From 2edada5c11af0bf1ea7d8afe374feaf67b4e217d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: zoziha <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2022 11:15:54 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Use testdrive for unit tests

 fpm.toml                        |  76 ++----------------------
 test/Makefile                   | 102 +++++++++++++-------------------
 test/test_fftpack.f90           |  34 +++++++++++
 test/test_fftpack_dcosq.f90     |  30 ----------
 test/test_fftpack_dcost.f90     |  30 ----------
 test/test_fftpack_dct.f90       |  83 +++++++++++++++++---------
 test/test_fftpack_dfft.f90      |  34 -----------
 test/test_fftpack_dzfft.f90     |  35 -----------
 test/test_fftpack_fft.f90       |  84 +++++++++++++++++++-------
 test/test_fftpack_fftshift.f90  |  43 --------------
 test/test_fftpack_ifft.f90      |  30 ----------
 test/test_fftpack_ifftshift.f90 |  45 --------------
 test/test_fftpack_iqct.f90      |  31 ----------
 test/test_fftpack_irfft.f90     |  30 ----------
 test/test_fftpack_qct.f90       |  86 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
 test/test_fftpack_rfft.f90      | 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 test/test_fftpack_utils.f90     |  82 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/test_fftpack_zfft.f90      |  35 -----------
 18 files changed, 428 insertions(+), 562 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 test/test_fftpack.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_dcosq.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_dcost.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_dfft.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_dzfft.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_fftshift.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_ifft.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_ifftshift.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_iqct.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_irfft.f90
 create mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_utils.f90
 delete mode 100644 test/test_fftpack_zfft.f90

diff --git a/fpm.toml b/fpm.toml
index 1ecbc3f..7610390 100644
--- a/fpm.toml
+++ b/fpm.toml
@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ keywords    = ["netlib", "fftpack", "fft"]
 auto-executables = false
 auto-tests = false
-auto-examples = true
+auto-examples = false
+test-drive = { git = "", tag = "v0.4.0" }
 # Original test
@@ -21,74 +24,7 @@ name = "tstfft"
 source-dir = "test"
 main = "tstfft.f"
-# `fftpack` fft routines
-name = "fftpack_zfft"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_zfft.f90"
-name = "fftpack_fft"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_fft.f90"
-name = "fftpack_ifft"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_ifft.f90"
-name = "fftpack_dfft"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_dfft.f90"
-name = "fftpack_rfft"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_rfft.f90"
-name = "fftpack_irfft"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_irfft.f90"
-name = "fftpack_dzfft"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_dzfft.f90"
-name = "fftpack_dcosq"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_dcosq.f90"
-name = "fftpack_qct"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_qct.f90"
-name = "fftpack_iqct"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_iqct.f90"
-name = "fftpack_dcost"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_dcost.f90"
-name = "fftpack_dct"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_dct.f90"
-# `fftpack` utility routines
-name = "fftpack_fftshift"
-source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_fftshift.f90"
-name = "fftpack_ifftshift"
+name = "test_fftpack"
 source-dir = "test"
-main = "test_fftpack_ifftshift.f90"
+main = "test_fftpack.f90"
diff --git a/test/Makefile b/test/Makefile
index b47eb19..cabb8a3 100644
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ b/test/Makefile
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
+FETCH = curl -L
+SRC = \
+	test_fftpack_fft.f90 \
+	test_fftpack_rfft.f90 \
+	test_fftpack_qct.f90 \
+	test_fftpack_dct.f90 \
+	test_fftpack_utils.f90 \
+	test_fftpack.f90 \
+	testdrive.F90
+OBJ = $(SRC:.f90=.o)
+OBJ := $(OBJ:.F90=.o)
 all: tstfft \
-	fftpack_fft \
-	fftpack_ifft \
-	fftpack_rfft \
-	fftpack_irfft \
-	fftpack_fftshift \
-	fftpack_ifftshift \
-	fftpack_dzfft \
-	fftpack_dcosq \
-	fftpack_qct \
-	fftpack_iqct \
-	fftpack_dcost \
-	fftpack_dct
+	test_fftpack
 # Orginal test
 tstfft: tstfft.f
@@ -18,54 +21,31 @@ tstfft: tstfft.f
 	time ./tstfft.x
 # `fftpack` fft routines
-fftpack_fft: test_fftpack_fft.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_fft.x
-fftpack_ifft: test_fftpack_ifft.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_ifft.x
-fftpack_rfft: test_fftpack_rfft.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_rfft.x
-fftpack_irfft: test_fftpack_irfft.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_irfft.x
