- feat: add vite-plugin-http-request-mock
- feat: add @requestHeaders for @remote config
- fix: simpleRequest should have carried request headers to the request of remote url
- feat: new mechanism to specify the original URL which is matched by mock for "remote" feature
- feat: add webpack-dev-server middleware plugin
- chore: remove @proxy tag
- chore: add @deProxy tag
- feat: support for customizing data returned from remote requests which are marked by @remote
- feat: add ESM module
- add 'use' API for mocker
- add @proxy tag
- add @remote tag
- full support for webpack5
- add proxy mode
- add a new capability of using the proto file to generate mock files.
- add cache plugin: set the specified data into localeStorage cache when it changes.
- whole matching takes precedence over partial matching
- make it can be required without 'default' property
- add umd bundles for browser
- add a plain html example
- mock directory supports a maximum of 4 sub-levels
- replace fs.watch with chokidar
- clientRequest.end should return an instance of ClientRequest
- pretty log
- dynamic import http-request-mock dependency for .runtime.js
- integrate with faker.js
- fallback to nodejs native http/https request if not matched for fetch, xhr and wx in unit test environment
- support to bypass a mock request
- add runtime plugin
- add
option to cli
- add continuous integration
- add English version of the README.md
- fix a typo: inteceptor -> interceptor
- add react and vue examples
http-request-mock-cli -w
supports a customized command to start a mock development
- add init and watch option for command tool
- remove 'runtime' option for webpack plugin
[2021-08-12] mock response option supports asynchronous function
- add mock times options for a limited number of times mocking
- remove 'verbose' value for runtime option
- normalize request info for all interceptors
- windows compatibility
[2021-08-09] fix wx.request binding error
- support http.get, https.get, http.reuest, https.request request mock
- support to enable/disable mock function temporarily
- add unit tests for node-fetch, ky, request, got libraries.
[2021-07-30] fix command tool problem & release v1.1.4
[2021-07-24] change custom to verbose for runtime config option
[2021-07-18] add query for request info
[2021-07-17] response supports to get request header for xhr
[2021-07-12] add command tool for generating mock config entry file
[2021-06-26] add superagent unit test
[2021-06-24] add jquery unit test
[2021-06-12] add xhr, wx.request, fetch, axios unit test
[2021-06-10] fully support fetch request mock
[2021-05-25] add load loadend event trigger
[2021-04-30] add http status code & http response header mock
[2021-04-29] add wx.request interceptor, preparing fetch interceptor
[2021-03-29] init http-request-mock, add XMLHttpRequest interceptor