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UFEed Python Binding


The UFEed Python Adapter (UFEed_Python) provides a low level Pythonic interface to the UFEGW. Interactions with the UFEGW are based around a UFEedClient object which can be used to send and receive Messages to and from the UFEGW.

Use the following Universal FIX engine documentaion for a reference.

Features of UFEedClient:

  • System API support (see 4. Implementation Guide - Section 1.3)
  • Business API support (eg. NewOrderSingle and standard FIX messages)
  • Provides a 4-way communications API in order to make requests, publish messages, receive responses and subscribe to broadcast messages
  • User defined functions to handle these PUB, SUB, REQ and REP message events
  • Dynamic configuration of PUB, SUB, REQ, REP addressing and topics
  • Internal session management

Features of a Message:

  • A Message object is automatically mapped onto its internal fields, with inspection via message[tag] = value
  • An inheritance interface for implementers to enforce required fields, as well as provide polymorphic/functional enhancements for specialised Message types
  • Smart field creation, rendering field value to ival, sval or fval depending on context
  • Named Message properties (name, longname, seq, service_id, subservice_id)
  • Pretty printing of messages

Getting Started

The UFEed_Python builds to a compiled Python module in both .so (Linux and MacOS) and .pyd (Windows) format. It has dependencies on the Python pyzmq and protobuf libraries. Within the distributed UFEed_Python archive we find the following directory structure (example is Linux / MacOS):

├── requirements.txt
└── ufeed_bindings_python
    ├── consts.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── message.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── ufeapi_pb2.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── ufeedclient.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── ufe_py_fields_fix40.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── ufe_py_fields_fix41.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── ufe_py_fields_fix42.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── ufe_py_fields_fix43.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── ufe_py_fields_fix44.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── ufe_py_fields_fix50.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    ├── ufe_py_fields_fix50sp1.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so
    └── ufe_py_fields_fix50sp2.cpython-<python_version>-<platform>-<OS>.so

The easiest way to run the UFEed_Python is within a Python virtual environment. If virtualenv is not installed on the machine, it can be installed via:


$ sudo apt install virtualenv

Windows / MacOS

> pip install virtualenv

After this is done, inside the UFEed_Python directory we enter the following commands:

Linux / MacOS

$ virtualenv -p python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt # installs pyzmq and protobuf


> virtualenv venv
> ./venv/Scripts/activate
> pip install -r requirements.txt # installs pyzmq and protobuf

The environment is now ready to execute the UFEed_Python.


**Note that this tutorial is relatively detailed, and demonstrates some more advanced concepts in UFEed_Python usage. From within the UFEed_Python directory, either in a Python script, or via a Python interpreter, we can import the UFEed_Python and all its necessary machinery using:

from UPA import *

Then we create a UFEedClient object:

uc = UFEedClient()

We now need to create user defined functions to handle the REQ and SUB messages that the UFEedClient can make to and receive from the UFEGW. In this simple case, we decide that when certain messages are received we will print them, like so:

def subscriber_func(msg):
    if msg.service_id == UFE_CMD_LOGIN or msg.longname == "ExecutionReport":

def requester_func(msg):

These methods are the minimal amount of functional behaviour that must be defined in order to use the UFEed_Python. For the subscriber function, we have applied a filter to only print login commands or execution reports because typically the UFEGW will have a plethora of messages coming through at any given time. You can try this out in the future by defining subscriber_func as a simple print(msg). For now though we proceed by starting the UFEedClient with the function definitions above:

uc.start(sub_func=subscriber_func, req_func=requester_func)


The UFEed_Python manages its requests via the REQUESTER connection string, and its topic via the REQUESTER_TOPIC. In this run-through example we are using the defaults ("tcp://" and "ufeedclient-responder") by not specifying them explicitly.

