On average 36% of development time of software systems is used on repaying technical debt [@Besker2017]. Technical debt is a term coined by Ward Cunningham and is used to explain the need for "refactoring" to non-technical stakeholders, i.e. changing and improving the internal workings of software products, without adding new features for end-users [@Cunningham1992; @Kruchten2012]. While some immature code may be acceptable to deliver a product faster, it should be rewritten promptly, as it negatively affects the maintainability of software. In analogy to the financial term, Cunningham considers time spent on "not-quite-right code" interest on technical debt.
Nowadays, software libraries and platforms are commonly used to improve code reuse, increase productivity and consequently reduce cost [@Brito2018]. While tackling technical debt is usually invisible to users, software engineers are often required to adapt dependent code, when dependencies change. Software libraries usually highly value compatibility with previous versions to not frighten off users with high effort to adapt to new versions. Additional technical debt is created by keeping on using outdated and unsupported versions of a library. Future development may be simplified, but migrating to newer versions does not add additional value to a product. However, technical debt is not always caused by making wrong choices in development originally, but simply by the passing of time, so that in retrospect a choice is not quite right [@Kruchten2012].
This was also the reason for a recent change in the Java platform -- the introduction of a module system -- with version 9. New ways of distributing applications, such as App Stores on mobile operating systems or on containerized platforms, and the rise of newer platforms like Go and Swift required a fundamental change in order to keep the Java platform relevant in the future [@Reinhold2018].
The module system fundamentally changes how code artifacts are organized and distributed, which breaks backward compatibility with previous versions. Although several ways of migrating stepwise to the new system and utilizing the new features only partly, the new version is only slowly adapted. The impact of a migration to Java 9 is not yet fully understood, especially the problems such a migration causes and the required effort is unclear.
While the topic of software maintenance in general and software migration in particular is well studied [@Besker2017; @Chapin2001; @Malton2001; @Mancl2001; @Mayrhauser1995] and also the migration of applications to different programming languages is covered [@Martin2002], not much literature exists on the topic of migrating applications to newer versions of the same language. There are also several studies on the topic of +API stability [@Brito2018; @Dig2006], which is a big factor for backwards compatibility. Migration to Java 9 is mainly described in online documentation [@Oracle2017], textbooks [@Inden2018; @Kothagal2017; @Mac2017] and online experience reports [@Parlog2017]. This sparse literature also contributes to the uncertainty a migration to Java 9 encompasses. While some migration guides of artificial applications exist (see e.g. [@Kothagal2017]), and also a case study on migrating an already modular application to Java's new module system exists [@Gee2017], to the best of the author's knowledge, this is the first in-depth case study on migrating a real-world Java 8 application to Java 9.
This thesis aims at assessing the difficulties that software engineers encounter when migrating applications from Java 8 to Java 9, in order to try to fill this gap in the literature. According to a survey performed by JetBrains in 2018 with over 6000 participants, Java is the most popular primary programming language, but only 18% of developers regularly use Java 9 [@JetBrains2018]. Thus providing resources that ease this transition is a key point for increasing the adoption rate of Java 9.
To achieve the set goals, the migration was performed exemplarily on the open source bibliography manager JabRef. JabRef was chosen because it is a large, well maintained Java 8 application and it being open source makes it easy to find expertise regarding its architecture and source code.
In [@sec:background], first, the topic of software migration in general is examined, then the advantages of and the way Java implements modules are analyzed, and the software JabRef is presented. [@sec:approach] describes the iterative approach of the migration process applied to JabRef and the encountered problems. Then the software was also divided into several smaller modules, which is explained in [@sec:modularization]. Finally, future work will be outlined in [@sec:future] and the thesis concludes in [@sec:conclusion].
Software migration is a part of software maintenance [@Dig2006]. In general, software maintenance can be classified as adaptive, corrective, perfective, and preventive maintenance tasks [@Malton2001]. Within this classification, software migration is an adaptive maintenance task: Adapting existing software to a new environment or platform.
The need to perform a software migration usually arises, because the current platform or environment is obsolete or poorly supported, or from features available only in newer versions of a platform [@Malton2001].
Software migration tasks can be grouped into three general classes:
Dialect conversion is required when the underlying compiler technology changes to a new version of the compiler or a new compiler family [@Malton2001]. Usually, successive versions of compilers aim at being backward compatible, even when new features were added. In large code bases, however, additional effort is required to use new versions of compilers.
Not much literature exists on the topic of this type of migration. Often when a new version of a compiler introduces incompatibilities with previous versions, a migration guide is issued by the compiler maintainers [@GHCM; @Miller].
+API migration is the process of changing a dependency on an external +API to another one or a different version [@Malton2001].
Similar to other software, libraries that provide an +API evolve over time, to introduce new features, fix bugs, and refactor source code [@Xavier2017]. ++API establish a contract with the clients, that rely on them, hence ++API should have a high stability to minimize the effort for clients when updating to a newer version. However, not all changes in ++API are breaking the previously established contract, changes that do are referred to as breaking changes.
Breaking changes mainly are modification or removal of existing +API elements [@Brito2018]. Adding new +API elements are rarely breaking changes.
Usually, libraries also contain code that is intended only for implementing the services offered by an +API, but not for public consumption [@Dig2006]. Many languages do not provide features to explicitly mark such elements as internal, but library authors rely solely on naming conventions, e.g. placing code in an
namespace.In [@Bartolomei2009] Bartolomei et al. identify two general approaches for API migrations: When a source +API should be replaced with a target +API, either all usages of the source +API can be directly replaced with corresponding calls to the target +API, or a wrapper around the target +API can be created with the interface of the source +API. They note that the difficulty of an +API migration greatly depends on the differences both ++API have. Hora and Valente propose a tool that tracks what ++API open source projects use and when and to which ++API they migrate in [@Hora2015]. This aims at supporting software engineers finding replacement ++API.
Language migration is the decision to convert an existing program to a new language [@Malton2001]. This is a risky type of migration, as it requires much effort to re-express source code in a different language.
This type of migration is well studied: Kontogiannis et al. perform a migration of a system written in PL/IX to C++ in [@Kontogiannis1998]. They find that a problem is simulating language constructs of the source language that are not available in the target language. Terekhov and Verhoef argue in [@Terekhov2000] that too much effort is put on automatic tooling aiding in the conversion, but instead, the focus should lay on the software engineers' experience of using both the source and target language. Martin and Müller present their approach for migrating C programs to Java in [@Martin2002]. They use an automatic tool to perform the migration and find that often, manual adjustments are required to obtain readable code in the target language.
For this thesis mostly the groups of dialect migration and +API migration are relevant. The language Java will be kept, but only updated to a new version. This mostly corresponds to a dialect conversion. However, as will be described later, the ++API available in the Java language also have changed in some parts, so also an +API migration is relevant.
The general approach for adaptive software maintenance consists of a sequence of steps as shown in [@fig:adaptive_maintenance].
Applied to a migration process, the sequence of steps consists of first understanding the system. Then the changes in the new environment or platform need to be understood in order to understand the new requirements of the system. The next step is to develop a plan of how the new requirements can be implemented in the system. Next, the planned changes can be implemented, which may require debugging. Lastly, regression tests should be run, to ensure that the system is still completely functional in the new environment.
