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101 lines (86 loc) · 7.46 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (86 loc) · 7.46 KB

MacOS specific properties


    <!-- general properties -->
    <appId>app unique identifier</appId>

    <!-- signing properties -->
    <developerId>singning identity</developerId>

    <!-- properties used for DMG disk image generation -->

    <!-- properties used for Info.plist file generation -->

Property Mandatory Default value Description
icnsFile ICNS format icon file.*
generateDmg true Enables DMG disk image file generation.
generatePkg true Enables installation package generation.
relocateJar true If true, Jar files are located in Contents/Resources/Java folder, otherwise they are located in Contents/Resources folder.
appId ${mainClass} App unique identifier.

* You can use MacICNS to convert your PNG icon file to ICNS.

Signing properties

Property Mandatory Default value Description
developerId Signing identity.
entitlements Path to entitlements file.
codesignApp true If it is set to false, generated app will not be codesigned.
hardenedCodesign true If it is set to true, enable hardened runtime if MacOS version >= 10.13.6.
notarizeApp false If it is set to true, generated app will be submitted to apple for notarization and the ticket will be stapled.
keyChainProfile Profile name originally provided to xcrun notarytool store-credentials. Must be set if notarizeApp is true.
macStartup SCRIPT App startup type, using a SCRIPT or a binary (compiled version of the script: UNIVERSAL, X86_64 or ARM64).

DMG generation properties

Property Mandatory Default value Description
backgroundImage classpath:/mac/background.png DMG background image.
windowX 10 X coordinate of DMG window.
windowY 50 Y coordinate of DMG window.
windowWidth 540 Width of DMG window.
windowHeight 360 Height of DMG window.
iconSize 128 DMG icons size.
textSize 16 DMG text size.
iconX 52 X coordinate of bundled app icon. Relative to DMG window.
iconY 116 Y coordinate of bundled app icon. Relative to DMG window.
appsLinkIconX 360 X coordinate of Applications link. Relative to DMG window.
appsLinkIconY 116 Y coordinate of Applications link. Relative to DMG window.
volumeIcon ${icon} Bundled app icon in ICNS format.
volumeName ${displayName} Volume name (:warning: whitespaces are removed).

DMG properties explained

Info.plist generation properties

Property Mandatory Default value Description
bundlePackageType BNDL Bundle package type: BNDL, APPL, FMWK.
additionalEntries "" String with Info.plistadditional entries.