- Setup of OpenNI 2 to use RGB-D cameras
- In linux, only the OpenKinect driver works
- It requires to compile libfreenect too. Actually, they are in the same project
- Added a wrapper to interoperate with OpenCV
from Roy Shilkrot, a PhD student @ MIT Media Lab- Tweaked conversion of depth map using 1/32 scale instead 1/4 to achieve a wider range of values (the original solution only provides binary images!)
- Documentation -> improvement of the markdown code, including references extracted from BibTex using Pandoc processor in a Makefile
- Evaluation of different strategies for tracker initialization
- PTAM approach from @klein2007parallel
- Stereo initilization from a short baseline movement of the camera
- MonoFusion approach from pradeep2013monofusion
- Bootstrap initilization, triangulating a set of landmarks created with short movements of the camera
- The five point estimator of the
$E$ matrix from @nister2004efficient shows the best performance vs stability tradeoff, based on the RANSAC framework - A first triangulation of visual landmarks will be mandatory to create a first map
- Added documentation about triangulation using DLT and SVD to solve the least-squared problem
- Maybe the rest of iterations should update the map using bundle adjustment?
- A code inspection of Open Multiple View Geometry reveals that it is an improved version of libmv, developed by Pierre Moulon
- It is even possible to interface with Elise, the image library of MicMac developed y the IGN (France)
- Added as dependency using GIT submodules in my own project
- Implemented robust estimation of the Essential matrix using 5-point solver from OpenMVG
- There are 4 possible solutions
- The best solution maximizes the number of points in front of two cameras (positive depth)
- POSE is extracted using the SVD decomposition from @hartley2003multiple
- Porting OpenCV that uses liear algebra to Eigen3
- It is really easy to make algebra computations
- Matrix types are compatible with OpenCV and OpenMVG
- There are more implementations in "Unsupported modules" section