- URL: ../plugin/reservation/apirest.php/checkoutItem/:id
- Description: Checkout a reservation (or multiple reservations) existing in GLPI. You can find reservation_item id in the URL when you look the glpi reservation page, example : https://localhost/front/reservation.php?reservationitems_id=41
- Method: PUT
- Parameters: (Headers)
- Session-Token: session var provided by initSession endpoint. Mandatory.
- App-Token: authorization string provided by the GLPI API configuration. Optional.
- Parameters: (JSON Payload)
- id: the unique identifier of the reservation item id passed in URL. You could skip this parameter by passing it in the input payload.
- input: Array of objects with fields of reservation to be checked out. Mandatory. You could provide in each object a key named 'id' to identify the reservation(s) to check out.
- Returns:
- 200 (OK) with update status for each item.
- 207 (Multi-Status) with id of added items and errors.
- 400 (Bad Request) with a message indicating an error in input parameter.
Example usage (CURL):
$ curl -X PUT \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Session-Token: 83af7e620c83a50a18d3eac2f6ed05a3ca0bea62" \
-H "App-Token: f7g3csp8mgatg5ebc5elnazakw20i9fyev1qopya7" \
-d '{"input": {"id": "41"}}' \
< 200 OK
[{"41":true, "message": "OK"}]