The Java programming language was originally developed by Sun Microsystems under the name Oak in 1991 [@Oracle2015]. Oak was designed to be processor-independent and should be used in consumer electronics such as TV set-top boxes. In 1992 the industry had little interest in Oak, so the developers switched to bringing the language to the internet. The WebRunner browser was released in 1994, being the first browser supporting moving objects and dynamic executable content by supporting Oak. Due to trademark issues, Oak was renamed to Java in 1995. In the same year, the developers of the Netscape Navigator browser announced that they will include Java support. The first version of Java was then released in 1996. In 2009 Oracle acquired Sun and since then is the maintainer of the language [@Oracle2015].
Since its origin, Java has a very good history of being backward compatible with previous
releases [@Marx2016; @Oracle2018d; @Oracle2018f; @Oracle2018c; @Oracle2018a; @Oracle2018b; @Oracle2018; @Oracle2018e].
According to Oracle, incompatibilities usually occur only in rarely used edge
cases, or when new keywords were introduced in the language, such as strictfp
in Java 2, assert
in Java 4 and enum
in Java 5, which subsequently can no
longer be used as identifiers.
Backward compatibility in programming languages is a double-edged sword: It promotes reuse of code and programming skills, but languages attempting a significant degree of historical consistency inevitably perpetrate some problematic constructs [@McIver1996].
Thus it is not surprising that different languages have different philosophies about compatibility. According to Stroustrup, goals for the C++ programming language are "to be cautious and conservative about changes to the language itself, and strongly emphasize compatibility" [@Stroustrup2005b]. C++ goes even further and is even backward compatible to its predecessor C.
In contrast to that, other languages such as Scala break backward compatibility rather frequently [@Wang]. Scala follows the versioning scheme major.minor.patch, when the minor version increases, compatibility to the previous version is not guaranteed. So a program that can be compiled with Scala 2.7.0, does not necessarily compile with Scala 2.8.0.
With Java 9 arguably the biggest change since its inception was introduced among minor changes: the Java Platform Module System (+JPMS) -- also popular under its working name Jigsaw [@Mac2017]. Even though backward compatibility is a top priority for Java, Java 9 introduced breaking changes requiring additional migration effort. +JPMS adds modules, which are identifiable artifacts containing code, to the Java language [@Mac2017]. The monolithic +JDK itself was also split into smaller modules [@Clark2017].
Since Java 9 the release cycle was also adapted to a faster pace [@Reinhold2018]. Beginning with Java 9, a feature release will be published every six months and long-term support (+LTS) releases will be released every three years. Because of this, Java 9 is already superseded by Java 10 as of writing, and Java 11, the next +LTS release, is expected to be released in September 2018.
Before Java 9, artifacts were usually distributed as Java archives (++JAR) [@Kothagal2017]. Java has a concept of a classpath, which is a path in the file system, where Java searches for compiled code required at runtime or compilation. [@fig:classpath] shows a schematic image of a classpath as it would be specified to Java. This classpath has 4 +JAR files on it, each containing several packages. The white rectangles symbolize classes in the packages.
Before Java 9, the information on how packages and classes are organized was ignored by Java [@Kothagal2017]. Java resolves classes on demand when they are first required. [@fig:classpath_resolved] shows the information that is available to Java. All contents of the ++JAR on the classpath are seen as if they were only one artifact.
This way of handling the loading of classes led to several problems: The first one being accessibility [@Kothagal2017]. Every code artifact can essentially use code of every other artifacts, as long as classes or members are not restricted with the existing access modifiers (see [@tbl:access]). This can make dependency relations unclear for large code bases and violates strong encapsulation principles.
Access modifier | Class | Package | Subclass | Unrestricted |
public |
\checked | \checked | \checked | \checked |
protected |
\checked | \checked | \checked |
- (default) | \checked | \checked | |
| \checked | | |
: Access modifiers and their associated scopes [@Mac2017] {#tbl:access}
This becomes even more problematic with the second issue: If more than one type exists with the same fully qualified name, i.e. the package name and the type name is the same, the first one found is used [@Kothagal2017]. This problem most often occurs when different versions of the same libraries are put on the classpath and is referred to as +JAR hell. As classes are loaded lazily, those problems might not even be noticed on startup of an application, but only when it was running for some time and a class is used for the first time. Thus reliable configuration of the classpath is difficult and explains the rise of tools like Maven or Gradle, that standardize the process of obtaining dependencies and configuring Java to use them [@Kothagal2017].
+JPMS aims at exactly these needs of large Java applications: reliable configuration and strong encapsulation [@Clark2017].
Modules have to explicitly declare which packages they make available to other modules and which modules they are dependent on [@Mac2017]. Packages that are not exported by a module cannot be used in other modules. This clearly separates public +API from code that is intended for internal use only. Consequently, internal code can also change freely without worrying about introducing breaking changes.
From the declaration of dependencies a so-called module graph
([@fig:module_graph]) can be derived to identify dependencies of modules.
The nodes of the graph represent the modules of the application, the dark blue
edges represent the explicitly declared dependencies, while the light blue
edges represent the implicit dependency of every module on the Java base module
Java 9 resolves modules every time before an application is compiled or executed [@Kothagal2017]. Thus, it is possible to catch configuration errors like missing modules or multiple modules with the same name directly at startup.
The modules are resolved from the module path Java 9 introduced [@Mac2017]. While it is still possible with Java 9 to use non-modular code with the classpath, modular code should be placed on the module path. Modules are still distributed as ++JAR, but if a +JAR contains a module it is referred to as a modular +JAR, the file format, however, is the same as for regular ++JAR.
[@fig:modulepath] shows a schematic module path as it would be specified to Java. This example has three modular ++JAR on the module path, containing module A, B and C respectively. Here, only module A depends on module B.
In contrast to the classpath, the module path only resolves the required
modules based on the context [@Mac2017].
So if for example a main class MainA
in module A should be executed, the
module path would be resolved as shown in [@fig:modulepath_resolved].
Only module A and B, but not module C would actually be resolved, as it is not
required by module A nor B.
In a different context, the same module path may be resolved differently. If for example another module D would be compiled with the module path above, and module D depends on the modules A and C, then all three modules would be resolved. This resolution of modules amounts to calculating the transitive closure in the available modules.
This resolve strategy brings also an additional benefit with it: Java 9 is better equipped to be run on devices for the Internet of Things (+IoT) [@Inden2018]. The modularization of the +JDK itself allows to only distribute modules that are required to run an application instead of the full +JDK. +IoT devices often have heavy restrictions on storage space, so that shipping a large monolithic +JDK on such devices would be unacceptable.
Although modular code was not available to the Java at the language level, there are tools and libraries that provide similar functionality in previous versions.
Many projects use a build tool to automate building source code, the most widely used ones in the Java ecosystem being +ANT (Another Neat Tool), Apache Maven and Gradle [@Muschko2014]. The main goals of build tools are removing manual interaction, creating repeatable builds and making builds reliable. Build tools let users express the tasks that need to be executed in order to build an artifact in an build file. Those tasks are ordered and thus are internally represented as a directed acyclic graph (+DAG), to model dependencies on other tasks [@McIntosh2012].
A key feature of build tools is the declaration of dependencies a project requires [@Muschko2014]. [@fig:maven] shows how the build tool Maven resolves dependencies: It first interprets the build script -- in the case of Maven a Project Object Model (+POM) file -- checks the local cache if the dependency is already available on the local machine, and else downloads the required artifacts from a central Maven repository. Gradle implements similar dependency management functionality.
Since dependencies in the central Maven repository must also declare their dependencies, the dependencies of dependencies -- so-called transitive dependencies -- can also be automatically be resolved [@Muschko2014].
