We assume that you are in the folder that you have clone/fork the code. For instructions on how to install OpenShift Pipiline you can refer to my OpenShift Pipeline Demo in this section
Login to you cluster using the CLI
Make sure you are in the pipeline-demo folder
create the different resources needed to run the demooc apply -k .
namespace/pipeline-demo created service/simple-quarkus-service created deployment.apps/simple-quarkus-service created route.route.openshift.io/simple-quarkus-service created pipeline.tekton.dev/simple-quarkus-service created eventlistener.triggers.tekton.dev/github-webhook created triggerbinding.triggers.tekton.dev/github-pr-trigger-binding created triggertemplate.triggers.tekton.dev/simple-quarkus-service-trigger-template created persistentvolumeclaim/maven-repo-pvc created persistentvolumeclaim/sources-pvc created
Let's expose the trigger service
oc expose svc el-github-webhook -n pipeline-demo
oc get route el-github-webhook -n pipeline-demo
Retrive the trigger url.
echo "$(oc get route el-github-webhook -n pipeline-demo --template='http://{{.spec.host}}')"
Create the GitHub Webhook
Open GitHub in the right repository, go to setting -> Webhook -> Add Webhook
Before you click Add webhook it should look similar to this. With the URL retrieve step 5.
You can now push a change to the repository, it should trigger the pipeline.
Open OpenShift console and validate the the pipeline is running.
You have now deploy the service using OpenShift Pipeline.
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