If we want to specify these values we define them in a dictionary:

conn_strs = {REQUESTER: 'tcp://',
             REQUESTER_TOPIC: 'ufeedclient-responder'}

and pass them to the UFEedClient at instantiation:

uc = UFEedClient(conn_strs)

With the UFEedClient started, it is now ready to interact with the UFEGW. We should start by logging in:

login = uc.create_message() \
    .set_long_name("login") \
    .set_type(st_system) \
    .set_service_id(UFE_CMD_LOGIN) \
    .add_field(UFE_CMD, UFE_CMD_LOGIN) \
    .add_field(UFE_LOGIN_ID, "user01") \
    .add_field(UFE_LOGIN_PW, "password123456")
# login is Message.Builder
response = uc.request(login)

If our user credentials are valid, we should receive back a Message from the UFEGW confirming our login. Because we are printing login Message responses automatically, a message similar to the following should be printed in the Python console:

seq: 5
type: st_response
service_id: 73001
fields {
  location: fl_system
  type: ft_status
  tag: 72001
  ival: 71013
fields {
  location: fl_system
  type: ft_int
  tag: 80045
  ival: 5
fields {
  location: fl_system
  type: ft_int
  tag: 72010
  ival: 73001
fields {
  location: fl_system
  type: ft_uuid
  tag: 72005
  sval: "\246[V\275^\006N\254\202\336\212\312\266\3544\217"
fields {
  location: fl_system
  type: ft_string
  tag: 80058
  sval: "logon success"

This means we have now logged on successfully, and we can now perform both System and Business API calls. Incidentally, we also now have a response from UFEGW that we can query. This message is stored in the response variable, and we could query (for example), the session token provided by the UFEGW server using:


In this example we see the value "\246[V\275^\006N\254\202\336\212\312\266\3544\217", which is an sval binary format.

Note that this is just an example of probing a message for a specific value - the UFEedClient will manage the session using this token on our behalf, so we don't need to do anything specifically with it. For any additional messaging to the UFEGW, we don't need to worry about explicitly providing this token in any of our requests.

With our login out of the way, we can proceed with some more meaningful interactions. Let's try submitting an order:

nos = uc.create_message()
    .set_service_id(6) # set service id manually = "D"
# adds fields by list of tuple pairs
    (COMMON_CLORDID, "Ord01"),
    (COMMON_ORDERQTY, 100.),
    (COMMON_PRICE, 10.25),
    (COMMON_ORDTYPE, '1'),
    (COMMON_SIDE, '0'),
response = uc.request(nos)

So long as our UFEGW environment is properly configured (see 4. Implementation Guide, section 7 for help with this), and we create a Message with a relevant service ID, our successful NewOrderSingle should generate 1 to N Execution Reports. The UFEGW communications model is such that when we make our request via a request() function, we then receive these reports via a UFEGW broadcast in our subscriber function (the UFEedClient started actively listening to these subscription broadcasts on our behalf when we started it). When these messages arrive, because of the way we defined our subscriber_func above, each Execution Report will now print. They will look something like this:

name: "8"
longname: "ExecutionReport"
seq: 2889
service_id: 6
fields {
  location: fl_header
  type: ft_string
  tag: 35
  sval: "8"
fields {
  location: fl_header
  type: ft_int
  tag: 34
  ival: 602
fields {
  location: fl_header
  type: ft_time
  tag: 52
  ival: 1557878840437000000
fields {
  type: ft_string
  tag: 37
  sval: "ord2"
fields {
  type: ft_string
  tag: 11
  sval: "Ord01"
fields {
  type: ft_string
  tag: 17
  sval: "exec7"
fields {
  type: ft_char
  tag: 150
  sval: "0"
fields {
  type: ft_char
  tag: 39
  sval: "0"
fields {
  type: ft_string
  tag: 55
  sval: "ALLSYM:BHP"
... and so on


The UFEed_Python manages its subscriptions via the SUBSCRIBER connection string, and its topic via the SUBSCRIBER_TOPIC. In this run-through example we are using the defaults ("tcp://" and "ufegw-publisher") by not specifying them explicitly.