Dependency management of Maven and Gradle is not limited to external libraries, but also supports decomposition of software into modules. While these modules can theoretically be accessed from every other module at runtime as described in [@sec:j9_adv], only the declared dependencies are put on the classpath on compile-time.
The explicit declaration of dependencies, the ability to create a dependency graph by resolving external libraries and their transitive dependencies, and the possibility to define modules gives build tools similar functionality to +JPMS. However, in contrast to +JPMS build tools do not alter any behavior at runtime. While build tools handle the configuration of the classpath at compile-time, misconfiguration may still happen at runtime. Build tools -- especially the resolving of dependencies -- can be used in parallel with +JPMS.
Another way of achieving modularity in Java before Java 9 is provided by the OSGi framework [@Reinhold2017a]. OSGi goes beyond the functionality of +JPMS and provides in addition to a module system also a life-cycle management and a service registry.
The framework implements the module system by using custom classloaders -- the
mechanism Java uses to load classes -- and metadata distributed in the manifest
file of the modules, which are called bundles by OSGi
[@lst:osgi-manifest] shows an example manifest of a bundle.
Similar to +JPMS the bundle declares its name, the packages it exports and the
packages it will use from other bundles among other metadata.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.4 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.foo.api
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT
Bundle-Name: Simple Paint API
Export-Package: org.foo.api
Import-Package: javax.swing,org.foo.api
Bundle-License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php
In contrast to +JPMS, OSGi bundles also have a certain life-cycle as shown in [@fig:osgi_lifecycle] [@Hall2011]. Bundles first need to be installed, they then are resolved. Then they can be started and stopped at runtime. They also can be updated or even uninstalled at runtime.
This makes OSGi's module system much more dynamic than +JPMS and explains why it is commonly used as a plugin system to allow extending application's functionality [@Hall2011].
The OSGi framework also provides an approach to implement a service oriented architecture (+SOA) [@Hall2011]. As shown in [@fig:osgi_services], OSGi bundles can provide a description of the services they provide in the form of XML files. OSGi has a service registry, where the provided services are registered and can be looked up by other bundles to use them.
In comparison to +JPMS, OSGi provides much more elaborated features. However, JSR 376 specifying Java's module system states, that OSGi only can address the issue of reliable configuration, but not the issue of strong encapsulation as it is itself built on top of the Java platform [@Reinhold2017a]. Similar to the above-mentioned build tools, OSGi can also be used together with Java 9.
To make use of +JPMS in Java 9 a module has to declare its public packages and
its dependencies as mentioned in [@sec:j9_adv]. This is done using a module
descriptor, a file called module-info.java
in the root package, that will be
compiled as classes to a file called module-info.class
[@lst:module-desc] shows the module descriptor of the default Java module
that contains Java's Preferences +API as an example^[Most examples in [@sec:j9_impl] were taken from the source code of Oracle's JDK version 9.0.4. The source code is available in ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/src.zip
```{#lst:module-desc .java caption="Excerpt of module descriptor of java.prefs
module java.prefs {
requires java.xml;
exports java.util.prefs;
// [...]
This module declares a dependency on the module `java.xml`, that contains Java's
+XML ++API +JAXP (Java +API for +XML Processing), +StAX (Streaming +API for +XML),
+SAX (Simple +API for +XML) and the +W3C Document Object Model (+DOM) +API with
a `requires` clause.
It also makes the package `java.util.prefs` available for other modules by
exporting it.
However, although Java packages seem to be hierarchical with a `.` to separate
levels, package names are treated as arbitrary identifiers [@Mac2017].
This means if a subpackage of `java.util.prefs` were to be exported here, it
would have to be explicitly declared as exported.
As shown in [@sec:j9_adv], from such module descriptors a module graph can be
In +JPMS, there are two important concepts to reason about relations between
modules: *Readability* and *Accessibility* [@Mac2017].
Reading another module means the types of its exported packages can be
accessed by other modules [@Mac2017].
Readability relations between modules can be set up using the `requires` clause
in the module descriptor.
By definition, every module reads itself, but the reads relation is by default
not transitive.
So inside the `java.prefs` module, accessing types from the `java.xml` module
like the `Document` type is allowed as shown in the excerpt of the class
`java.util.prefs.XmlSupport` in [@lst:reads-example], but a module that only
`requires java.prefs` cannot access types from `java.xml`.
```{#lst:reads-example .java caption="Excerpt of `java.util.prefs.XmlSupport`"}
package java.util.prefs;
// ...
import org.w3c.dom.*;
// ...
class XmlSupport {
static void importPreferences(InputStream is)
throws IOException, InvalidPreferencesFormatException
try {
Document doc = loadPrefsDoc(is);
// ...
// ...
If a transitive reads relation is required, modules can declare that with a
requires transitive
clause as shown for Java's java.sql
module in
This module not only requires the modules java.logging
and java.sql
, but
also all of the modules that are required by these modules.
```{#lst:java.xml .java caption="Excerpt of module descriptor of java.sql
module java.sql {
requires transitive java.logging;
requires transitive java.xml;
exports java.sql;
exports javax.sql;
exports javax.transaction.xa;
// [...]
The second concept is accessibility.
As shown in [@sec:j9_adv] accessibility was already a concept before Java 9.
Combining accessibility with readability achieves the strong encapsulation that
was a goal of +JPMS [@Mac2017].
The verification that a type T in package P from module M1
is accessible from module M2 is threefold:
1. Does M2 read M1?
2. If it does, does M1 export the package P?
3. If it does, is type T accessible in package P?
This makes only public types in exported packages accessible from other modules,
non-public types are blocked from use with the traditional accessibility rules
as shown in [@sec:j9_adv].
Another change in +JPMS concerns Java's reflection. Reflection is a form of
metaprogramming, i.e. a program can generate or modify parts of itself.
Before Java 9 it was possible to change the accessibility of classes and their
members at runtime as shown in [@lst:reflection].
This example reflectively sets the method `someMethod()` of an object accessible
regardless whether it was accessible before or not and invokes it.
```{#lst:reflection .java caption="Changing accessibility at runtime using reflection"}
public static void callInaccessibleMethod(Object object)
throws Exception {
Method method = object.getClass().getMethod("someMethod");
This is no longer possible with Java 9 unless a package is declared as an
open package or the whole module is defined as open module [@Mac2017].
This is done using the opens
clause on a package in the module descriptor.
[@lst:jdk.unsupported] shows how this is done in Java's module jdk.unsupported
as an example.
This allows reflection in the packages sun.misc
and sun.reflect
from any
module that requires this module.
```{#lst:jdk.unsupported .java caption="Module descriptor of jdk.unsupported
module jdk.unsupported {
exports sun.misc;
exports sun.reflect;
exports com.sun.nio.file;
opens sun.misc;
opens sun.reflect;
Alternatively, if all packages should be open for reflection, the module can be
declared as `open module module.name {}`.
However, open packages are not exported automatically, likewise are the packages
of an open module not exported [@Mac2017].
If open packages should also be exported, an explicit `exports` clause is
+JPMS allows even more fine-grained control of accessibility: Both `exports` and
`opens` clauses also have a qualified variant, where the modules, that are
allowed to access the exported or opened packages, are explicitly specified
This is for example done in Java's module `java.xml.ws` as shown in
[@lst:java.xml.ws], that opens its package `javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing` only to
the `java.xml.bind` module.
```{#lst:java.xml.ws .java caption="Excerpt of the module descriptor of `java.xml.ws`"}
module java.xml.ws {
// [...]
opens javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing to java.xml.bind;
// [...]