-fftpack_dzfft: test_fftpack_dzfft.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_dzfft.x
-fftpack_dcosq: test_fftpack_dcosq.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_dcosq.x
-fftpack_qct: test_fftpack_qct.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_qct.x
-fftpack_iqct: test_fftpack_iqct.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_iqct.x
-fftpack_dcost: test_fftpack_dcost.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_dcost.x
-fftpack_dct: test_fftpack_dct.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_dct.x
-# `fftpack` utility routines
-fftpack_fftshift: test_fftpack_fftshift.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_fftshift.x
-fftpack_ifftshift: test_fftpack_ifftshift.f90
-	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $< -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
-	./fftpack_ifftshift.x
+test_fftpack: $(OBJ)
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(OBJ) -L../src -l$(LIB) -I../src -o $@.x
+	./test_fftpack.x
+	$(FETCH) > $@
+%.o: %.F90
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $<
+%.o: %.f90
+	$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -I../src -c $<
+test_fftpack.o: test_fftpack_fft.o \
+	test_fftpack_rfft.o \
+	test_fftpack_qct.o \
+	test_fftpack_dct.o \
+	test_fftpack_utils.o \
+	testdrive.o
+test_fftpack_fft.o: testdrive.o
+test_fftpack_rfft.o: testdrive.o
+test_fftpack_qct.o: testdrive.o
+test_fftpack_dct.o: testdrive.o
+test_fftpack_utils.o: testdrive.o
-	rm -f -r *.o *.x
+	rm -f -r *.o *.mod *.smod *.x testdrive.F90
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack.f90 b/test/test_fftpack.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3396421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_fftpack.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+program test_fftpack
+    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: error_unit
+    use testdrive, only: run_testsuite, new_testsuite, testsuite_type
+    use test_fftpack_fft, only: collect_fft
+    use test_fftpack_rfft, only: collect_rfft
+    use test_fftpack_qct, only: collect_qct
+    use test_fftpack_dct, only: collect_dct
+    use test_fftpack_utils, only: collect_utils
+    implicit none
+    integer :: stat, is
+    type(testsuite_type), allocatable :: testsuites(:)
+    character(len=*), parameter :: fmt = '("#", *(1x, a))'
+    stat = 0
+    testsuites = [ &
+                 new_testsuite("fft", collect_fft), &
+                 new_testsuite("rfft", collect_rfft), &
+                 new_testsuite("qct", collect_qct), &
+                 new_testsuite("dct", collect_dct), &
+                 new_testsuite("utils", collect_utils) &
+                 ]
+    do is = 1, size(testsuites)
+        write (error_unit, fmt) "Testing:", testsuites(is)%name
+        call run_testsuite(testsuites(is)%collect, error_unit, stat)
+    end do
+    if (stat > 0) then
+        write (error_unit, '(i0, 1x, a)') stat, "test(s) failed!"
+        error stop
+    end if
+end program test_fftpack
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_dcosq.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_dcosq.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index ee8a703..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_dcosq.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_dcosq_real
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_dcosq` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_dcosq_real
-        use fftpack, only: dcosqi, dcosqf, dcosqb
-        use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: w(3*4 + 15)
-        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
-        call dcosqi(4, w)
-        call dcosqf(4, x, w)
-        call check(sum(abs(x - [11.999626276085150_rk, -9.1029432177492193_rk, &
-                                2.6176618435106480_rk, -1.5143449018465791_rk])) < eps, msg="`dcosqf` failed.")
-        call dcosqb(4, x, w)
-        call check(sum(abs(x/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk) - [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4])) < eps, msg="`dcosqb` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_dcosq_real
-end program tester
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_dcost.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_dcost.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index d9cdcfc..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_dcost.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_dcost_real
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_dcost` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_dcost_real
-        use fftpack, only: dcosti, dcost
-        use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: w(3*4 + 15)
-        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
-        call dcosti(4, w)
-        call dcost(4, x, w)
-        call check(all(x == [real(kind=rk) :: 15, -4, 0, -1.0000000000000009_rk]), msg="`dcosti` failed.")