If we want to specify these values we define them in a dictionary:

conn_strs = {SUBSCRIBER: 'tcp://',
             SUBSCRIBER_TOPIC: 'ufegw-publisher'}

and pass them to the UFEedClient at instantiation:

uc = UFEedClient(conn_strs)

The UFEGW does not just provide responses to our UFEed_Python requests. It also publishes messages with UFEGW status updates that can be received by a subscriber. The UFEed_Python actively subscribes to these messages after the UFEedClient.start() function has been called.

We already got a sense of the UFEed_Python subscriber in the previous section, when a NewOrderSingle request sent by the UFEed_Python resulted in the UFEGW publishing our Execution Reports in response. In that instance we simply printed the reports, but it is worth delving a little deeper into this subscription functionality and its possibilities.

Subscribing to important messages from the UFEGW gives us an opportunity to gather, process and store information that is relevant to us via our client. When we defined our subscription function that we passed to start(), we specified a simple filter - to print login command responses or Execution Reports:

def subscriber_func(msg):
    # msg is Message
    if msg.service_id == UFE_CMD_LOGIN or msg.longname == "ExecutionReport":

However, we may wish to introduce additional functionality in the way we handle messages, rather than just printing every single Execution Report message we receive on our subscription channel without discrimination.

To start with, rather than just printing these reports, it may be more useful for us to store them programmatically. We could catalogue the Execution Reports in a simple list:

execution_reports = []

def subscriber_func(msg):
    if msg.longname == "ExecutionReport":

# ... program logic
# ... do something with execution_reports

Or perhaps filter execution reports by a specific symbol:

BHP_exec_reports = []

def subscriber_func(msg):
    if msg.longname == "ExecutionReport" and msg[COMMON_SYMBOL] == "ALLSYM:BHP":


The UFEed_Python manages its responses via the RESPONDER connection string, and its topic via the RESPONDER_TOPIC. In this run-through example we are using the defaults ("tcp://*:55748" and "ufegw-responder") by not specifying them explicitly.

If we want to specify these values we define them in a dictionary:

conn_strs = {RESPONDER: 'tcp://*:55748',
             RESPONDER_TOPIC: 'ufegw-responder'}

and pass them to the UFEedClient at instantiation:

uc = UFEedClient(conn_strs)

As well as listening for published broadcasts, after its start() function is invoked the UFEed_Python will also start actively listen for requests sent to it via a requesting client elsewhere. Note that in order to do anything with this requests, we must define a responder function, similarly to our requester and subscriber functions. In this simple example our UFEedClient instance acts to authenticate connecting sessions from another client on the network:

def authenticate(msg):
    # ...perform authentication work...
    return result

# use object in responder function
def responder_func(msg):
    if msg.longname == "RequestAuthenticate":
        return authenticate(msg)

# pass responder function to UFEedClient.start() function

Note that without a responder function defined, the UFEed_Python will do nothing with the messages it receives. That is, if other sessions are sending requests to a UFEed_Python instance that does not have a responder function, they will not receive anything in reply.


The UFEed_Python manages its published messages via the PUBLISHER connection string, and its topic via the PUBLISHER_TOPIC. In this run-through example we are using the defaults ("tcp://*:55747" and "ufeedclient-publisher") by not specifying them explicitly.

If we want to specify these values we define them in a dictionary:

conn_strs = {PUBLISHER: 'tcp://*:55747',
             PUBLISHER_TOPIC: 'ufeedclient-publisher'}

and pass them to the UFEedClient at instantiation:

uc = UFEedClient(conn_strs)

The UFEed_Python also has the ability to publish any type of message to any number of subscribers, via the publish() function. In a case like this, it may be important to enforce an interface for published messages. Perhaps a published message will be expected to observe a very specific format - maybe the programmer is creating a network of UFEed_Python clients, each node with its own user, and wants to enforce consistency among them.