This has applications for ++API that rely heavily on reflection. In the above example, the opened package contains entities that are serialized to +XML using +JAXB (Java Architecture for +XML Binding), that requires the reflective access to the package to read the annotations of the classes, but other modules should not be able to access those classes.
+JPMS also implements strong encapsulation by providing a way for modules to declare services they provide and use [@Mac2017]. Services are +JPMS' dependency injection (+DI) mechanism, also known as the principle of Inversion of Control (+IoC), that hides implementation details from consumers.
An example of how this is used in the +JDK itself is shown in [@lst:java.base].
This module contains the +NIO (Non-blocking Input/Output) +API, that can work
with several file systems.
The abstract class java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
provides the interface
to create FileSystem
instances for different types of file systems.
```{#lst:java.base .java caption="Excerpt of the module descriptor of java.base
module java.base {
// [...]
exports java.nio;
// [...]
uses java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider;
// [...]
This `FileSystemProvider` service is provided at multiple instances in the +JDK
One example of an implemented file system is the ZIP file system that maps files
in a ZIP file as a virtual file system.
This file system is implemented in the module `jdk.zipfs`, [@lst:jdk.zipfs]
shows its module descriptor.
```{#lst:jdk.zipfs .java caption="Module descriptor of `jdk.zipfs`"}
module jdk.zipfs {
provides java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
with jdk.nio.zipfs.ZipFileSystemProvider;
This module does not export or open any packages, but only provides an
implementation of the FileSystemProvider
This can be done because the actual implementation does not matter for the
consumer, so the concrete class that implements the service must not even be
known to clients.
[@lst:service-usage] shows how the FileSystemProvider
services are loaded at
Additional implementations could be simply added on the module path and could
then be used transparently to consumers of the +API.
package java.nio.file.spi;
// [...]
public abstract class FileSystemProvider {
// [...]
private static List<FileSystemProvider> loadInstalledProviders() {
List<FileSystemProvider> list = new ArrayList<>();
ServiceLoader<FileSystemProvider> sl = ServiceLoader
// ServiceConfigurationError may be throw here
for (FileSystemProvider provider: sl) {
// [...]
return list;
// [...]
Although a module descriptor is required to utilize the full set of features of +JPMS, two alternatives were implemented in Java 9 to allow usage of older libraries.
The first alternative is the so-called unnamed module, which aggregates all sources put on the classpath [@Inden2018]. Thus only one unnamed module exists. Secondly, there are so-called automatic modules [@Mac2017]. ++JAR that do not have a module descriptor but are put on the module path are interpreted as automatic modules.
However, both come with downsides [@Inden2018; @Mac2017]:
First, both can not declare the packages they export, so they export every
Second, they can not declare their dependencies, so automatic modules are
treated as if they had declared a requires transitive
clause on every other
resolved module on the module path in addition to the unnamed module.
The unnamed module, however, cannot read any module, all its dependencies need to
be on the classpath, too.
In contrast to the unnamed modules, automatic modules require a module name
This name is derived from the attribute Automatic-Module-Name
in the +JAR
or from the +JAR file name if that attribute is
not present.
Although explicit modules are far more powerful, both have a justified existence. The unnamed module can be used to when one does not want to use +JPMS and wants to migrate to Java 9 with minimal effort. Automatic modules are useful when one needs to compile an application or library with a previous Java version. Since Java is not forward compatible, code compiled with a later Java version is not runnable with a previous version, e.g. a library compiled with Java 9 can not be executed on a Java 8 platform. Since the module descriptor is a feature only from Java 9 on and many libraries support still support Java 8 or even previous versions, library maintainers often chose to distribute their library as an automatic module. Hence, migrating Java libraries to Java 9 with +JPMS would force all clients of the library to also migrate to Java 9 if they want to use the latest version of the library.
Oracle claims, that code that uses only official Java ++API should work without changes, but some third-party libraries may need to be upgraded [@Oracle2018g]. However, in reality, there are some more constraints of the module system that need consideration.
Firstly, due to the modularization of the +JDK itself, internal ++API became unavailable [@Mac2017]. Those classes were always meant to be used only internally by the +JDK, but due to the missing access restrictions and missing alternatives, they have become adopted by some developers.
For widely used internal classes the module jdk.unsupported
is provided,
so that backward compatibility for applications depending on them is ensured,
however, it is planned that those classes are replaced with supported
alternatives in a future Java version [@Mac2017].
While Java 9 provides the possibility to modify and partly circumvent the module
system with command line switches to both the Java launcher java
and the Java
compiler javac
as shown in [@tbl:commandline_flags], the only long-term
solution is to move away from deprecated, unsupported ++API and find supported
replacement solutions [@Inden2018].
The command line switches can be used to override module descriptors to export
packages or open packages to reflection, or manually add a reads relation
between modules.
The --add-opens
switch is only available for java
, as reflective access is
not validated at compile-time.
The switch --add-modules
makes Java resolve additional modules, that are not
explicitly declared as required from other modules.
It also has the special values ALL-DEFAULT
, and
, that add the standard Java modules, all available modules in
the system, or all modules on the module path respectively.
With the --patch-module
additional files and classes can be added to a module.
This is useful for example to add unit tests to a module, that otherwise could
not access the required classes in the module.
The --illegal-access
switch specifies how illegal reflective access should be
handled at runtime.
Possible values for the switch are permit
, warn
, debug
and deny
allows all reflective access, so both reflective, as well as static
access to encapsulated code, is possible as it was before Java 9.
does the same as permit
, but prints a warning every time an illegal
access occurs.
does the same as warn
, but prints a complete stack trace when an
illegal access occurs.
denies all illegal accesses, except those explicitly allowed with other
command line switches such as --add-opens
Switch java
\checked \checked Adds additional exported
packages in the form
\checked \checked Updates a module to read a
target module. Specified in
the form module=targetmodule
\checked Updates a module to open a
package to a target module.
Specified in the form
\checked \checked Specifies additional modules
to resolve. Specified as
or a special
\checked \checked Overrides or augments a module
with classes or resources.
Specified as
: Command line switches to enable easy migration to Java 9 [@OracleDocJava; @OracleDocJavac] {#tbl:commandline_flags}
The second restriction is that modules are no longer allowed to have split
packages [@Mac2017]. Split packages are packages with the same name, that are
contained in two or more modules.
[@fig:split_packages] shows two modules where both contain the packages
and splitpackage.internal
This example considers the package splitpackage
to be exported, and the
package splitpackage.internal
to be not exported.
As mentioned in [@sec:j9_adv], split packages were already a problem before Java 9. If these were allowed, a class with the same name could be defined in both modules and it would become unclear from which module the class should be loaded [@Mac2017].
Although not exported split packages would theoretically not cause any issues in the encapsulation, as it would be clear for each module to use its own internal package, also this case is not allowed [@Mac2017]. The same classloader is used for loading both modules, and each classloader may only have a single definition of each package, regardless whether it is encapsulated or not.
When creating modules from scratch, the solution to avoid a split package is to not create them in the first place, when migrating existing applications to Java 9, the packages must be renamed or both packages put into one module [@Mac2017].
Split packages across libraries cause runtime or compile-time errors such as the one shown in [@lst:split-pkg-err].
error: the unnamed module reads package splitpackage from both module.one
and module.two
error: the unnamed module reads package splitpackage.internal from both
module.one and module.two
The only exception when split packages are allowed is when they occur between automatic modules and the unnamed module [@Mac2017]. However, in that case, the package from the automatic module will be used. The package in the unnamed module will be ignored. The common practice to override or augment packages of the +JDK by putting libraries containing packages of the +JDK does no longer work in Java 9.
