All notable changes to yodlee-php-api
will be documented in this file.
- Fix delete user check for 204 and return 0 otherwise return 1
- Fixed deletedAccount, a JWT token needs to be generated before invoking DELETE
- Added deleteAccount & deleteProviderAccount API calls
- New method getNextTransactionUrl
- Additional refinement of register user command error checking
- Register user command must decode json before checking for errors
- Added dataExtracts() method
- Fix deleteUser commmand should be unregisterUser
- Add commands to subscribe, fetch, and unsubscribe to event notifications for DATA_UPDATES
- Refactor all tests to use Laravel's HTTP client instead of custom get
- Remove dependency of FintechSystem/ApiHelper
- Update composer dependencies
- Create event subscription callback API
- Try code coverage with PhpUnit, but abandon
- Simplify tests setup
- Fix
renaming problem
This will be the last version on packagist as yodlee-php-api, the next version will be simply know as yodlee-api. Also moving over to a version that can use Laravel's HTTP facade as this will greatly simplify testing.
- Renamed LaravelApiHelpers na ApiHelpers
- Added
URL for callback in .env to aid in testing - Added createSubscriptionNotificationEvent, getSubscribedNotificationEvents and deleteNotificationSubscription API calls and rudimentary tests
- Added API post and delete methods
- Created a callback url for subscription notification events and added to service provider
- In initialize_app, specify /storage as path to keys
- Simplified .gitignore by also renaming key files
- Added getSubscribedNotificationEvents
- Updated tests to use
and added instructions on read about using this folder - Changed all documentation URLs in the API to reflect new #tag location
- Move order of code around in API so that methods are alphabetical and not often used method are at the bottom
- General cleanup of comments
- Additional instructions in readme about installation and testing
- Updated composer dependencies
- Added a test to "Get All Users" which only seems to return the first user
- changed default for GetTransactions from 30 to 90 days
- various storage issues with private key and finding it standalone versus when using Laravel
- refactor and cleanup, remove more legacy methods especially for accounts and transactions
- fix problem whereby get provider accounts didn't take a username
- added new tests to register and delete users
- removed test to get accounts as 'default-user' doesn't have any accounts linked via Fastlink
- remove Log:: because it was giving facade error
- documented facade error in the README, and then split off error into an
- first working version
- initial release as a package
- pre-release
- removed "dd" depenency and added orchestra testbench instead
- added *.json to .gitignore
- prototype converted from jacquestrdx123