In this instance we are introduced to another aspect of Message specialisation - enforcing required values. Such an interface would be defined like:

class MessageFactory:
    def create_status_notification(self, # define the required fields
                                   uc: UFEedClient,
                                   seq_num: int,
                                   status_id: str,
                                   status_msg: str,
                                   time: datetime = -> Message.Builder:
        return uc.create_message() \
            .set_type(MsgType.st_system) \
            .set_long_name("status_notification") \
                (PRIVATE_SEQ_NUM, seq_num),
                (PRIVATE_STAT_ID, status_id),
                (PRIVATE_STAT_MSG, status_msg),
                (PRIVATE_TRANSACTTIME, transact_time)

It would then be used within the context of a script or Python program like so:

notification = MessageFactory.create_status_notification(uc, seq_num, status_id, status_msg)

# alternatively we could define a dictionary for our named arguments:
note = {"uc": uc,
        "seq_num": 1,
        "status_id": 0,
        "status_msg": "COMPLETE"}
notification = MessageFactory.create_status_notification(*note)

Finishing Up

We have now successfully sent a NewOrderSingle message to the UFEGW, and received a relevant Execution Report in response. We have also learnt how to build Message specialisations to handle this Execution Report in more specific, programmer-defined ways. We then learned about the handling of requests to the UFEed_Python itself, and the UFEed_Python's ability to publish messages to the broader network. In total, these requesting, subscribing, responding and publishing actions encompass the 4-way interface by which the UFEed_Python interacts with the UFEGW and also other clients on the network.

To clean up our session, we will now log out, like so:

logout = uc.create_message() \
    .set_long_name("logout") \
    .set_type(MsgType.st_system) \
    .set_service_id(UFE_CMD_LOGOUT) \
    .add_field(UFE_CMD, UFE_CMD_LOGOUT)
response = uc.request(logout)


The UFEed_Python can be used to send and receive any System or Business API Message between itself and the UFEGW. The typical format of a printed Message is:

name: "8"
longname: "ExecutionReport"
seq: 2889
service_id: 6

fields {
location: fl_header
type: ft_string
tag: 35
sval: "8"
fields {
location: fl_header
type: ft_int
tag: 34
ival: 602

The creation of Messages can take 2 patterns:

# 1. Recommended - create Message via a UFEedClient object
login = uc.create_message() \
    .set_service_id(UFE_CMD_LOGIN) # MsgType.st_system means we are creating a SysMessage

# 2. !Outdated! - Create Message specifically, in this case a SysMessage (a FIXMessage would be defined using FIXMessage())
login = SysMessage.Builder()
login.longname = "login"
login.service_id = UFE_CMD_LOGIN

# Add relevant Message fields (can also be added as a list of tuple pairs [(a,b)(c,d)(e,f)] )
login.add_field(UFE_CMD, UFE_CMD_LOGIN) \
    .add_field(UFE_LOGIN_ID, "user01") \
    .add_field(UFE_LOGIN_PW, "password123456")

# Send the Message request, and capture the response
response = uc.request(login)

A message with groups can be created as (with generated FIX50 constants):

fix50 = FIX50SP2_Fields

def test_message_with_groups():
    # simple test
    now =
    g1 = Message.Builder.GroupRef()
    g2 = Message.Builder.GroupRef()
    msg = FIXMessage.Builder() \
        .set_long_name("NewOrderSingle") \
        .set_name(fix50.MsgType.NEWORDERSINGLE) \
        .add_fields([(fix50.ClOrdID.tag, "123"),
                     (fix50.TransactTime.tag, now),
                     (fix50.ExecInst.tag, fix50.ExecInst.ALL_OR_NONE),
                     (fix50.TimeInForce.tag, fix50.TimeInForce.FILL_OR_KILL),
                     (fix50.Price.tag, 111.22),
                     (fix50.OrderQty.tag, 33),
                     (fix50.Side.tag, fix50.Side.BUY)]) \
        .add_field(fix50.OrdType.tag, fix50.OrdType.LIMIT) \
        .add_field(fix50.Account.tag, "ACC1") \
        .add_group(fix50.NoAllocs.tag, g1, lambda m, grp:
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocAccount.tag, "ALLOC1")
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocQty.tag, 50.) and
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocAccount.tag, "ALLOC2")
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocQty.tag, 60.)
                   ) \
        .add_field(UFE_SESSION_TOKEN, uuid.UUID("ed391284-bb68-4e14-a786-3eb0387694d9"), Location.fl_system) \
        .add_field(UFE_STATUS_CODE, Message.Status(1), Location.fl_system) \
        .add_field(fix50.PossDupFlag.tag, True) \
        .add_group(fix50.NoPartyIDs.tag, g1, lambda m, grp:
                   .add_field(fix50.PartyID.tag, "Party1")
                   .add_group(fix50.NoCapacities.tag, g2, lambda m, grp:
                              .add_field(fix50.OrderQty.tag, 123)
                   ) \