JabRef is a free open source bibliography reference manager using the standard LaTeX bibliography format BibTeX as its native file format. The project is hosted on GitHub^[https://github.com/JabRef/jabref] and currently has over 200 contributors and around 140,000 lines of Java code.
JabRef aims at assisting researchers to organize their references for theses, papers and other scientific work. It has a wide range of features, that help collecting literature, organizing, and sharing it when working in a team. The interfaces with online scientific catalogs such as Google Scholar, CrossRef, or IEEE Xplore allow searching for articles and directly importing it into a local database. JabRef's integrations with popular applications like TeXstudio or LibreOffice allows users to insert citations into their papers easily.
Similar features are provided by the application Zotero^[https://www.zotero.org/]. Like JabRef, Zotero is also open source software for managing bibliography. The focus of Zotero lies more on integrating well with word processors, whereas JabRef focuses more on the integration with LaTeX.
Another similar application for organizing literature is Mendeley^[https://www.mendeley.com/]. Mendeley supports mobile platforms iOS and Android, additionally to the desktop platforms Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux, that JabRef supports. Similar to JabRef, Mendeley also supports sharing databases, but then stores databases on their servers.
A propriatary alternative is Citavi^[https://citavi.com]. While a free version is available, this version has a limit on 100 articles per database. In general, the features of Citavi and JabRef are different in that Citavi is more intended as an application to organize knowledge, instead of limiting itself to just literature as JabRef does.
According to a survey carried out in 2015 across its users, JabRef is most commonly used by German, English and French speakers [@JabRefDevelopers2015]. It is most commonly used in professional work, such as engineering and medicine and for studies, mostly from the field of natural sciences and formal sciences.
JabRef is built using a layered architecture as shown in [@fig:architecture] [@JabRefDevelopers2017]. The shown components only depend on components lower in the figure. The base of the architecture is the Model component, that encapsulates the entities used in the application. Building on top of that component is the Logic component, that contains all business logic. The Preferences component provides the functionality to load and store user-defined settings. JabRef's command line interface is encapsulated in the +CLI component and the top layer is constituted by the graphical user interface in the +GUI component. Additionally, there exist some additional global classes, that may be used anywhere in the application.
The communication between the components of JabRef is implemented using an event bus, that allows publishing events and registering listeners for events. This allows to react to changes in the core and still react in the upper layers while keeping the components clearly separated.
Currently, JabRef is built using Java 8 and does not run nor compile with Java 9. Since November 2017 its open source community works on compiling JabRef with Java 9^[JabRef/jabref#3421]. The current version of JabRef has 88 dependencies on third-party libraries, including transitive dependencies.
The source code of JabRef is built using the tool Gradle. Gradle automates repeated tasks such as compilation of the source code, building release distributions, resolving correct versions of dependencies, running tests and generation of source code with parser generators.
The following section covers the process of migrating JabRef from Java 8 to Java 9. Due to the open source nature of JabRef development of the project continued during the migration phase. Therefore the migration technique as shown in [@sec:migration] was applied in an iterative approach and changes to the current version were continuously synchronized to the Java 9 version.
[@fig:approach] shows the general approach of the migration. The approach is substantially different depending on whether an issue is located in an external dependency or in JabRef's codebase. When the issues were fixed in a later version of a third-party library, the solution simply consists of an upgrade to the new version, otherwise the issues were reported to the maintainers of the respective libraries or a code contribution to their projects was created.
Issues in JabRef internal code can be classified into access to now internal +API and changes in the Java compiler. The only sustainable solution to those problems is migrating away from the +API and finding a supported replacement. Changes in the compiler are usually only minor but require adaption of the code.
In the first iteration, the focus lay on ensuring compile-time compatibility with Java 9. Incompatible parts of JabRef were temporarily removed. A number of external libraries were incompatible with Java 9 and also had to be removed.
At first, the popular utility library Google Guava, the +SDK of the office suite LibreOffice, Microsoft's monitoring service ApplicationInsights and ArchUnit, a test framework to check for architecture constraints, caused problems because of split packages.
While Google Guava did not actually contain a split package itself, it had a
dependency on an unofficial implementation of Java annotations as specified by
the Java Specification Request (+JSR) 305, that aims at assisting tools to find
software defects by providing annotations such as @NonNull
This implementation declares its annotations in the package javax.annotation
although, this a package used by the +JDK itself.
However, this dependency was optional and thus not required at runtime, so the
solution was to explicitly exclude it in the Gradle build script as shown in
configurations {
// [...]
compile {
exclude group: 'com.google.code.findbugs', module: 'jsr305'
For ArchUnit a development version was already available, so it could simply be updated. The LibreOffice +SDK and Microsoft ApplicationInsights were incompatible with Java 9, so for the first iteration, they were temporarily removed and the features of JabRef depending on them disabled.
Second, the +GUI libraries Spin and ControlsFX and JabRef itself used internal ++API in the +JDK, that were no longer accessible. For the first iteration, the solution was to simply use the flags mentioned in [@sec:j9_mig] to allow the access to those libraries. [@lst:jr-args] shows the command line arguments required to run JabRef in the first iteration.
java \
--illegal-access=debug \
--add-opens javafx.swing/javafx.embed.swing=org.jabref \
--add-opens java.desktop/java.awt=spin \
--add-opens javafx.controls/javafx.scene.control=org.jabref \
--add-exports javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.runtime=controlsfx \
-p . \
-m org.jabref/org.jabref.JabRefMain
The third problem for compile-time compatibility was the module names of some
dependencies. As mentioned in [@sec:j9_mig] Java first searches for a module
descriptor, if it can not be found the Automatic-Module-Name
attribute in the
+JAR manifest is consulted and if that is not present, Java derives a module name
from the file name of the +JAR file.
However, module names underlie the same restrictions as Java packages, so they
may contain dots, but each segment between two dots must be a valid Java
This was a problem for Scala dependencies that follow the default Scala naming
scheme consisting of the name of the project followed by an underscore followed
by the Scala version.
So an artifact with the name latex2unicode
for Scala 2.12 results in an
artifact with the name latex2unicode_2.12.jar
For this, Java 9 derives the module name latex2unicode.2.12
, which is an
invalid module name as the 2 directly follows a dot.
For the first iteration the Scala dependency latex2unicode, which JabRef uses
to resolve LaTeX commands to plain text, that had again dependencies on the
Scala libraries fastparse and Sourcecode, was temporarily removed.
Fourth, there were minor incompatibilities with the new compiler regarding the
use of Java generics. The method children()
in [@lst:compiler-before] returns
an object of the type Enumeration<TreeNode>
, before Java 9 however, it could
be assigned to a variable of the type Enumeration<CheckableTreeNode>
inherits TreeNode
Enumeration<CheckableTreeNode> tmpChildren = this.children();
for (CheckableTreeNode child : Collections.list(tmpChildren)) {
This direct conversion is no longer possible in Java 9. The returned object of
is assigned to a variable of the correct type
in [@lst:compiler-after] and cast to the type
on usage.
Enumeration<TreeNode> tmpChildren = this.children();
for (TreeNode child : Collections.list(tmpChildren)) {
((CheckableTreeNode) child).setSelected(bSelected);
Several instances of that problem were found throughout JabRef's source code, however, no documentation could be found that explains this change in the Java language.
Lastly, as a result of the first iteration also a module descriptor was created for JabRef (see [@sec:j9_impl]). While it would have been possible to make JabRef an automatic module, instead of an explicit one, there were already efforts for creating a descriptor due to the open source nature of JabRef.