-        call dcost(4, x, w)
-        call check(all(x/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk - 1.0_rk)) == [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]), msg="`dcost` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_dcost_real
-end program tester
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_dct.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_dct.f90
index f2a2307..e435923 100644
--- a/test/test_fftpack_dct.f90
+++ b/test/test_fftpack_dct.f90
@@ -1,43 +1,70 @@
-program tester
+module test_fftpack_dct
-    call test_fftpack_dct()
-    call test_fftpack_idct()
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_dct` passed."
+    use fftpack, only: rk, dcosti, dcost, dct, idct
+    use testdrive, only: new_unittest, unittest_type, error_type, check
+    implicit none
+    private
+    public :: collect_dct
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
+    !> Collect all exported unit tests
+    subroutine collect_dct(testsuite)
+        !> Collection of tests
+        type(unittest_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)
+        testsuite = [ &
+                    new_unittest("classic-dct-API", test_classic_dct), &
+                    new_unittest("modernized-dct-API", test_modernized_dct), &
+                    new_unittest("modernized-idct-API", test_modernized_idct) &
+                    ]
+    end subroutine collect_dct
+    subroutine test_classic_dct(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: w(3*4 + 15)
+        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
+        call dcosti(4, w)
+        call dcost(4, x, w)
+        call check(error, all(x == [real(kind=rk) :: 15, -4, 0, -1.0000000000000009_rk]), "`dcosti` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call dcost(4, x, w)
+        call check(error, all(x/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk - 1.0_rk)) == [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]), "`dcost` failed.")
-    subroutine test_fftpack_dct
-        use fftpack, only: dct
-        use fftpack_kind
+    end subroutine test_classic_dct
+    subroutine test_modernized_dct(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
         real(kind=rk) :: x(3) = [9, -9, 3]
-        call check(all(dct(x, 2) == [real(kind=rk) :: 0, 18]), msg="`dct(x, 2)` failed.")
-        call check(all(dct(x, 3) == dct(x)), msg="`dct(x, 3)` failed.")
-        call check(all(dct(x, 4) == [real(kind=rk) :: -3, -3.0000000000000036_rk, 15, 33]), msg="`dct(x, 4)` failed.")
+        call check(error, all(dct(x, 2) == [real(kind=rk) :: 0, 18]), "`dct(x, 2)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(dct(x, 3) == dct(x)), "`dct(x, 3)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(dct(x, 4) == [real(kind=rk) :: -3, -3.0000000000000036_rk, 15, 33]), "`dct(x, 4)` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_dct
+    end subroutine test_modernized_dct
-    subroutine test_fftpack_idct
-        use fftpack, only: dct, idct
-        use iso_fortran_env, only: rk => real64
+    subroutine test_modernized_idct(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
         real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
         real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        call check(all(idct(dct(x))/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk - 1.0_rk)) == [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]), &
-                   msg="`idct(dct(x))/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk-1.0_rk))` failed.")
-        call check(all(idct(dct(x), 2)/(2.0_rk*(2.0_rk - 1.0_rk)) == [real(kind=rk) :: 5.5, 9.5]), &
-                   msg="`idct(dct(x), 2)/(2.0_rk*(2.0_rk-1.0_rk))` failed.")
-        call check(all(idct(dct(x, 2), 4)/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk - 1.0_rk)) == &
-                   [0.16666666666666666_rk, 0.33333333333333331_rk, 0.66666666666666663_rk, 0.83333333333333315_rk]), &
-                   msg="`idct(dct(x, 2), 4)/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk-1.0_rk))` failed.")
+        call check(error, all(idct(dct(x))/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk - 1.0_rk)) == [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]), &
+                   "`idct(dct(x))/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk-1.0_rk))` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(idct(dct(x), 2)/(2.0_rk*(2.0_rk - 1.0_rk)) == [real(kind=rk) :: 5.5, 9.5]), &
+                   "`idct(dct(x), 2)/(2.0_rk*(2.0_rk-1.0_rk))` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(idct(dct(x, 2), 4)/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk - 1.0_rk)) == &
+                              [0.16666666666666666_rk, 0.33333333333333331_rk, 0.66666666666666663_rk, 0.83333333333333315_rk]), &
+                   "`idct(dct(x, 2), 4)/(2.0_rk*(4.0_rk-1.0_rk))` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_idct
+    end subroutine test_modernized_idct
-end program tester
+end module test_fftpack_dct
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_dfft.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_dfft.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index bbad26a..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_dfft.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_dfft()
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_dfft` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_dfft()
-        use fftpack, only: dffti, dfftf, dfftb
-    use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: x(4)
-        real(kind=rk) :: w(31)
-        x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        call dffti(4, w)
-        call dfftf(4, x, w)
-        call check(all(x == [real(kind=rk) :: 10, -2, 2, -2]), &
-                   msg="`dfftf` failed.")