UFEGW provides a vast array of System and Business API Message interactivity. To further explore these functions, please refer to 4. Implementation Guide - in particular sections 1.3 to 1.7.



The UFEedClient class is used as the interface to make both System and Business API calls to the UFEGW. Sessions between UFEedClient and the UFEGW are made up of ZeroMQ PUB/SUB and REQ/REP sockets. The network addresses and message topics inherent to these sockets are configurable via UFEedClient. In addition, the UFEedClient manages these UFEGW sessions on behalf of the user (after the user has successfully logged in).

The default instantiation of a UFEedClient object is expressed like so:

uc = UFEedClient()

Doing so will result in a UFEedClient object which utilises the default connection string configuration. (These default values can be found under UFEGW CONNECTION STRINGS in the file in section 1.6 below). If the user wishes to define these connection strings, they can do so by passing a dictionary:

conn_strs =    {
  "subscriber": "tcp://",
  "requester": "tcp://",
  "subscribertopic": "mygw-publisher"

uc = UFEedClient(conn_strs)

After a UFEedClient object has been created, it is in a ready state to connect to the UFEGW. In order to actually establish the connection, we call the start() function.

# do work ...

The UFEedClient will now go ahead and connect to the UFEGW. This means it will actively receive published messages, and can make requests to the UFEGW via the request() method. Note that by default uc.start() does not do anything to specifically handle messages received from the UFEGW. Oftentimes the user may wish to define a handling function that will automatically be called when messages are received. A simple example would be to print messages as they are received:

def subscriber_func(msg):

def responder_func(msg):

uc.start(sub_func=subscriber_func, rep_func=responder_func)
# ...

Another approach may be to store messages in a list automatically as they are received, and do something with them later:

submsgs = []
repmsgs = []

def subscriber_func(msg):

def responder_func(msg):

uc.start(sub_func=subscriber_func, rep_func=responder_func)

# list comprehension calling do_something() on msg objects in repmsgs
res = [do_something(msg) for msg in repmsgs]


The UFEedClient communicates with the UFEGW via Messages (see section 1.5.2). In order to create a Message, the caller must specify its header values, like so:

# message often created with long name, message type and service id
service_list = uc.create_message() \
    .set_long_name("service_list") \
    .set_msg_type(MsgType.st_system) \
    .set_service_id(UFE_CMD_SERVICE_LIST) \

After a Message is created, the caller will add the necessary fields for the body of the Message:

service_list.add_field(UFE_CMD, UFE_CMD_SERVICE_LIST)

When the necessary fields have been added to the Message, the caller may make a request() with the Message. (In this example the caller has also decided to capture the response of this request in a Message object called "response"):

response = uc.request(service_list)

When the necessary fields have been added to the Message (see above), the caller may make a publish() the Message:


Message and Message Builder

Message is built using "builder" pattern. Message.Builder class provides write access to the message, while Message provides read-only access to mapped message content, i.e. fields and groups.

msg_builder = uc.create_message() \
    .set_name("abc") \
    .add_field(1, 2)
msg =
assert msg[1] == 2

msg.new_builder() \
    .add_field(2, "abc") \
assert msg[1] == 2 and msg[2] = "abc"

The Message class provides some wrapping logic around the internal WireMessage format utilised by the UFEGW. Messages are objects with which requests are made from the UPA to the UFEGW.