[@lst:jabref-module] shows an excerpt from the module descriptor. The module was declared as an open module to allow all internal access into JabRef, because the architecture of JabRef (see [@sec:jabref]) is based around an event bus provided by the Google Guava library, which makes extensive use of reflection.
open module org.jabref {
exports org.jabref;
exports org.jabref.gui;
// [...]
// SQL
requires java.sql;
requires postgresql;
// JavaFX
requires javafx.graphics;
requires javafx.swing;
// [...]
provides com.airhacks.afterburner.views.ResourceLocator
with org.jabref.gui.util.JabRefResourceLocator;
provides com.airhacks.afterburner.injection.PresenterFactory
with org.jabref.gui.DefaultInjector;
// [...]
An event bus is an implementation of the Observer pattern, implementing a
publish-subscribe-style communication.
The event bus handles the dispatching of events without requiring publishers to
explicitly know who the subscribers are or vice-versa.
As shown in [@lst:guava], Guava uses annotations, such as the @Subscribe
annotation, to register event listeners in an event bus.
Those annotations are accessed using reflection, thus Guava requires the
packages to be open.
Since the event bus is an integral part of JabRef and is used across many
packages, the whole module was declared as open, instead of opening each package
on its own.
```{#lst:guava .java caption="Excerpt of JabRef's BibDatabase
package org.jabref.model.database;
// [...]
public class BibDatabase {
// [...]
private void relayEntryChangeEvent(FieldChangedEvent event) {
// [...]
## Upgrading Libraries
In the second iteration, the focus lay on updating the libraries removed in
iteration one to versions that are compatible with Java 9.
Not much work was done on JabRef itself, but getting in contact with library
maintainers and participation in their open source projects was the main
### LibreOffice
JabRef uses the LibreOffice +SDK to insert citations and references into
LibreOffice documents.
However, the +SDK consists of multiple artifacts all exporting the same package
`com.sun.star`, so they are incompatible with +JPMS due to a split package
(see [@sec:jr_mig]).
Thus the complete +SDK and JabRef's functionality to interface with LibreOffice
was temporarily removed.
Possible long-term solutions include bundling all artifacts as one artifact, so
the LibreOffice +SDK is no longer modular but requires consumers to load all of
The problem of the split package, however, would be solved, as the +SDK is then
only one module to export the package.
Another solution could be to rename the packages contained in each artifact,
this, however, would break backward-compatibility of the +SDK.
The issue was reported to the Document Foundation, the maintainer of LibreOffice^[[https://bugs.documentfoundation.org//show_bug.cgi?id=117331](https://bugs.documentfoundation.org//show_bug.cgi?id=117331)].
[@tbl:lo-split] shows the development of the bug report.
| Date | Action |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 2018-04-29 | Bug Report Created |
| 2018-06-07 | Bug Confirmed by another user |
: Timeline of the bug report of the split package in LibreOffice {#tbl:lo-split}
As the developers of LibreOffice were unresponsive to the bug report as of
writing, a possible workaround to the problem would be to manually repackage the
artifacts to a single one as proposed above. However, doing this without support
of the original developers would complicate the build process of JabRef, because
the patched artifact would need to be shipped with the source code instead of
downloading the dependencies from a central Maven repository as it is done for
other dependencies.
### Latex2Unicode
Latex2Unicode is written in Scala and has again dependencies on the Scala
libraries *fastparse* and *sourcecode*.
As briefly shown in [@sec:jr_mig] Scala's default naming scheme generates
invalid automatic module names, so latex2unicode had to be temporarily removed
in iteration one.
Since Scala does not yet support +JPMS, the solution to this problem is to
explicitly provide an `Automatic-Module-Name` attribute in the libraries
manifest (see [@sec:j9_impl]).
This was proposed to the library maintainer of
and to the maintainers of the dependent libraries
and sourcecode^[[https://github.com/lihaoyi/sourcecode/pull/49](https://github.com/lihaoyi/sourcecode/pull/49)]
in the form of code contributions -- so-called pull requests -- to their
[@tbl:l2u-split] shows the timeline of the bug report for latex2unicode.
| Date | Action |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 2018-04-28 | Bug report created |
| 2018-05-18 | Code contribution provided |
| 2018-05-29 | Proposed fix accepted by library maintainer |
: Timeline of the bug report for latex2unicode {#tbl:l2u-split}
The maintainer of latex2unicode accepted the code contribution, but no version
including the fixes was released as of writing.
The maintainer of the dependencies fastparse and sourcecode remained
unresponsive to the proposed fixes both provided on 2018-05-18 as of writing.
Possible solutions to work around the problem include providing a manually
patched version of the libraries or using a service such as
Jitpack^[[https://jitpack.io](https://jitpack.io)] to build the versions
including provided code contribution. Jitpack allows developers to publish
versions of their libraries directly from a Git repository without additional
### Microsoft ApplicationInsights
ApplicationInsights follows the practice to distribute so-called fat ++JAR --
Java artifacts including all required dependencies -- but additionally relocate
the packages of dependencies under their own package prefix.
So their dependency on Google Guava using the package `com.google.common` is
distributed in ApplicationInsights as
However, Guava also exports the package `com.google.thirdparty`.
This package was not correctly relocated in ApplicationInsights, causing a
split package conflict with JabRef's dependency on Google Guava.
The problem was reported to the library maintainers of ApplicationInsights^[[https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/issues/661](https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/issues/661)].
[@tbl:ai-split] shows the timeline of the bug report.
| Date | Action |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 2018-05-05 | Bug Report Created |
| 2018-06-08 | Bug fixed by maintainers of the library |
| 2018-07-31 | Version including fix published |
: Timeline of the bug report of missed package relocation in Google Guava {#tbl:ai-split}
### JavaFxSVG
JavaFxSVG is a library that allows the +GUI framework JavaFX to display SVG
The library exports the package `org.w3c.dom` which conflicts with ++API provided
directly from the +JDK.
However, this functionality was used at only one occasion -- to display the
JabRef logo in an About dialog -- so in agreement with the JabRef developers the
library was removed and replaced with JavaFX's native capabilities.
![JabRef logo](images/jabref.svg){#fig:jabref width=100px height=100px}
JavaFX does not support the full set of features of the SVG definition, but it
has support for its so-called paths specifying vertices of geometric shapes.
JabRef's logo consists of six such paths as shown in [@fig:jabref]. The solution
was to overlay the paths in order to recreate the complete image (see [@lst:logo-fxml]).
```{#lst:logo-fxml .xml caption="Rendering of JabRef Logo with JavaFX"}
<StackPane onMouseClicked="#openJabrefWebsite" scaleX="0.6" scaleY="0.6"
prefWidth="140" prefHeight="140" BorderPane.alignment="CENTER">
<!-- SVGPaths need to be wrapped in a Pane to get them to the same
size -->
<Pane prefHeight="350" prefWidth="350" styleClass="logo-pane">
<SVGPath content="M97.2 87.1C93.2 33.8 18.4 14.6 18.2 ..." />
<Pane prefHeight="350" prefWidth="350" styleClass="logo-pane">
<SVGPath content="M96.2 61.2C92.8 19.2 35.1 0.4 35 ..." />
<!-- ... -->
The third iteration of migrating JabRef to Java 9 consisted in reworking parts of its threading model. The rework was required because JabRef used the library Spin to simplify interaction of the +GUI with long-running background tasks. Spin provides utilities to load off time-intensive operations to a separate thread, so that the +GUI stays responsive to user input.