-        call dfftb(4, x, w)
-        call check(all(x/4.0_rk == [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]), &
-                   msg="`dfftb` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_dfft
-end program tester
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_dzfft.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_dzfft.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f3ebc..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_dzfft.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_dzfft
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_dzfft` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_dzfft
-        use fftpack, only: dzffti, dzfftf, dzfftb
-    use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        real(kind=rk) :: w(3*4 + 15)
-        real(kind=rk) :: azero, a(4/2), b(4/2)
-        call dzffti(4, w)
-        call dzfftf(4, x, azero, a, b, w)
-        call check(azero == 2.5_rk, msg="azero == 2.5_rk failed.")
-        call check(all(a == [-1.0_rk, -0.5_rk]), msg="all(a == [-1.0, -0.5]) failed.")
-        call check(all(b == [-1.0_rk, 0.0_rk]), msg="all(b == [-1.0, 0.0]) failed.")
-        x = 0
-        call dzfftb(4, x, azero, a, b, w)
-        call check(all(x == [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]), msg="all(x = [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]) failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_dzfft
-end program tester
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_fft.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_fft.f90
index 1770065..9db72fc 100644
--- a/test/test_fftpack_fft.f90
+++ b/test/test_fftpack_fft.f90
@@ -1,30 +1,74 @@
-program tester
+module test_fftpack_fft
-    call test_fftpack_fft()
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_fft` passed."
+    use fftpack, only: rk, zffti, zfftf, zfftb, fft, ifft
+    use testdrive, only: new_unittest, unittest_type, error_type, check
+    implicit none
+    private
+    public :: collect_fft
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
+    !> Collect all exported unit tests
+    subroutine collect_fft(testsuite)
+        !> Collection of tests
+        type(unittest_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)
-    subroutine test_fftpack_fft
-        use fftpack, only: fft
-    use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
+        testsuite = [ &
+                    new_unittest("classic-fft-API", test_classic_fft), &
+                    new_unittest("modernized-fft-API", test_modernized_fft), &
+                    new_unittest("modernized-ifft-API", test_modernized_ifft) &
+                    ]
+    end subroutine collect_fft
+    subroutine test_classic_fft(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        complex(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        real(kind=rk) :: w(31)
+        call zffti(4, w)
+        call zfftf(4, x, w)
+        call check(error, all(x == [complex(kind=rk) ::(10, 0), (-2, 2), (-2, 0), (-2, -2)]), &
+                   "`zfftf` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call zfftb(4, x, w)
+        call check(error, all(x/4.0_rk == [complex(kind=rk) ::(1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0)]), &
+                   "`zfftb` failed.")
+    end subroutine test_classic_fft
+    subroutine test_modernized_fft(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
         complex(kind=rk) :: x(3) = [1.0_rk, 2.0_rk, 3.0_rk]
-        call check(sum(abs(fft(x, 2) - [(3.0_rk, 0.0_rk), (-1.0_rk, 0.0_rk)])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`fft(x, 2)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(fft(x, 3) - fft(x))) < eps, &
-                   msg="`fft(x, 3)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(fft(x, 4) - [(6.0_rk, 0.0_rk), (-2.0_rk, -2.0_rk), (2.0_rk, 0.0_rk), (-2.0_rk, 2.0_rk)])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`fft(x, 4)` failed.")
+        call check(error, sum(abs(fft(x, 2) - [(3.0_rk, 0.0_rk), (-1.0_rk, 0.0_rk)])) < eps, &
+                   "`fft(x, 2)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(fft(x, 3) - fft(x))) < eps, &
+                   "`fft(x, 3)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(fft(x, 4) - [(6.0_rk, 0.0_rk), (-2.0_rk, -2.0_rk), (2.0_rk, 0.0_rk), (-2.0_rk, 2.0_rk)])) < eps, &
+                   "`fft(x, 4)` failed.")
