

The Ctx parameter is templated to support different serialization targets (e.g. file and buffer). Ctx provides the following members:

struct serialization_context {
  struct pending_offset {
    void* origin_ptr_;  // pointer to the original
    offset_t pos_;      // offset where it is serialized

   * Writes the values at [ptr, ptr + size[ to
   * the end of the serialization target buffer.
   * Adjusts for alignment if needed and returns
   * the new (aligned) offset the value was written to.
   * Appends to the buffer (resize).
   * \param ptr         points to the data to write
   * \param size        number of bytes to write
   * \param alignment   the alignment to consider
   * \return the alignment adjusted offset
  offset_t write(void const* ptr, offset_t const size,
                 offset_t alignment = 0);

   * Overrides the value at `pos` with value `val`.
   * Note: does not append to the buffer.
   * The position `pos` needs to exist already
   * and provide enough space to write `val`.
   * \param pos  the position to write to
   * \param val  the value to copy to position `pos`
  template <typename T>;
  void write(offset_t const pos, T const& val);

   * Lookup table from original pointer
   * to the offset the data was written to.
  std::map<void*, offset_t>; offsets_;

   * Pending pointers that could not yet get
   * resolved (i.e. the value they point to has not
   * yet been written yet but will be later).
  std::vector<pending_offset>; pending_;


To enable a custom deserialization, you need to create a specialized function for your type with the following signature:

void deserialize(cista::deserialization_context const&, YourType*);
void unchecked_deserialize(cista::deserialization_context const&, YourType*);

With this function you should:

  • for the non-"unchecked" version: check that everything fits into the buffer and that pointers point to memory addresses that are located inside the buffer using deserialization_context::check()
  • convert offsets back to pointers using the deserialization_context::deserialize() member function.

Both functions (deserialize() and check()) are provided by the deserialization_context:

struct deserialization_context {
   * Converts a stored offset back to the original pointer
   * by adding the base address.
   * \param ptr  offset (given as a pointer)
   * \return offset converted to pointer
  template <typename T, typename Ptr>;
  T deserialize(Ptr* ptr) const;

   * Checks whether the pointer points to
   * a valid memory address within the buffer
   * where at least `size` bytes are available.
   * \param el    the memory address to check
   * \param size  the size to check for
   * \throws if there are bytes outside the buffer
  template <typename T>;
  void check(T* el, size_t size) const;