This is done by creating proxy objects that run their operations on a separate thread, but wait until their execution is finished, while keeping the +GUI thread responsive (see [@fig:spin]).
However, the JabRef developers are in the process of migrating from the Swing +GUI framework, that Spin was written for, to the newer +GUI framework JavaFX. This migration process already lead to some threading issues, because often +GUI frameworks restrict programmatic interactions with +GUI components to be only allowed on the +GUI thread -- sometimes also called event dispatch thread (+EDT). This migration process made the usage of Spin obsolete, as it does not work with JavaFX.
The solution to this problem was to adopt the approach of JabRef, that was
already employed in parts of the application. JabRef uses a callback-based
approach partly provided by the JavaFX framework itself.
This approach provides a class BackgroundTask
that wraps time-consuming
operations and provides means to specify callbacks that are executed on the +GUI
thread once the operations succeeds, fails or either of the two.
[@lst:background_task] shows how background tasks are used in JabRef. The
method verifyDuplicates
is executed on a thread of the Globals.TASK_EXECUTOR
executor service. When the verification of duplicates succeeds the method
is called on the JavaFX +GUI thread, failures are not handled
in this case.
[@fig:callbacks] shows the interaction of the +GUI thread and the background
While the time-consuming action -- in this case verifyDuplicates()
-- is
called on the background thread, the +GUI thread stays responsive and can handle
user interactions.
Once the action is finished, either the success case -- here
-- or an error case is executed on the +GUI thread to give
the user feedback.
After JabRef was running with Java 9 and all dependencies, that had updates supporting Java 9 available were updated, the next goal was to modularize the application in order to reinforce the architectural rules as shown in [@sec:jabref], but also to extract useful libraries for other applications. In the past, there were already efforts to extract libraries from JabRef using the build tool Gradle's support for modules^[JabRef/jabref#3704]. Using this approach JabRef would not produce one monolithic +JAR artifact, but several smaller +JAR artifacts depending on each other. The problems that +JPMS addresses (see [@sec:j9_adv]), however, would not be addressed using this approach. The changes were discarded due to the release of Java 9.
In order modularize the application with +JPMS, an approach as shown in [@fig:approach_mod] was applied iteratively.
First, a component was chosen and an empty module was created for it. Then the dependencies were added according to the planned architecture. Then the packages where the component resides in was moved to the new module. In order to find missing dependencies, the new module was repeatedly compiled. By analyzing the compiler errors, missing dependencies could be found. Dependencies on external libraries could easily be added to the build script and the module descriptor. Internal conflicts required appropriate refactoring according to the problems at hand. Once the new module compiles without errors, the packages that should be exported could be declared. Lastly, the application with the extracted module was run to ensure the functionality of the application.
The modularization was performed with a bottom-up approach. First, the Model component was extracted to a separate module, as it has no dependencies on any other components. Then the Logic component was extracted as a module, as it only depends on the Model component. This was done to avoid circular dependencies, which are disallowed by +JPMS [@Mac2017]. Due to time constraints of this thesis and the strong coupling of the components, the Preferences, +GUI and +CLI components could not be extracted to separate modules, but were left as one module.
[@fig:jr_mods] shows the three modules org.jabref
, containing the GUI, CLI and
Preferences components, org.jabref.logic
, and org.jabref.model
the Logic and Model component respectively.
Additionally, the module jabref-testutil
was extracted.
However, this module was not encapsulated with +JPMS but is only implemented as
an additional Gradle module, that is required by the Logic module for running
unit tests.
This module contains some annotations disabling certain unit tests to run on
the +CI (Continuous Integration) server, that automatically executes all tests
when changes are made, or to group unit tests into categories.
This module could be used in other modules.
The choice not to encapsulate this module with +JPMS was made, because of the
way Gradle handles unit tests.
A module is patched via command line switches (see [@sec:j9_mig]) to include the
unit test classes.
However, this module does not read the jabref-testutil
module, so there would
be no way that this module can access the classes defined in it.
The first problem encountered in the modularization were violations of the architecture, so parts of a component had dependencies on components, where -- according to the architecture -- this dependency should not exist.
[@fig:arch_conflict1] shows the dependencies of the class BackupManager
in the
package org.jabref.logic.autosaveandbackup
of the Logic component on classes
of the components Model, Logic, and Preferences.
However, the Logic component only depends on the Model component, thus the
classes in the Preferences component become unavailable after modularization.
There are multiple scenarios of how this conflict could be solved: First, the architecture could be simply changed, so that the Logic module depends on the Preferences component. If many instances of the same problem exist in the code base, this might be a practical solution. In JabRef's case, however, this was the only occurrence of this problem, so changing the architecture of the application to make one component available is not the ideal solution.
Second, the dependency on the Preferences module could be removed. Depending on the type of the dependency this may be a viable solution, for example, if alternatives for the used functionalities are available. In this case, however, removing the dependency would have lead to code duplication, which is often unfavorable for enabling good software maintainability, because the duplicated code would then need to be maintained in both instances.
Third, the components Logic and Preferences could be joined in one module. This would weaken the encapsulation of the components, but especially if there exist many circular dependencies between the components, this might be the only acceptable solution. In JabRef's case, there were no circular dependencies between the modules, so the modules were not joined.
Lastly, the parts of the component causing the conflict could be moved up in the dependency hierarchy to the next component that depends on all required components. This solution has the downside, that the +API of the affected components become scattered across modules, but depending on the use-case this might be acceptable. Another thing to keep in mind is that Java 9 does no longer allow split packages, so either the whole package needs to be moved, or the package needs to be split into two different packages. For JabRef, this solution was pursued since the affected parts of the +API are only a small part of the component and the solution was already implemented previously^[https://github.com/jabref/jabref/tree/multi-module-build/org.jabref.gui/src/main/java/org/jabref/logic/autosaveandbackup].
A slightly more complex conflict occurred in the class OpenDatabase
as shown
in [@fig:arch_conflict2]. Here, the action responsible for opening literature
databases also performs several migrations on older database versions. However,
the migrations located in org.jabref.migrations
are considered global classes
in the architecture. Some of the migrations also require user interaction, so
they depend on the +GUI component, while others do not and only depend on the
Logic and Model component^[The dependencies on the Model component are not shown
in [@fig:arch_conflict2].].
The possibilities to solve this conflict are roughly the same as before, however
the change of architecture and the removal of the dependency was not favorable
for the same reasons as before.
To solve this conflict a combination of joining the components and moving the
conflicting classes up in the hierarchy was chosen.
First the package org.jabref.migrations
was split into the packages
containing the classes that require no user
interaction and org.jabref.gui.migratons
for the classes that do.
The logic
part of the migrations was then moved to the Logic component and
the gui
part to the +GUI component.
Moving the OpenDatabase
action up in the dependency hierarchy to the +GUI
component, in this case, would have made no sense, as it would have required to
move large parts of the Logic module along with it. Likewise, moving the whole
package to the Logic module would have required to move large parts
of the +GUI component along.
Both would have reduced the encapsulation of the modules and scattered the
components across both modules.
Another problem when modularizing JabRef was the lacking support of the used tools for modularized Java code. As mentioned in [@sec:jabref], JabRef is built using the build tool Gradle. While Gradle has an experimental plugin called experimental-jigsaw providing support for +JPMS^[https://github.com/gradle/gradle-java-modules], this plugin currently is "not very sophisticated or particularly well-tested" according to the authors. Also, development on this project is stale for over a year as of writing.