+    end subroutine test_modernized_fft
+    subroutine test_modernized_ifft(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
+        complex(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        call check(error, sum(abs(ifft(fft(x))/4.0_rk - [complex(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4])) < eps, &
+                   "`ifft(fft(x))/4.0_rk` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(ifft(fft(x), 2) - [complex(kind=rk) ::(8, 2), (12, -2)])) < eps, &
+                   "`ifft(fft(x), 2)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(ifft(fft(x, 2), 4) - [complex(kind=rk) ::(2, 0), (3, -1), (4, 0), (3, 1)])) < eps, &
+                   "`ifft(fft(x, 2), 4)` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_fft
+    end subroutine test_modernized_ifft
-end program tester
+end module test_fftpack_fft
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_fftshift.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_fftshift.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b90b3c..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_fftshift.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_fftshift_complex
-    call test_fftpack_fftshift_real
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_fftshift` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_fftshift_complex
-        use fftpack, only: fftshift
-    use fftpack_kind
-        complex(kind=rk) :: xeven(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        complex(kind=rk) :: xodd(5) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-        call check(all(fftshift(xeven) == [complex(kind=rk) :: 3, 4, 1, 2]), &
-                   msg="all(fftshift(xeven) == [complex(kind=rk) :: 3, 4, 1, 2]) failed.")
-        call check(all(fftshift(xodd) == [complex(kind=rk) :: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]), &
-                   msg="all(fftshift(xodd) == [complex(kind=rk) :: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]) failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_fftshift_complex
-    subroutine test_fftpack_fftshift_real
-        use fftpack, only: fftshift
-    use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: xeven(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        real(kind=rk) :: xodd(5) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
-        call check(all(fftshift(xeven) == [real(kind=rk) :: 3, 4, 1, 2]), &
-                   msg="all(fftshift(xeven) == [real(kind=rk) :: 3, 4, 1, 2]) failed.")
-        call check(all(fftshift(xodd) == [real(kind=rk) :: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]), &
-                   msg="all(fftshift(xodd) == [real(kind=rk) :: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]) failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_fftshift_real
-end program tester
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_ifft.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_ifft.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index d7c7f73..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_ifft.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_ifft()
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_ifft` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_ifft
-        use fftpack, only: fft, ifft
-    use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
-        complex(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        call check(sum(abs(ifft(fft(x))/4.0_rk - [complex(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`ifft(fft(x))/4.0_rk` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(ifft(fft(x), 2) - [complex(kind=rk) ::(8, 2), (12, -2)])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`ifft(fft(x), 2)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(ifft(fft(x, 2), 4) - [complex(kind=rk) ::(2, 0), (3, -1), (4, 0), (3, 1)])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`ifft(fft(x, 2), 4)` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_ifft
-end program tester
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_ifftshift.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_ifftshift.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 88f56ed..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_ifftshift.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_ifftshift_complex
-    call test_fftpack_ifftshift_real
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_ifftshift` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_ifftshift_complex
-        use fftpack, only: ifftshift
-    use fftpack_kind
-        integer :: i
-        complex(kind=rk) :: xeven(4) = [3, 4, 1, 2]
-        complex(kind=rk) :: xodd(5) = [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
-        call check(all(ifftshift(xeven) == [complex(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 4)]), &
-                   msg="all(ifftshift(xeven) == [complex(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 4)]) failed.")
-        call check(all(ifftshift(xodd) == [complex(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 5)]), &
-                   msg="all(ifftshift(xodd) == [complex(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 5)]) failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_ifftshift_complex
-    subroutine test_fftpack_ifftshift_real
-        use fftpack, only: ifftshift
-    use fftpack_kind
-        integer :: i
-        real(kind=rk) :: xeven(4) = [3, 4, 1, 2]
-        real(kind=rk) :: xodd(5) = [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
-        call check(all(ifftshift(xeven) == [real(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 4)]), &
-                   msg="all(ifftshift(xeven) == [real(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 4)]) failed.")
