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Developer Guide

Manuel edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 18 revisions


We are editor and IDE agnostic in this project. You can use whatever editor or IDE you normally use. If you have not chosen a editor or IDE, we have Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code settings files included that will help you get going to work on this very easily.

Our stack is:


  • REACT 18.2
  • MUI v5 (UI Library)


  • NodeJS latest LTS
  • Express 4
  • SQLite 3


  • Cypress
  • Jest
  • RTL

This app was bootstrapped with Create React App.

It is not hosted anywhere yet.

Coding Style and Naming Conventions

TODO: add coding style conventions:

  • Think on current coding style conventions we've been following and add them here.



  • Components that are intended to be used as reusable components should be named as <Custom[ComponentName]> so a reusable Alert component should be named CustomAlert.
  • We name component files the same as the components they represent with an .jsx extension so CustomAlert.jsx.


  • We name CSS files the same as the component they belong to so the CSS file for the Post.jsx component would be Post.css.
  • We name CSS classes using the BEM naming convention in the following manner:
    • Componenent__inner-element: So that for the Post.css the rule styling the close button would be written as Post__close-button.



  • We name our database tables with singular and uppercase names: User, Post, Event, Friendship, etc.
  • We name our database table fields camelcased: date, title, locationName, imageUrl, etc.


  • We name our routers <[CRUD action of the router][modelName]Router> when importing them on server/app.js. A router to add a new user post would be named createPostRouter.
  • The exception is with Read actions instead of calling a router say readPostRouter to get all user's posts, it would be named getPostRouter so use get instead.
  • We create folders for different routes and give them model names: /users, /posts, /events, etc.
  • We names router files <[CRUD action of the router][modelName]>.js so getPost.js or createPost.js or updatePost.js or deletePost.js.


  • We name endpoints /api/[modelName]/[:id] (in case id required) so for Event models CRUD actions endpoints /api/event/:id would be used.

End-to-end Tests:

  • We name test files <[(functionality|component)to test][?-api].cy.js> so a test for Login functionality test file would be and a test for Post functionality would be but a test for Post API endpoints would be

  • Test cases are named using the "should do X when input Y" naming convention. So "should login user when entering valid credentials" for example.

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