To build JabRef a derivative of the above plugin called chainsaw is used.
is an open-source project and has more sophisticated features than
experimental-jigsaw, such as supporting popular unit test frameworks, patching
modules and providing support for the flags --add-exports
and --add-opens
as described in [@sec:j9_mig].
However, chainsaw does not support building projects consisting of multiple
modules, because it fails to generate the correct build order.
Multiple projects are built in arbitrary order, so that in some cases
dependencies cannot be found.
This issue is reported to the maintainer of the project^[zyxist/chainsaw#34],
but is unresolved as of writing.
This issue can be resolved by applying a workaround as shown in [@lst:cs_workaround].
With this workaround, the dependencies of the task compileJava
are explicitly
set to the assemble
task, that builds a +JAR file, of the modules jabref-model
and jabref-logic
compileJava.dependsOn ":jabref-model:assemble"
compileJava.dependsOn ":jabref-logic:assemble"
Another problem with the tool support for +JPMS is Gradle itself. Gradle supports running automated unit tests which are executed by default on every build on JabRef's +CI server. However, there is an unfixed bug in Gradle^[gradle/gradle#4974] that causes errors when the wide adopted logging library +SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java) is used in the tests with Java 9.
SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found.
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#noProviders for further
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.slf4j/org.slf4j.helpers.NOPLoggerFactory
cannot be cast to org.gradle.internal.logging.slf4j.
This is a major impediment for many libraries using Gradle when wanting to migrate to Java 9. Many libraries rely on running unit tests and over 28.000 artifacts on the Maven Central repository^[https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.slf4j/slf4j-api] use SLF4J.
Additionally to this bug, Gradle has another issue, that does not only affect Java 9 or modularization with +JPMS, but especially Gradle's multi-module builds in general: Gradle has no central place to manage dependencies of multiple modules across a build. In contrast to that, Maven has the concept of a Bill of Materials (+BOM), that lists all dependencies and their versions in the root project. Gradle manages dependencies separately in each build script for every module. This requires to keep track of modules that are shared between different modules and causes additional effort to keep the versions of those dependencies synchronized across every module. Different versions of the dependencies would likely cause unexpected behavior as described in [@sec:j9_adv].
To work around this problem a custom solution was implemented, that groups
dependencies into groups and makes them reusable across different modules^[JabRef/jabref#4163].
[@lst:cleanup-bs] shows an excerpt from the centralized dependency management in
Gradle's buildSrc
project, that is put on the classpath of every build script.
In the build scripts, the groups of dependencies can then be used as
without requiring to specify the version locally.
package org.jabref.build
class Dependencies {
static def libraries = [
libreOffice: [
// >1.8.0-beta is required for java 9 compatibility
loggingApi: "org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.8.0-beta2",
// [...]
In contrast, a tool used for the modularization of JabRef supporting Java 9 well was the +IDE (Integrated Development Environment) JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 Ultimate. For example, when moving parts of an application to a new module, this +IDE automatically analyzes the required dependencies of the moved parts and warns developers when some dependencies will not be available in the new module.
In summary, the missing support of the used tools for Java 9 modules was the biggest problem for modularizing JabRef.
In the process of migrating JabRef, multiple code contributions were provided to various open source projects including JabRef itself. While a functional version of JabRef could be produced, some parts of the application had to be disabled due to some external libraries not providing updates, that are compatible with Java 9. Due to those issues, the version is not yet released in binary form.
For the future, the primary goal should be to get this version released. It is unclear, however, if the maintainers of those libraries will provide an update in the future, but the parts disabled in JabRef will have to be reenabled before a Java 9 compatible version can be officially released. If the maintainers stay unresponsive, libraries providing similar functionality and being compatible with Java 9 should be adopted. This will require future effort, as it is likely that the ++API of such libraries will differ. In the case that no alternatives are available, the maintenance of the libraries could be taken over, but this would have exceeded the scope of this thesis.
In addition to the compatible version with Java 9, the application was modularized with +JPMS. The current modularization roughly resembles the basic components of the high-level architecture (see [@sec:jabref]).
In a future version, the modularization could be done much more fine-grained. Especially features of JabRef such as the fetchers, that can fetch bibliography entries from various sources could be implemented using +JPMS' services. But also features outside of JabRef's core functionality, that are not necessarily required and are not used by every user, such as synchronizing bibliography databases with +SQL (Structured Query Language) databases or automatically generating bibliographies and citations in third-party applications could be extracted into additional modules. The services of those modules could be loaded as available so that they are not required to run JabRef. This would change the architecture of JabRef to a more service oriented architecture (+SOA). Also, this would reduce the maintenance effort of JabRef, as the size of the core codebase would shrink, and such extensions could be maintained separately.
Another important point that should be addressed in the future is the support of build tools for Java 9. All of the used tools described in [@sec:tools] are publicly available as open source projects.
The Java programming language has experienced high popularity in many enterprises and also with private developers since its initial release in 1996. Since then the Java platform has continuously undergone changes and many features were added. With the latest major addition -- the Java Platform Module System (+JPMS) -- many Java developers have to cope with breaking changes in the platform.
In the first part of this thesis, the challenges when migrating to +JPMS were analyzed. First, the open source application JabRef was migrated to Java 9. While there were also some problems with the access of internal ++API in the Java Development Kit (+JDK), the main problem when upgrading to Java 9 is the unavailability of updates for compatible third-party libraries.
Many very popular and widely used libraries such as Google Guava are not yet fully compatible with Java 9. The maintainers of the libraries are often already aware of the incompatibilities or are responsive when they are pointed out to them. A huge problem, however, is the unresponsiveness of maintainers of legacy libraries. While solutions for those problems such as manually patching libraries were proposed, no completely satisfactory solution could be implemented in this thesis.
The problems caused by the modularization of the +JDK -- internal ++API becoming unavailable -- can easily be circumvented by the wide range of utilities provided by the maintainers of the Java programming language. Solving such problems in the long term, however, requires developers to migrate to new, supported ++API.
In the second part of this thesis, JabRef was decomposed into multiple modules. The main problem encountered was the lacking support of the used tools. Popular and widely used build tools such as Gradle still have difficulties supporting Java 9 builds after almost a year since its release. A well-organized architecture is essential for modularizing an application. Cleanly encapsulated components with clear dependencies make modularization basically trivial.
The key takeaways of this thesis are twofold:
- A migration of an application to Java 9 without modularizing it largely depends on the availability of compatible versions of dependencies. A full migration of any application without making compromises in the functionality of the application is only possible when the dependencies are updated to be compatible with Java 9. In some cases, incompatibilities of dependencies can be worked around with the many command line switches provided to make migration easier, but this only delays the inevitable effort to update to a new version of the dependency.
- Modularizing an application with +JPMS requires a well-maintained system architecture to be able to extract cleanly encapsulated modules. Tightly coupled components can only be extracted as modules with much effort in refactoring the application. However, the lacking support in tooling is the main issue for modularizing an application, even if its architectural rules are upheld.
Despite all the encountered problems, such a huge change as the introduction of +JPMS is unknown to previous releases of Java. It is questionable if the accelerated release cycle of Java helped slowing down the adoption of Java 9 in popular libraries and tools, as Java 9 is already outdated and unsupported since March 2018, or if developers will wait until the release of the next +LTS release -- Java 11 -- in September 2018, which will be supported until September 2023 [@Reinhold2018].
In conclusion, the introduction of modularization in Java at a language level was a necessary and long awaited change. It is possible that the developers in the Java ecosystem simply are not used to the faster release cycle and will adopt +JPMS in the future.