(R workspace) Load Libraries:
- caret
- data.table
- dplyr
- sets
- scales
- tidyr
- stringr
(Python workspace) Load packages:
- json
- pandas
- After downloading Data folder from specified OneDrive:
├── AHRQ_pipeline
│ ├── compress_pharma.py
│ ├── merge_AHRQ.Rmd
│ ├── gp_zipdata.json
│ └── fsq_zipdata.json
└── Data: download from OneDrive
├── AHRQ
│ ├── COUNTY
│ ├── TRACT
│ └── ZIP
└── GA_Pharmacy_Data_gp_fsq
- merge_AHRQ.Rmd: reads all available years of AHRQ SDOH data at ZIP code level. Generates summary plots, and includes template to merge SODH with patient data by ZIP code, year.
- compress_pharma.py: reads Georgia pharmacy locations, and generates summary statistics by writing a json file with zip codes (key) and the number of pharmacies in that zip code (value).
Merge the preprocessed AHRQ data with patient data using crosswalk variables:
- YEAR Merge the Georgia pharmacy location data with patient data using crosswalk variables:
- zipcode
- can optionally select either 'gp' or 'fsq' as the data source for Georgia pharmacy location data (see gp_zipdata.json, fsq_zipdata.json), or use both sources combined (
- AHRQ SDOHD: https://www.ahrq.gov/sdoh/data-analytics/sdoh-data.html#download (If you have access, we recommend using the OneDrive ZIP code level data because we have already isolated relevant sheets from the csv files at the above link)