-        call check(all(ifftshift(xodd) == [real(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 5)]), &
-                   msg="all(ifftshift(xodd) == [real(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 5)]) failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_ifftshift_real
-end program tester
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_iqct.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_iqct.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 62f535b..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_iqct.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_iqct()
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_iqct` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_iqct
-        use fftpack, only: qct, iqct
-    use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
-        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        call check(sum(abs(iqct(qct(x))/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk) - [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`iqct(qct(x)/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(iqct(qct(x), 2)/(4.0_rk*2.0_rk) - [1.4483415291679655_rk, 7.4608849947753271_rk])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`iqct(qct(x), 2)/(4.0_rk*2.0_rk)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(iqct(qct(x, 2), 4)/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk) - [0.5_rk, 0.70932417358418376_rk, 1.0_rk, &
-                                                                 0.78858050747473762_rk])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`iqct(qct(x, 2), 4)/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk)` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_iqct
-end program tester
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_irfft.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_irfft.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c7e970..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_irfft.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_irfft()
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_irfft` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_irfft
-        use fftpack, only: rfft, irfft
-    use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
-        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        call check(sum(abs(irfft(rfft(x))/4.0_rk - [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`irfft(rfft(x))/4.0_rk` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(irfft(rfft(x), 2) - [real(kind=rk) :: 8, 12])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`irfft(rfft(x), 2)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(irfft(rfft(x, 2), 4) - [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 3, 5, 3])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`irfft(rfft(x, 2), 4)` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_irfft
-end program tester
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_qct.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_qct.f90
index 850d989..ed56b58 100644
--- a/test/test_fftpack_qct.f90
+++ b/test/test_fftpack_qct.f90
@@ -1,31 +1,77 @@
-program tester
+module test_fftpack_qct
-    call test_fftpack_qct()
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_qct` passed."
+    use fftpack, only: rk, dcosqi, dcosqf, dcosqb, qct, iqct
+    use testdrive, only: new_unittest, unittest_type, error_type, check
+    implicit none
+    private
+    public :: collect_qct
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
+    !> Collect all exported unit tests
+    subroutine collect_qct(testsuite)
+        !> Collection of tests
+        type(unittest_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)
+        testsuite = [ &
+                    new_unittest("classic-qct-API", test_classic_qct), &
+                    new_unittest("modernized-qct-API", test_modernized_qct), &
+                    new_unittest("modernized-iqct-API", test_modernized_iqct) &
+                    ]
+    end subroutine collect_qct
-    subroutine test_fftpack_qct
-        use fftpack, only: qct
-    use fftpack_kind
+    subroutine test_classic_qct(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: w(3*4 + 15)
+        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
         real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
+        call dcosqi(4, w)
+        call dcosqf(4, x, w)
+        call check(error, sum(abs(x - [11.999626276085150_rk, -9.1029432177492193_rk, &
+                                       2.6176618435106480_rk, -1.5143449018465791_rk])) < eps, &
+                   "`dcosqf` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call dcosqb(4, x, w)
+        call check(error, sum(abs(x/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk) - [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4])) < eps, &
+                   "`dcosqb` failed.")
+    end subroutine test_classic_qct
+    subroutine test_modernized_qct(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
         real(kind=rk) :: x(3) = [9, -9, 3]
-        call check(sum(abs(qct(x, 2) - [-3.7279220613578570_rk, 21.727922061357859_rk])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`qct(x, 2)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(qct(x, 3) - qct(x))) < eps, &
-                   msg="`qct(x,3)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(qct(x, 4) - [-3.3871908980838743_rk, -2.1309424696909023_rk, &
-                                        11.645661095452331_rk, 29.872472272322447_rk])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`qct(x, 4)` failed.")
+        call check(error, sum(abs(qct(x, 2) - [-3.7279220613578570_rk, 21.727922061357859_rk])) < eps, &
+                   "`qct(x, 2)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(qct(x, 3) - qct(x))) < eps, &
+                   "`qct(x,3)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(qct(x, 4) - [-3.3871908980838743_rk, -2.1309424696909023_rk, &
+                                               11.645661095452331_rk, 29.872472272322447_rk])) < eps, &
+                   "`qct(x, 4)` failed.")