Messages can be created via the UFEedClient create_message() function (see section 1.5.1 above). For example, a NewOrderSingle message:

# recommended
nos = uc.create_message() \
    .set_long_name("NewOrderSingle") \
    .set_name("D") \
    .set_type(MsgType.st_fixmsg) \
    .set_service_id(6) # service id is 6

Or created directly:

# !outdated!
login = SysMessage()
login.longname = "login"
login.service_id = UFE_CMD_LOGIN

The add_group()/add_group_item() methods allow the caller to add groups and group content to the Message:

g1 = Message.Builder.GroupRef()
msg.add_group(fix50.NoAllocs.tag, g1, lambda m, grp:
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocAccount.tag, "ALLOC1")
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocQty.tag, 50.) and

Expose the underlying WireMessage stored in the Message object:

wm = msg.wire_message

Message objects are provide a printable internal representation (via __repr__ and __str__):


Creates an immutable Message with mapped fields and groups. Searching by tag is available via [ ]

msg = uc.create_message() \
    .set_type(MsgType.st_fix) \
    .set_long_name("NewOrderSingle") \
    .set_name(fix50.MsgType.NEWORDERSINGLE) \
    .add_fields([(fix50.ClOrdID.tag, "123"), (fix50.TransactTime.tag, now)])
assert msg[fix50.ClOrdID.tag] == "123"
assert msg[fix50.OrderID.tag] is None


The UPA maintains a list of constant values that translate to integer codes in the UFEGW. These integer codes are used to identify System API services as well as general FIX functionality. Constants could be regenerated via Some examples of the use of these codes in the above examples are:

service_list.add_field(UFE_CMD, UFE_CMD_SERVICE_LIST)


    (COMMON_CLORDID, "Ord01"),
    (COMMON_ORDERQTY, 100.),
    (COMMON_PRICE, 10.25),
    (COMMON_ORDTYPE, '1'),
    (COMMON_SIDE, '0'),

A full list of these constants is available at

FIX variants constants

The UPA provides constants for all stock FIX variants:

# FIX50SP2 NOS creation
fix42 = FIX42_Fields
fix50 = FIX50SP2_Fields

def create_fix50_nos():
    now =
    g1 = Message.Builder.GroupRef()
    g2 = Message.Builder.GroupRef()
    nos = uc.create_message() \
        .set_type(MsgType.st_fix) \
        .set_long_name("NewOrderSingle") \
        .set_name(fix50.MsgType.NEWORDERSINGLE) \
        .add_fields([(fix50.ClOrdID.tag, "123"),
                     (fix50.TransactTime.tag, now),
                     (fix50.ExecInst.tag, fix50.ExecInst.ALL_OR_NONE),
                     (fix50.TimeInForce.tag, fix50.TimeInForce.FILL_OR_KILL),
                     (fix50.Price.tag, 111.22),
                     (fix50.OrderQty.tag, 33),
                     (fix50.Side.tag, fix50.Side.BUY)]) \
        .add_field(fix50.OrdType.tag, fix50.OrdType.LIMIT) \
        .add_field(fix50.Account.tag, "ACC1") \
        .add_group(fix50.NoAllocs.tag, g1, lambda m, grp:
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocAccount.tag, "ALLOC1")
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocQty.tag, 50.) and
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocAccount.tag, "ALLOC2")
                   .add_field(fix50.AllocQty.tag, 60.)
    return nos


In order to generate a debug log, the UPA requires a file called "upa.log" to be present in the root directory from which the UPA is run. If this file is present, the UPA knows to sink debug messages into this file during its execution. If the file is not present, the UPA will not execute any logging function.

Be careful to ensure this file is not present when you do not wish to capture logs; the UPA will have better performance when not executing any logging functions.