This file contains a number of tips to consider when doing the programming
To save data ina persitnat file one can use either
- pickle
Here a simple example of pickle:
>>> import cPickle >>> strList = ['instane1','instance2'] >>> pickleFile = open("insance.dat", "w") >>> cPickle.dump(strList, pickleFile) >>> pickleFile.close() >>> pickleFile = open("instance.dat") >>> unpickledList = cPickle.load(pickleFile) >>> print unpickledList ['instance1', 'instance2'] >>> pickleFile.close() >>>
Naturally we would use a dict to store that
If you like to use a calss like save method, you could use
a good totorial is here:
to avoid typing in all the time passwords, i recommend you use ssh add and keyagent
a good tutorial on this is posted at
>>>> ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa -C "label f the key"
Make sure the public key is in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the hosts you wish to connect to:
>>>> cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh you@remote-host 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'
add the following to your .bash_profile or .bashrc file
It detects if the agent is running stats it and asks you for your passphrase. any other shell will than use the same agent and you do not have to retype you phrase till you have closed the shell wher you started it:
SSH_ENV="$HOME/.ssh/environment" function start_agent { echo "Initialising new SSH agent..." /usr/bin/ssh-agent | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' > "${SSH_ENV}" echo succeeded chmod 600 "${SSH_ENV}" . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null /usr/bin/ssh-add; }
# Source SSH settings, if applicable
if [ -f "${SSH_ENV}" ]; then . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null #ps ${SSH_AGENT_PID} doesn't work under cywgin ps -ef | grep ${SSH_AGENT_PID} | grep ssh-agent$ > /dev/null || { start_agent; } else start_agent; fi