+    end subroutine test_modernized_qct
+    subroutine test_modernized_iqct(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
+        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        call check(error, sum(abs(iqct(qct(x))/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk) - [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4])) < eps, &
+                   "`iqct(qct(x)/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(iqct(qct(x), 2)/(4.0_rk*2.0_rk) - [1.4483415291679655_rk, 7.4608849947753271_rk])) < eps, &
+                   "`iqct(qct(x), 2)/(4.0_rk*2.0_rk)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(iqct(qct(x, 2), 4)/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk) - [0.5_rk, 0.70932417358418376_rk, 1.0_rk, &
+                                                                        0.78858050747473762_rk])) < eps, &
+                   "`iqct(qct(x, 2), 4)/(4.0_rk*4.0_rk)` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_qct
+    end subroutine test_modernized_iqct
-end program tester
+end module test_fftpack_qct
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_rfft.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_rfft.f90
index cf37192..6b7cc15 100644
--- a/test/test_fftpack_rfft.f90
+++ b/test/test_fftpack_rfft.f90
@@ -1,30 +1,90 @@
-program tester
+module test_fftpack_rfft
-    call test_fftpack_rfft()
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_rfft` passed."
+    use fftpack, only: rk, dffti, dfftf, dfftb, rfft, irfft
+    use fftpack, only: dzffti, dzfftf, dzfftb
+    use testdrive, only: new_unittest, unittest_type, error_type, check
+    implicit none
+    private
+    public :: collect_rfft
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
+    !> Collect all exported unit tests
+    subroutine collect_rfft(testsuite)
+        !> Collection of tests
+        type(unittest_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)
-    subroutine test_fftpack_rfft
-        use fftpack, only: rfft
-    use fftpack_kind
-        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
+        testsuite = [ &
+                    new_unittest("classic-rfft-API", test_classic_rfft), &
+                    new_unittest("modernized-rfft-API", test_modernized_rfft), &
+                    new_unittest("modernized-irfft-API", test_modernized_irfft) &
+                    ]
+    end subroutine collect_rfft
+    subroutine test_classic_rfft(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        real(kind=rk) :: w(31)
+        real(kind=rk) :: azero, a(4/2), b(4/2)
+        call dffti(4, w)
+        call dfftf(4, x, w)
+        call check(error, all(x == [real(kind=rk) :: 10, -2, 2, -2]), &
+                   "`dfftf` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call dfftb(4, x, w)
+        call check(error, all(x/4.0_rk == [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]), &
+                   "`dfftb` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        call dzffti(4, w)
+        call dzfftf(4, x, azero, a, b, w)
+        call check(error, azero == 2.5_rk, "dzfftf: azero == 2.5_rk failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(a == [-1.0_rk, -0.5_rk]), "dzfftf: all(a == [-1.0, -0.5]) failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(b == [-1.0_rk, 0.0_rk]), "dzfftf: all(b == [-1.0, 0.0]) failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call dzfftb(4, x, azero, a, b, w)
+        call check(error, all(x == [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]), &
+                   "dzfftb: all(x = [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4]) failed.")
+    end subroutine test_classic_rfft
+    subroutine test_modernized_rfft(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
         real(kind=rk) :: x(3) = [9, -9, 3]
-        call check(sum(abs(rfft(x, 2) - [real(kind=rk) :: 0, 18])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`rfft(x, 2)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(rfft(x, 3) - rfft(x))) < eps, &
-                   msg="`rfft(x, 3)` failed.")
-        call check(sum(abs(rfft(x, 4) - [real(kind=rk) :: 3, 6, 9, 21])) < eps, &
-                   msg="`rfft(x, 4)` failed.")
+        call check(error, sum(abs(rfft(x, 2) - [real(kind=rk) :: 0, 18])) < eps, &
+                   "`rfft(x, 2)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(rfft(x, 3) - rfft(x))) < eps, &
+                   "`rfft(x, 3)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(rfft(x, 4) - [real(kind=rk) :: 3, 6, 9, 21])) < eps, &
+                   "`rfft(x, 4)` failed.")
+    end subroutine test_modernized_rfft
+    subroutine test_modernized_irfft(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: eps = 1.0e-10_rk
+        real(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        call check(error, sum(abs(irfft(rfft(x))/4.0_rk - [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 2, 3, 4])) < eps, &
+                   "`irfft(rfft(x))/4.0_rk` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(irfft(rfft(x), 2) - [real(kind=rk) :: 8, 12])) < eps, &
+                   "`irfft(rfft(x), 2)` failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, sum(abs(irfft(rfft(x, 2), 4) - [real(kind=rk) :: 1, 3, 5, 3])) < eps, &
+                   "`irfft(rfft(x, 2), 4)` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_rfft
+    end subroutine test_modernized_irfft
-end program tester
+end module test_fftpack_rfft
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_utils.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_utils.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c5cdb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_fftpack_utils.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+module test_fftpack_utils
+    use fftpack, only: rk, fftshift, ifftshift
+    use testdrive, only: new_unittest, unittest_type, error_type, check
+    implicit none
+    private
+    public :: collect_utils
+    !> Collect all exported unit tests
+    subroutine collect_utils(testsuite)
+        !> Collection of tests
+        type(unittest_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: testsuite(:)
+        testsuite = [ &
+                    new_unittest("fftshift_complex", test_fftshift_complex), &
+                    new_unittest("fftshift_real", test_fftshift_real), &
+                    new_unittest("ifftshift_complex", test_fftshift_complex), &
+                    new_unittest("ifftshift_real", test_fftshift_real) &
+                    ]
+    end subroutine collect_utils
+    subroutine test_fftshift_complex(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        complex(kind=rk) :: xeven(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        complex(kind=rk) :: xodd(5) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+        call check(error, all(fftshift(xeven) == [complex(kind=rk) :: 3, 4, 1, 2]), &
+                   "all(fftshift(xeven) == [complex(kind=rk) :: 3, 4, 1, 2]) failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(fftshift(xodd) == [complex(kind=rk) :: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]), &
+                   "all(fftshift(xodd) == [complex(kind=rk) :: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]) failed.")
+    end subroutine test_fftshift_complex
+    subroutine test_fftshift_real(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        real(kind=rk) :: xeven(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+        real(kind=rk) :: xodd(5) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+        call check(error, all(fftshift(xeven) == [real(kind=rk) :: 3, 4, 1, 2]), &
+                   "all(fftshift(xeven) == [real(kind=rk) :: 3, 4, 1, 2]) failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(fftshift(xodd) == [real(kind=rk) :: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]), &
+                   "all(fftshift(xodd) == [real(kind=rk) :: 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]) failed.")
+    end subroutine test_fftshift_real
+    subroutine test_ifftshift_complex(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        integer :: i
+        complex(kind=rk) :: xeven(4) = [3, 4, 1, 2]
+        complex(kind=rk) :: xodd(5) = [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
+        call check(error, all(ifftshift(xeven) == [complex(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 4)]), &
+                   "all(ifftshift(xeven) == [complex(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 4)]) failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(ifftshift(xodd) == [complex(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 5)]), &
+                   "all(ifftshift(xodd) == [complex(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 5)]) failed.")
+    end subroutine test_ifftshift_complex
+    subroutine test_ifftshift_real(error)
+        type(error_type), allocatable, intent(out) :: error
+        integer :: i
+        real(kind=rk) :: xeven(4) = [3, 4, 1, 2]
+        real(kind=rk) :: xodd(5) = [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
+        call check(error, all(ifftshift(xeven) == [real(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 4)]), &
+                   "all(ifftshift(xeven) == [real(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 4)]) failed.")
+        if (allocated(error)) return
+        call check(error, all(ifftshift(xodd) == [real(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 5)]), &
+                   "all(ifftshift(xodd) == [real(kind=rk) ::(i, i=1, 5)]) failed.")
+    end subroutine test_ifftshift_real
+end module test_fftpack_utils
diff --git a/test/test_fftpack_zfft.f90 b/test/test_fftpack_zfft.f90
deleted file mode 100644
index b45ab3b..0000000
--- a/test/test_fftpack_zfft.f90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-program tester
-    call test_fftpack_zfft()
-    print *, "All tests in `test_fftpack_zfft` passed."
-    subroutine check(condition, msg)
-        logical, intent(in) :: condition
-        character(*), intent(in) :: msg
-        if (.not. condition) error stop msg
-    end subroutine check
-    subroutine test_fftpack_zfft()
-      use fftpack_kind
-    use fftpack_kind
-        use fftpack, only: zffti, zfftf, zfftb
-    use fftpack_kind
-        complex(kind=rk) :: x(4) = [1, 2, 3, 4]
-        real(kind=rk) :: w(31)
-        call zffti(4, w)
-        call zfftf(4, x, w)
-        call check(all(x == [complex(kind=rk) ::(10, 0), (-2, 2), (-2, 0), (-2, -2)]), &
-                   msg="`zfftf` failed.")
-        call zfftb(4, x, w)
-        call check(all(x/4.0_rk == [complex(kind=rk) ::(1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0)]), &
-                   msg="`zfftb` failed.")
-    end subroutine test_fftpack_zfft
-end program tester